Title: The First Patented Telephone Based Voting Process
1- The First Patented Telephone Based Voting Process
2Not what you are used to
- Voice XML technology turns text into data and
voice responses into data.
- The telephone is the voting device
- The host server is the tally machine
- The data from the server can be formatted in a
number of ways
- Access the server via secured webpage
3Question system requirements
- How portable is the system?
- What power source does it require?
- How long will the unit run without power?
4Answer none of the above
5The server side
- The web sever platform incorporates security,
- Audit functions
- Access functions
- Voter information
- Ballot information
6The master list
- The master list is made up of the voter
registration list and the trusted government
list. (TGL)
- The TGL is usually drivers license information
- It can be any other information, PIN number or
other information the voter and election official
share- shared secrete.
7The picture view
Application Ballot table Voter table Other tabl
Election official Page Ballots Tally Audit Rep
Host Server
- How do you know who the voter is?
- Master list
- Registered voter
- Has drivers license or shared secret
- Random question
- Voice record
- Caller Id
9Security continued
- Host server
- Defense in depth
- Firewall
- Configuration design
- Router
- tables are not on internet
- Election official webpage
- Secured access
- 128 encryption
- Tiered functionality
- Reports only pull information read only
11Why use this system?
- Allows greater voter convenience,
- The blind can vote in privacy
- The disabled can vote from their location
- Can be accessed from anywhere at any time
- Voters can verify their votes
- All data is in a digital format
- Security
12Why use this system?
- Reduced costs
- Reduce operational issues
- Faster reporting
- It is green, reduces paper
13Answers to operational issues
- Reporting software
- Uses MSSQL for data calls to tally system
- Integrity is ensured by system logs, vote verify
process and audit trail
- No vote has been cast until session ends with
voter confirmation
- Voter can hang up and call back
14Answers to operational issues
- Reports are formatted to interface with current
file formats
- The master list provides the ballot style tied to
the voter precinct on the voter registration
- This is created as part of ballot development
15Answers to operational issues
- About votes
- No over votes
- Blank ballots are allowed
- No provisional vote issues
- Any ballot or office type is allowed
- Referendums
- Multiply candidate offices, randomization
16Answers to operational issues
- Maintenance
- All components are commercial off the shelf
- System requires the same operational environment
as a webpage system
- Recommend a Tier 1 class A or B environment
- Depends on purchase options
17Answers to operational issues
- Purchase options
- Purchased or leased system
- Transaction system
- License software
18Answers to operational issues
- Purchased or leased system
- Purchase by phone line one line equals one vote
at a time.
- System hardware
- Router
- Application sever
- Web server
- Telephone interface
19Answers to operational issues
- Purchased or leased system
- Software
- Operating system
- Voice browser license
- Text to speech license
- Voice recognition license
- Application software, includes webpage
20Answers to operational issues
- Purchase or lease option
- Each line requires license
- Number of lines determines the number of
hardware components
- Back up options are determined by purchaser
- Phone charges paid by purchaser but calls should
all be local calls
21Answers to operational issues
- Transaction purchase option
- Purchaser supplies voter information
- Purchaser develops ballots
- Purchaser guarantees vote minimum
- Charged by number of votes
22Answers to operational issues
- License purchase option
- State(?) purchases right to use application
- License includes all system requirements
- Sample application
- One time license fee or by contract
23Answers to operational issues
- Any other operation issues regarding upgrades,
warranty and support will be determined by
contract. PhonElect will meet the needs of the
24Questions and clarifications
- Phonelect webpage at www.phonelect.com
- Phone 651 774-0545
- E-mail phonelect _at_ aol.com
- E-mail phonelect _at_gmail.com