Title: System Interface
1System Interface
- Interface that provides services from the OS
(Higher than BIOS) - Memory
- Scheduler
- File/Storage System
- Inter-process Communication and Network, etc
Operating System
2File System
- A popular but also complex subsystem
- File descriptors (pseudo files, like stdin and
stdout) - Low level IO
- File Management
- Examples
file pointer
3A little about File Attributes
- File attributes (srwxrwxrwx)
- read, write and execute
- an octal digit, rwx, desribes the permission to a
set of users - Three sets of differents users, owner, group and
others - Some unix commands umask, chmod, etc to change
the attributes
4File Accesses
- Read and Write
- getc() and putc() getchar() and putchar()
- int read(int fd, char buf, int n)
- int write(int fd, char buf, int n)
include syscalls.h / Should be stdio.h / int
main () char buf1024 int n
while ((n read(0, buf, 1024)) gt 0)
write ( 1, buf, n) return 0
include syscalls.h / Should be stdio.h / int
getchar () char c return (read(0, c,
1) 1 ) ? c EOF
5File Accesses -- continued
- Open, creat, close and unlink
- int open(char name, int flags, int perms)
- Persm can be O_RONLY, O_RDWR, O_WRONLY and others
- int creat(char name, int perms) / within open,
O_CREAT / - int close(int fd)
- int unlink(char path)
include stdio.h / A copy program/ int main
() char f1 file1, f2file2 int
fd1, fd2, n if (fd1 open(f1, O_RDONLY, 0)
-1) usage(uanble to opening source
file s\n, f1) if (fd2 creat(f2, 0666)
-1) usage(unable to creating new file s
\n, f2) while ((n read(fd1, buf, 1024) gt
0) write ( fd2, buf, n) return 0
include ltstdio.hgt void usage(char fmt, )
va_list args va_start(args, fmt)
fprintf(stderr, error ) vfprintf(stderr,
fmt, args) va_end(args)
fprint(usage srcfile destfile\n)
6File seek -- access with fix location
- lseek
- long lseek(int fd, long offset, itn origin)
- Origin 0, 1, 2, determines where to start
offset. - 0 beginning 1 current location 2 the end.
include stdio.h / A copy program/ int main
() char f1 file1, f2file2 int
fd1, fd2, n if (fd1 open(f1, O_RDONLY, 0)
-1) usage(uanble to opening source
file s\n, f1) if (fd2 creat(f2, 0666)
-1) usage(unable to creating new file s
\n, f2) else lseek(fd2, 0L, 2)
while ((n read(fd1, buf, 1024) gt 0)
write ( fd2, buf, n) return 0
7Recap on lab 4
- File access alternatives
- File fp fopen()
- fgets()
- Int fd open(name, flags, perms)
- read(fd, buff, n)
include ltstdio.hgt / lab 4 / int main ()
char maibox argv1 int fd File
fp if 1 fp fopen(mailbox,
r) else fd open (mailbox,
O_RDONLY, 0) endif for ( ) / keep
reading every line and process the
HEADER and BODIES / return 0