Title: COP 10 Side event on 15 December 2004
1- COP 10 Side event on 15 December 2004
- Methodology for offsetting the warming impact
from aviation by Atmosfair - Manfred Treber, Germanwatch
2Difference between carbon neutral and climate
- IPCC 1999 Special Report on Aviation and the
Global Atmosphere - Introduction of Radiative Forcing Index
(RFI)with RFI 2.7 as best estimate - This means
- To quantify the warming effects of aviation
emissions the CO2-effect has to be multiplied by
3- Testcase WSSD Johannesburg, 2002
- German Environment Ministry (BMU)Demand for
high quality methodology - call for tender - Germanwatch, Forum anders Reisen (80 travel
agencies), 500ppm (service provider) -gt
atmosfair - Dietrich Brockhagen - expert reviewer IPCC (SR
Aviation and Global Atm.), german negotiator
kyoto mechanisms and bunker fuels (1999-2001)
- Start June 2004 - First references
- Methodology for offset of Renewable Energy
Conference, Bonn - German Environmental Ministry
- British Embassy for British-German Climate
conference (November) - 80 travel agencies in Germany
5Simplicity and Integrity
To remind From scientific viewpoint is is not
possible to offset the emissions completely
because the warming effects of contrails and
cirrus clouds are inevitably there Simplicity
User can opt only 1. relation of those that fly
on average or more specificly 2. on aircraft and
engine type Integrity 1. including the
radiative forcing index (IPCC, 1999) for flights
higher than 9000 m -gt multiply CO2-warming effect
by 2.7 2. Complete emissions (roundabouts,
emissions from rolling on landing fields)
6Calculations for Comparison
- Return Flight Heathrow - Cape Town
- Future forests 2130 my climate 3800 atmosfair
6700 - Return Flight London - Edinburgh
- Future forests 190 my climate 600 atmosfair
180 - Return Flight London - Tenerife (Charter)
- Future forests 1060 my climate 1800 atmosfair
1200 - calculated equivalent CO2-emissions to offset
7Projects to offset the emissions
- For reasons of integrity only CDM-Projects
which satisfy the Gold Standard are chosen
8- We invite you to formulate questions.
- Thank you for your attention.
9 - Progress in Science 1999-2004