Title: International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Organisation IPIECA
1International Petroleum Industry Environmental
Conservation Organisation (IPIECA)
- CoP 10, Buenos Aires, Argentina, December, 2004
2IPIECA in Profile
- NGO Founded 1974
- Category II NGO with UN ECOSOC
- Global Membership 26 Companies, 13 Associations
- IPIECA does not lobby on behalf of members
- Focus on key global issues
Climate Change Working Group (CCWG) established
in 1988
Aim to provide members and external
stakeholders with reliable and timely
information, issues analysis, technical guidance,
education and involvement in international
processes dealing with global climate change.
3Contributing to the IPCC
- Focal point for oil and gas industry interaction
with the IPCC since its formation - CCWG experts contribute as Lead Authors and
reviewers on IPCC Assessment Reports, Special
Reports and Technical Papers. Most recently - Special Report on Carbon Dioxide Capture and
Storage - IPCC 2006 Inventory Guidelines
- Fourth Assessment Report (AR4)
- IPIECA is recognized as a valuable source of
industry knowledge and expertise
IPIECA's advice on issues related to the
preparation of the Fourth Assessment Report was
invaluable. I deeply appreciate the useful and
pertinent contributions made by IPIECA members
for the benefit of the IPCC - continued industry
input is important for the IPCC, since it brings
a unique perspective on issues such as
development and dissemination of technologies.
R.K. Pachauri, Chairman IPCC, 2004
4Interaction with the UNFCCC
- Representatives from IPIECA attend all sessions
of the UNFCCC frequent contributor to and host
of side events - CCWG plays an increasingly important role in
keeping members informed of developments,
providing analysis of issues and serving as a
forum for discussion - Reports to members on outcomes of UNFCCC meetings
- Climate Change Glossary of Terms
- Roadmap/ Guide to the UNFCCC
IPIECA offers a valuable and credible official
access point to the UN negotiating and technical
sessions, and is a respected contributor to the
UN processes. John Shinn, ChevronTexaco
5Understanding the Issues
- CCWG holds workshops and symposia bringing
together experts from academia, business,
governments, and international governmental and
non-governmental organizations - Socio-economic assessment, 1993
- Science of climate change, 1995
- Economics of climate change, 1996
- Scenarios, 1996
- Flexible Mechanisms in the Kyoto Protocol, 1998
- Technology assessment, 2000
- Long-term carbon and energy management, 2001
- Energy, Development and Climate Change workshop
series, 2002 - Carbon Dioxide Capture and Geological Storage,
2003 - Transportation and Climate Change, 2004
In an area of analysis and debate that has too
often been dominated by the extremes, IPIECA has
consistently provided forums that illuminate
rather than obscure key issues regarding global
climate change. Robert Stavins, Albert Pratt
Professor of Business and Government, Harvard
6Petroleum Industry Guidelines for Reporting GHG
- Voluntary guideline for measuring and reporting
greenhouse gas emissions - Major collaborative effort to assist members in
- Corporate management and reporting of GHG
emissions - Regulatory compliance
- Emissions Trading
- Reliable, efficient, cost effective, comparable,
industry endorsed method - One industry standard in a fragmented world
The detailed underlying research on emission
estimation would provide a good scientific basis
for national GHG inventory preparation as well as
IPCC inventory work Taka Hiraishi, Co-Chair IPCC
Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas
Inventories, 2004 I am now realizing the
standing and influence that the Guidelines have
had we now have internationally accepted
guidance and methodologies that our industry can
use to produce credible and comparable
inventories Mike McMahon, BP, Chair of
Guidelines Task Force, 2004
7IPIECA member actions
- IPIECA members continue to limit GHG emissions
from operations and to improve their customers
ability to use their products more efficiently,
now and in the future. - Company policies and actions are implemented
through operational management systems,
investments, and research and development - While actions by IPIECA members differ they
include steps such as - Operational efficiency improvements from design,
maintenance and logistics - Investments in new processes, cogeneration
facilities and other equipment - Participation in commercial ventures based on
renewable energy and - Research and development aimed at
commercialization of innovative products and
technologies - Contribute to and utilize IPIECA GHG Reporting
Through these steps our members intend to be a
source of solutions to challenges and concerns
about climate change
- Please feel free to visit our website for more
information www.IPIECA.org - Please attend our CoP10 side event on Tuesday 14
December 1800 2000