Title: Cover
POPs wastes related projects and capacity
building activities coordinated through the
BCRCs An overview Nelson Sabogal Senior
Programme Officer Secretariat of the Basel
Convention Side Event Implementation of POPs
waste related projects and activities through the
Basel Convention Regional Centres (BCRCs), 4 May
2Strategic Plan and Ministerial Statement
- Strategic Plan and Ministerial Statement
- The Strategic Plan for the Implementation of the
Basel Convention to 2010 was adopted by COP6
(Decision VI/1, 2002) - The Ministerial Statement on Partnership for
Meeting the Global Waste Challenge, adopted at
the occasion of COP7, emphasizes on implementing
the Strategic Plan and that priority should be
given to capacity building on hazardous waste
3Strategic Plan and Ministerial Statement
- The Ministerial Statement acknowledges the
importance of focusing on four policy directions,
namely - hazardous waste minimization,
- life-cycle approach,
- integrated waste management, and
- regional approach.
4Strategic Plan and Ministerial Statement
- The Ministerial Statement identified the
following waste streams as requiring priority
attention in the context of partnerships. These
are - POPs wastes
- E-wastes (electrical and electronic wastes)
- Household wastes mixed with hazardous wastes
- Biomedical and healthcare wastes
- Used lead-acid batteries
- Used oils
- Ship dismantling
- Emphasis on partnership with Parties and
non-Parties, industries, NGOs, academia, and
local governments/municipalities to implement
relevant activities and through mobilization of
extra budgetary resources
5Implementation of the principle  ESMÂ
- Development of Technical Guidelines and Training
Manualson specific waste streams, treatment
technologies, etc.(General Technical Guidelines
for the ESM of wastes consisting of, containing
or contaminated with POPs, Training manual for
the preparation of PCB management plans) - Establishment of Regional Centres for Training
and Technology Transfer (COP III/19, 1995) - The Basel Declaration on Environmentally Sound
Management of hazardous wastes (COP V/1, 1999) - Strategic Plan for the Implementation of the
Basel Convention to 2010 (COP VI/1, 2002) - Partnership programmes and projects (since
2002),e.g. Mobile Phones Partnership, e-waste - Ministerial Stament on Partnerships (COP VII,
2004) - Cooperation with other UN entities,e.g.
Stockholm and Rotterdam Conventions, World Health
Organization (WHO), UNEP, UNIDO, FAO, IMO,
6Basel Convention Regional Centres (BCRCs)
- Main functions Training, Technology Transfer,
Information Exchange, Consulting,
Awareness-raising - Important role in the implementation of the Basel
Convention Entrusted with the implementation of
priority measures of the Strategic Plan - Business Plans of the Centres for 2005-2006
Workplan, projects, workshops and seminars,
implementation time table, budget, etc. prepared
in consultation with countries they serve. - Framework Agreements Eight Framework Agreements
have been signed for SPREP, BCCC-Uruguay,
BCRCs-Egypt, Indonesia, Trinidad Tobago,
Senegal, Argentina and Islamic Republic of Iran. - Carry out projects within the framework of the
Strategic Plan.
7Basel Convention Operational Network (BCON)
- At present 14 Regional Centres are in operation
- Latin America and the Caribbean Argentina, El
Salvador, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay - Africa Egypt, Senegal, South Africa, Nigeria
- Asia and Pacific China, Indonesia, Iran (Islamic
Republic of), SPREP - Central and Eastern Europe Russian Federation,
8Africa and West Asia 1 Basel Convention
Regional Centre for the Arab States in Egypt 2
Basel Convention Regional Co-ordinating Centre in
Nigeria 3 Basel Convention Regional Centre in
Senegal 4 Basel Convention Regional Centre in
South Africa 5 Basel Convention Regional Centre
in Tehran
Central and Eastern Europe 9 Basel Convention
Regional Centre in the Russian
Federation 10 Basel Convention Regional Centre in
Latin America and the Caribbean 11 Basel
Convention Regional Centre in Argentina 12 Basel
Convention Regional Centre in El Salvador 13
Basel Convention Regional Centre in Trinidad
and Tobago 14 Basel Convention Coordinating
Centre for Training and Technology Transfer
for Latin America and Caribbean region in
Asia and Pacific Region 6 Basel Convention
Regional Centre in China 7 Basel Convention
Regional Centre in Indonesia 8 Pacific Regional
Centre for Training and Technology Transfer
for the Joint Implementation of the Basel and
Waigani Conventions in the South Pacific region
9Demonstration and pilot projects on POPs wastes
- Establishment of a polychlorinated dibenzodioxin
(PCDD)/polychlorinated dibenzofuran (PCDF)
release inventory in a sub-Saharan context, with
particular focus on specific local practices,
BCRCSenegal - Demonstration of a Regional Approach to ESM of
PCB Liquid Wastes and Transformers and Capacitors
Containing PCBs, BCRCSenegal
10Demonstration and pilot projects on POPs wastes
- Regional project for the environmentally sound
management of PCBs and PCB-containing equipment
in Central America, co-funded by the Secretariat
and UNEP Chemicals and coordinated by the Basel
Convention Regional Centre in El Salvador - Project for the preparation of a regional
disposal plan for obsolete pesticides in the
Caribbean, BCRC-Trinidad and Tobago
11Demonstration and pilot projects on POPs wastes
- Basel Convention Regional Centres in SPREP and
Uruguay successfully carried out case studies to
evaluate the capacities of these Centres to
implement activities envisaged by the Stockholm
Convention. The Uruguayan Centre has published
the outcome of this study, A Practical Guideline
on ESM of obsolete pesticidesin both English and
12Workshops on the coordinated implementation of
Stockholm and Basel Conventions
- The BCRCs have been closely involved in the
preparation and organization of several workshops
on the coordinated implementation of multilateral
environmental agreements on chemicals and wastes,
namely - Regional Workshop on the implementation of
Stockholm Convention and synergies with other
chemical related agreements, Cairo, Egypt, 2124
February 2005 (BCRC-Egypt) - Regional Workshop for Arab states on the
environmentally sound destruction of POP and
decontamination of POP containing waste in the
context of the Basel Convention and the Stockholm
Convention, 2831 August 2005 in Amman, Jordan
(Jordanian Ministry of Planning and International
Cooperation and the BCRC-Egypt)
13Workshops on the coordinated implementation of
Stockholm and Basel Conventions
- Subregional workshop on the coordinated
implementation of multilateral environmental
agreements (Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm
Conventions) on chemicals and wastes in
English-speaking African countries, Pretoria,
South Africa, 1719 September 2003. (Basel
Convention Regional Centre in South Africa) - Regional Workshop on POPs laboratory database for
African countries, 1012 August 2005, Pretoria
(BCRCSouth Africa)
14Workshops on the coordinated implementation of
Stockholm and Basel Conventions
- Pacific regional workshop on the national
implementation plan for the Stockholm Convention
held in parallel with the Basel and Waigani
conventions workshop for competent authorities on
the use of the control system and the
awareness-raising workshop on persistent organic
pollutants (POPs) for non-governmental
organizations, 2630 May 2003, Nadi, Fiji. (SPREP)
15Workshops on the coordinated implementation of
Stockholm and Basel Conventions
- Workshop on the strengthening of co-operation
based on chemicals and hazardous wastes
conventions, Prague, 13 17 March 2004
(BCRC-Slovak Republic) - Regional Workshop for the preparation of a
regional approach for the environmentally sound
management of POPs as wastes in selected Central
and Eastern European countries, Bratislava, 26-28
May 2004 (BCRC-Slovak Republic)
16Workshops on the coordinated implementation of
Stockholm and Basel Conventions
- Regional Workshop on BAT and BEP in the Context
of the Stockholm and Basel Conventions and
Regional Consultation on the Business Plan and
Institutional Arrangements of the Basel
Convention Regional Center of South America in
Argentina, 21-26 October 2002 - Regional Workshop on POPs Destruction
Technologies on the environmentally sound
destruction of POP and decontamination of POP
containing waste in the context of the Basel
Convention and the Stockholm Convention, Sao
Paolo, Brazil, 7-10 December 2004
(BCRC-Argentina) - Regional Workshop for Latin America and the
Caribbean countries on the draft BAT/BEP
Guidelines under the Stockholm Convention 2 - 4
February 2005 (BCRC-Argentina)
17Workshops on the coordinated implementation of
Stockholm and Basel Conventions
- Regional workshop on the coordinated
implementation of the Basel, Rotterdam and
Stockholm Conventions in Latin America and the
Caribbean, Montevideo, Uruguay, 2830 January
2004. (Basel Convention Coordinating Centre in
Uruguay) - Regional Workshop for the evaluation of existing
capacities and those necessary for the analysis
of persistent organic pollutants in Latin America
and the Caribbean, Montevideo, 59 September 2005
18For Further Information
Visit the Basel Conventions Website
www.basel.int Thank you