Title: NASA Navy Cooperation
1NASA / Navy Cooperation Process Based Mission
Assurance Knowledge Management System (PBMA-KMS
) functional support to program and project
Henry Hartt and Don Vecellio ARES Corporation NA
SA Office of Safety Mission Assurance
April 5, 2005
- Notable similarities between human space flight
and nuclear submarine programs.
- Both spacecraft and submarines operate in extreme
- Both require integration of complex systems and
- Both must maintain the highest levels of safety
and reliability to perform their missions.
- Navy has continued to operate safely and
effectively in resource-constrained and declining
production environments.
- As NASA explores application of nuclear
propulsion and power for space exploration,
lessons learned from the Navys nuclear safety
program could be beneficial. - Given current management challenges the Agency
might benefit from in-depth examination of the
engineering management, safety, and mission
assurance practices employed by the Navy
submarine force.
3Initial Areas of Emphasis for NNBE Investigations
- Assurance Requirements
- SUBSAFE, Deep Submergence, Nuclear Reactors,
Space Shuttle Program
- Assurance Planning and Analysis
- Life-Cycle Risk Management Requirements,
Approaches, Tools (e.g., FMEA, Criticality
Analysis, PRA, Hazard Analysis, etc.) for
Design, Manufacturing, and Operations - Assurance Processes
- Management, Organizational approach (reporting
relationships / requirements flow-down),
Resource Loading, Engineering, Training
- Control Processes
- Work Control, work instructions, configuration
management, component/work documentation /
pedigree (NAVY SUBSAFE Re-entry Control (REC)
Process), Non-conformance disposition, Work
review, Surveillance / Inspection, Change
Control, Design Change Control, Configuration
management - Verification Processes
- Audits Functional (SUBSAFE Periodic ), NASA
Process Verification, NASA NEQA Audit,
Certification, Ships Leave the Shipyard (hull
or vehicle) SUBSAFE Pre-Fast Cruise, Audit,
Parts see REC, Operational Readiness,
SUBSAFE Unrestricted Operations Maintenance
Requirements Certification (URO-MRC), Space
Shuttle Certification of Flight Readiness Process
4Navy Organizations Visited by NASA
- NAVSEA (Naval Sea Systems Command) HQ / WNY
- NAVSEA 07 (SUBSAFE Program)
- NAVSEA 08 (Naval Reactors)
- NAVSEA 05 (Ship Design Integration and
- SUPSHIP (Supervisor of Shipbuilding Conversion
and Repair)
- Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
- SUBMEPP (Submarine Maintenance Engineering,
Planning and Procurement)
- NAVSEALOGCEN (NAVSEA Logistics Center)
- SHAPEC (Ship Availability Planning and
Engineering Center )
- Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard Integrated
Maintenance Facility
- SUBSAFE Functional Audit
- General Dynamics Electric Boat Division
- Bath Iron Works
5Navy Strengths
- Rigor of SUBSAFE Safety Assurance Process
- NAVSEA 08 religious assignment of lifecycle
assurance responsibility
- Emphasis on Minority Opinion in the Decision
- Emphasis on Recurrent Training
- NAVSEA Warrants Independent Technical
- PDREP/RYG processes of maintaining a record of
contractor/supplier Quality Assurance (QA)
6NASA/NAVY Memoranda of Agreement
Supplier QA Information Exchange
- Engineering Investigations and Analyses
7Navy Approaches Infused into NASA Processes
- NAVSEA SUBSAFE and Nuclear Reactor training led
to Safety Critical Decision Making (CSDM)
training initiative implemented by Office of the
Chief Engineer (OCE) - SUBSAFE Audits Model adapted to NASA Programmatic
Audit and Review Process
- Ongoing collaboration in Human Factors and
Software development IVV
- Pyramidal (three point) decision process
(Technical, Program, Safety) adapted by NASA
- ITA Technical Warrant Holders process established
by OCE
- Establishment of NESC
- Creation of OSMA Review and Assessment Division
8Summary Reports Published
- December 20, 2002 -- Report 1 Navy Submarine
Program Safety Assurance
- July 15, 2003 -- Report 2 Naval Nuclear
Submarine Safety Assurance
- October 22, 2004 -- Ongoing NNBE Activities
Software Subgroup Report I
- http//pbma.nasa.gov/program/nnbe.htm
9Safety Cultural Emphasis
- "The only way to operate a nuclear power plant
and indeed a nuclear industry -- the only way to
ensure safe operation, generation after
generation, as we have -- is to establish a
system that ingrains in each person a total
commitment to safety a pervasive, enduring
devotion to a culture of safety and environmental
stewardship." - ADM F.L. BOWMAN
- It can only reside and inhere in a single
- You may share it with others, but your portion is
not diminished.
- You may delegate it, but it is still with you.
- You may disclaim it, but you cannot divest
yourself of it.
- Even if you do not recognize it or admit its
presence, you cannot escape it.
- If responsibility is rightfully yours, no
evasion, or ignorance, or passing the blame can
shift the burden to someone else.
- Unless you can point your finger at the man who
is responsible when something goes wrong, then
you have never had anyone really responsible.
11Process Based Mission Assurance Knowledge
Management System (PBMA-KMS ) functional support
to program and project managers
- PBMA-KMS deployed in March of 2001 is the first
fully operational NASA-wide multi-functional
Knowledge Management System
- Developed and implemented under the sponsorship
of the Office of Safety and Mission Assurance
- Merged existing NASA SMA program/project
life-cycle knowledge architecture with
state-of-the-art KM concepts presented in GWU/KM
graduate coursework - PBMA Knowledge Architecture reflects integration
of SMA functions (work processes) into the
systems engineering program/project life-cycle
- Maintaining ongoing dialogue with KM community at
GWU, GMU, Washington KM Roundtable, KM-Pro /
Universal KM Framework Workshop
- PBMA-KMS serves program/project managers and
safety and mission assurance professionals within
a traditional life-cycle work breakdown context
- Widely accessible / user friendly / content
- In place policies requirements, best
practices, lessons learned, tacit knowledge
capture (video nuggets), collaborative tools,
13PBMA-KMS Timeline
14PBMA-KMS Work Groups/Communities of Practice
- Over 7200 work group members
- More than 340 individual communities of practice
- 38 Communities of Practice supporting the Space
Shuttle Program return-to-flight efforts.
- 145 other NASA programs and projects also
Volume More people are coming to PBMA, they are
using the site for longer, and they are coming
back again for more information. - 190,000 hits
per month (an increase of over 20 from the
beginning of 2004). Return Visits numbers of d
aily visitors and returning visitors (key
indicators of value) have increased more than 25
during the last 12 months. Length of Visit most
telling indication of value is the length of
visit. Visitors are spending 45 more time at
PBMA then they were at the beginning of 2004.
15PBMA - Knowledge Architecture
Each cell contains video-nuggets, text, links
16KM Functional Utilities
The PBMA-KMS employs a core set of KM
functionalities that have the potential to serve
all users. These are "no-brainer" functional
requirements (i.e., the gas, water, electricity
and cable TV of knowledge management)
applicable/available to every unique knowledge
management system and architecture.
Individual Business Units with Unique
Knowledge Architectures
Business Unit-Specific Knowledge Architectures
Safety and Mission Assurance
Deep Space Programs
Financial Mgmt
Document Repository
Advanced Search / Discovery (across public
Secure Communities of Practice (Work Groups)
Secure Web Meetings
Knowledge Registry (expert finder)
Agency/Enterprise-wide KM Utilities
17Selected PBMA Functionality
- Framework Mode
- Knowledge Architecture
- Video Nuggets (a verbal corporate/tacit knowledge
- Standard Security Work Groups
- Web-based collaborative environment (CE) tool for
public domain information
- Enhanced Security Work Groups
- Secure Web-based CE Tool for sensitive
- Knowledge Registry
- Web-based repository for SMA/engineering/technical
- Secure Web Meeting
- Secure, real-time white-board tool for sharing
information and conducting meetings remotely via
the Internet (secure uplinks/downlinks and
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19Standard Security Work Groupsand Communities of
- COTS Web-hosted Product
- Industry Best Practice
- Password protected / NPR 2810.1 compliant
- No ITAR / EAR or other Sensitive Data
- Document Sharing and Management, Calendars,
Action Tracking, Announcements, Polls, Contacts,
Links, Threaded Discussions, etc.
20Enhanced Security Work Groupsand Communities of
- Developed in Partnership with GRC-CIO/IT
- One-factor strong authentication
- 128-bit SSL encryption
- Designed to Support Sensitive Information
Management and Exchange
- ITAR / Export Controlled Information
- Source Evaluation Boards and Competition
Sensitive Information
- Mishap Investigation Information
Provides a means of establishing a secure,
accessible site for team collaboration when
Administratively Controlled Information (ACI) is
21PBMA Knowledge Registry
- Locate/Contact Experts
- Identifies where Agency SMA, Engineering, and
Technology expertise and knowledge resides
- Voluntary Registration
- Linked to NASA Competency Management System
- Allows users to locate specific subject matter
experts in a fast, convenient mechanism
- Searchable by selected (e.g., .mil, .nasa,
.gov) domains
- Can assist in Resource Management Planning
- Currently supporting NASA / NAVSEA expert
22Secure Web Meeting
- Reduced travel
- Schedule on your own, no dial-in numbers
- Easy access plug-and-play appliance with no
recurring costs
- Real time collaboration
- Remote white-board collaboration in a secure
- Protected Transient Events 128-bit encryption
- Implemented on a NASA Server behind NASAs
- Operates with standard Web browsers
- Does not require similar software on attendees
- Easy client setup install or download it
on-the-fly on first use
- Host a "shared desktop" session over the
- Capable of holding 10 meetings with 50 people in
each simultaneously
- Share any document, briefing, spreadsheet, etc.
between multiple users
- Pass control of the meeting among attendees
- Make changes in real-time
- Built-in meeting scheduling and user invitation
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27NR Key Organizational Observations (NASA/Navy
Benchmarking Exchange Interim Report 2 )
- Total programmatic and safety responsibility for
all aspects of design, fabrication, training,
test, installation, operation, and maintenance of
all U.S. Navy nuclear propulsion activities. - Flat organization with quick and assured access
to the Director about 40 direct reports from
within HQ, the field offices, and prime
contractors. Communications between headquarters
and prime contractors and shipyard personnel
occurs frequently at many levels, and a cognizant
engineer at a prime or shipyard may talk directly
with the cognizant headquarters engineer, as
necessary. - The Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program (NNPP) is a
very stable program based on long-term
relationships with three prime contractors and a
relatively small number of critical suppliers and
vendors. - NR embeds safety and quality process within its
organization i.e., the desired state of an
organization completely mainstreams safety and
quality assurance . - Reliance on highly qualified, highly trained
people who personally accountable and responsible
for safety.
- Recurrent training a major element of safety
culture. NR incorporates extensive outside
experience (Challenger, Chernobyl, Three Mile
Island, Army SL-1 reactor) into a safety
training regimen that has become a major
component of the NR safety record 128,000,000
miles of safe travel using nuclear propulsion. - NR promotes the airing of differing opinions.
Even with an absence of differing opinions,
management is responsible to ensure critical
examination of an issue.
28NR Safety Observations(NASA/Navy Benchmarking
Exchange Interim Report 2 )
- NR has an institutionally embedded closed-loop
process that begins with a technical requirements
base built on lessons learned from more than
5,400 reactor years of experience, which in turn
represents the foundation for the next-generation
propulsion plant design specifications. - There is no single (stand-alone) document that
prescribes NR design safety criteria or
standards. Safety requirements are embedded in a
uniform set of technical requirements. - NR has a rigorous change control process that
enforces review and concurrence of each
recommended change by all stakeholders. Managing
change is frequently discussed at senior levels.
29NR Implementation Observations(NASA/Navy
Benchmarking Exchange Interim Report 2 )
- Each independent lab general manager is required
to be technically competent and is directly
responsible for the safety of the reactors and
facilities under his/her cognizance. - The NR Director exercises (by law) direct
supervision over the laboratories.
- Review by Quality Assurance or Safety does not
diminish responsibility of line organization for
program/product safety.
- There is no separate systems engineering group or
a job category of systems engineer within NR.
While no single individual serves as system
safety engineer or integrator, there is an
individual (Reactor Safety and Analysis Director)
responsible for maintaining an overall design
safety perspective. - Responsibility for safety of an action remains
with the authoring engineer and his Section
Heads. The Reactor Safety and Analysis Section
reviews, consults and concurs in decisions on
product nuclear safety aspects, but
responsibility for product safety remains with
the cognizant engineer and engineering
organization. - The Reactor Safety and Analysis Section has an
independent and equal voice in design and
operational decisions.
- Evolutionary application of more than 50 years
Lessons Learned to each program reduces
operational risk and uncertainty.
- Freedom to Dissent is a primary element within
- Systemic emphasis on recruiting, training, and
retaining the very best people for their entire
- Critical self-evaluation of problems with strong
Headquarters oversight isolates and controls the
small problems before they escalate into large
problems. - Closed loop corrective action is mandatory.
Problems must be identified, analyzed, and
resolved and their resolutions proven
successful. - Cause analysis is performed via a formal
fact-gathering critique, supplemented by expert
assessment of root cause/corrective actions.
- Heavy emphasis placed on reactor design
ergonomics through the use of methods, such as
interactive visualization techniques,
walk-throughs, and discussions with operators.
Operational human factors are emphasized but
change for the sake of change is not permitted.
30NR Compliance Verification Observations(NASA/Navy
Benchmarking Exchange Interim Report 2 )
- Emphasis on Silver Bullet Thinking is Dangerous
-- "there is no silver bullet tool or technique.
All elements of quality assurance and compliance
assurance must be rigorously implemented to
ensure delivery and operation of safe, reliable,
and high quality systems. - Audit teams include the requirement owner
(technical authority) for a particular area.
Owner participates in the audit process to
acquire first-hand understanding of how technical
requirements are (or are not) being implemented. - NR field offices act as day-to-day audit and
inspection groups. Responses to their findings
are required, and they must approve final actions
in response to major comments. - Functional audits of shipyards supplemented by
field office assessments and comparative
evaluations of the sites own self-assessments.
- Qualification and biennial re-qualification of
all nuclear operators by written examination and
oral board examination assures currency of
skills. In addition, the NPEB administers an
annual examination to the entire engineering
department of a ship and reports results to the
ships CO, the command authority for that ship,
and NR Headquarters. - DCMA is used, but is given technical direction by
NR directly rather than by DCMA HQ.
- NR has Process Sponsor Program where engineering
activity retains technical responsibility for its
components but consults with process experts
(sponsors) within their identified areas of
responsibility, as necessary.
31NR Key Certification Observations (NASA/Navy
Benchmarking Exchange Interim Report 2 )
- NR performs incremental audits (similar to
SUBSAFE) prior to key events to evaluate critical
processes and to correct any problems with work
accomplishment or critical documentation. - A seven-phase test program begins with visual
check of installation and progresses through
higher levels of detail to actual operation of
the reactor and delivery of power to assure
readiness of the reactor plant for sea trials. - A Joint Test Group (JTG), composed of
representatives from the construction shipyard,
NRRO, Ships Force, and the cognizant laboratory,
reviews and approves the administration and
performance of test documents and acceptance of
test results.
32Software Assurance Opportunities for
NASA(NASA/Navy Benchmarking Exchange Interim
Report 3 )
- Reappraise Shuttle software using CMM or CMMI
- NASA may want to consider reappraising Shuttle on
both the contractor and civil servant sides using
CMM or CMMI to verify that their exemplary rigor
has not diminished. This is especially important
since the Shuttle is still certified at CMM Level
5 despite not having been appraised in 8 years,
during which time it has changed contractors
twice. - Strengthen the levels of defense for assuring
software safety
- NASA may want to consider strengthening its
levels of defense for assuring software safety
and quality. Specifically, this opportunity
includes establishing and implementing better
contractor requirements (Level 1), bolstering the
Agencys Software Assurance (SA) resource pool
(Level 2), and ensuring that IVV is called upon
only in critical situations (Level 3).
33Software Assurance Opportunities for
NASA(NASA/Navy Benchmarking Exchange Interim
Report 3 )
- 3. Strengthen Agency CMM/CMMI related
requirements for mission critical software.
- When updating NPD 2820, NASA Software Polices,
NASA may want to consider not only keeping, but
potentially strengthening, the CMM/CMMI related
requirements for organizations developing or
maintaining mission critical software. Some of
this work has already been initiated in NASA SWE
NPR 7150.2 (Software Engineering Requirements),
which was in the administrative review cycle at
the time of this report. - 4. Institute Agency-wide software inspection
- The use of rigorous formal software inspections,
developed based on industry best practices such
as those prescribed by Fagan and Gilb, has
provided positive lessons learned for NASA. NASA
is considering instituting an Agency-wide effort
to re-infuse these, or similar inspection
processes, into all software intensive projects.
- ACI Administratively Controlled Information
- CAIB Columbia Accident Investigation Board
- CE Collaborative Environment
- CIO/IT Chief Information Officer/Information
- CMS Competency Management system
- CoP Community of Practice
- COTS Commercial Off The Shelf
- DCMA Defense Contract Management
- EAR Export Administration Regulations
- FMEA Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
- GRC Glenn Research Center
- MRC Maintenance Requirement Card
- GWU George Washington University
- GMU George Mason University
- ICV Independent
- ITA Independent Technical Authority
- ITAR International Traffic in Arms Regulations
- JTG Joint Test Group
- KM Knowledge Management
NPEB Naval Nuclear Propulsion Examining Board
NR NAVSEA 08 Naval Reactors NRRO Naval Reactors
Representative Office OCE Objective Quality Evid
ence PDREP Product Data Reporting and Evaluation
Program PBMA-KMS Process Based Mission Assurance
Knowledge Management System
PM Program Manager PRA Probabilistic Risk Asses
sment REC Re-entry Control RYG Red/Yellow/Green
contractor evaluation process
SA Software Assurance SHAPEC Ship Availability P
lanning and Engineering Center
SUBMEPP Submarine Maintenance Engineering,
Planning and Procurement SUBSAFE Submarine Safet
y Program SUPSHIP Supervisor of Shipbuilding, Co
nversion and Repair SWE Software Engineering URO
Unrestricted Operations WNY Washington Navy Ya