Title: APV HVACconcept
1APV HVAC-concept
Sales presentation
2APV Heat TransferAPV HVAC - The Concept
- Purpose of the APV HVAC-concept
- Entering of the HVAC market based on a commodity
strategy - Offering an HVAC-package including products and
tools - Customer benefits
- Complete product range
- Short delivery time
- Competitive prices
- Easy quotation of heat exchangers
- Quick information about heat exchangers on stock
3APV Heat TransferAPV HVAC- The Concept
- Table of content
- HVAC Concept
- Background
- Market
- Applications
- Sales Channels
- HVAC Package
- Tools
- HVAC Product Range
- Order Handling
- Prices and Discounts
4APV Heat TransferAPV HVAC - Market
- Players involved in the HVAC-market work in a
highly competitive environment where meeting
customer demands is essential - To end-users these products are often considered
commodity products - price and product
availability being key factors - To meet these requirements APV offers a targeted
and competitive range of products highly suited
for HVAC applications
5APV Heat TransferAPV HVAC - Applications
- The APV HVAC-range is suitable for heating and
cooling of accommodations, offices, hotels and
production facilities, e.g - Central heating water heaters
- Hot tap water
- Air conditioning
- Pressure breakers
- Ice melters
- Heating sources, a multitude of heating sources,
e.g - Boilers
- District heating
- District cooling
- Solar heating panels
- Heat pumps
6APV Heat TransferAPV HVAC - Sales Channels
- How does the market work?
- Distribution channels ways to the customer?
He a t T r a n s f e r
7APV Heat TransferAPV HVAC - Sales Channels
- Which customers to target?
- Let your customers do the job!
- Sales channel target is level 2 and 3
- The calculation tool APV ParaSize and the HVAC
Selection Guide are designed to be used by these
customers - All products have their own item number thus
avoiding misunderstandings and making order
handling easy
APV Heat Transfer
1. Level APV Distributors
2. Level Wholesellers/OEM
3. Level Contractors
4. Level End-users
8APV Heat TransferAPV HVAC - Package
- The APV HVAC-package comprises
- Economic and efficient heat exchanger solutions
- APV Compakva (Size 32, 54, 32-TD, VX-32)
- APV ParaBrazed (O12, O15, O30, O35, O60, O70,
O85, O100 O300) - APV ParaFlow (U2, T4, TR1, H17, SR2 N35) in low
cost frames - Easy-to-use quotation tool
- Selection guide
- On-line stock information
- Sales collateral
9APV Heat TransferAPV HVAC - Package
- Sales collateral
- Sales presentation a modified Sales Tutor
- HVAC-brochure
- Calculation tool APV ParaSize
- APV HVAC Selection Guide template (local
adaptation) - On-line stock info site
10APV Heat TransferAPV HVAC - Tools
- Tools on www.PHEWizard.com/HVAC
- Online stock information and an easy-to-use
quotation tool are just some of the tools
provided to help reduce your customer response
time and ease the business processes - The tools are available on our new HVAC internet
site www.PHEWizard.com/HVAC
11APV Heat TransferAPV HVAC - Tools
- APV ParaSize
- The APV ParaSize is an easy-to-use software for
quoting the range of ParaFlow HVAC and ParaBrazed
heat exchangers - No matter, if it is a liquid/liquid or a
ParaBrazed for condensing or evaporation
applications, APV ParaSize is the software to use
- Contact your local APV representative to get
access to APV ParaSize quotation tool - Benefits
- Product range easy to quote
- Products have their own item number
- Item number is used for order handling
- Quotation tool can be used by end-customer
- Customer response time reduced
12APV Heat TransferAPV HVAC - Tools
- APV HVAC Selection Guide
- Design of APV heat exchangers matching local
needs - A printable template easy to fill out and use
- Target group those customers who do not use the
APV ParaSize software - Benefits
- A quick reference for product selection
- Adaptable to local temperature sets
- Can be customized to individual needs
- distributors as well as customers
- Products have their own item number
- Item number is used for order handling
13APV Heat TransferAPV HVAC - The Tools
- Online Stock Information
- Stock information for HVAC-product range is
available online giving you the latest status on
product availability - If a customer has a breakdown you may offer him a
solution right away on the phone - Simply type the address in your browser
14APV Heat TransferAPV HVAC - The Tools
- APV HVAC Brochure
- 4 page brochure
- Targeting distributors, whole sellers,
contractors, and OEMs - Content The concept, the products, the tools
- Available as PDF-file/in-house print (minimizing
- Benefits
- Explain the concept
- Presentation of the products
- Presentation of the tools
15APV Heat TransferAPV HVAC - Product range
- APV Compakva - water heaters and district heating
units - APV Compakva is a new range of water heaters and
district heating units for heating of domestic
water and for direct and indirect heating
characterized by innovative technology and design - The smallest unit of its type 30 less space
requirement - Patented multifunctional block - one single unit
for pipe arrangement as well as cover, back
panel and sensor accelerator - Capacity Up to 8 homes
- High thermal efficiency
- Low operating costs
- Easy to mount and clean
- Can replace most of existing models on the market
as - the position of the connections is the same
16APV Heat TransferAPV HVAC - Product range
APV Compakva - water heaters and district heating
- Available models included in the HVAC range
- NB The Compakva Water Heaters are not included
in the APV ParaSize software
17APV Heat TransferAPV HVAC - Product range
APV Compakva 32 or 54 water heater unit
- Smallest built-in model on the market
- Capacity 1 - 8 homes
- Up to 100 kW with 50 kPa pressure drop
- Design pressure PN16
- Max. working temperature 130 ?C
18APV Heat TransferAPV HVAC - Product range
APV Compakva TD-32 water heater unit
- Smallest built-in model on the market
- Produces sufficient hot water for the whole
family and for the installation for direct
district heating - Max. working temperature 130 ?C
- Up to 100 kW with 50 kPa pressure drop
- Design pressure PN16
19APV Heat TransferAPV HVAC - Product range
APV Compakva VX-32 water heater unit
- Smallest built-in model on the market
- 1st heat exchanger produces sufficient hot water
for the whole family - 2 nd heat exchanger for indirect heating of the
radiator system - Max. working temperature 130 ?C
- Up to 100 kW with 50 kPa pressure drop
- Design pressure PN16
20APV Heat TransferAPV HVAC - Product range
- APV ParaBrazed - brazed plate heat exchangers
- A comprehensive range of brazed plate heat
exchangers for HVAC applications - especially
suited for water heaters, district heating units,
gas boilers, and solar heating - Types O12, O15, O30, O35, O60, O70, O85, O100,
O300 - More than 400 models
- Very compact
- Large temperature span
- Wide pressure range
- Exceptional performance
21APV Heat TransferAPV HVAC - Product range
ParaBrazed - Guideline for name of product types
22APV Heat TransferAPV HVAC - Product range
ParaBrazed types
23APV Heat TransferAPV HVAC - Product range
ParaBrazed types
24APV Heat TransferAPV HVAC - Product range
ParaBrazed types
25APV Heat TransferAPV HVAC - Product range
ParaBrazed types
26APV Heat TransferAPV HVAC - Product range
ParaBrazed types
27APV Heat TransferAPV HVAC - Product range
ParaBrazed types
28APV Heat TransferAPV HVAC - Product range
ParaBrazed types
29APV Heat TransferAPV HVAC - Product range
ParaBrazed types
30APV Heat TransferAPV HVAC - Product range
ParaBrazed connection types
31APV Heat TransferAPV HVAC - Product range
- APV ParaFlow - gasketed plate heat exchangers
- The widest plate portfolio in the market - the
large variety in ParaFlow types offers solutions
for almost any HVAC application - Types U2, T4, TR1, SR2, H17, N25, N35
- Newly developed price competitive frame range
- Compact design
- Superior heat transfer efficiency
- Easy to clean
- Glue-free gaskets
32APV Heat TransferAPV HVAC - Product range
ParaFlow - Guideline for name of product types
33APV Heat TransferAPV HVAC - Product range
ParaFlow - HVAC range
Delivery concept Express range 8 ex works
34APV Heat TransferAPV HVAC - Product range
ParaFlow - HVAC range
35APV Heat TransferAPV HVAC - Product range
ParaFlow - HVAC range
36APV Heat TransferAPV HVAC - Product range
ParaFlow - HVAC range
37APV Heat TransferAPV HVAC - Product range
ParaFlow - HVAC range
38APV Heat TransferAPV HVAC - Product range
ParaFlow - HVAC range
39APV Heat TransferAPV HVAC - Product range
ParaFlow - HVAC range
40APV Heat TransferAPV HVAC - Order handling
- Order handling
- All Heat Exchangers have their own item number
- Your customer orders the heat exchanger by
informing you of the item number - Mail the order to Customer Logistic, APV Heat
Transfer Kolding including item number, number of
units and price
41APV Heat TransferAPV HVAC Prices
- APV ParaFlow HVAC range T4 N35
- Prices Use the APV ParaSize for Market List
Prices - Discount Same as for other ParaFlows according
to WinQuote discount - APV ParaFlow HVAC range U2 and APV ParaBrazed
- Prices Use the APV ParaSize for Market List
Prices, or - Use the ParaBrazed_U2_Market_Pricelist_151004_and
_measurements.xls - Discount Distributor discount quantity
discount. See the fileAPV ParaBrazed U2
Quantity Discount July 2004.xls. - APV Compakva
- Prices Use the Compakva Market Pricelist
01-09-04.xls - Discount Distributor discount quantity
discount. See the file Compakva Market
Pricelist 01-09-04.xls