Empire and Expansion - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Empire and Expansion


Dewey's May Day Victory at Manilla. American forces outnumbered Spanish forces ... On May 1, 1898, Dewey slipped by detection at night and attacked and destroyed ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Empire and Expansion

Empire and Expansion
  • Imperialism
  • Chapter 27

America Turns Outward
  • Farmers and factory owners look outside of US for
    new markets, products, etc.
  • Yellow Press
  • Development of the Navy
  • Captain Alfred Thayer Mahans Book The Influence
    of Sea Power upon History, 1660-1783-controlling
    the sea was key to being a world power

America Turns Outward
  • Secretary Blain and Big Sister Policy to get
    South American markets to open up to American

Spurning the Hawaiian Pear
  • 1840s U.S. warns other nations to keep their
    hands off Hawaii
  • 1870-treaty gives rights to U.S. to keep naval
    base at Pearl Harbor
  • The profits of sugar cultivation in Hawaii became
    less profitable with the McKinley Tariff of
  • American planters decided that the best way to
    overcome the tariff would be to annex Hawaii.  

  • Queen Liliuokalani insisted that native Hawaiian
    should control the islands.
  • A desperate minority of whites organized a
    successful revolt in 1893.  The Queen was
    overthrown and white revolutionists gained
    control of Hawaii.  When a treaty to annex Hawaii
    was presented to the Senate, President Grover
    Cleveland promptly withdrew it. 

Cubans Rise in Revolt
  • Sugar production of Cuba became less profitable
    when the America passed the tariff of 1894.
  • Cubans began to revolt against their Spanish
    captors in 1895 after the Spanish began to place
    Cubans in reconcentration camps and treat them
    very poorly.  Cuban revolutionaries began to
    reason that if they destroyed enough of Cuba and
    did enough damage, then Spain might abandon Cuba
    or the United States might move in and help the
    Cubans with their independence.

  • America had a large investment as well as annual
    trade stake in Cuba.
  • Congress passed a resolution in 1896 that
    recognized the belligerence of the revolted
    Cubans.  President Cleveland refused to budge and
    fight for Cuba's independence.
  • Yellow journalism makes Americans believe that
    conditions in Cuba are worse then they are.

Mysterious Explosion of the Maine
  • On February 15, 1898, the American ship, Maine
    blew up in the Havana port.  The Spanish
    investigators deduced that it was an accident
    (spontaneous combustion in one of the coal
    bunkers) while the American investigators claimed
    that Spain had sunk it.  The American people were
    convinced by the American investigators and war
    with Spain became imminent.

  • American diplomats had already gained Madrid's
    agreement to Washington's 2 basic demands an end
    to the reconstruction camps and an armistice with
    Cuban rebels.
  • Although President McKinley did not want a war
    with Spain, the American people did.  He felt
    that the people should rule so he sent his war
    message to Congress on April 11, 1898. 
  • Congress declared war and adopted the Teller
    Amendment.  It proclaimed to the world that when
    the United States had overthrown the Spanish
    misrule, it would give the Cubans their freedom.

Deweys May Day Victory at Manilla
  • American forces outnumbered Spanish forces
  • Roosevelt called upon Commodore George Dewey's
    6-ship fleet to descend upon Spain's Philippines
    in the event of war.  On May 1, 1898, Dewey
    slipped by detection at night and attacked and
    destroyed the 10-ship Spanish fleet at Manila.

Confused Invasion of Cuba
  • Army was supplied with wool uniforms
  • Rough Riders took charge after General Shafter
    fell ill and his troops fell apart
  • Admiral Cervera's fleet was entirely destroyed on
    July 3, 1898 and shortly thereafter Santiago
    surrendered.  General Nelson A. Miles met little
    resistance when he took over Puerto Rico. 
  • On August 12, 1898, Spain signed an armistice.
  • Before the war's end, much of the American army
    was stricken with malaria, typhoid, and yellow

Americas Course (Curse?) of Empire
  • In late 1898, Spanish and American negotiators
    met in Paris to begin heated discussions.  The
    Americans secured Guam and Puerto Rico, but the
    Philippines presented President McKinley with a
    problem  he didn't feel he could give the island
    back to Spanish misrule, and America would be
    turning its back upon responsibilities if it
    simply left the Philippines. 

  • McKinley finally decided to Christianize and to
    civilize all of the Filipinos.  Disputes broke
    out with the Spanish negotiators over control of
    the Philippines because Manila had been captured
    the day after the war, and the island could not
    be listed among the spoils of the war.  America
    therefore agreed to pay Spain 20 million for the

  • The Anti-Imperialistic League sprang up and
    fought the McKinley administration's expansionist

Perplexities in Puerto Rico and Cuba
  • Foraker Act of 1900- Congress gave the Puerto
    Ricans a limited degree of popular government
    and, in 1917, granted them U.S. citizenship. 
  • Beginning in 1901 with the Insular Cases, the
    Supreme Court declared that the Constitution did
    not extend to the Philippines and Puerto Rico. 

  • The United States, honoring the Teller Amendment
    of 1898, withdrew from Cuba in 1902. 
  • The U.S. forced the Cubans to write their own
    constitution of 1901 (the Platt Amendment). 
  • The constitution decreed that the United States
    might intervene with troops in Cuba in order to
    restore order and to provide mutual protection. 
  • The Cubans also promised to sell or lease needed
    coaling or naval stations to the U.S.

New Horizons in Two Hemispheres
  • Spanish-American War was 113 days long but showed
    that the U.S. was a world power.
  • England, France, Russia upgraded diplomats to be
    stationed in U.S.
  • American people rejoiced. Sousas music played,
    Mahans book inspired more ships, and War College
    was founded.

Little Brown Brothers in the Philippines
  • Becoming a imperialistic power, brought headaches
  • Philippines becomes the heel of Achilles
  • Philippines belong to USA but Japan took it
  • Filipinos thought that they would eventually be
    granted freedom, just like Cuba

  • After the Spanish American War, Filipino's were
    disappointed, rebelled.
  • Filipinos lose. Americans build reconcentration
  • "benevolent assimilation" -very slow and involved
    improving roads, sanitation, and public health. 
  • The plan developed economic ties and set a school
    system with English as the 2nd language.  It was
    ill received by the Filipinos who preferred
    liberty over assimilation.

Hinging the Open Door in China
  • Following China's defeat by Japan in 1894-1895,
    Russia and Germany moved into China.  The
    American public, fearing that Chinese markets
    would be monopolized by Europeans, demanded that
    the U.S. Government do something. 

  • Secretary of State John Hay dispatched to all the
    great powers a communication known as the Open
    Door note.  He urged the powers to announce that
    in their leaseholds or spheres of influence they
    would respect certain Chinese rights and the
    ideal of fair competition.  The note asked all
    those who did not have thieving designs to stand
    up and be counted.  Italy was the only major
    power to accept the Open Door unconditionally and
    Russia was the only major power not to accept it.

  • In 1900, a super-patriotic group in China known
    as the "Boxers" killed hundreds of foreigners.  A
    multinational rescue force came in and stopped
    the rebellion.
  • After the failed rebellion, Secretary Hay
    declared in 1900 that the Open Door would embrace
    the territorial integrity of China as well as its
    commercial integrity

Imperialism or Bryanism in 1900?
  • McKinely v. Bryan
  • McKinely led the country through war, took care
    of the gold standard, and got the nation prime
    real estate (Cuba, Philippine's)
  • Bryan was seen as someone who ruined that all
    with his free silver ideas and other ideas

  • McKinely and Roosevelt v. Bryan
  • McKinely wins
  • McKinely is murdered, Roosevelt becomes president
  • Policy of speak softly and carry a big stick
  • Believed that the President should keep things
    moving forward. Didnt like checks and balances

Building the Panama Canal
  • Vital for trade
  • Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, made with Britain in 1850,
    the U.S. could not gain exclusive control over a
    route for the canal
  • Hay-Pauncefote Treaty in 1901, which gave the
    U.S. a helping hand to build the canal and rights
    to fortify it.

  • Columbia stands in the way of building the canal.
  • On November 3, 1903, Panamanians, who feared the
    United States would choose the Nicaraguan route
    for the canal, made a successful revolution led
    by Bunau-Varilla. 
  • Bunau-Varilla became the Panamanian minister to
    the United States and signed the
    Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty in Washington. 
  • The treaty gave the U.S. control of a 10-mile
    zone around the proposed Panama Canal.

TRs Perversion of Monroes Doctrine
  • Extends doctrine by adding Roosevelt Corollary.
  • Basically tells the rest of the world to back of
    Latin America. US would pay in debt issues of
    Latin America to keep European countries away.

Roosevelt on World Stage
  • Russo-Japanese War 1904
  • Roosevelt acts as referee
  • Won Nobel Peace Prize

Gentlemens Agreement
  • Roosevelt secretly negotiated with the Japanese
    govt to limit the number of Japanese coming into
    the country.
  • Whites in California upset-believed that Japanese
    were taking away white jobs.
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