Ch. 27: Empire and Expansion - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ch. 27: Empire and Expansion


Ch. 27: Empire and Expansion AP US History Building the Panama Canal Where should the canal be? 1st choice = Nicaragua 2nd Choice = Panama French company (Philippe ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Ch. 27: Empire and Expansion

Ch. 27 Empire and Expansion
  • AP US History

America Turns Outward
  • By the 1890s America turned from its inward
    policy (isolationist) to and outward policy
  • European nations had been land grabbing
    throughout the 1800s. (Africa)

America Turns Outward
  • Reasons for Imperialism
  • Yellow Journalism
  • Stirred up desire of people for adventure
  • Missionaries wanted to save souls
  • Rev. Josiah Strong wanted to Christianize the
    exotic lands. Our Country Its Possible Future
    and Its Present Crisis
  • Social Darwinism
  • Supported by people like T.R and Henry Cabot
  • Stronger nations should conquer the weaker
  • Naval Race
  • Cap. Alfred Mahan wrote The Influence of Sea
    Power Upon History, 1660-1783.
  • Key to nations power is through their naval power

Americas Close Calls
  • The US had several close-calls or balancing acts
    during this time.
  • James G. Blaine advocated the big sister
  • Idea was to get Latin American countries behind
    the leadership of the U.S.
  • Pan-American Conference held in Washington D.C

Americas Close Calls
  • Other conflicts
  • US-Germany (Samoa islands)
  • US-Italy (Captured Italians in New Orleans)
  • US-Canada (seal hunting rights)
  • US-Britain (Gold discoveries in Venezuela)
  • US just stuck up for her little sister
  • Defended Monroe Doctrine (European nations were
    to stay out of Western Hemisphere)
  • Almost led to war but Britain backed off due to
    threats to their South African colonies by

America turns its eyes to Hawaii
  • America turns its eyes to Hawaii
  • Americans regarded it as an extension of the US.
  • Shippers, sailors, whalers and missionaries where
  • American companies ran islands economics
  • American fruit/sugar companies entrenched in
  • Natives grew restless towards the Americans
  • Disease killed many natives
  • Japanese/Chinese brought in as workers.

America turns its eyes to Hawaii
  • Sugar companies wanted to take Hawaii for good.
  • Worried of Japan trying to take over
  • McKinley Tariff raised prices of goods when
    imported to US.

America turns its eyes to Hawaii
  • Queen Liliuokalani resisted.
  • Said natives should run Hawaii
  • Washington worked on legislation to annex Hawaii.
  • Before it could pass Congress Harrison was
    replaced by Grover Cleveland as President.
  • Cleveland stopped the annexation b/c he didnt
    like the way Hawaii was taken over.

Cubans Rise in Revolt
  • 1895 Cuba revolts against Spain
  • The Cuban insurrectos revolted against Spanish
    overlords on Sugar plantations.
  • Burned everything

Cubans Rise in Revolt
  • The US rooted for the Cubans
  • America loved liberty and independence
  • Yellow Journalism
  • Good for Monroe Doctrine to get rid of another
    European nation
  • Cuba was a gateway to Caribbean
  • dreams of Panama Canal

Cubans Rise in Revolt
  • Spain sent Gen. Valeriano Butcher Weyler to
    stop the revolt.
  • He started prison camps for the insurrectos.
  • Americas yellow press ran with this.
  • Frederic Remington is sent by Hearst to draw
  • You furnish the pictures, Ill furnish the war.

Cubans Rise in Revolt
  • De Lome letter letter from Spanish official
    Dupuy de Lome criticizing Pres. McKinley.
  • U.S.S Maine exploded at night in Havana harbor
    killing 260 American sailors.
  • Cause was a mystery (public thought Spain had
    done it)
  • American public called for war Remember the
  • McKinley finally gave in and sent message asking
    for war to Congress.
  • April 11, 1898 Congress voted for war w/ Spain.
  • Teller Amendment Said the US would give Cuba its
    freedom after ridding it of Spanish rule.

Deweys May Day Victory
  • America enters war with confidence and
    excitement. Spanish-American War
  • Before war is declared Teddy R ordered Commodore
    George Dewey to move to Philippines if war broke
    out. (Spanish control)
  • Dewey carries out orders May 1, 1898

Deweys May Day Victory
  • Americas 6 ships (new) defeated the 10 Spanish
    ships (old) easily.
  • Dewey won battle but couldnt take island with
  • US takes island quickly when foot soldiers
    reinforce Deweys sailors.
  • Now US wants Hawaii as way station in Pacific.
  • McKinley and Congress agreed to annex Hawaii on
    July 7, 1898 (5 years after first attempt)

Confused Invasion of Cuba
  • Americans ill prepared for war
  • Clothing for fighting in sub-zero temps not Cuba.
  • US led by Gen. William Shafter
  • Rough Riders organized by Teddy R.
  • Calvary had to fight on foot b/c no plan to get
    horses to Cuba.

Confused Invasion of Cuba
  • Spanish fleet used narrow harbor at Santiago to
    enter Cuba.
  • US blockaded the Spanish fleet in Harbor as Army
    went ashore further up the river.
  • US forces suffocated the Spanish forces.
  • Destroyed Spanish ships as they tried to escape.

Confused Invasion of Cuba
  • Splendid Little War Sec. of State John Hay
  • Spain signed an armistice on August 12, 1898.
  • 4,000 US soldiers died from battle
  • 5,000 die from disease

Americas Course (Curse?) of Empire
  • Peace negotiations held in Paris to settle the
  • Treaty of Paris
  • Cuba was free and independent (Teller Amend)
  • Stipulations to this (Later in notes)
  • US gained (1) Puerto Rico, (2) Guam, and (3)
    assumed control of Philippines.

Americas Course (Curse?) of Empire
  • Philippines posed biggest problem
  • American Options/Consequences
  • Give back to Spain
  • decades of misrule
  • Let Filipino people run own country.
  • Thought warlords of country would compete and
    result in chaos.
  • US takes over islands (McKinleys choice)
  • US would look like imperial bully.
  • Filipino people didnt want this (just got rid of

Americas Course (Curse?) of Empire
  • Anti-Imperialists
  • Imperialists
  • Emerged to halt annexation.
  • Difference now is that prior lands were generally
    N. America. (Alaska, Hawaii little pop)
  • Mark Twain and Andrew Carnegie were among its
  • Argued Philippines could flourish economically.
  • Rudyard Kipling wrote The White Mans Burden
    encouraged US to civilize Philippines.

Answers Question that had remained Should Senate
accept treaty and acquire Philippines.
Perplexities in Puerto Rico and Cuba
  • PR was now owned by the US but not a state or
  • Foraker Act gave it limited elected Gov.
  • Full US citizenship given in 1917
  • Many improvements (sanitation, transportation,
  • Do American laws and rights apply to these lands
    and peoples?
  • Insular Cases Supreme Court declared Americas
    laws and customs do not necessarily extend to
    these new lands.

Perplexities in Puerto Rico and Cuba
  • The Teller Amendment had said the U.S would leave
    Cuba to be independent.
  • Set up military Gov. and made many improvements
    up to that point. (Col. Leonard Wood)
  • US leaves in 1902
  • Platt Amendment
  • Cuba cant make treaties US didnt like
  • Cuba couldnt take on too much debt (US
  • Cuba must lease coaling stations to US military.
  • Guantanamo Bay

New Horizons in Two Hemispheres
  • Results of the splendid little war
  • US is a world power (Likely strongest)
  • Nations increased diplomatic headquarters in D.C
  • America became patriotic
  • A strong military was accepted a need
  • Sec of War Elihu Root started a War College
  • The North-South divide seemed to narrow
  • Enemy ceased to be one another and was Spain
  • The Philippines became a thorn in Americas side.

Little Brown Brothers in the Philippines
  • Filipinos thought they would get their freedom
    like Cuba.
  • Felt betrayed by the Americans
  • An insurrection began against the American troops
    by the Filipinos on Feb 4, 1899

Little Brown Brothers in the Philippines
  • Emilio Aguinaldo was the leader of the
  • He had fought for America against Spain
  • Americas Response
  • Water Cure cooperation
  • Prison camps (like Weyler in Cuba)
  • Attacking people who just wanted freedom

Little Brown Brothers in the Philippines
  • US gained upper hand in 1901
  • Sent William H. Taft to be the civil governor of
    the Philippines.
  • Called the natives his Little Brown Brothers.
  • His relations with the natives was generally very

Little Brown Brothers in the Philippines
  • Tafts policy benevolent assimilation
  • Use of kindness to civilize the people (Slow)
  • Infrastructure improved (roads, sanitation, etc)
  • Trade increased, mainly sugar (Americans/Philippin
  • Schools (Built and staffed)
  • Filipinos still want FREEDOM!
  • July 4, 1946 after WWII

Hinging the Open Door in China
  • Japan defeated China in 1894-1895
  • Europe slices China into spheres of influence
  • European nations controlled trade rights in
  • EX Britain controlled Hong Kong (despised)
  • Americas Concerns
  • Missionaries concerned over access
  • American business worried of losing markets.

Hinging the Open Door in China
  • Sec. of State John Hay
  • Open Door Policy says spheres of influence
    should be dropped and Chinese cities should be
    open to all nations for business.
  • Europe was not interested in losing their markets

Hinging the Open Door in China
  • Boxer Rebellion Chinese rose up to oust/kill
    foreigners who controlled their cities.
  • 200 foreigners/thousands of Chinese Christians
  • Europe and US crush Chinese uprising.
  • Chinese have to pay 333 million in damages
  • 24.5 million to US (Give 18 million to Chinese
    students in America)
  • Open Door Policy reissued
  • Accepted and Chinas borders were to be respected
    an its cities open to trade to all.

Imperialism or Bryanism in 1900
  • William Jennings Bryan v. William McKinley (1900
  • Bryan toured the nation again
  • McKinley stayed at home
  • Teddy R (VP) campaigned the country.
  • McKinley wins re-election easily

TR Brandisher of the Big Stick
  • McKinley is shot 6 months after election
  • TR becomes the youngest president ever at age 42.
  • Speak softly and carry a big stick
  • He is not silent
  • Believe the president should lead, and he did.
  • Considered the first modern president.

Building the Panama Canal
  • America wanted a canal across Central America
  • Would boost business in Latin America
  • Would make the US navy even stronger (Mobility)
  • Clayton-Bulwer Treaty- Treaty signed w/ Britain
    which said the US could not control an isthmus
    route alone. (1850)
  • Hay-Pauncefote Treaty 1901 Gave US ok to work

Building the Panama Canal
  • Where should the canal be?
  • 1st choice Nicaragua
  • 2nd Choice Panama
  • French company (Philippe Bunau-Varilla) had
    failed at their attempt.
  • Price of canal holdings went from 109 Million to
    40 Million (Congress agrees to try)
  • PROBLEM Panama was part of Colombia

Building the Panama Canal
  • US Addresses the Problem
  • T.R tries to lease land (Senate rejects deal)
  • Bunau-Varilla incites a Panamanian riot on Nov, 3
    1901 (US offshore for assistance)
  • Revolution is success
  • T.R recognizes Panama as independent and the
    Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty is signed.
  • Leased canal to US for 10 Million and
    250,000/year for 10 mile wide canal strip.
  • Beginning of Bad Relations with Latin America for

Building the Panama Canal
  • Construction began in 1904
  • Obstacle 1 Sanitation
  • Col. William C. Gorgas helped drain swamps and
    eradicate mosquitoes/disease.
  • Obstacle 2 Size of Project
  • Col. George Washington Goethals engineered the
  • Completed in 1914
  • Cost 400 Million

TRs Perversion of the Monroe Doctrine
  • Roosevelt is in a tight spot when many Latin
    American nations default on their loans to
    European Nations.
  • Let European leaders collect and violate Monroe
  • Allow delinquency of payments
  • Roosevelt Corollary An addition to the Monroe

TRs Perversion of the Monroe Doctrine
  • Roosevelt Corollary
  • The U.S would intervene in Latin America and
    collect debts for Europe. (World Police)
  • Addition was that not only will Europe not
    intervene but the US would intervene on their
  • Latin American nations did not appreciate
    Roosevelt's Big Stick Policy

TRs Perversion of the Monroe Doctrine
Roosevelt on the World Stage
  • TR gets his start on international stage in 1904.
    (Russia and Japan go to war)
  • Dispute over the Manchuria area
  • Both nations wanted the Sakhalin islands.
  • Japan calls for TR to be peace negotiator
  • Ironic that the War Hawk is going to negotiate
  • Treaty negotiate at Portsmouth, NH 1905
  • Both Russia and Japan left unhappy with result of
    treaty but war was over.
  • TR would be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 1906

Japanese Laborers in California
  • yellow peril engulfed California in early 1900s
    with a flood of Japanese immigrants
  • Only 3
  • In 1906 the San Francisco School Board segregated
    Chinese, Japanese and Korean students.
  • Roosevelt mediated the Gentlemens Agreement
  • School board would stop segregation
  • Japan would stop emigration of laborers to

(No Transcript)
Japanese Laborers in California
  • Roosevelt ordered the Great White Fleet on a
    diplomatic good-will tour around the world.
  • Really to show US is not scared of Japan/military
  • Root-Takahira agreement signed by US and Japan.
  • Both nations promised to respect one anothers
    territorial boundaries and honor Chinas Open
    Door Policy.
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