Title: Elearning Innovations Briefing
1E-learning Innovations Briefing February
2009 Howard Errey E-learning Innovations
Coordinator Debbie Soccio Victorian E-learning
2E-learning uptake on the rise
3E-learning by state and territory
4E-learning by provider type
5Trends in the Framework
6The 20082011 Framework Strategy
7Business Plan - two connected programs
- Leadership Program
- infrastructure activities (services, standards
and resources) providing the foundations and
catalyst for sustainable e-learning. - Innovation Program
- supports and enables innovation so that
e-learning is an integral part of the national
training system.
8Leadership Program Business Activities 2009
- E-standards for Training, incorporating
- E-portfolios managing learner information
- Emerging Technologies
- Learning Object Repository Network (LORN)
- Benchmarking and Research
- Flexible Learning Toolboxes (inc Victorian
Toolbox Champion Ken Gooding) - Access to E-learning Knowledge and Know-how (inc
Victorian E-learning Coordinator Debbie Soccio)
9Other Business Activities
- Industry integration of e-learning
- Funding for selected industries
- to develop long term plans for
- Including e-learning in
- workforce development.
1110,000 - 50,000
1234 successful projects from 20 organisations
13Clear business case
that solved a problem
14State priorities
15Process and Dates
- January applications open
- February 2 9 Briefings
- Thursday 5 March Applications Due get them in
Early - March 27 Advising successful projects
- Friday April 3 Induction Day in Melbourne
- April Finalising of contracts and first
payments - June Mid-Project Reporting and second payments
- November 1 Delivery of learning objects
resources to Brains Trust - December 1 Delivery of Survey/Case study and
final invoice - December 15 Acquittal due.
16Framework Resources
- Toolboxes
- Learning Objects
- Teacher Resources
- Case Studies
- National Survey/Wiki
- Benchmarking
17Empowering Learners
Learner target groups Disadvantaged
groups Designing E-learning Inclusive Selectio
n criteria
18Empowering Learners
Regional/remote/isolated 4 Indigenous 4 CALD
2 Youth 7 Apprentices 3 Mature
age 5 Disability 2
19Business-Provider Partnerships
Purpose of funding Definition of
Business Difference to Industry engagement CEO
sign off Application Tips
20Iluka Resources, Mercy Hospital, Western Health,
Chemcert, St Vincents Hospital, National
Electrical and Communications Association,
Freshzest, Flavorite, Bio Geelong, Victorian
Aboriginal Child Care Agency, Linfox, Grampians
Region Health Alliance Network, Westgate GP
Network, City of Wodonga.
212008 Successful Projects
22Cross State Projects
- Scope each state component separately
- Discount for multiple state acceptance?
- Framework negotiation
- Emphasise the benefit to Victoria
- Examples
23Successful Projects
- Track record
- Demonstrated Embedding
- Innovations what new ideas do you have
- New Technologies
- New Pedagogies
- Skills reform needs for Victoria
24- Watch this video
- Top 10 Tips for your E-learning Innovations
Project in 2009. - Resources that may assist with your application
are available on the Victorian webpage.
25E-Works Staff
Howard Errey E-learning Innovations
Coordinator howard.errey_at_eworks.edu.au 03 9661
8710 Debbie Soccio E-learning Coordinator debbie.
soccio_at_eworks.edu.au 03 9661 8712 Ken
Gooding Toolbox Champion ken.gooding_at_eworks.edu.au
03 9661 8754 Phil Finocchiaro phil.finocchiaro_at_e
works.edu.au 03 9661 8721