DElPHI - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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- Participants - - The Project - The maze of results from EU-funded eLearning-related projects can make it difficult to know which direction to take for new ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: DElPHI

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- Participants -
University of Barcelona, Spain University of Barcelona, Spain
University of Manchester, England
Management Center Innsbruck, Austria Management Center Innsbruck, Austria
NKI, Nettskolen, Norway
University of Saarland, Germany University of Saarland, Germany
Foundation for Research and Technology, Greece
- The Project -
  • The maze of results from EU-funded
    eLearning-related projects can make it difficult
    to know which direction to take for new research
    and new policies. Supported by the eLearning
    Action Plan, the DELPHI Project aims to
    synthesize the results of recently completed RTD
    projects in an attempt to shed light into the
    fundamental changes arisen at the level of
    methodologies and learning processes necessary to
    propose a future agenda on the innovative use of
    ICT in Education and for the benefit of the
    European citizentrys Lifelong Learning
  • In principle the DELPHI Project aims to give
    responses / on specify the trends to a series of
    transversal research questions.

- Research Questions -
  • What are the new methodological approaches to
    learning in technology-based learning scenarios
    and what is their efficiency?
  • What are the new co-operative learning
    processes, the cross-curricular skills and
    changes in teaching/learning, role changes
    configuring technology ICT-based learning
  • How is effectiveness considered in the
    different innovations analysed?

- Research Questions -
  • What are the consequences for organisations
    when introducing these new ways of learning,
    including European cross-cultural issues involved
    in the process?
  • What are the contributions of ICT to lifelong
    learning in terms of access to education and
    training? Does the introduction of ICT stimulate
    the dual society and thus social exclusion?

- Main Goals -
  • to synthesise and disseminate research findings
    of innovative projects with educational and
    socio-economic value.
  • to assist the Commission to assess their
    results, by undertaking a scientific review and
    evaluation of projects funded by different
    programmes that are/have approached e-learning
    innovations from different perspectives and in
    different sectors.
  • to implement an Internet-based observatory on
    learning innovation, to present and disseminate
    research work of EU funded projects and to
    establish a center of excellence as an active
    promoter and disseminator of innovative research

- Projects Objectives -
  • to critically assess a cluster of projects of
    the 5th framework programme and action calls of
    IST, IHP and MINERVA, that are connected to the
    application of ICT in education and further
    addressing e-learning issues by identifying new
    methods and practices.
  • to set-up an observatory for scientific
    monitoring and evaluation of the emergent use of
    ICT eLearning in support of education and
    training in Europe, building up on existing
    national, European and international practices
    with a special focus on e-learning innovations.
  • to implement a European laboratory for
    innovation in e-learning as a source of reference
    and guidance to European research and as an
    active promoter and disseminator of innovative
    research projects.

- Target Groups -
  • The European research community
  • Managers and practitioners of the different
    education and training sectors, including formal
    and informal learning
  • Policy makers

- Key Outputs -
  • Reports on the analysis of 30 projects funded
    by MINERVA, IST and IHP Programmes
  • A list of Qualitative Indicators of Innovation
    in e-Learning Reports on Pedagogical,
    Institutional and socio-cultural aspect of
    eLearning practices
  • Policy Recommendations
  • DELPHI Workshop on the Transferability,
    Sustainability and Scalability of eLearning
  • A European Observatory of e-Learning Practices
    including an experts Laboratory

- Delphi Workshop -

The DELPHI workshop will gather together
researchers from different Member States who
coordinated or were involved in projects funded
under the MINERVA, IST and Improving Human
Potential programmes. The Workshop will address
the need to valorise research done in this area,
elaborate policy briefs suggesting new directions
for research and recommendations for future
policy directions.
- Delphi Workshop -
TECHNOLOGIES Transferability, sustainability
scalability   7th June 2004 University of
Manchester UMIST Manchester School of
Management UMIST Campus South Booth Street
East Manchester UK
- European Observatory -
  • The DELPHI Observatory is a platform for the
    presentation and exchange of information on
    eLearning approaches as identified from projects
    funded from various programmes and action lines
    from the European Commission. It will serve as a
    platform for the share of experiences and good

- European Laboratory -
  • DELPHI is implementing a European laboratory for
    innovation in e-learning as a source of reference
    and guidance to European research and an as
    active promoter and disseminator of innovative
    research projects. The aim is to build a
    cooperative and collaborative community of
    professionals within the field of e-learning
  • It engages predominantly in research on
    innovative solutions to the emerging challenges
    and opportunities of the transcending learning
    environments, linking pedagogical, technical,
    organisational and socio-economic research. The
    endeavour of the lab is the facilitation of new
    connections, as well as the ease of knowledge
  • The laboratory will be a central point for
    establishing a European research network on
    learning innovations.

- Contact -
  • Please feel free to visit our online Portal,
    where soon will be launched the DELPHI
    Observatory and the Laboratory.
  • http//
  • For further information please contact
  • Coordinator Mario Barajas,
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