Title: Five Pillars of Social Sector Leadership
You will engage in a journey of self-discovery
and self-awareness
that will guide you towards understanding your
inner self, what your
motivations are, where your insecurities lie, and
how you can achieve your full potential by
effectively navigating your own personality and
leadership style.
You will receive an exposure to the deep
intricacies of the social
sector that lies in the intersection of local
nuances, community dynamics, issues around
economic status, cast status, gender
norms, and inherent cultural baggage that
determine the path that
any intervention might take in the field.
You will deep dive into the diverse sectors of
work such as health,
education, livelihoods, environment and
sustainability, gender and
intersectionality, disaster management, and civic
area development,
amongst others.
You will receive an orientation to aspects such
as strategic planning,
resource mobilisation, and impact evaluation
through the theory of
change approach, data analytics, and other
functional competencies
that are core to social impact work.
You will be exposed to the fundamentals of
building, leading, and sustaining social purpose
organisations effectively through good practices,
anecdotes, and learnings from established leaders.
7Your chance to be part of India's first young
leaders program is now here.
Are you ready?
Residential sessions in TERI, Gurugram, from 2-5
October 2024
Followed by 8 weeks of online learning sessions