Title: Preferences
- Toby Walsh
- www.cse.unsw.edu.au/tw/teaching.html
- May 5,1500-1700
- Introduction, soft constraints
- May 6, 1000-1200
- CP nets
- May 7, 1500-1800
- Strategic games, CP-nets, and soft constraints
- Voting theory
- May 8, 1500-1800
- Manipulation, preference elicitation
- May 9, 1000-1200
- Matching problems, stable marriage
- Preferences are everywhere!
- Alice prefers not to meet on Monday morning
- Bob prefers bourbon to whisky
- Carol likes beach vacations more than activity
holidays -
4Major questions
- Representing preferences
- Soft CSPs, CP nets,
- Reasoning with preferences
- What is the optimal outcome? Do I prefer A to B?
How do we combine preferences from multiple
agents? - Eliciting preferences
- Users dont want to answer lots of questions!
- Are users going to be truthful when revealing
their preferences?
5Preference formalisms
- Psychological relevance
- Can it express your preferences?
- Quantitative I like wine twice as much as beer
- Qualitative I prefer wine to beer
- Conditional if were having meat, I prefer red
wine to white -
6Preference formalisms
- Expressive power
- What types of ordering over outcomes can it
represent? - Total
- Partial
- Indifference
- Incomplete
7Preference formalisms
- Succinctness
- How succinct is it compared to other formalisms?
- Can it (compactly) represent all that another
formalism can? -
- Complexity
- How difficult is it to reason with?
- What is the computationally complexity of
ordering two choices? - What is the computationally complexity of finding
the most preferred choice?
- Map preferences onto a linear scale
- Typically reals, naturals,
- Issues
- Cardinal or ordinal utility?
- Numbers meaningful or just ordering?
- Different agents have different utility scales
- Incomparability
- Combinatorial domains
- First course x Main dish x Sweet x Wine x
9Ordering relation
- I prefer A to B (written A gt B)
- Transitive or not if A gt B and B gt C then is A gt
C? - Total or partial is every pair ordered?
- Strict or not A gt B or A B
- Issues
- Elicitation requires ranking O(m2) pairs
- Combinatorial domains
10Case study combinatorial auction
- Auctioneer
- Puts up number of items for sale
- Agents
- Submit bids for combinations of items
- Winner determination
- Decide which bids to accept
- Two agents cannot get the same item
- Maximize revenue!
11Case study combinatorial auction
- Why are bids not additive?
- Complements
- v(A B) gt v(A) v(B)
- Left shoe of no value without right shoe
- Substitutes
- v(A B) lt v(A) v(B)
- As you can only drive one car at a time, a second
Ferrari is not worth as much as the first - Auction mechanism that simply assigns items in
turn may be sub-optimal - How you value item depends on what you get later
12Case study combinatorial auction
- Winner determination problem
- Deciding if there is a solution achieving a given
revenue k (or more) - NP-complete in general
- Even if each agent submits jut a single bid
- And this bid has value 1
13Case study combinatorial auction
- Winner determination problem
- Membership in NP
- Polynomial certificate
- Given allocation of goods, can compute revenue it
14Case study combinatorial auction
- Winner determination problem
- NP-hard
- Reduction from set packing
- Given S, a collection of sets and a cardinality
k, is there a subset of S of disjoint sets of
size k? - Items in sets are goods for auction
- One agent for each set in S, value 1 for goods in
their set, 0 otherwise - One other agent who bids 0 for all goods
15Case study combinatorial auction
- Winner determination problem
- NP-hard
- One agent for each set in S, value 1 for goods in
their set, 0 otherwise - One special agent who bids 0 for all goods
- Allocation may not correspond to set packing
- Agents may be allocated goods with 0 value (ie
outside their desired set) - But can always move these goods over to special
agent - Revenue equal to cardinality of the subset of S
16Case study combinatorial auction
- Winner determination problem
- Tractable cases
- Conflict graph vertices bids, edges bids
that cannot be accepted together - If conflict graph is tree, then winner
determination takes polynomial time - Starting at leaves, accept bid if it is greater
than best price achievable by best combination of
its children
17Case study combinatorial auction
- Winner determination problem
- Intractable cases
- Integer programming
- Heuristic search
- States accepted bids
- Moves accept/reject bid
- Initial state no bids accepted
- Heuristics
- Bid with high price few goods
- Bid that decomposes conflict graph
18Case study combinatorial auction
- Winner determination problem
- Intractable cases
- Integer programming
- Heuristic search
- States accepted bids
- Moves accept/reject bid
- Initial state no bids accepted
- Heuristics
- Bid with high price few goods
- Bid that decomposes conflict graph
19Case study combinatorial auction
- Bidding languages
- Used for agents to express their preferences over
goods - If there are m goods, there are 2m possible bids
- Many possibilities
- Atomic bids
- OR bids
- XOR bids
- OR bids with dummy items
20Case study combinatorial auction
- Bidding languages assumptions
- Normalized
- v()0
- Monotonic
- v(A) v(B) iff A ? B
- Implies valuations are non-negative!
21Case study combinatorial auction
- Atomic bids
- (B,p)
- I want set of items B for price p
- v(X) p if X ? B otherwise 0
- Note this valuation is monotonic
- Very limited range of preferences expressible as
atomic bids - Cannot express even simple additive valuations
22Case study combinatorial auction
- OR bids
- Disjunction of atomic bids
- (B1,p1) OR (B2,p2)
- Value is max. sum of disjoint bundles
- v(X) max v1(X1) v2(X \ X1) X1?X
- Not complete
- Can only express valuations without substitutes
- v(X u Y) v(X) v(Y)
- Suppose you want just one item?
- v(S) max vj j ? S
23Case study combinatorial auction
- XOR bids
- Disjunction of atomic bids but only one is wanted
- (B1,p1) XOR (B2,p2)
- Value is max. of two possible valuations
- v(X) max v1(X), v2(X)
- Complete
- Can express any monotonic valuation
- Just list out all the differently valued sets of
goods - Hence XORs are more expressive than ORs
24Case study combinatorial auction
- XOR bids
- Disjunction of atomic bids but only one is wanted
- (B1,p1) XOR (B2,p2)
- Additive valuation requires O(2k) XORs
- But only O(k) Ors
- Thus, XORs are more expressive but less succinct
than ORs
25Case study combinatorial auction
- OR/XOR bids
- Arbitrary combinations of ORs and XORs
- Bid (B,p) Bid OR Bid Bid XOR Bid
- Recursively define semantics as before
- B1 OR B2
- v(X) max v1(X1) v2(X \ X1) X1?X
- B1 XOR B2
- v(X) max v1(X), v2(X)
26Case study combinatorial auction
- Two special cases
- OR of XOR
- Bid XorBid XorBid OR XorBid
- XorBid (B,p) (B,p) XOR XorBid
- XOR of OR
- Bid OrBid OrBid XOR OrBid
- OrBid (B,p) (B,p) OR OrBid
27Case study combinatorial auction
- Downward sloping symmetric valuation
- Items symmetric
- Only their number, k matters
- Diminishing returns
- v(k)-v(k-1) v(k1)-v(k)
- Using OR of XOR, such a valuation over n items is
O(n2) in size - Let pk v(k)-v(k-1)
- Then v(k) is
- (x1,p1) XOR .. XOR (xn,p1) OR
- (x1,p2) XOR .. XOR (xn,p2) OR
- .. OR
- (x1,pn) XOR .. XOR (xn,pn)
28Case study combinatorial auction
- Downward sloping symmetric valuation
- Items symmetric
- Only their number, k matters
- Diminishing returns
- v(k)-v(k-1) v(k1)-v(k)
- Using XOR of ORs (or OR) such a valuation is
exponential in size - Need to represent all subsets of size k
- OR of XORs is exponentially more succinct than
XOR of ORs
29Case study combinatorial auction
- Monochromatic valuations
- n/2 red and n/2 blue items
- Want as many of one colour as possible
- v(X) max X ? Red, X ? Blue
- With such a valuation
- XOR of ORs is O(n) in size
- (red1,p) OR .. OR (redn/2 ,p) XOR
- (blue1,p) OR .. OR (bluen/2,p)
30Case study combinatorial auction
- Monochromatic valuations
- n/2 red and n/2 blue items
- Want as many of one colour as possible
- v(X) max X ? Red, X ? Blue
- With such a valuation
- OR of XORs is O(2n/2) in size
- Atomic bids in OR of XORs only need be
monochromatic - Removing non-monochromatic atomic bids will not
change valuation of a monochromatic allocation - Atomic bids need to have price equal to their
cardinality - Anything higher or lower will only value a
monochromatic allocation incorrectly
31Case study combinatorial auction
- Monochromatic valuations
- n/2 red and n/2 blue items
- Want as many of one colour as possible
- v(X) max X ? Red, X ? Blue
- With such a valuation
- OR of XORs is O(2n/2) in size
- There can be only a single XOR
- Suppose there are two (or more) XORs
- There are two cases
- One XOR is just blue, other is just red
- But then monochromatic valuation is not possible
- One XOR is blue and red
- But then again monochromatic valuation is not
32Case study combinatorial auction
- Monochromatic valuations
- n/2 red and n/2 blue items
- Want as many of one colour as possible
- v(X) max X ? Red, X ? Blue
- With such a valuation
- OR of XORs is O(2n/2) in size
- There can be only a single XOR
- This must contain all O(2n/2) blue and O(2n/2)
red subsets - XOR of ORs and OR of XORs are incomparable in
33Case study combinatorial auction
- OR bids
- Can modify OR bids so they can simulate XOR bids
- Recall that OR bids are not complete
- But XOR bids can be exponentially more succinct
- Get best of both worlds?
- Introduce dummy items (which cannot be shared) to
OR bids to make them simulate XOR - (B u dummy,p1) OR (C u dummy,p2) is
equivalent to - (B,p1) XOR (C,p2)
- Since XOR bids are complete, so are OR bids
34Case study combinatorial auction
- OR bids
- Any OR/XOR bid of size O(s) can be represented as
an OR bid of size O(s) - Homework exercise prove this!
- This bidding language still has limitations
- Majority valuation requires exponential sized OR
bid - Any allocation of m/2 or more of the items has
value 1 - Any smaller allocation has value 0
- No non-zero atomic bid in the OR bid can have
less than m/2 items - Otherwise we could accept this set and violate
majority valuation - So we must have every nCn/2 possible subset of
size n/2
- Wide variety of formalisms for representing
preferences - Several dimensions along which to analyse them
- Completeness
- Succinctness
- Complexity of reasoning