Title: Can Lutein Benefit Your Vision and Eye Health
1Can Lutein Benefit Your Vision and Eye Health?
2Your eyes need a variety of nutrients for optimal
health. One of the key nutrients for eye health
is lutein, a carotenoid with anti-inflammatory
3Lutein is part of the carotenoid family of
antioxidants. Carotenoids are a type of
phytonutrient, or plant chemical, found in the
cells of many types of plants.
4Whats known about the eye health benefits of
Suppress Inflammation
5Whats known about the eye health benefits of
Defend Against Free Radicals and Oxidative Stress
Enhance the Sharpness of Your Vision
Improve Your Visual Contrast Sensitivity
6Whats known about the eye health benefits of
Reduce Glare Impairment
Protect Eye Tissue From Sunlight Damage
Reduce Cell Loss and Death Related to Eye Disease
7Whats known about the eye health benefits of
Protect Your Eyes From Harmful Blue Light
Convert Light Signals into Electrical Signals in
Your Retina
Protect Against Nearsightedness
Protect Pre-term Infants Against the Effects of
Retinopathy of Prematurity
8Talk to to us about the dose of lutein thats
right for you.
1- 646-991-6687
2020 86th St. Suite 101 Brooklyn, NY, USA - 11214
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