Title: Arindam K. Das
- Arindam K. Das
- CIA Lab
- University of Washington
- Seattle, WA
- with
- Robert J. Marks II M.A. El-Sharkawi (UW CIA)
- Payman Arabshahi Andrew Gray (JPL/NASA)
3Problem Statement
For a designated host and a broadcast
application, find the connection tree which
requires minimum overall transmission power.
4Example Minimum Power Broadcast
Broadcast tree A ? B, C ? D
5Assumptions (1)
- We assume that there is a fixed source node which
wants to communicate with all the other nodes in
the wireless network (broadcast). - All nodes have omni-directional antennas.
- Power is expended for signal transmission only.
No power expenditure for signal reception or
6Assumptions (2)
- The transmitter power is modeled as the ? power
of its distance from the receiver (2 ? ? ? 4).
7Proposed Approach
- We propose a GA based approach for solving the
minimum power broadcast problem. - Key question Encoding of chromosomes
8Some Definitions
- Power matrix, P The (i,j)th element of the
power matrix is defined as - where rij is the Euclidean distance between nodes
i and j.
Pij rij?
- Cut vector, ?P The cut vector, referenced to P,
is an N-element integer vector. It indicates the
location of an element on each row of the power
?P 7 2 3 4 3 5 6
10Some Definitions
- Threshold vector, t An N-element vector of the
elements of P specified by the cut vector.
Represents power settings of the individual
nodes. - Cost of a cut, c(?P) Sum of the elements of the
threshold vector.
t 8 0 0 0 2 0 0
12Some Definitions
- Transfer matrix, H The transfer matrix is
computed by thresholding the power matrix as
- Viability of a cut vector A cut is viable if it
allows all destination nodes to be reached.
Otherwise, it is non-viable. A viable cut vector
has an associated connection tree.
14Solution Approach As Implemented
- GA based
- Chromosome encoding cut vectors, ?P.
- Crossover random 1-point crossover, subject to
a certain crossover probability. - Parent selection roulette wheel
- Fitness function c(?P)
- Mutation none
- Elitism yes
15Viability of the Children
- Randomly generated cut vectors need not be viable
? the children created after crossover and
mutation need not correspond to viable connection
trees. - Use the Viability Lemma to determine the
viability of a child. - - If viable, accept it.
- - If not, reject it, or, apply a repair operator.
16Viability of the ChildrenA Repair Strategy
- Suppose a node (say n) is not reached by a cut.
- Identify the node closest to n (say m).
- Augment the power level of m so that node n is
reached and modify the mth element of the cut
17Viability Lemma (1)
k iteration index ? N-element binary node
coverage vector
- Nodes which are reached are tagged by a 1 in
the coverage vector. Nodes not reached are tagged
by a 0.
18Viability Lemma (2)
- Initialize ?(0) 0 0 .. 1.. 0 0.
- All elements, except that corresponding to the
source, are set to 0. - ? ? logical product of two matrices
(multiplications replaced by ANDs and additions
replaced by ORs). - Apply the iteration
?(k1) HT ? ?(k)
19Viability Lemma (3)
- Necessary and sufficient condition for a cut to
be viable (assuming broadcast application) -
- The iteration process terminates if
20Generating the Initial Gene Pool
- The initial gene pool is generated using an
iterative, random node selection method (the
Stochastic Tree Generation algorithm). - Rules
- First transmission must be from source.
- A node can transmit only once.
- A transmitting node, in general, can opt to be a
leaf, if choosing so does not render the tree
21Generating the Initial Gene PoolExample
- Iteration 1
- Assume node 1 is the source.
- Randomly chosen destination node 3
22Generating the Initial Gene PoolExample
- Iteration 2
- Assume 1 ? 3 also reaches node 4.
- Randomly chosen transmitting node 3
- Randomly chosen destination node 3
23Generating the Initial Gene PoolExample
- Iteration 3
- Assume 4 ? 6 also reaches node 5.
- Randomly chosen transmitting node 4
- Randomly chosen destination node 6
24Generating the Initial Gene PoolExample
- Converting the transmission sequence to a cut
vector, ?P.
1 2 3 4 5 6
3 2 3 6 5 6
1 ? 3 3 ? 3 4 ? 6
25Simulation Results
- Simulations on 50 randomly generated 25-node and
50-node networks show an improvement of
approximately 10 and 13 over the solutions
generated using the Broadcast Incremental Power
algorithm proposed by Wieselthier et al. - Simulations were conducted using 100 chromosomes
and 50 evolutions.
- Discussed a GA based search method for solving
the minimum power broadcast problem in wireless
networks. - Discussed the Stochastic Tree Generation
algorithm for generating the initial population.
Solutions from other heuristics can be included
in the initial population. - Discussed the computationally simple Viability
Lemma for determining the viability of the