Title: Linac Coherent Light Source Update
1Office of Basic Energy Sciences Office of
Science, U.S. Department of Energy
Linac Coherent Light Source Update
Eric A. Rohlfing BESAC Meeting February 26, 2001
2Scientific Case for the LCLS
- LCLS The First Experiments
- Scientific case directly tied to decision on
proceeding with LCLS construction (Critical
Decision 0 - Conceptual Design) - Aimed at defining (in some detail) the first
classes of experiments that would be mounted on
the LCLS - Basis for experimental requirements for the LCLS
CDR - Assembled through the LCLS Scientific Advisory
- Reviews
- Presented to and discussed by BESAC in October
- Unanimous vote to recommend that BES approve CD0,
contingent upon positive external peer review - External peer review completed in November - 13
reviews (out of 20 contacted)
3Reviewers Comments
- General
- Very similar to BESAC comments and generally
positive - Several reviewers noted significant improvement
over earlier efforts - Tendency for reviewers to favor science outside
their area of expertise -
- Specific Areas
- (1) Atomic Physics
- Agreed that these studies are basis for
understanding intense x-ray-matter interactions - Criticized for not being innovative concern
about lack of impact on field - Concern over interpretation of nonlinear
processes with spiked temporal structure (lack of
longitudinal coherence) in LCLS pulses
4Reviewers Comments
- Specific Areas
- (2) Plasma and Warm Dense Matter
- Clear niche role for LCLS, particularly as a
pump source to create WDM - Concern over broader impact and relevancy to
BES, but noted clear relevancy to DOE Defense
(3) Structural Studies on Single Particles and
Biomolecules Most positive set of comments
clearly at forefront of field with huge potential
impact But, some skepticism, not concerning
damage model, but whether there would be
sufficient signal-to-background to extract
molecular structure information
5Reviewers Comments
- Specific Areas
- (4) Femtochemistry
- Weakest set of reviews from those most directly
associated with ultrafast dynamics (stronger from
those outside) - Concerns with synchronization between laser pump
and LCLS probe - Clear need for shorter pulses in order to have
real impact in dynamics, particularly in the gas
(5) Studies of Nanoscale Dynamics in Condensed
Matter Physics Few review comments (little thin
on reviewers) Not clear that LCLS parameters are
ideally suited to experiments damage
calculations for XPCS look marginal
6Reviewers Comments
- Specific Areas
- (6) X-ray Laser Physics
- Few comments (again a bit thin on reviewers)
- Strongly endorsed attempts to shorten LCLS pulse
based on scientific needs, particularly for
7Path Forward
- BES has delayed approval of CD0
- Strong support for the LCLS project, but.
- Scientific case and level of community support
not yet sufficient
- BES Workshop on Scientific Applications of
Ultrafast, Intense, Coherent X-Rays - Organizers Eric Rohlfing and Pedro Montano, BES
- Focus scientific applications of source with
LCLS specifications with emphasis on ultrafast
dynamics, nonlinear optics, x-ray imaging - Participants 20-25 scientists LCLS veterans
with newcomers - Logistics May 4-5, 2001 Wardman Park Marriott,
Washington, DC - Output report that complements and broadens
LCLS scientific case
8BES Vision for the LCLS
- LCLS is partly an accelerator/FEL RD project,
but it must also be..
- A stand-alone scientific user facility
- The LCLS is not a step along a predetermined
path toward a larger XFEL facility