Title: Electric Engine Control Dockmate system
1Boat Docking System www.dockmate.eu
2Dockmate - An Extra Pair of Hands on Board
- We specialize in providing wireless boat
docking system, a highly reliable product that
allows skippers to dock their ship single-handed.
3Dockmate System Layout
4Dockmate Procedure
- All boats with electronic engine control
can be equipped with our DOCKMATEsystem,
regardless the type or length of the yacht. -
- Our transmitter, preferably worn with a
neck strap, is completely waterproof and floats.
It has the size of an iPhone. In our most simple
configuration, the transmitter sends a coded
digital signal to the receiver which operates the
gears and horn. The system can be modularly
extended with bow thruster, stern thruster and
windlass.DOCKMATE also exists for ships with one
engine. -
- Operation is easy, accurate, safe and
reliable, and can be done from any location on
board. Our transmitter has a very simple, clear
layout. When the transmitter somehow slips out of
your hands, then immediately all systems drop to
neutral. - The DOCKMATE signal reaches up to 50
meters. It can also be used from the pier, but
this is strongly not recommended. Our receiver is
mounted behind the dashboard and measures about
22 by 22 cm. Each DOCKMATE system is unique and
will not be disturbed by any other DOCKMATE. The
installation time is a maximum of 1 working day,
including testing of the system.
5Contact Us
- DOCKMATE by PPA Electronics PPA bvba ,Albert
Geudensstraat 4, 2800 Mechelen, BELGIUM - Tel. 32 15 43 39 94Mobile 32 475 45 37
35Email info_at_dockmate.eu
98051 DD Hattem, NEDERLAND Tel. 31 (0)38 333 83
36E-mail info_at_yachtcontrol.nl
CONTACT MALTA, F-ICIENT Systems 8, Pulzier
StreetL-Ibrag, SWQ 2481, MALTA Tel.
79428911E-mail info_at_dockmate.com.mt
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