Title: University of Jordan Electrical Engineering Department Electric Drive
1University of Jordan Electrical Engineering
DepartmentElectric Drive
- Electrical Elevators
- Done By Mohammad Abed Ashour
- 0086628
2The Electrical Elevator
- a permanent lifting equipment
- serving two or more landing
- levels, including a car for
- transportation of passengers,
- goods, running al least partially
- between rigid guide rails.
3Basic Components
- Elevator Car.
- Hoistway.
- Machine/drive system.
- Safety system.
- Control system.
41. Elevator Car
- Elevator Car is the vehicle that travels between
the different elevator stops carrying passengers. - It is usually a heavy steel frame surrounding
a cage of metal and wood panels.
51.1 Standard car size
- To prevent overloading of the car by persons, the
available area of the car shall be limited and
related to the rated load of the elevator. The
following table shows the standard car sizes
related to the elevator rated loads.
6- of passengers rated load /75
- Where
- 75 represents the average weight
- of a person in Kg.
- The value obtained for the
- number of passengers shall be
- rounded to the nearest whole
- number.
7- Car Width (CW) The horizontal dimensions between
the inner surfaces of the car walls measured
parallel to the front entrance and at 1m above
the car floor. Car Height (CH) The inside
vertical distance between the entrance threshold
and the constructional roof of the car. Light
fittings and false ceilings are accommodated
within this dimension. Car Depth (CD) The
horizontal dimensions between the inner surfaces
of the car walls measured at right angles to the
car width and at 1m above the car floor.
81.2 Elevator Car Components
- Car Sling, a metal framework connected to the
means of suspension. - The elevator cabin.
- Mechanical accessories which are
- Car door and door operator.
- Guide shoes.
- Door Protective Device.
92. Hoistway
- Hoistway is the space enclosed by fireproof walls
and elevator doors for the travel of one or more
elevators, dumbwaiters or material lifts. It
includes the pit and terminates at the underside
of the overhead machinery space floor or grating
or at the underside of the roof where the
hoistway does not penetrate the roof. (Hoistway
is sometimes called "hatchway" or "hatch".)
10- A simple definition for
- the hoistway is the shaft
- that encompasses the
- elevator car.
11- Note Generally the Hoistway serving all floors
of the building but in high-rise buildings
hoistways may be banked with specific hoistways
serving only the lower floors and others serving
only middle or upper floors while traveling in a
blind hoistway until reaching the floors that it
serves. A blind hoistway has no doors on the
floors that it does not serve.
122.1 Hoistway components
- Guide rails for both the car counterweight.
- Counterweight.
- Suspension (Hoisting) Ropes (Cables).
- Landing (Hoistway) doors.
- Buffers in the pit.
132.1.1 Guide Rails
142.1.2 Counterweight
- Counterweight is a
- tracked weight that is
- suspended from cables
- and moves within its
- own set of guide rails
- along the hoistway
- walls.
15- The elevator car is balanced by a heavy
counterweight that weighs roughly the same amount
as the car when it's loaded half-full. - When the elevator goes up, the counterweight goes
down and vice-versa .
16Benefits of counterweight
- Balancing the mass of the complete car and a
portion of rated load, and it will be equal to
the dead weight of the car plus about 40 of the
rated load. - Reducing the necessary consumed power for moving
the elevator.
17- By using counterweight, the motor needs to use
much less force to move the car either up or
down. Assuming the car and its contents weigh
more than the counterweight, all the motor has to
lift is the difference in weight between the two
and supply a bit of extra force to overcome
friction in the pulleys and so on.
18- Since less force is involved, there's less strain
on the cables which makes the elevator a little
bit safer. - If the motor is using less force to move the car
the same distance, it's doing less work against
the force of gravity so the counterweight reduces
the amount of energy the motor needs to use.
19- The counterweight reduces the amount of braking
the elevator needs to use so it makes it much
easier to control the elevator car. - Imagine if there were no counterweight
a heavily loaded elevator car would be
really hard to pull upwards but, on the return
journey, would tend to race to the ground all by
itself if there weren't some sort of sturdy brake
to stop it.
20- In a different design, known as a duplex
counterweight-less elevator, two cars are
connected to opposite ends of the same cable and
effectively balance each other, doing away with
the need for a counterweight.
21Counterweight components
222.1.3 Suspension (Hoisting) Ropes (Cables)
23- Suspension Ropes are Suspension means for car and
counterweight, which are represented by steel
wire ropes. - They are used on traction type elevators, usually
attached to the crosshead and extending up into
the machine room looping over the sheave on the
motor and then down to the counter weights.
24- The term Roping system can be defined as the
arrangement of cables supporting the elevator and
which has many types or arrangements as follows - Single wrap rope passes over sheave once and
connected to counterweight. - Double wrap rope wound over sheave twice in high
speed elevators for additional traction.
25- 11 roping when rope connected to counterweight
where cable travels as far as car in opposite
direction. - 21 roping rope wraps sheave on counterweight
and connects to top of the shaft, rope moves
twice as far as cab.
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272.1.4 Landing (Hoistway) Doors
- The door that is seen from each floor of a
building is referred to as the outer or hoistway
door. - This hoistway door is a part of the building
(each landing). - It is important to realize that the car door does
all the work the hoistway door is a dependent.
These doors can be opened or closed by electric
motors, or manually for emergency incidents.
28- Safety devices are located at each landing to
prevent inadvertent hoistway door openings and to
prevent an elevator car from moving unless a door
is in a locked position. -
- The difference between the car doors and the
hoistway doors is that the elevator car door
travels through the hoistway with the car but the
hoistway doors are fixed doors in each landing
292.1.5 Buffers in the pit
- A Buffer is a device designed to stop a
descending car or counterweight beyond its normal
limit and to soften the force with which the
elevator runs into the pit during an emergency.
They may be of polyurethane or oil type in
respect of the rated speed.
30- There are two principal types of buffers in
existence - Energy accumulation accumulate the kinetic
energy of the car or counterweight. - Energy dissipation dissipate the kinetic energy
of the car or counterweight.
31The main types of elevator buffers
32- A Spring Buffer is one type of buffer most
commonly found on hydraulic elevators or used for
elevators with speeds less than 200 feet per
minute. These devices are used to cushion the
elevator and are most always located in the
elevator pit.
33- An Oil Buffer is another type of buffer more
commonly found on traction elevators with speeds
higher than 200 feet per minute. - This type of buffer uses a combination of oil and
springs to cushion a descending car or
counterweight and are most commonly located in
the elevator pit, because of their location in
the pit buffers have a tendency to be exposed to
water and flooding. -
34- They require routine cleaning and painting to
assure they maintain their proper performance
specifications. Oil buffers also need there oil
checked and changed if exposed to flooding
353. Elevator Machine and Drive System
- Driving machine is the power unit of the
elevator, and usually located at the elevator
machine room. - The Driving machine used to refer to the
collection of components that raise or lower the
elevator. - These include the drive motor, brake, speed
reduction unit, sheaves and encoders.
363.1 Types of Driving Machines
- 1- Gearless Machine
- 2- Geared Machine
- 3- Drum Machine
- Look at the figures
37 38 39 403.1.1 Gearless Machine
- It used in high rise applications whereby the
drive motor and drive sheave are connected in
line on a common shaft, without any mechanical
speed reduction unit located between the drive
motor and drive sheave. - Their sizes and shapes vary with load, speed and
manufacture but the underlying principles and
components are the same.
41- Generally, Gearless machines are used for high
speed lifts between (2.5 m/s) to (10 m/s) and
they can be also used for lower speeds for
special applications.
42Gearless Machines Components
- Electrical Motor.
- Traction Sheave or drum.
- Direct current armature in case of DC motor.
- Rotor in case of AC motor.
- Brake.
- Machine Bedplate.
- Supporting bearings.
- Deflector or double warp sheave.
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443.1.2 Geared Machine
- It used in low and mid rise applications. This
design utilizes a mechanical speed reduction gear
set to reduce the rpm of the drive motor (input
speed) to suit the required speed of the drive
sheave and elevator (output speed). - Their sizes and shapes vary with load, speed and
manufacture but the underlying principles and
components are the same.
45- Generally, geared machines are used for speeds
between (0.1 m/s) and (2.5 m/s) and are suitable
for loads from (5 Kg) up to (50,000 Kg) and
46Geared Machines Components
- Drive motor.
- Brake.
- Speed reduction unit or gearbox.
- Drive sheave.
- Bedplate.
- Deflector sheave (if mounted as integral part of
the bedplate assembly).
47(No Transcript)
48Types of geared machine drive according to
location of installation
- 1-Overhead traction The drive machine located
directly over top its hoistway or shaft.
49- 2-Basement traction
- The drive machine
- located at a basement.
50- 3-Offset traction
- The drive machine
- located at the side of
- the hoistway.
51- Note
- Basement and offset applications require
additional deflector sheaves to properly lead
suspension ropes off the drive sheave and to the
car top or counterweight.
523.1.3 Drum Machine
- It widely used in older passenger and freight
elevator applications, though now rarely seen
except for dumbwaiters. - A drum design has one end of the suspension rope
affixed to the inside of the winding drums drive
sheave, and then allows to rope to reel in or off
the outer surface of its sheave, depending upon
the car direction of travel.
533.2 Main Components of machine drive system
- 1- Electrical Motor
- 2- Traction (Drive) Sheave
- 3- Secondary Sheave
- 4- Deflector Sheave
- 5- Brake
- 6- Speed reduction unit or gearbox
- 7- Machine Bedplate
543.2.1 Electrical Motor
- Electrical Motor is used to raise and lower the
elevator cab, the direction of motor rotation and
speed (rpm) are directed and supervised by
devices located within the elevator controller. - The motor component of the elevator machine can
be either a DC motor or an AC motor .
55A) DC Motor
- DC motors use carbon brushes to control or
regulate the operational speed of its motor. - It is an important maintenance task to
regularly inspect, repair and replace these
brushes. - Failure to do so in a timely fashion can result
in equipment mis-operation and lead to
significant motor damage.
56- Advantages of using DC motors
- Has a good starting torque.
- Ease of speed control using a DC generator with a
variable output or static converters.
57B) AC Motor
- Advantages of using AC motors
- More regularly used because of its ruggedness and
simplicity. - More ride quality.
58Types of Electrical Traction Drive Systems
- A- Geared traction control, which includes
- Single speed AC motor.
- Two speed AC motor.
- Variable voltage AC motor (VVAC).
- Variable voltage, variable frequency AC motor
(VVVFAC). - Variable voltage DC motor(VVDC).
59- B- Gearless traction drives, which include
- Variable voltage DC motor (VVDC).
- Variable voltage, variable frequency AC
603.2.2 Traction (Drive) Sheave
- The powered pulley connected to either the
elevator drive motors output shaft (gearless) or
to the output side of the mechanical speed
reduction unit (geared). - The circumference of the sheave has a series
of U or V shaped grooves cut into it , in
which sit the elevator suspension or hoist ropes. - The friction loads created as the suspension
ropes pass over the grooved surface of the sheave
causes motion to be transmitted from the drive
motor to the elevator cab or counterweight.
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623.2.3 Secondary Sheave
- Pulley that is normally used on gearless
elevators and is located directly beneath the
machine or drive sheave. - It has a grooved surface over which pass the
suspension or hoist ropes.
633.2.4 Deflector Sheave
- Pulley used to offset or direct the vertical drop
or location of the steel hoist ropes running
between the elevator car and its counterweight. - Where the horizontal distance between the hitch
point for the car and the counterweight is larger
than the diameter of the drive sheave, one or
more deflector sheaves are used to guide the
hoist ropes.
64- These devices are grooved sheaves that lead
elevator suspension ropes off the drive sheave
down to the car top and counterweight. - The number and size of deflector sheaves will be
a function of the elevators size, machine
placement and roping arrangement.
65 Drive Sheave without
Deflector Sheave
- Drive Sheave with
- Deflector Sheave
663.2.5 Brake
- Traction and drum machines are provided with a
mechanical brake, designed to stop and safely
hold an elevator. - A centrifugal force governor is provided on most
elevators to guard against over speeding (when a
car travels in excess of 20 of top speed, the
governor will activate a safety stop device). - Safeties are installed at the bottom of an
elevator car and occasionally on counterweights
to provide positive emergency stopping when
activated by the governor.
67- During typical operation, this
- brake is electrically lifted or
- picked against adjustable
- tensioned springs.
- In the event electrical power is
- removed from the brake, these springs ensure it
immediately drops back against its drum or disk,
bringing the car to a safe stop. - While applied, the brake will securely hold in
place the elevator and its counterweight.
68- Some older elevators have a control design
whereby the brake is used to decelerate the car
from full speed to a stop. - Modern elevator controls use electrical circuitry
to slow and stop the car under normal operation. - Once the car has stopped, the brake is released
to hold the car in position.
69- However, in the event an elevators safety
circuit is actuated, the brake is immediately
applied to stop and hold the car and its
counterweight, regardless of the type of control.
70Brake Components and Configurations
- The most common form of elevator brake consists
of a machined drum onto which two curved shoes or
pads drop onto the surface of the drum. - The brake drum or disk is directly coupled to the
elevator drive shaft. On some machines, the brake
is an external element whereby the brake arms and
their shoes are located outside and above the
rotating drum surface as shown
71(No Transcript)
72- There is one type of gearless machine that has
its two brake arms applying force against an
inside or interior rim on the drive sheave as
733.2.6 Speed reduction unit or gearbox
- The most common type of speed reduction unit
consists of a hardened steel worm shaft, mated
with a bronze ring or crown gear (worm-gear set). - The mating surfaces of these two elements are
contained within an oil bath for lubrication. - Regular access to the machine to check the level
of oil, as well as the condition of the oil and
the ring gear is an important aspect of ongoing
equipment maintenance.
743.2.7 Machine Bedplate
- The gear box, motor and brake may be assembled on
a common bedplate. This fabricated steel
structure serves to keep all parts in accurate
alignment and allows one-piece shipment. - Some machines have the motor and brake as an
integral part of the gear case, removing the need
for a separate bedplate.
754. Safety system
- Safety system components
- 1- Device for locking landing doors (Hoistway
Door Interlock). - 2- Progressive safety gear.
- 3- Overspeed governor.
- 4- Buffers.
- 5- Final Limit switches.
- 6- Other safety devices and switches.
764.1 Device for locking landing doors (Hoistway
Door Interlock).
- Device for locking landing doors
Hoistway Door Interlock
77- It shall not be possible in normal operation to
open the landing door (or any of the panels in
the case of a multi-panel door) unless the car
has stopped, or is on the point of stopping, in
the unlocking zone of the door. - The unlocking zone shall not extend more than 0.2
meter above and below the landing level. - The hoistway door locking mechanism provides a
means to mechanically lock each hoistway door and
the elevator cannot leave a landing unless the
doors are fully closed and secured.
78- They are also interconnected electrically to
prevent operation of the elevator if any of the
elevators hoistway doors are open. Should the
doors be forced open, the interlock circuit will
be broken, causing the elevator to immediately
stop. - Each landing door shall be provided with a
locking device satisfying the previous
conditions. This device shall be protected
against deliberate misuse. -
- Landing doors shall be capable of being unlocked
from the outside with the aid of key , which fit
the unlocking triangle (Hoistway Emergency Door
79- Hoistway Emergency Door Keys permit the unlocking
of the hoistway door interlock.
804.2 Progressive safety gear
- Safety gear is a mechanical device for stopping
the car (or counterweight) by gripping the guide
rails in the event of car speed attaining a
pre-determined value in a downward direction of
travel, irrespective what the reason for the
increase in speed may be. -
81- Progressive safety gear retardation is affected
by a breaking action on the guide rails and for
which special provisions are made so as to limit
the forces on the car, counterweight o balancing
weight to a permissible value. - Pair of safety gears is mounted in the lower part
of car sling and operated simultaneously by a
linkage mechanism that actuated by overspeed
82Safety Mechanism
- The progressive safety
- gear and the braking
- device are activated by
- means of a linkage with
- a shearing mechanism as
- shown beside.
83Operation of Safety Mechanism
- Dependent on the direction the safety lever is
pulled upwards or downwards the movement of the
lever is transmitted to the shearing mechanism by
means of a rocker. - The grip wedges of progressive safety gear or
braking device which are linked with the
safety-gear levers are released from their rest
position between rail and jaw body which is
maintained by a spring assembly. - The safety-gear lever assembly which is arranged
in the form of a shearing mechanism ensures that
the progressive safety gears and/or braking
device are activated simultaneously and in
- The progressive safety gear and the braking
device are reset by moving the car opposite to
direction of safety gear operation. - (Move car in electric recall mode, or if
necessary, by releasing the car from the engaged
85Safety switch
- Safety switch is mounted on the bottom transom on
the side of the safety-gear. - The switch is operated by the movement of the
safety-gear lever up or down according to
actuation direction if the car travels at over
speed. - The switch interrupts the safety circuit causing
machine drive power off.
864.3 Over Speed Governor
87- Over speed governor function is to actuate the
safety gear if the car speed exceeds 115 of its
rated value. - Usually a cable is attached to the safeties on
the underside of the car, called the governor
rope. This rope runs down through a pulley at the
bottom of the shaft and back up to the machine
room and around the governor sheave. - When over-speeding is detected, the governor
grips the cable which applies the safeties that
wedge against the guide rails and stops the car.
88- The over speed governor works on the floating
principle with a cam curve and roller guided
rocker. - It is situated either in the machine room or in
the head room. - Over speed governor is provided by a factory
adjusted switch activated when the tripped speed
is reached to disconnect the machine drive
starting with governor pulley blocking.
894.4 Buffers
- A Buffer is a device designed to stop a
descending car or counterweight beyond its normal
limit and to soften the force with which the
elevator runs into the pit during an emergency. - They may be of polyurethane or oil type in
respect of the rated speed.
90- There are two principal types of buffers in
existence A- Energy accumulation accumulate
the kinetic energy of the car or
counterweight. B- Energy dissipation dissipate
the kinetic energy of the car or counterweight. - Polyurethane buffers which are energy
accumulation type with non-linear characteristics
are used for lifts that have rated speed not more
than 1 m/sec.
91- The main types of elevator buffers are
- look at slides (30,31,32) to get more details.
924.5 Final Limit Switches
- Final limit switches shall be set to function as
close as possible to the terminal floors (the
highest or lowest landing of lifts), without risk
of accident. - Final limit switches shall operate before the car
comes into contact with the buffers. The action
of the final limit switches shall be maintained
whilst the buffers are compressed. - After the operation of final limit switches, the
return to service of the lift cannot occur
934.6 Other Safety Devices and Switches
- A- Overload Device.
- B- Door Protective Device such as
(photo-electric and infrared sensors, safety
edges). - C- Emergency Stop Switch.
- D- Emergency Alarm Switch.
- E- Anti-Egress Lock Device.
94(No Transcript)
955. Elevator Control System
- Elevator Control System is the system responsible
for coordinating all aspects of elevator service
such as travel, speed, and accelerating,
decelerating, door opening speed and delay,
leveling and hall lantern signals. - It accepts inputs like (button signals) and
produces outputs like (elevator cars moving,
doors opening, etc.).
965.1 Aims of the control system
- To bring the lift car to the correct floor.
- To minimize travel time.
- To maximize passenger comfort by providing a
smooth ride. - To accelerate, decelerate and travel within safe
speed limits.
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985.2 Types of elevator control systems
- 1- Single Automatic operation
- First automated system w/o single call button on
each floor and single button for each floor
inside car. - Called if no one is using it.
- Passenger has exclusive use of the car until rip
is complete.
99- 2- Selective collective operation
- Most common, remembers and answers calls in one
direction then reverses. When trip complete,
programmed to return to a home landing. - 3- Group automatic operation
- For large buildings with many elevators which are
controlled with programmable microprocessors to
1005.3 Elevator control system components
- 1. Inputs (sensors, buttons, system controls).
- 2. Outputs (actuators, bells, displays).
- 3. Controllers such as
- a. (Relay based controller electromechanical
switching) - b. (Solid-state logic technology,
- c. PLC controller computer based technology).
1015.3.1.A Sensors
- A.1 Magnetic and/or photo electric
- These pick up signals regarding the location of
the car. This sensor is usually placed on the car
itself and reads the position by counting the
number of holes in the guide rail as they pass by
in the photo-electric sensor or in the case of
the magnetic sensor, the number of magnetic
pulses. -
102- A.2 Infrared
- This is used to detect
- people entering or
- leaving the elevator.
103- A.3 Weight sensor (Over Load Device)
- This is placed on the car to warn the control
system if the design load is exceeded. - A.4 PVT (primary velocity transducer)
- Velocity of the drive sheave is sensed with this
1045.3.1.B Buttons
1055.3.1.C System Controls
- They are used to turn the elevator system on and
off. - They are only accessible from an elevator control
room. - They would typically be used quite infrequently.
1065.3.2.A Actuators
- 5.3.2.A.1 Door Opening Device
- It opens the inner door of the elevator cab and
the outer door of the elevator shaft
simultaneously at each floor. - 5.3.2.A.2 Electric Motor
- The controller interacts with the elevator engine
by sending it a signal that specifies at which
speed and in what direction the engine should be
going in. - A stop signal is constructed by setting the speed
parameter of the signal to zero.
107- 5.3.2.A.3 Brake
- Brakes in elevator system are electromagnetic and
mechanical. - The electromagnetic brakes activate automatically
if there is sudden loss of power or when the car
is stationary. - The mechanical brakes at the sheave itself also
stop the car from moving when the car is inactive.
1085.3.2.B Bells
- 5.3.2.B.1 Emergency Bell
- It is used to alert people outside of the
elevator system when someone is trapped inside
the elevator cab. - 5.3.2.B.2 Load Bell
- It is used to alert the passengers inside the cab
that there is too much weight in it. - The controller interacts with the emergency bell
and the load bell by sending each one of them a
signal to ring.
1095.3.2.C Displays
1105.3.3 Controller
- It is a device which manages the visual
monitoring, interactive command control and
traffic analysis system to ensure the elevators
are functioning efficiently.
111What is the function of the elevator controller?
- It controls the speed of elevator engines.
- Processes elevator summons and floor requests
from passengers. - Controls the operation of the elevator doors of a
cab through communication with door opening
1125.3.3.1 Relay Based Controller (Electromechanical
- A simple elevator with few
- stops and manual door
- operation can be served
- well by a relay controller.
1135.3.3.2 Solid State Logic Technology
- It includes both discreet
- transistors circuits and
- integrated circuit boards.
- It gives improved reliability,
- lower power consumption
- and easy fault diagnosis than
- electromagnetic relay technology.
1145.3.3.3 PLC Controller (Computer Based Technology)
- Elevator concepts utilizes a
- special type of industrial
- computer called a (PLC) or a
- Programmable Logic Controller
- to control the logic of more
- complex jobs.
- They are very dependable, compact and simple
- to troubleshoot.
1155.4 Elevator Control System Sequence Diagrams
- The elevator control system may be viewed either
from - The point of view of an individual user.
- or as
- A system being acted on by many users.
1165.4.1 The Point of View of an Individual User
1175.4.2 A System Being Acted On By Many Users