Ind AS-40

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Ind AS-40


Ind AS-40 INVESTMENT PROPERTY by CA. D.S. Rawat Partner, Bansal & Co. Introduction A real estate property that has been purchased with the intention of earning a ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Ind AS-40

  • Ind AS-40
  • by
  • CA. D.S. Rawat
  • Partner, Bansal Co.

  • A real estate property that has been purchased
    with the intention of earning a return on the
    investment (purchase) either through rent
    (income), the future resale of the property or
    both. An investment property is like any other
    investment, the goal is to generate a profit.
  • The way in which a property is used has a
    significant impact on its value. Investors
    sometimes conduct studies to determine the best
    and most profitable use of a property. This is
    often referred to as its highest and best use.

What is investment property
  • Investment Property is property (land or building
    or part of a building or both) held to earn
    rentals or for capital appreciation or both.
  • Rather than for -
  • Use in the production or supply
  • Sale in the ordinary course of business

  • The Standard applies to the measurement in a
    lessees financial statements of investment
    property held under a finance lease and to the
    measurement in the lessors financial statements
    of investment property leased out under an
    operating lease.
  • However this Standard does not apply to
  • the matter covered in Ind AS-17, Leases.
  • biological assets related to agricultural
    activity (Ind AS-41) or,
  • mineral rights and mineral reserves such as oil,
    natural gas and similar non-regenerative

Classification of Property
  • Investment property - Land or building, or part
    of a building, or both, held by the owner or the
    lessee under a finance lease to earn rentals
    and/or for capital appreciation, rather than for
  • use in production or supply of goods and services
  • use in administrative purposes or
  • sale in the ordinary course of business.

OwnerOccupied Property
  • Held (by the owner or by the lessee under finance
    lease) for use in the production or supply of
    goods or services or for administrative purposes.
  • One of the distinguishing characteristics of
    investment property (compared to owner-occupied
    property) is that it generates cash flows that
    are largely independent from other assets held by
    an entity. Owner-occupied property is accounted
    for under Ind AS-16, Property, Plant, and

Examples of Investment Properties
  • Land held for long-term capital appreciation
    rather than for short-term sale in the ordinary
    course of business.
  • Land held for a currently undetermined future
  • A building owned by the entity (or held by the
    entity under a finance lease) and leased out
    under one or more operating leases.
  • A building that is vacant but is held to be
    leased out under one or more operating leases.
  • Property that is being constructed or developed
    for future use as investment property.

Examples of Not the Investment Properties
  • Property intended for sale in the ordinary course
    of business or in the process of construction or
    development for such sale (Ind AS-2,
  • owner-occupied property ( Ind AS-16), including
    (among other things) property held for future use
    as owner-occupied property, property held for
    future development and subsequent use as
    owner-occupied property, property occupied by
    employees (whether or not the employees pay rent
    at market rates) and owner-occupied property
    awaiting disposal.
  • Property that is leased to another entity under a
    finance lease.

  • X Ltd. and its subsidiaries have provided you,
    their Ind AS specialist, with a list of the
    properties they own
  • (a) Land held by X Ltd. for undetermined future
  • (b) A vacant building owned by X Ltd. and to be
    leased out under an operating lease
  • (c) Property held by a subsidiary of X Ltd, a
    real estate firm, in the ordinary course of its
  • (d) Property held by X Ltd. for the use in
  • (e) A hotel owned by Z Ltd., a subsidiary of X
    Ltd, and for which Z Ltd provides security
    services for its guests belongings
  •  Advise X Ltd. and its subsidiaries as to which
    of the above-mentioned properties would qualify
    under Ind AS-40 as investment properties. If they
    do not qualify thus, how should they be treated
    under Ind AS?

  • Properties described under items (a), (b), and
    (e) would qualify as investment properties under
    Ind AS- 40. With respect to item (e), it is to be
    noted that Ind AS- 40 requires that when the
    ancillary services are provided by the entity and
    they are considered relatively insignificant
    component of the arrangement, then the property
    is considered an investment property. These
    properties qualify as investment properties
    because they are being held for rental or for
    capital appreciation as opposed to actively
    managed properties that are used in the
    production of goods.
  • Property described in item (c) is to be treated
    as inventory under Ind AS- 2. Property
    described in item (d) is treated as a Property,
    Plant and Equipment under Ind AS-16.

  • Investment property shall be recognized as an
    asset when and only when
  • It is probable that future economic benefits will
    flow to the entity and
  • The cost of the investment property can be
    measured reliably.

Initial Measurement
  • An investment property shall be measured
    initially at its cost, including transaction
  • However, property held under a finance lease
    shall be measured initially using the principles
    contained in Ind AS-17, Leases - at the lower of
    the fair value and the present value of the
    minimum lease payments. A key matter here is that
    the item accounted for at fair value is not the
    property itself but the lease interest.

Cost of Purchased Investment Property
  • It comprises its purchase price and any directly
    attributable expenditure. Directly attributable
    expenditure includes, for example, professional
    fees for legal services, property transfer taxes
    and other transaction costs.
  • However cost of an investment property does not
  • Start-up costs
  • Operating losses incurred before the investment
    property achieves the planned level of occupancy,
  • Abnormal amounts of wasted material, labour or
    other resources incurred in constructing or
    developing the property
  • Interest cost in case of deferred payment

Measurement after Recognition
  • An entity shall also measure subsequently after
    initial recognition all its investment property
    at cost.
  • This Standard requires all entities to measure
    the fair value of investment property, for the
    purpose of disclosure even though they are
    required to follow the cost model. An entity is
    encouraged, but not required, to measure the fair
    value of investment property on the basis of a
    valuation by an independent valuer who holds a
    recognised and relevant professional
    qualification and has recent experience in the
    location and category of the investment property
    being valued.

  • Transfers to, or from, investment property shall
    be made when, and only when, there is a change in
    use, evidenced by
  • commencement of owner-occupation, for a transfer
    from investment property to owner-occupied
  • commencement of development with a view to sale,
    for a transfer from investment property to
  • end of owner-occupation, for a transfer from
    owner-occupied property to investment property
  • Commencement of an operating lease to another
    party, for a transfer from inventories to
    investment property.
  • Transfers between investment property,
    owner-occupied property and inventories do not
    change the carrying amount of the property
    transferred and they do not change the cost of
    that property for measurement or disclosure

  • An investment property shall be derecognized on
    disposal or at the time that no benefit is
    expected from future use or disposal. Any gain or
    loss is determined as the difference between the
    net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount and
    is recognized in the income statement.

  • Classification criteria (to distinguish
    owner-occupied investment property, property held
    for sale in situations where classification is
  • Methods and assumptions used to determine fair
  • Extent of involvement of independent used to
    determine fair value
  • Extent of involvement of independent,
    professional and recently experienced valuers in
    the determination of fair value (whether used as
    measurement basis or disclosed)
  • Amounts included in profit or losses for
  • Rental income
  • Direct operating expenses from rented property
  • Direct operating expenses from non-rented
  • Restrictions on realisibility or property or
    remittance of income/disposal proceeds

  • YOU
  • Partner, BANSAL Co.
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