Title: Semester in review
1Semester in review
2The Final
- May 7, 630pm 945 pm
- Closed book, ONE PAGE OF NOTES
- Cumulative
- Similar format to midterm (probably about 25
longer) - Ill also ask you to fill out a peer rating for
your project group and additional course feedback
for me.
3Course ReCap
- To make you notice interfaces, good and bad
- Youll never look at doors the same way again
- To help you realize no one gets an interface
right on the first try - Yes, even the experts
- Design is HARD
- To teach you tools and techniques to help you
iteratively improve your designs - Because you can eventually get it right
4Recall midterm exam topics
- Requirements
- What are they?
- Data gathering techniques when and why?
- User and stakeholder characteristics
- Scenarios and personas
- Task analysis
- Other methods for describing tasks
5Recall Human abilities
Memory, cognition, learning, problem solving
- Bad
- Limited capacity STM
- Limited duration STM
- Unreliable access to LTM
- Error-prone processing
- Slow processing
- Good
- Infinite capacity LTM
- LTM duration complexity
- High-learning capability
- Powerful attention mechanism
- Powerful pattern recognition
6Recall design and prototyping
- Design
- General purpose and process
- Normans principles (affordance, mapping,
conceptual model, etc.) - Execution-evaluation cycle
- Errors mistakes and slips
- Visual design basic principles and lessons
- Prototyping
- Fidelity, horizontal vs. vertical
- Various methods
7Recall Interaction
- Command line
- Direction manipulation
- Pen mobile
- Speech natural language
- Issues, advantages, disadvantages, etc.
8Since midterm topics
- Design continued
- Web design what are general characteristics of
web, and how does that affect design? - General usability principles (learnability,
flexibility, robustness) - Know what all 15 mean, be able to remember
several off the top of your head
9More new topics evaluation
- Evaluation
- Characteristics of evaluation techniques
- Predictive Fitts, KSLM
- No math needed, but be able to describe what
Fitts says, and be able to do a KSLM without
putting in numbers (2K 2B etc.) - What are techniques?
- When to use which techniques?
- Advice, guidelines for using techniques
10Evaluation techniques, cont.
- Observation
- Variations (think aloud, cooperative, etc.)
- Direct vs. indirect
- Experiments
- Dependent, independent, and controlled variables
- Within vs. between subjects
- General idea of how to do analysis
- Why used?
11Still more evaluation
- Interviews questionnaires
- Quantitative vs. qualitative questions
- Advice for good questions (avoid bias, be clear,
etc.) - Discount evaluation techniques
- Heuristic and cognitive walkthrough
- Similarities and differences
- Process for each
- You dont need to know all potential heuristics,
but remembering a few might be useful, do
remember what the 4 questions are for cognitive
12Special topics
- Groupware
- Time/space matrix
- The kinds of applications
- Challenges in building/evaluating
- Ubicomp
- What are examples?
- What are HCI challenges?
- Special topics high level understanding of one
of them (not your own) - Persuasive technologies
- Computer mediated communication
- Location-based computing
- Assistive technology