The Minor Prophets - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Minor Prophets


The Minor Prophets. The Minor ... Lamentation of the Jackal/ Ostrich known for the howling and screeching. Sounds of sorrow ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Minor Prophets

The Minor Prophets
The Minor Prophets
  • Obadiah 840-830 BC
  • Joel 830-750 BC
  • Jonah 780-740 BC
  • Hosea 765-725 BC
  • Amos 760 BC
  • Micah 740-700 BC
  • Nahum 640-620 BC
  • Zephaniah 640-609 BC
  • Habakkuk 608-605 BC
  • Haggai 520 BC
  • Zechariah 520-480 BC
  • Malachi 420-400 BC

  • Who is like Jehovah?
  • Word play in 718
  • Moresheth-Gath25 miles SW of Jerusalem in Judea
  • Probably a suburb of Gath (110, 14)
  • 17 miles away from Tekoa (Amos)
  • Agricultural area

  • Suffered from the hands of false prophets (26)
  • Contemporary with Isaiah, Amos and Hosea
  • Similarity between Isaiah 22-4 and Micah 41-3

Micah 41-3Isaiah 22-4
  • Mic 41 ESV It shall come to pass in the latter
    days that the mountain of the house of the LORD
    shall be established as the highest of the
    mountains, and it shall be lifted up above the
    hills and peoples shall flow to it,
  • Isa 22 ESV It shall come to pass in the latter
    days that the mountain of the house of the LORD
    shall be established as the highest of the
    mountains, and shall be lifted up above the
    hills and all the nations shall flow to it,

Micah 41-3Isaiah 22-4
  • Mic 42 ESV and many nations shall come, and
    say "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the
    LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob, that he
    may teach us his ways and that we may walk in his
    paths." For out of Zion shall go forth the law,
    and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.
  • Isa 23 ESV and many peoples shall come, and
    say "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the
    LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob, that he
    may teach us his ways and that we may walk in his
    paths." For out of Zion shall go the law, and the
    word of the LORD from Jerusalem.

Micah 41-3Isaiah 22-4
  • Mic 43 ESV He shall judge between many peoples,
    and shall decide for strong nations far away and
    they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and
    their spears into pruning hooks nation shall not
    lift up sword against nation, neither shall they
    learn war anymore
  • Isa 24 ESV He shall judge between the nations,
    and shall decide disputes for many peoples and
    they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and
    their spears into pruning hooks nation shall not
    lift up sword against nation, neither shall they
    learn war anymore.

  • Mic 11 ESV The word of the LORD that came to
    Micah of Moresheth in the days of Jotham, Ahaz,
    and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, which he saw
    concerning Samaria and Jerusalem.
  • King Jotham (750-731 BC), King Ahaz (736-715 BC),
    and King Hezekiah (715-686 BC)

  • Micahs prophecies took place over a period of
    almost 50 years.
  • "It is a series of messages called oracles given
    at different times, in different circumstances,
    in all probability spanning a considerable length
    of time. It is important to recognize this if we
    are going to make any sense out of what Micah is
    saying" (Stuart Briscoe).

  • A. Micah was a contemporary with Isaiah, Amos,
    and Hosea for at least for part of his ministry
  • B. Tiglath-pileser had conquered all of northern
    Syria by 740 (the date of Uzziahs death)
  • 1. He conquered the Aramean city-state of Hamath
  • 2. He forced all small kingdoms, including Israel
    under Menahem to pay tribute (2 Kings 1519f) and
    Judah under Azariah (Uzziah)
  • 3. He entered Palestine in 734 B.C., set up a
    base of operations at the River of Egypt. Many
    small states rebelled against him including
    Israel in the Syro-Ephraimite war (733 B.C.).

  • 4. Judah would not participate in the
    Syro-Ephraimite coalition. The coalition
    attempted to overthrow the Davidic dynasty to
    appoint a king who would join the coalition (2
    Kings 1537 165 Isa. 71)
  • 5. Isaiah exhorted Ahaz to trust in the Jehovah
    he refused and turned to Assyria (Isa. 7 2 Kings

  • 6. Tiglath-pileser invaded Israel and almost came
    to Judahs boarders (Isaiah 1529)
  • a. Israels king--Hosea paid tribute to
    Tiglath-pileser (732)
  • b. Tiglath-pileser died (727) and Hosea (who
    overtook Pikah in Israel) refused (in alliance
    with So of Egypt) to pay tribute to Shalmaneser V
    as he had to Tiglath-pileser (2 Kings 174).

  • C. Assyria (Shalmaneser or his successor Sargon
    II) moved against Israel and after a three year
    siege, took the capital of Samaria (721) and
    carried the people into captivity
  • D. Assyria expanded unto the northern boundary of
    Judah. Judah was also left alone when many of the
    city states of Palestine and Syria along with
    Egypt rebelled against Assyria and were put down
    in 720 B.C.
  • E. Judah (under Hezekiah) joined an uprising
    along with Egypt, Edom, and Moab against Assyria

  • F. Sargon (of Assyria) took Ashdod and Gath
    leaving Judah vulnerable
  • G. Sargon died in 705 leading to revolt by many
    including Judah under Hezekiah along with Babylon
    (2 Kings 2012-19 Isaiah. 391-4)
  • H. Sennacherib (of Assyria) retaliated in 701
    defeating Sidon, receiving tribute from Ashdod,
    Ammon, Moab, and Edom, subjugating Ashkelon and
    Ekron, and surrounding Hezekiah and forcing him
    to pay tribute (2 Kings 1813-16)
  • http//

Historical Setting
  • "The corrupt and idolatrous conditions reflected
    throughout the book may be related to the low ebb
    of morality and religious interest during the
    days of Ahaz" (Schultz, The Old Testament
    Speaks). "Socially and morally Judah presented a
    dark picture" at this time (Hailey). The wealthy
    coveted the land of the people around them (Micah
    21-2). They robbed the poor (Micah 28f).
    Corrupt business ethics were practiced (Micah
    611). There were numerous false prophets (Micah
    211) who prophesied for reward (Micah 311). The
    priests also taught for a price (Micah 311).
    Rulers and judges could be bribed (Micah 73).

Historical Setting
  • The people were religious, but it was an empty
  • "Religion had become a matter of form ceremonial
    observances were thought to meet all religious
    requirements. There was widespread
    misapprehension that as long as the external acts
    of worship were scrupulously performed the people
    were entitled to the divine favor and protection"
    (Homer Hailey).
  • "The people have replaced heartfelt worship with
    empty ritual, thinking that this is all God
    demands. They have divorced God's standards of
    justice from their daily dealings in order to
    cover their unscrupulous practices" (The Expanded
    Open Bible).

Character of the Book
  • Micah is a good mix of Hosea and Amos
  • At times, tender and caring
  • Other times, rough and straightforward
  • Marked with puns
  • Gath (110) sounds like the Hebrew word for tell,
    so it's as if he were saying, "Tell it not in
    Tell City."
  • Also in 110 he writes, "In Beth-le-aphrah (house
    of dust) roll yourself in the dust."
  • Zaanan (111) means "going out," so he is saying,
    "Those of you in 'Go Out City' will not go out."

Outline of Micah
  • I. Micah 1 1-213 --The coming judgment, with a
    promise of restoration
  • II. Micah 31-515 -- God's condemnation of
    Israel, with a glimpse of the future hope
  • III. Micah 61-720 -- God's indictment of
    Israel, with a plea for repentance and promise of
    forgiveness -

Micah 11-213
  • 1 -- Inscription
  • 2-4 Introduction to the address
  • The nations of the earth are summoned together to
    listen to the announcement

5-7 Judgment on Israel for their sin
  • Transgression (v. 5) meaning apostasy
  • Judgment is brought on the whole of Israel
  • Samaria and Jerusalem are used as centers of the
  • Omri (Ahabs son) had erected a temple to Baal (I
    Kings 1632)
  • Jerusalem had problems with idolatry even when
    they had good kings

5-7 Judgment on Israel for their sin
  • Samaria would be a heap (v.6)
  • Samaria (the capital) stood on a hilly platform
    with a steep decent on each side.
  • When it was destroyed, they threw the foundation
    stones over the edge and down into the valley
  • Still seen today, with vines climbing up them

5-7 Judgment on Israel for their sin
  • The destruction of idolatry (v. 7)
  • The phrase all her wages (ESV) means wages of
  • God always viewed idolatry as spiritual
    fornication (as the rest of verse carries out the

8-9 Micah mourns the punishment also extending to
  • Three outward signs on mourning
  • Wail- to beat the breast
  • Stripped and naked- meant to convey the idea of a
    captive being taken away
  • Lamentation of the Jackal/ Ostrich known for the
    howling and screeching. Sounds of sorrow
  • Micah realizes that the same sin condemning
    Israel is affecting Judah

10-15 The judgment on Judah exemplified by
certain cities
  • Gath
  • Beth-le-aphrah
  • Shaphir
  • Zaanan
  • Beth-ezel
  • Maroth
  • Lachish
  • Moresheth-gath
  • Achzib
  • Mareshah
  • Adullam

16 Call to Zion to mourn for her punishment
  • Cutting the hair was not accepted under the law,
    except in times of mourning.
  • This is looking forward to the Babylonian
    Captivity for Judah

Ch 21-5 Recounting of sins which they are guilty
  • (v. 1)Not led into it by another, but devise it
  • Recognize the might makes right rule
  • (v. 2) Oppression for possessions (land) compare
    Naboth and Ahab
  • (v. 3) Sin is followed by punishment
  • (v. 4) the enemy will taunt them with a song
    based on their own lamenting.

Ch 21-5 Recounting of sins which they are guilty
  • (v. 5) Because of their injustice, they will not
    be given a line
  • Line- measuring line used to divide the land
  • The message is that they will lose their right to
    the land

Ch. 26-11 The Application to Individuals
  • (v. 6) The false prophets
  • (v. 7) Gods word is good for those who follow it
  • (v. 8) Strip those in debt (pledge their robe)
  • (v.9) dealt with widows and orphans treacherously
  • (v. 10) They will be banished from the land,
    Arise ye, and depart.

Ch. 26-11 The Application to Individuals
  • (v. 11) utter wind and lies (ESV)
  • Wind being everything vain and useless
  • preach to you of wine and strong drink (ESV)
    one who teaches all the temporal blessings of
    Godmaterial prosperity.
  • This is the picture of what the people will
    listen to

Ch. 2 12-13 Promise of Restoration and
  • (v. 12) assembleboth Israel and Jacob
  • (v. 13) the breaker (KJV) Messianic
  • Mic 213 ESV He who opens the breach goes up
    before them they break through and pass the
    gate, going out by it. Their king passes on
    before them, the LORD at their head.

31-4 Sins of the Rulers and their punishment
  • (v. 1) Leadership should know justice
  • (v. 2) Not shepherds but butchers
  • (v. 3) People treated like cattle by their
  • (v. 4) The merciless will not receive mercy when
    judgment comes

35-8 Sins of the false prophets
  • (v. 5) Prophets for hire, by providing meals
  • (v. 6) The leaders will have no prophet to lead
    them in the coming times of distress
  • (v. 7) They (false prophets) will be ashamed when
    their prophesies prove to be false
  • (v. 8) Contrast of Micah whose message is from

39-12 Review of the sins of these three groups
  • Mic 311 ESV Its heads give judgment for a
    bribe its priests teach for a price its
    prophets practice divination for money yet they
    lean on the LORD and say, "Is not the LORD in the
    midst of us? No disaster shall come upon us."

41-5 The future glory of the temple
  • (V. 1) Butconnecting the thought about the
    destruction of Jerusalem and the temple itself
  • (v. 1) The house of Lord will be established
    again in the latter days
  • It will be lifted high so that all can see it
  • (v. 2) People will want to be part of it, and it
    is not limited to one nation

41-5 The future glory of the temple
  • (v. 3-4) The effectuniversal peace
  • (v. 5) Unity is the secret to peace
  • Mic 45 ESV For all the peoples walk each in the
    name of its god, but we will walk in the name of
    the LORD our God forever and ever.

46-7 All Israel is to be included
  • Mic 46-7 ESV In that day, declares the LORD, I
    will assemble the lame and gather those who have
    been driven away and those whom I have afflicted
    (7) and the lame I will make the remnant, and
    those who were cast off, a strong nation and the
    LORD will reign over them in Mount Zion from this
    time forth and forevermore.
  • Remnant principle

48-10 The kingdom shall be revived
  • Mic 410 ESV Writhe and groan, O daughter of
    Zion, like a woman in labor, for now you shall go
    out from the city and dwell in the open country
    you shall go to Babylon. There you shall be
    rescued there the LORD will redeem you from the
    hand of your enemies.
  • God will bring the people back

411-13 Zion overcomes all enemies with the
strength of God
  • Mic 413 ESV Arise and thresh, O daughter of
    Zion, for I will make your horn iron, and I will
    make your hoofs bronze you shall beat in pieces
    many peoples and shall devote their gain to the
    LORD, their wealth to the Lord of the whole
  • Horns symbolize power

51-4 A Messiah shall be born
  • Mic 52 ESV But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who
    are too little to be among the clans of Judah,
    from you shall come forth for me one who is to be
    ruler in Israel, whose coming forth is from of
    old, from ancient days.

51-4 A Messiah shall be born
  • (v. 3) He will give them up in captivity, until
    the time is right to bring forth the Messiah
  • (v. 4) the Messiah will lead them

55-6 There will be peach under his rule
  • Mic 55 ESV And he shall be their peace. When
    the Assyrian comes into our land and treads in
    our palaces, then we will raise against him seven
    shepherds and eight princes of men

57-9 The people under the Messiah will have a
mission too
  • (v. 7) They will refresh those in other nations
  • (v. 8) They shall be a power among the nations

510-15 The Messiah will change everything
  • He will destroy the need for military instruments
    of war
  • He will destroy idolatry
  • He will punish those who did not obey

61-5 Israels ingratitude
  • (v. 1-2) the call to listen
  • Mic 63 ESV "O my people, what have I done to
    you? How have I wearied you? Answer me!
  • God recounts some of what He has done.

66-8 Israel asks how to please God
  • Mic 66-8 ESV "With what shall I come before the
    LORD, and bow myself before God on high? Shall I
    come before him with burnt offerings, with calves
    a year old? (7) Will the LORD be pleased with
    thousands of rams, with ten thousands of rivers
    of oil? Shall I give my firstborn for my
    transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin
    of my soul?"
  • (8) He has told you, O man, what is good and
    what does the LORD require of you but to do
    justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly
    with your God?

69-12 God rebukes Israel
  • Mic 611-12 ESV Shall I acquit the man with
    wicked scales and with a bag of deceitful
    weights? (12) Your rich men are full of
    violence your inhabitants speak lies, and their
    tongue is deceitful in their mouth.
  • Scales and dishonest business practices
  • Violence and lies

613-16 God threatens punishment for these sins
  • Mic 614-15 ESV You shall eat, but not be
    satisfied, and there shall be hunger within you
    you shall put away, but not preserve, and what
    you preserve I will give to the sword. (15) You
    shall sow, but not reap you shall tread olives,
    but not anoint yourselves with oil you shall
    tread grapes, but not drink wine.
  • Work but not get anything for it

71-6 Israel acknowledges their sin
  • Mic 72 ESV The godly has perished from the
    earth, and there is no one upright among mankind
    they all lie in wait for blood, and each hunts
    the other with a net.

77-13 Israel expresses faith in God
  • Mic 77 ESV But as for me, I will look to the
    LORD I will wait for the God of my salvation my
    God will hear me.
  • Israel recognizes that through punishment God
    will be faithful to his promises

714-17 Micah prays for the people
  • Mic 718 ESV Who is a God like you, pardoning
    iniquity and passing over transgression for the
    remnant of his inheritance? He does not retain
    his anger forever, because he delights in
    steadfast love.
  • Mic 719 ESV He will again have compassion on
    us he will tread our iniquities underfoot. You
    will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea.

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