Title: Introduction
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The Avant- Garde Artists
Keagan OMara, Kent State University
Marcel Duchamp, L.H.O.O.Q. , 1940
- This kiosk is designed to teach seventh and
eighth grade students about famous Avant-Garde
artists. Students will see and hear examples of
artworks created by artists who lived and worked
during the Avant-Garde movement. After learning
about artists, students can then take a short
test to see how much they know.
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4Yves Klein was an artist who patented his own
shade of the color blue (see painting at right)
called International Klein Blue or IKB for short.
He experimented with a number of media and is a
major influence on many postmodern artists
working today.
IKB 79 1959
Leap Into The Void
Yves Klein
5John Cage
John Cage was an American composer who made music
that was inspired by chance, among other things.
He is most famous for works he created for
instruments called Prepared Pianos that were
pianos Cage had put metal nails, washers, rubber
weather stripping, wires, and other found objects
between and around the strings. One famous work
by Cage is a piece titled 433 in which the
performer sits at a piano and waits. The
audience provides the sounds and music for the
piece. Lastly, Cage also created a musical piece
which will take a total of over 630 years to
play, titled Organ2/ASLSP.
Click the picture above to view a performance of
6Piero Manzoni
Base of the World, 1961
Piero Manzoni created many works of art which
were humorous ways of looking at art and the Art
world. He created Living Sculptures who were in
fact models he had instructed to hold a pose
motionlessly for hours at a time. He created a
pillar for the earth to rest on (above) and
filled ballons with his exhaled breath and sold
them as art objects (left).
The Artists Breath, 1960
7Known for his bright and colorful paintings,
Kandinsky also wrote two books on the subject of
art Concerning the Spiritual in Art and Point
and Line to Plane. Kandinskys paintings were
intended to be a 2-d representation of nonvisual
phenomena, such as sounds or physical textures.
Kandinsky also had a special ability called
synaesthesia which allowed him to see and hear
colors simultaneously.
Wassily Kandinsky (pronounced vah-see-lee)
Left Composition VII, 1913 Right Composition X,
8Marc Chagall
Chagall painted in a style using vibrant colors
and layered imagery. He used recurring symbols
to tell stories and to create deeper meanings in
his work. Considered an early surrealist,
Chagalls paintings are dream-like and draw
heavily from biblical themes and Belorussian folk
Above The Juggler, 1943
Right I and the Village, 1911
9Marcel Duchamp
Marcel Duchamp is considered to be one of the
forefathers of all modern and postmodern art. He
is known for his Readymades, artworks which he
created from found objects, sometimes combined.
He also introduced a sense of play and humor into
the art world, seen in such works as L.H.O.O.Q.,
seen on the front page of this kiosk.
Left Bottle Rack Right Bicycle Wheel
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10Ready For The Test?
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11Question Number One Which of these artists inven
ted and patented their own color?
John Cage
Marcel Duchamp
Yves Klein
12Sorry, but that answer is incorrect. Keep trying!
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13The answer was Yves Klein. Remember, Yves Klein
invented and patented his own color,
International Klein Blue.
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14Question Number Two Which artist created sculptu
res from found objects?
Wassily Kandinsky
Marcel Duchamp
Marc Chagall
15Sorry, but that answer is incorrect. Keep trying!
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16The answer was Marcel Duchamp. His Readymades
continue to inspire modern sculptors.
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17Question Number Three Which artist created this
work of art
Piero Manzoni
Marc Chagall
John Cage
18Sorry, but that answer is incorrect. Keep trying!
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19Piero Manzoni is the correct answer. His artworks
are usually meant to be humorous yet
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20Question Four Which artist had a condition calle
d Synaesthesia ?
Marcel Duchamp
John Cage
Wassily Kandinsky
21Sorry, but that answer is incorrect. Keep trying!
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22Wassily Kandinsky had Synaesthesia, which meant
that in addition to seeing colors he could taste
or hear them as well.
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23Question Five Which artist created a piece in wh
ich no sound is to be played on an instrument?
Marc Chagall
Yves Klein
John Cage
24Sorry, but that answer is incorrect. Keep trying!
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25That was the last question! Hurray!
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- Artist biographical information from Wikipedia,
accessed at http//en.wikipedia.org
- Wassily Kandinskys books, Point and Line to
Plane and Concerning The Spiritual in Art.
- Video of John Cages 433 available online at
UBUweb, accessed at http//ubu.wfmu.org/video/Cag
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