Title: Intro
The Boston Housing Authority
A Place to Call Home
An Energy and Water Savings Master Plan for
Public Housing
- BHA Background
- The Rebuild Partnership and Early Assessments
- Performance Contracting
- Development of an Authority-wide Master Plan
- Key Initiatives and Issues Moving Forward
3BHA Background
Charlestown development 1939
4BHA Background cont.
The BHA is the largest landlord in the City of
Boston, housing roughly 10 of the total
- The BHA owns nearly 14,000 units and houses about
27,000 people in the public housing program - All building types in every neighborhood
- 11,000 families receive vouchers
- Employs nearly 900 people
5Resident Participation
Local Tenant Organizations
Resident Advisory Board
6Barriers to Energy Efficiency
The BHA has historically faced many barriers to
energy efficiency
- Diversity of building types and systems--no
effectivie monitoring - Historically little or no incentive to save
- Chronic Underfunding (2 billion capital
backlog) - Age and Condition of Stock end-of-life systems,
deferred maintenance - Public procurement and regulatory barriers
7Utility Costs
- Electric 11.3 million
- Gas 8.5 million
- Oil 1.3 million
- Water/Sewer 7.5 million
- Steam .20 million
8REBUILD Partnership and Early Assessments
- Key Capacity Building and Technical Assistance
- Data Gathering re Savings Potential
- Funding Assistance
- RFP Development
- Advancing the first Performance Contracts
9Performance Contracting
- ESCO I (federal) and ESCO II (state) Projects
- 8 sites totaling 17 million in upgrades
- 22 million in savings over 10 years
- Measures
- Centralized oil/steam to distributed gas systems
- Gas DHW Water at some sites
- Water Conservation toilets, shower-heads, sink
10Performance ContractingLessons Learned
- Importance of baseline data
- Proper Contract Scoping
- Partnership/Relationship Building
- Understand the portfolio from an ESCO perspective
- Leveraging the learning curves BHA, HUD, DHCD,
Utilities, ESCOs, etc.
11Development of an Authority-wide Energy and Water
Savings Master Plan
- Recommended Measures with Cost and Savings
Projections - Recommended OM Policies and Procedures
- Performance Contract and HUD/DHCD Summary Data
- Utility Program Recommendations
- Energy Information Monitoring Recommendations
- Utility and Equipment Procurement Recommendations
12Current Energy Initiatives
- ESCO III 5418 units at 15 sites 2.8 million in
annual savings over 12 years - Nstar and Keyspan-sponsored Initiatives
- Weatherization and Energy Star
- Healthy Public Housing and other Energy/Health
Pilots - MRET Grant at Maverick Gardens
13Healthy Public Housing
- Healthy Homes Grant
- Identifying, documenting and reducing indoor
environmental hazards
Health, particularly in poor communities, often
gets left unnoticed. Residents would like some
health concerns resolved before the worst could
happen. -Deidre Butler Henderson, Former
Executive Director, West Broadway Tenant Task
14Maverick Hope VI
- With a grant from the Mass. Tech.
Collaborative, Maverick Gardens will be a green
building model for affordable housing
Former BHA Hope VI at OrchardGardens
15Key Issues Moving Forward
- Utility Data
- Utility Partnerships
- Effective Monitoring
- Getting the most out of an ESCO contract
- Integrating Health and Energy Measures
- REBUILD and other technical assistance
16The End