Intro to Animation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Intro to Animation


Intro to Animation What is animation? A drawing that moves, or bringing the drawing to life moving something which can't move itself Animation is a powerful ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Intro to Animation

Intro to Animation

  • What is animation?
  • A drawing that moves, or
  • bringing the drawing to life
  • moving something which can't move itself
  • Animation is a powerful tool capable of
    communicating complex ideas
  • How the heart beats
  • Adds visual impact to MM project

Intro to Animation
  • Animation is used for
  • Entertainment (action, realism)
  • Education (visualization, demonstration)
  • Why Use Animation?
  • Rely on animations moving images for effective
  • It helps to illustrate what you are explaining
  • Overcomes learning disabilities
  • Simulating scientific phenomena
  • Increase of the interest of viewer and create a
    lasting impressions
  • Easier to show somebody how something works then
    to try and explain it

Four Stroke Engine
Animation how it works?
  • Simulation of movement through a series of
    pictures that have objects in slightly different
  • Each drawing is called a Frame
  • Required Frames Per Second FPS? 24

Animated Cartoons I
  • In animation, each frame overlaps the previous one

Animated Cartoons II
Dialogue Animated Cartoons
Examples of Animation
  • Computer Based Training Programs Demonstrate the
    way something works ie. assemble parts, adjust
    controls, perform surgery. Example
  • Education Teach applied and hands-on skills
  • Spelling and foreign language programs for school
  • Programs that prepare high school students for
    college exams
  • Learning to play an instrument
  • Athletes learning techniques in their sport
  • Games
  • All games on the market ie. Playstation,
    Nintendo, Xbox, gameboys
  • Web
  • Animated buttons, banners, text, and characters
    are used for visual appeal for example to
    market/advertise services and information.

Animation and Authoring systems
  • Authoring systems provides several visual effects
    such as wipes, fades, zooms and dissolves. For
    example in Director there are many effects.
  • To add transition in Director
  • Select Modify gt Frame gt Transition
  • Double-click the frame in the transition channel
  • Right Click on the transition channel
  • A transition always takes place between the end
    of the current frame and the beginning of the
    frame where the transition is set

Sources of Animation
  • Animation clip art websites available on Internet
    for free or at cost http//www.animation-central.
  • The ones for a cost are more professional and
  • Create each image that corresponds to a frame
    using a draw or paint program
  • Create animations with software
  • Enhance using an editing program such as Adobe
  • Multimedia authoring programs like Macromedia
    Director allow you to easily create path

  • Realistic motion
  • One of the overall photorealism motive is
    realistic motion. Animation is a special case.
  • Ease of control
  • something nearly impossible to control does not
    help much
  • Flexibility
  • support the widest possible range of motion
  • Expressiveness
  • the animation shows the feeling of the animated

Movements Of The Two Legged Figure
More movement examples
Creating animation logical steps
  • Gather all the activities you wish to provide in
    the animation
  • Choose the animation tool best suited
  • Build and try your sequences with lighting
  • Post process your animation do any special
    rendering and adding sound

Animation techniques Cel animation
  • Traditional animation (Cel Animation)
  • It is labor intensive
  • Start with story board (set of drawing outlining
    the clip).
  • Master artist draw key frames to define action.
  • Other artists (cheaper) draw in between frames to
    complete animation
  • all line drawings are painted on cels

2-D Animation ? Cel-Based
  • Cel clear sheet material on which images were
    drawn by movie animators
  • images placed on a stationary background.
  • Background remains unchanged
  • Object changes position

Animation techniques Cont. Cel animation
  • Film runs at 24 fps. Thus minute of animation
    requires 1440 hand-drawn pictures

Animation techniques Computer Assisted Animation
  • Computer-assisted systems are now quite common to
    do traditional animation more economically
  • We can use computers to help expedite the
    animation process
  • Draw sketches with digital systems use digital
    paint programs for coloring
  • Can even try to automatically generate
    in-betweens (tweening)
  • Widely used in production

  • Moves object along
  • Path straight or any curves
  • Often object does not change (but resized or
  • Path animation easier to create than cel based
  • Specify beginning and end position
  • Tweening

Animation techniques Computer Animation
  • start with some model of the scene (a set of
    parameters are associated with the model such as
    joint angles, positions, etc.)
  • view each of these parameters as a function of
  • vary parameters to generate desired pose for all
  • render scene to produce one frame
  • repeat for all frames (roughly 130,000 frames for
    1.5 hour movie)
  • So how will we control these parameters?

So how will we control these parameters?
  • manually set them for each frame
  • key-framing specify parameter values at specific
  • generate them procedurally the computer
    interpolate the in-between values
  • execute behavioral scripts (e.g., follow the fish
    in front of you)
  • motion capture
  • physical simulation

  • Associate a set of parameters with the model
    joint angles and positions.
  • View each of these as a function of time.
  • In key-framing, we specify parameter values at
    specific times and let the computer interpolate
    the in-between values.

  • In key-framing, we specify parameter values at
    specific times

Interpolating Motion Parameters
  • For a given parameter, weve specified some fixed
    values these are the key frame values

Interpolating Motion Parameters
  • Kinematics Is the study of the movement motion
    of structures that have joints such as people or
  • This means derive motion from positions, angles,
  • Position of end effectors is a function of the
    state of all joints
  • When animated, the position, speed, and rotation
    of all the joints and the articulated parts (such
    as head, shoulder, knees) are calculated.

Given an articulated human, how do we make him
wave? rotate the shoulder into position and
then the elbow and wrist and finally rebalance
other parts of the body
Procedural Animation
  • To specify a procedural animation
  • sit down and write some code the animator as
  • input current time
  • output correct parameter value
  • usually combine lots of little procedures
    together one procedure for walk, one for run, one
    for hop,
  • There is a clear tradeoff between procedures
  • think of the analogy of creating a 2-D
    illustration if its simple, we can probably
    quickly do it interactively
  • but if its very complex regular, coding is
    probably quicker

Behavioral Animation
  • Animate by defining rules (or writing a program)
  • governs your entities behavior.
  • Typically, define behavior in part as a response
    to what
  • the environment is doing
  • Classic example boids
  • objects whose motion is determined as a simple
    function of near neighbors motion (plus obstacle
    avoidance, etc.)
  • A common example of this approach is flocking

Motion capture
  • strap a bunch of sensors on a person record
    their motion
  • track the location of several reference points
  • convert this to joint angles map to expressed
  • several technologies available
  • optical
  • magnetic tracking
  • instrumented exoskeletons
  • But it can be hard to edit

3-D Animation involves 3 steps
  • Modelling
  • Process of creating broad contours and structure
    of 3D objects and scenes (draw views top,
    side, cross section
  • Animating
  • Defining lighting and perspective views to create
    change during animation
  • Rendering

Sample Demo
Animation ? Some Special Effects
  • Morphing
  • Process of blending together two images into a
    series of images
  • Useful for showing how image might change over
  • Is an effect in which one effect is transformed
    into another.

  • Some software transform still pictures as well as
    animated images.
  • Morphed images are built at a rate of 8 frames
    per second and each transition takes 4 seconds, a
    total of 32 frame per second. MonaAnim.gif
  • Key pointes can be held on both the initial and
    final images, in this case the points on the
    start image will move to the corresponding
    pointes on the final image.

Animated GIFS
  • For simple animations use .GIF format
  • Special type of GIF file known as an animated
    GIF/GIF89a that provides the animation you need.
  • When the GIF document is viewed, the multiple
    images display, quickly and in succession, and
    produce a streaming animation

Animated GIF files - continued
  • Characteristics of an Animated GIF
  • File size is affected by
  • Number of frames
  • image size
  • No Plug-ins Required Animated GIFs require no
    plug-ins, and the authoring tools to create them
    are often free and easy to learn.
  • No Sound If you need sound in addition to
    motion, you cannot use an animated GIF by itself.
    Instead, you may want to consider other animation
    alternatives, such as Flash, or even video

Other Animation File Types
  • Animated Gifs (.gif) (universal)
  • Flash (.fla, .swf) (by Adobe)
  • Macromedia Director
  • Sophisticated Animations
  • Strata 3D, LightWave, 3D Studio Max, Maya, and

Animation File Types
  • Flash Software
  • Flash uses the .FLA file extension for source
  • .SWF extension for the Flash movie that is
    created and played.
  • .swf originally meant Shockwave Flash but now
    Small Web Format
  • Animation is choreographed using one or more
    sequential timelines in which actions and
    interactions are defined

Animation is choreographed using one or more
sequential timelines in which actions and
interactions are defined
Animation Software
  • Why Is Flash So Popular?
  • Professional designs
  • Interactive content rich with video, graphics,
  • Import multimedia elements from other
  • Support vector graphics
  • much more space efficient over bitmapped frames
  • scale up with accurate detail no matter how large
    the window is resized by the user.
  • Flash Player is a free client application that
    works with popular Web browsers to play the
  • Adobe Flash Player is the standard for delivering
    high-impact, rich Web content. Designs,
    animation, and application user interfaces are
    deployed immediately across all browsers and

Onion skinning
  • is a 2D computer graphics term for a technique
    used in creating animated cartoons and editing
    movies to see
  • allows you to see a faint ghost image of the
    previous frame so you can see where you want to
    place the artwork for the next frame.

Flash Animation using Onion Skinnig
  • Step 1 - Draw the image (for example Frog) on the

Flash Animation using Onion Skinnig
  • Step 2 - - Select Frame 2 and add a Keyframe In
    Frame 2 click on the Frog to select it, and move
    it up and to the right.
  • At the bottom of the Timeline there is a row of
    five buttons. Click on the second one- this turns
    on Onion Skinning
  • Notice how you now can see a faint ghost image
    where your first frame was?

Flash Animation using Onion Skinnig
  • Step 3 - With the Transform Tool selected rotate,
    scale etc your Frog. Continue to add Keyframes
    for each change you make in the Frog. Do this for
    11 frames.
  • Choose Control gt Loop Playback so that you can
    see your animation repeat.

Flash Animation using Onion Skinnig
  • Step 4 - Play with and Modify your movie. Add as
    many Keyframes as you wish and make the movie as
    long as you wish.

Animation Software
.swf originally meant Shockwave Flash but now
Small Web Format
Animated GIF Flash Director
Created by Depends Flash Director
Extension Source depends .gif (movie) .fla (source) .swf (movie) .dir (source) .dcr (movie)
Size Larger than normal gif Vector images take up less space than GIF bitmapped images Vector images take up less space than GIF bitmapped images
Uses Banners, small areas Interactive video, graphics, animation More interactive sites
Need to play it Nothing Flash Player (Free and works with most browsers) Web browser plug in (The Shockwave Player)

flv (used on YouTube) or swf (Flash Animations) ?
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