Title: Intro 9
1Intro 9
2M/C 3-1a
3M/C 3-3a
4Causes and Effects 1
5Chapter Summary 1
6Chapter Assessment 9
7Daily Focus Skills Transparency 1
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8Daily Focus Skills Transparency 2
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9Daily Focus Skills Transparency 3
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10History Online
Roaring 20s / Return to Normalcy (1920-1929)
The mass availability of the automobile changed
American life Henry Fords assembly line made
the car more affordable to Americans Led to a
changing landscape and creating many auto related
jobs Nativism was prevalent during the time
against change The Red Scare leads to a mistrust
of immigrants with national quotas Scopes Trial
challenges Christian fundamentalism in American
schools Prohibition during the 1920s was a
failure and later repealed Crime increased with
speak-easies supplied by bootleggers The Great
Migration continued the flow of African
Americans The Harlem Renaissance was sparked
with art, literature and jazz American economy
was prosperous, looking for leisure fun Charles
Lindberg crosses the Atlantic and America follows
on the radio The roar of the 1920s was fragile
because it was bought on credit
11Intro 9
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12Intro 10
13Chapter Summary 1
14Chapter Assessment 10
15CT Skill Builder 5
16Daily Focus Skills Transparency 4
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17Daily Focus Skills Transparency 1
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18Daily Focus Skills Transparency 2
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19Daily Focus Skills Transparency 3
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20Intro 7
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21Intro 8
22Chapter Summary 1
23Chapter Assessment 11
24Technology and History 2
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25Daily Focus Skills Transparency 1
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26Daily Focus Skills Transparency 2
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27Daily Focus Skills Transparency 3
Yes, the national debt fell 8 million from 1921
to 1929.
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28History Online
The Great Depression (1929-1941)
There were signs of the Depression prior to the
Great Crash Low farm prices, higher
unemployment, less of a demand for goods Stock
Market Crash ignites the Great Depression (Oct
1929) As prices started to fall, panic selling
set in and prices fell further Many banks that
had made margin loans had to sell out of
desperation Bank failures accelerate and expand
the Great Depression Banks lent money to failed
investors that wiped out savings accounts Banks
begin to foreclose on homes and farms which
increased problems Dust Bowl in the Great
Plains due to drought and poor farming Many
Americans lose their jobs and there is no demand
for goods Americans grow frustrated with Herbert
Hoovers lack of action Hoover believed that the
business cycle would straighten itself
out With 25 unemployment and not end in sight,
Americans want action
29Intro 7
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30Intro 8
32M/C 1-2a
33M/C 1-3a
34Chapter Summary 1
35Chapter Assessment 10
36Daily Focus Skills Transparency 1
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37Daily Focus Skills Transparency 2
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38Daily Focus Skills Transparency 3
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39History Online
The New Deal (1933-1941)
Franklin Roosevelt builds a relationship with the
people Takes immediate action with banks and
informs the public (fireside chats) The First New
Deal was for immediate relief Main goal was to
put people to work and get money in the
economy WPA, CCC, Tennessee Valley Authority
Agricultural Adjustment Act stabilized crop
prices saved farms The Second New Deal was for
long term solutions Social Security Act provided
a safety net The New Deal had many
critics Some critics felt government interfered
to much (Socialist) Some critics felt the
government left people behind, not doing
enough The New Deal helps ease the Depression but
does not end it Need for war materials by the US
and its Allies will end the Depression
40Intro 9
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41Intro 10
42M/C 2-2e
43M/C 3-1
44M/C 1-1a
45Chapter Summary 1
46Daily Focus Skills Transparency 1
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47Daily Focus Skills Transparency 2
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48Daily Focus Skills Transparency 3
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49Daily Focus Skills Transparency 4
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50History Online
Causes of World War II (1936-1941)
Results of World War I laid the groundwork for
World War II Hitler rose due to German
humiliation from WWI and economic chaos Mein
Kampf Germans were stabbed in the back by
disloyalty Changed Germany to a fascist
dictatorship Germany expands across Europe by
diplomacy and force Munich Conference England
and France appease Hitlers demands Soviet-Nazi
Pact Hitler and Stalin agree to divide Poland
Invasion Hitler invades Poland, takes over
France, bombs England Holocaust Hitler blamed
the Jews for economic hardships Nazis wanted to
get rid of inferiors (Jews, Slavic people,
disabled) Used Concentration Camps to work
captors and then kill them Pearl Harbor
December 7th, 1941 America enters the war After
the attack Germany and Italy declare war on the
United States
51Intro 8
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52Intro 9
53Chapter Summary 1
54M/C 1-1
55M/C 3-1
56Daily Focus Skills Transparency 1
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57Daily Focus Skills Transparency 2
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58Daily Focus Skills Transparency 3
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59Daily Focus Skills Transparency 4
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