Title: Introductie ebronnen
1Introductory session e-sources
Peter De Marrez / Jan Bollansée K.U.Leuven
University library servicesE-resources
2Introductory session e-sources
- E-sources?
- e-journals
- databases - catalogues - bibliographical
databases - full text databases - websites
- newest entrant in the field e-books
- sum total more than 25,000 e-sources in the
K.U.Leuven digital library
3Introductory session e-sources
General library management
University Library Services
Campus libraries
Centr. Lib.
Supportfor research
Supportfor teaching
- negotiate licenses
- register activate e-sources
- make accessible (LibriSource, LibriLinks, )
- support
4Introductory session e-sources
- LibriSource Librilinks
- Web of Science / Cited Reference Search / EndNote
Web - Some other provider platforms EBSCOHost, CSA,
5Introductory session e-sources
- LibriSource
- Research portal that gives access to all
electronic sources available at the K.U.Leuven - retrieve electronic sources of information,
perform queries ànd display search results in one
and the same interface - Catalogue of e-sources
- Search platform for databases (quicksearch/metasea
rch) - As of 2007 e-journals, databases, e-books and
websites are entered in the LIBISng-catalogue as
6Introductory session e-sources
- e-sources in the LIBISng-catalogue
7Introductory session e-sources
- e-sources in the LIBISng-catalogue
subject list
8Introductory session e-sources
- LibriSource research portal
- Advantages
- simultaneous searching of multiple databases in a
live search operation ( metasearch) - direct access to full text through integration
with - OpenURL-resolver
- search results management function My Space
9Introductory session e-sources
- LibriSource
- A few drawbacks
- limited number of indexes search filters
- appearance of completeness
- a number of databases can only be searched in
their native interface and consequently are not
metasearchable - maximum limit of 10 databases to be searched
10Introductory session e-sources
- LibriSource research portal access
11Introductory session e-sources
shibboleth, single sign on full functionality
- inside K.U.Leuven domain no My Space-
outside K.U.Leuven domain free databases
only no My Space
Info on remote access (via proxy server), Ludit
12Introductie e-bronnen
Introductory session e-sources
- LibriSource functions 5 tabs
Find Database
My Space
Advanced Search
Find e-Journal/ e-Book
13Introductory session e-sources
- LibriSource - QuickSearch
Metasearch in predefined discipline groups
using recommended databases
1. enter search term(s) (keyword search)
2. Select quickset (click on set name for list of
databases included)
14Introductie e-bronnen
Introductory session e-sources
- LibriSource - Advanced Search
15Introductory session e-sources
- LibriSource - Advanced Search
Metasearch in personal selection of databases
Choose databases by subject, by type, customized
Select databases- tick checkbox- no checkbox
not metasearchable
Search terms limit query to given fields
(Subject/ title/ author/ ISBN/ ISSN/ Year)
16Introductory session e-sources
- LibriSource - Advanced Search
Metasearch in personal selection of databases
17Introductory session e-sources
- LibriSource - Advanced Search
Display results by database / combined view
results by database
search and link databases results shown in
native interface
combined results
initially first 30 records (at the most) per
18Introductory session e-sources
- LibriSource - Advanced Search results
by database / combined
sorting (default by year)
retrieve more new results in bold
click on number or title full record in
click on name of database full record in native
add to My Space
LibriLinks menu check availability of full text
or print for K.U.Leuven
19Introductory session e-sources
- LibriSource - Advanced Search
Display results by database / combined view
search and link databases view results in
native interface
20Introductory session e-sources
- LibriSource - Advanced Search
search and link intermediary screen
21Introductory session e-sources
- LibriSource - Advanced Search
search and link search results in native
interface (1)
22Introductory session e-sources
- aside direct link to JSTOR back issues in MUSE
23Introductory session e-sources
- aside direct link to JSTOR back issues in MUSE
24Introductory session e-sources
- aside direct link to JSTOR back issues in MUSE
25Introductory session e-sources
- aside direct link to JSTOR back issues in MUSE
26Introductie e-bronnen
Introductory session e-sources
- LibriSource - Find Database
27Introductory session e-sources
- LibriSource - Find Database
Browse titles
Search by title, in all fields (full words or
truncation), by subject or type or a
28Introductory session e-sources
- LibriSource - Find Database results
pop-up window with brief description
add to My Space
Search database on LibriSource-platform.Click
title to native interface database.
29Introductie e-bronnen
Introductory session e-sources
- LibriSource - Find e-Journal/e-Book
30Introductie e-bronnen
Introductory session e-sources
- LibriSource - Find e-Journal/e-Book
31Introductie e-bronnen
Introductory session e-sources
- LibriSource - Find e-Journal/e-Book
32Introductie e-bronnen
Introductory session e-sources
- LibriSource - Find e-Journal/e-Book
33Introductie e-bronnen
Introductory session e-sources
- LibriSource - Find e-Journal/e-Book
A-Z list is gone
search by title
search by subject via tree structure of basic
classifications (for e-Journals only)
34Introductie e-bronnen
Introductory session e-sources
- LibriSource - Find e-Journal/e-Book results
35Introductie e-bronnen
Introductory session e-sources
Save/send (in txt-format)
- My Citations (folder management)
- My Database Sets (folder management
searchable in QuickSearch en Advanced Search)
- My Searches ( alerting)
36Introductory session e-sources
- LibriLinks is offered by the University Library
and LIBIS, using the link server software SFX
(based on OpenURL). - For references found in a bibliographic
database, LibriLinks - - offers links to the full text of the article,
journal or book if available - - helps you to find a paper copy
- - gives some options to find related information
and to save citations
37Introductory session e-sources
- LibriLinks - situation without LibriLinks
bibliographical database
journal(from reference)
full text
38Introductory session e-sources
- LibriLinks situation with LibriLinks
bibliographical database
full textLIBISng-catalogueAntilopeWeb of
Scienceimpact factorsearching the websave
39Introductory session e-sources
- LibriLinks links in LIBISng
40Introductory session e-sources
Context sensitive, depending on completeness of
reference (ISSN is basis), location (inside or
outside K.U.LeuvenNet).
Possible links
1 or more links to full text of article or
journal (with available volumes), search boxes
go directly to any given article
Antilope print version anywhere in Belgium?
41Introductory session e-sources
search for other articles by the same author
impactfactor Journal Citation Reports
title search in Google Scholar/on the web
export reference or save it in a specific
citation style
42Introductory session e-sources
LIBISng-catalogus LibriSource ABC-CLIO
Historical Abstracts ISI Web of Science,
INSPEC, Current Contents Connect PICA CSA
Sociological Abstracts, ARTbibliographies Modern,
Communication Studies A SAGE Full-Text
Collection, Criminal Justice Abstracts, Econlit,
ERIC, LLBA, LISA, Social Services Abstracts
EBSCO Academic Search Premier, Business Source
Premier, ERIC, Cinahl, Pre-Cinahl, ATLA,
ATLAserials, Communication Mass Media Complete,
MLA PIO Periodicals Index Online
- JSTOR Arts Sciences I, Arts Sciences II,
III, IV, Complement, Language Literature,
Business collection - OVID-lokaal Art Index, Biological Abstracts, CAB
Abstracts, ERIC, Francis, FSTA, IPA, IPSA,
Philosopher's index, PsycInfo, Sport Discus - GALE Literature Resource Center
- Google Scholar
- Grove Grove Art, Grove Music
- OVID-web zie Ovid Lokaal, International
bibliography of the social sciences
43Introductory session e-sources
- LibriLinks possible problems
- browser must support JavaScript and cookies.
- in some databases, the LibriLinks-button may
appear in an articles full description only. - LibriLinks brings you as close as possible to the
full text. Depending on the (completeness of the)
reference or the set-up of the publishers site,
further navigation may be required.
44Introductory session e-sources
- Web of Science
- part of the ISI Web of Knowledge
- mainly journal articles
- standard bibliographical information title,
author, journal title, year of publication,
... - PLUS all cited references in the articles
45Introductory session e-sources
- Web of Science Citation database
- Advantage find citations in two directions
- Search backwards bibliography/cited references
used in a given articleSearch forward how many
times and where has this article been cited? - Authors writing on the same subject (snowball
effect) - How is a given idea accepted/ corrected/ refuted?
- Look out for self citations and negative
46Introductory session e-sources
- Web of Science Main components
- Science Citation Index Expanded - SCIE- 6,650
journals in more than 150 disciplines- From 1955
(for K.U.Leuven)- Since 1991 also indexing
(English) abstracts Disciplines a.o.
agriculture, astronomy, biochemistry, biology,
biotechnology, chemistry, computer science,
materials science, mathematics, medicine,
neuroscience, oncology, pediatrics, pharmacology,
physics, plant sciences, psychiatry, surgery,
veterinary science, zoology
47Introductory session e-sources
- Web of Science Main components
- Social Science Citation Index - SSCI- 1,950
journals in more than 50 disciplines- Selection
of relevant articles from 3,300 others- From
1956 (for K.U.Leuven)- Since 1991 also indexing
(English) abstracts Disciplines a.o.
anthropology, history, industrial relations,
information library science, law, linguistics,
philosophy, psychology, psychiatry, political
science, sociology, substance abuse, urban
studies, womens studies
48Introductory session e-sources
- Web of Science Main components
- Arts Humanities Citation Index - AHCI- 1,150
journals- Selection of relevant articles from
7,000 others- From 1975- Gives implicit
citations as well Disciplines a.o.
archaeology, architecture, art, Asian studies,
classics, dance, folklore, history, language,
linguistics, literature, music, philosophy,
poetry, radio-television-film, religion, theatre
49Introductory session e-sources
- Web of Science Components
- not only, but also
- Index Chemicus
- Current Chemical Reactions
50Introductory session e-sources
- Web of Science native interface ring out the
51Introductory session e-sources
- Web of Science native interface link screen
52Introductory session e-sources
- Web of Science native interface ... bring in
the new
53Introductory session e-sources
54Introductory session e-sources
55Introductory session e-sources
- Web of Science General search
56Introductie e-bronnen
- Web of Science General search
57Introductie e-bronnen
- Web of Science Cited Reference Search
58Introductie e-bronnen
- Web of Science Cited Reference Search
59Introductory session e-sources
- Web of Science Advanced search
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- Web of Science Advanced search
61Introductory session e-sources
- Web of Science Search history
62Introductory session e-sources
- Web of Science Search history
63Introductory session e-sources
- Web of Science Search history
64Introductory session e-sources
- Web of Science View search results
65Introductory session e-sources
- Web of Science View search results
66Introductory session e-sources
- Web of Science View search results
67Introductie e-bronnen
- Web of Science View search results
68Introductory session e-sources
- Web of Science Marked list
69Introductory session e-sources
- Web of Science EndNote Web
70Introductory session e-sources
- Web of Science EndNote Web
71Introductory session e-sources
- Web of Science EndNote Web
72Introductory session e-sources
- Web of Science EndNote Web
73Introductory session e-sources
- Web of Science EndNote Web
74Introductory session e-sources
- Web of Science EndNote Web
75Introductory session e-sources
- 1) Important databases on the EBSCOhost-platform
- Academic Search Premier / ASP
- ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials
- Business Source Premier / BSP
- Communication Mass Media Complete / CMMC
- Educational Resources Information Center / ERIC
- SPORTDiscus
76Introductory session e-sources
77Introductory session e-sources
- 2) Important databases on the CSA-platform
- ARTbibliographies Modern
- Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals
- Communication Studies
- EconLit
- Educational Resources Information Center / ERIC
- Social Services Abstracts
- Sociological Abstracts
78Introductory session e-sources
79Introductory session e-sources
- 3) Important databases on the Ovid ERL-platform
- Art Abstracts
- Educational Resources Information Center / ERIC
- GeoRef
- International Bibliography of the Social Sciences
- International Political Sciences Abstracts / IPSA
- PsycINFO
- The Philosophers Index
80Introductory session e-sources
- Electronic Resources Library / ERL via WebSPIRS
81Introductory session e-sources
82Introductory session e-sources
- Help?
- Help and FAQs in LibriSource an LibriLinks
- Feedback forms
- News in LibriSource (information and maintenance
notifications) - E-mail e-bronnen_at_bib.kuleuven.be