Title: Introductie ebronnen
1Introduction e-sources
Joost DepuydtK.U.Leuven University Library
ServicesDigital Library
2Introduction e-sources
General Library Management
University Library Services
Campus Libraries
Central Lib.
Support forresearch
Support for teaching
Digital Lib.
- negotiate licences
- register/activate e-sources
- make accessible (LibriSource, LibriLinks, )
- support
3Introduction e-sources
- E-sources?
- e-journals
- databases- catalogues- bibliographic
databases- full text databases - websites
- Total more than 16.000 e-sources
4Introduction e-sources
- LibriSource
- LibriLinks
- Citation Linker
- Web of Science / Journal Citation Reports
- Specific databases
5Introduction e-sources
- LibriSource?
- In top right menu on webpages of the University
Library (or via the website of specific
libraries) - Based on Metalib software of Ex Libris
- Catalogue of e-sources (no articles)
e-journals, databases, websites - Search platform databases (metasearch)
- Early 2007 e-journals also in LIBISng-catalogue
6Introduction e-sources
- LibriSource - Metasearch
- Searching through databases via 1 search
platform (if compliant) - ? simultaneous searching through several
databases - ? search functionality limited to the common
denominator of all databases
7Introduction e-sources
Shibboleth, single sign on full functionality
- inside domain K.U.Leuven no My Space- outside
domain K.U.Leuven only free databases, no My
Info about remote access (via Proxy Server), Ludit
8Introduction e-sources
- LibriSource - components
- QuickSearch
- Advanced Search
- Find Database
- Find e-Journal
- My Space
9Introduction e-sources
- LibriSource - QuickSearch
Metasearch through predefined sets of databases
Search term, combination necessary (gtlt Google)
Select set (click on name of set for list of
News items
? limited setsQuickSearch general orientation
10Introduction e-sources
- LibriSource - Advanced Search
Metasearch through personal selection of databases
Choose databases by subject, by type, own sets
Select databases- mark checkbox- no checkbox,
not metasearchable
Search terms possible to limit to specific fields
Advanced Search metasearch through available
databases for specific subjects or types, or
personal sets of databases
11Introduction e-sources
- LibriSource - Search Database Results (1)
Results by database and combined results
Results by database
Combined results 30 per database
shown(QuickSearch only combined results)
Search and link databases results are shown in
native interface
12Introduction e-sources
- LibriSource - Search Database Results (2)
By database/combined
Sorting (default by year)
Retrieve more new results bold
If duplicate duplicate item
Click on number or title full record in
Click on name of database full record in native
Add to My Space
LibriLinks menu check availability of full text
or print for K.U.Leuven
13Introduction e-sources
- LibriSource - Find Database
Search for specific database
Browse titles
Search for title or in all fields (full words or
truncation) or search by subject or type. Or
combination of searches.
14Introduction e-sources
- LibriSource - Find Database Results
Index card with brief description
Add to My Space
Search single database from LibriSource
platformClick on title go to native interface
of database
15Introduction e-sources
- LibriSource - Find e-Journal
Search for specific e-journal(s)
Browse title
Search for word in title (automatic truncation)
Attention- starts with browse list, previous
doesnt work (bug)- contains result gives also
titles without the search term (search term in
alternative titles in hidden database, bug).
Search by subject for e-journals- from 2007
(planning for integration in catalogue)- in the
meantime browsing by subject still available from
previous version of LibriSource on library
webpages (less up to date)
16Introduction e-sources
- LibriSource - Find e-Journal Results
LibriLinks menuAlso by clicking on title
Add to My Space
17Introduction e-sources
Save/send of
- My Citations.- My Database Sets searchable in
QuickSearch and Advanced Search- My e-Journals-
My Searches periodical alerts possible
18Introduction e-sources
- For references found in a bibliographic
database, LibriLinks - offers links to the full text of the article,
journal or book if available - helps you to find a paper copy
- gives some options to find related information
and to save citations - LibriLinks is offered by the University Library
and LIBIS, using the link server software SFX
(based on OpenURL).
19Introduction e-sources
- LibriLinks - situation without LibriLinks
bibliographic database
journal(from reference)
full text
20Introduction e-sources
- LibriLinks - situation with LibriLinks
bibliographic database
full textLIBISng-catalogueAntilopeWeb of
Scienceimpact factorsearching the websave
21Introduction e-sources
Context sensitive, depending on completeness of
reference (ISSN is basis), location (inside or
outside K.U.LeuvenNet)
Possible links
1 or more links to full text of article or
journal (with available volumes), boxes go
directly to a specific article
paper journal in LIBISng
Antilope paper journal elsewhere in Belgium?
22Introduction e-sources
(other) articles of same author(s) in Web of
title search in Google Scholar
title search on the web
export reference or save it in specific citation
23Introduction e-sources
LIBISng-catalogue LibriSource ABC-CLIO
Historical Abstracts ISI Web of Science,
INSPEC, Current Contents Connect PICA CSA
Sociological Abstracts, ARTbibliographies Modern,
Communication Studies A SAGE Full-Text
Collection, Criminal Justice Abstracts, Econlit,
ERIC, LLBA, LISA, Social Services Abstracts
EBSCO Academic Search Premier, Business Source
Premier, ERIC, Cinahl, Pre-Cinahl, ATLA,
ATLAserials, Communication Mass Media Complete,
MLA PIO Periodicals Index Online
- JSTOR Arts Sciences I, Arts Sciences II,
III, IV, Complement, Language Literature,
Business collection - OVID-local Art Index, Biological Abstracts, CAB
Abstracts, ERIC, Francis, FSTA, IPA, IPSA,
Philosopher's index, PsycInfo, Sport Discus - GALE Literature Resource Center
- Google Scholar
- Grove Grove Art, Grove Music
- OVID-web see Ovid-local, International
bibliography of the social sciences
24Introduction e-sources
- LibriLinks possible problems
- browser must support JavaScript and cookies
- in some databases the LibriLinks icon shows up
only in the full view of an article - LibriLinks brings you as close as possible to the
full text. Depending on the (completeness of the)
reference or the publishers site, you will have
to navigate further.
25Introduction e-sources
Check quickly if K.U.Leuven offers access to a
specific article or journal (electronic or paper
Reference includes at least journal title or issn
26Introduction e-sources
- Citation Linker - Results
Searching through global SFX knowledge base more
than K.U.Leuven holdings If electronic holding is
available ( Full text ) behind
title K.U.Leuven paper holdings check via
LibriLinks-menu (LIBISng-catalogus)
27Introduction e-sources
- Web of Science
- Citation database?
- Search options
- general search
- cited reference search
- advanced search
28Introduction e-sources
- Web of Science Citation database?
- Contains mainly journal articles
- Bibliographic information (title, author,
journal title, year, ). - All cited references for each article
- Competitors Google Scholar, Elsevier Scopus
29Introduction e-sources
- Web of Science Citation database
- Advantage searching for citations
- Search backwards cited references used in
specific article?Search forward how many times
and where was this article cited? - Authors writing about the same subject (snowball
effect) - How is a specific idea accepted/corrected/refuted?
- Attention self citations, negative citations
30Introduction e-sources
- Web of Science Components
- Science Citation Index Expanded - SCIE- 5900
journals- From 1972 (for K.U.Leuven)- Since
1991 also indexing (English) abstracts
Disciplines a.o. agriculture, astronomy,
biochemistry, biology, biotechnology, chemistry,
computer science, materials science, mathematics,
medicine, neuroscience, oncology, pediatrics,
pharmacology, physics, plant sciences,
psychiatry, surgery, veterinary science, zoology
31Introduction e-sources
- Web of Science Components
- Social Sciences Citation Index - SSCI- 1725
journals- Selection of relevant articles from
3300 others- From 1972 (for K.U.Leuven)- Since
1991 also indexing (English) abstracts
Disciplines a.o. anthropology, history,
industrial relations, information library
science, law, linguistics, philosophy,
psychology, psychiatry, political science,
sociology, substance abuse, urban studies,
womens studies
32Introduction e-sources
- Web of Science Components
- Arts Humanities Citation Index - AHCI- 1144
journals- Selection of relevant articles from
6800 others- From 1975- Also implicit citations
Disciplines a.o. archaeology, architecture,
art, Asian studies, classics, dance, folklore,
history, language, linguistics, literature,
music, philosophy, poetry, radio-television-film,
religion, theater
33Introduction e-sources
- Web of Science Search Settings
- on each search screen
select database(s)
34Introduction e-sources
- Web of Science General search
topics/words (limit search title field
only)Boolean operators and wildcards AND, OR,
NOT, SAME, and ?
search in lists of indexed records (spelling)
restrict search by language(s) or document
type(s) (shift-click for more)
35Introduction e-sources
- Web of Science General search results
search string
refine results
results in other (Web of Knowledge or external)
search within results enter a topic
sort options
found records- click on title for full record-
LibriLinks or view full text
analyse (rankings) within results set
(selection of) records print, mail, save, export
36Introduction e-sources
- WoS General search full record
search for other articles of same author
alert when this article is cited
records with the same references (ranked by
number of corresponding references)
list of documents (in the WoS-database) citing
this article
lists of references in this article
impact factor journal
37Introduction e-sources
- Web of Science Cited reference search
- name and initials- use asterisk (truncation) or
index lists- until 1974 only the first 11
characters indexed
abbreviated journal title, first words book title
or index lists
year or range of years (-)first try without
year (variations)
38Introduction e-sources
- Web of Science Cited reference search
all cited authors (in timespan of K.U.Leuven
browse through cited authors
select all possible variations
add selected authors to search string
39Introduction e-sources
- Web of Science Cited reference search
Select document(s) to which references were made
select documents and Finish search
- mistakes in references
- variations in references
in WoS-database
if not first author
40Introduction e-sources
- Web of Science Advanced search
Search in combination of specific fields
search history (combine sets)
filter out self citations
41Introduction e-sources
- Journal Citation Reports (JCR)
Evaluation of journals based on citation
analysis.One JCR year covers the citations
during that year to articles published in the two
preceding years.
42Introduction e-sources
- Journal Citation Reports - Subject Category
Most prominent journals for specific discipline(s)
43Introduction e-sources
- JCR - Subject Category (2)
Impact factor measures how many times an
average article in a journal was cited in a
specific year
Click on title detailed analysis of the journal
The number of citations in that year to articles
published in the two preceding years is being
divided by the total number of articles published
during these two years.
44Introduction e-sources
- Help?
- Help and FAQs in LibriSource and LibriLinks
- Feedback forms
- News in LibriSource (maintenance and
information) - e-bronnen_at_bib.kuleuven.be