Title: Natural Evolution of Measures
1When you can measure what you are speaking
about, and express it in numbers, you know
something about it but when you cannot measure
it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your
knowledge is of a meagre kind. Lord Kelvin
2Measuring lateness
- To measure time on an absolute scale we can
measure the elapsed minutes since the start of
the lecture. - If a student arrives after more than 5 minutes
have elapsed then their picture is taken and
added to the sides - The next few slides are late comers from this
- Thanks to Professor Norman Fenton of Queen Mary
and Westfield College for permission to use some
of his material in this weeks part of the
course. - Professor Fenton is an internationally leading
expert in Software Measurement.
4Exam hint
- To get the exam hint you have to be on time for
the start of the lecture.
5Results from Survey
- Which computer scientist
- Alan Turing
- Tim Berners Lee
- Bill gates
- Albert Einstein ?
6Results from Survey
- Largest program
- 75K Loc (Financial system)
- 20K Loc VB
- 30K Loc (POS system in C)
- 15K Loc (peer-peer file sharing)
- 6K Loc (scheduling)
- 6K Loc in 30 classes (Distributed network)
- 4K Loc
- 3K Loc java database
- 72 pages of java
- 1-2K loc in C (systems simulator)
- 1K Loc (clinical data base)
- 400-500
- 50 classes in java
- 40-50 Loc
7Results from Survey
- After you finish your Degree what will you do
- Get a Job
- Do an MSc
- Start a PhD
- Get very drunk
8Results from Survey
- Your other interests
- Football, Cricket, Tennis, Swimming, Golf,
Cycling, mountaineering, running - Karate/Kickboxing
- Dance
- Politics
- Scuba diving
- Cooking
- Travel
- Movies
- Music, playing guitar
- Heavy metal music
- Drinking
- Off road driving
- Chess, board games
- Reading
9OK time for measurement
- Some caution about measurement
- Examples of software measurement in practice
- A little Measurement theory
- Control flow graphs
- Calculating software metrics
10Definition of Measurement(Fenton)
Measurement is the process of empirical objective
assignment of numbers to entities, in order to
characterise a specific attribute.
- Entity an object or event
- Attribute a feature or property of an entity
- Objective the measurement process must be
based on a well-defined rule whose results
are repeatable
11Example Measures
12Avoiding Mistakes in Measurement
- Common mistakes in software measurement can be
avoided simply by adhering to the definition of
measurement. In particular - You must specify both entity and attribute
- The entity must be defined precisely
- You must have a reasonable intuitive
understanding of the attribute before you propose
a measure - The theory of measurement formalises these ideas
13Dont be Wildes Cynic
- Estimation based on measurement is often used to
work out project effort - Do not confuse this with the price you should
charge to the customer - There is a difference between cost and value
- A cynic is one who knows the cost of everything
and the value of nothing Oscar Wilde
14Cost and Value
- Build cost The cost to you
- This can be assessed by estimation
- .. Based on measurements
- Price The value to the customer is different
- Price (p) has to reflect value not build cost (b)
- This can be a (huge) advantage to you pgtgtb
- or a warning pltb
15Example Use of Measurement
- Suppose you set up a maintenance project
- You goal is to ensure nothing goes wrong
- How do you know that you are saving money?
- How do you fight for more resources for your
project? - How do you avoid being the first to be chopped or
16Be Clear of Your Attribute
- It is a mistake to propose a measure if there
is no consensus on what attribute it
characterises. - Results of an IQ test
- intelligence?
- or verbal ability?
- or problem solving skills?
- defects found / KLOC
- quality of code?
- quality of testing?
17A Cautionary Note
- We must not re-define an attribute to fit in with
an existing measure.
18Types and uses of measurement
- Two distinct types of measurement
- direct measurement
- indirect measurement
- Two distinct uses of measurement
- for assessment
- for prediction
19Some Direct Software Measures
- Length of source code (measured by LOC)
- Duration of testing process (measured by elapsed
time in hours) - Number of defects discovered during the testing
process (measured by counting defects) - Effort of a programmer on a project (measured by
person months worked)
20Some Indirect Software Measures
LOC produced person months of effort
Programmer productivity
number of defects module size
Module defect density Defect detection efficiency
Requirements stability Test effectiveness
ratio System spoilage
number of defects detected total number of defects
numb of initial requirements total number of
number of items covered total number of items
effort spent fixing faults total project effort
21Measurement Theory Objectives
- Measurement theory is the scientific basis for
all types of measurement. It is used to determine
formally - When we have really defined a measure
- Which statements involving measurement are
meaningful - What the appropriate scale type is
- What types of statistical operations can be
applied to measurement data
22Measurement Theory Key Components
- Empirical relation system
- the relations which are observed on entities in
the real world which characterise our
understanding of the attribute in question,
e.g. Fred taller than Joe (for height of
people) - Representation condition
- real world entities are mapped to number (the
measurement mapping) in such a way that all
empirical relations are preserved in numerical
relations and no new relations are created e.g.
M(Fred) gt M(Joe) precisely when Fred is taller
than Joe
23Representation Condition
Real World
Number System
Joe taller than Fred
M(Joe) gt M(Fred)
Empirical relation
Numerical relation
preserved under M as
24Meaningfulness in Measurement
- Some statements involving measurement appear more
meaningful than others - Fred is twice as tall as Jane
- The temperature in Tokyo today is twice that in
London - The difference in temperature between Tokyo and
London today is twice what it was yesterday
Formally a statement involving measurement
is meaningful if its truth value is invariant
of transformations of allowable scales
25Measurement Scale Types
- Some measures seem to be of a different type to
others, depending on what kind of statements are
meaningful. The 5 most important scale types of
measurement are - Nominal
- Ordinal
- Interval
- Ratio
- Absolute
Increasing order of sophistication
- Nominal scale (classification)
- eg. blood groups, program language, colour
- Ordinal scale (ordering)
- eg. Excellent, Very Good, Good, Satisfactory
- Interval Scale (quantifying differences)
- eg. Date
- Ratio scale (ratios and zero are meaningful)
- eg. Length
- Absolute scale (counting)
27Nominal Scales Egs.
- A classification
- No Order, No Size
- Blood Groups O, A , AB , AB-
- Multiple choice answers
- Which of the following is makes Cornflakes the
best for you each morning? - A. High in Vitamins
- B. Delicious Hot or Cold
- C. Full of Natural Sunshine
- Note ordering of letters is not important.
- What programming language is this program written
in? - What is the project name to which piece of code
28Ordinal Scales
- as above plus order meaningful
- No size, no comparison of differences
- This country would be better off without the
monarchy. - Do you
- A. Strongly Agree
- B. Agree
- C. Neither Agree nor disagree
- D. Disagree
- E. Strongly disagree
This program is more cohesive than that one
29Ordinal Scales (II)
- A-level results
- A, B, C, D, E
- Order important, but can you compare difference
A-B with B-C? - Assigning points to grades and totalling is
trying to do this. A 12, B 9, C5 etc. - This is a common mistake in use of measurement in
computing (as elsewhere)
30Interval Scale Measurement
- Powerful, but rare in practice
- Distances between entities matter, but not ratios
- Mapping must preserve order and intervals
- Examples
- Timing of events occurrence, e.g. could measure
these in units of years, days, hours etc, all
relative to different fixed events. Thus it is
meaningless to say Project X started twice as
early as project Y, but meaningful to say the
time between project X starting and now is twice
the time between project Y starting and now - Heat measured on Fahrenheit or Centigrade scale
31Ratio Scales
- As above plus zero meaningful ratios meaningful
- length, mass,
- temperature (but in Kelvin not centigrade)
- price Two for the price of one.
32Absolute Scales
- Used for counting
- Number of students in class
- Number of lines of code
- Number of faults
- Number of programmers
- Number of
33Scale Types Summary
Scale Types
Nominal Ordinal Interval Ratio Absolute
Entities are classified. No arithmetic
meaningful. Entities are classified and ordered.
Cannot use or -. Entities classified, ordered,
and differences between them understood
(units). No zero, but can use ordinary
arithmetic on intervals. Zeros, units, ratios
between entities. All arithmetic. Counting only
one possible measure. All arithmetic.
34Natural Evolution of Measures
- As our understanding of an attribute grows, it is
possible to define more sophisticated measures
e.g. temperature - 200BC - rankings, hotter than
- 1600 - first thermometer preserving hotter
than - 1720 - Fahrenheit scale
- 1742 - Centigrade scale
- 1854 - Absolute zero, Kelvin scale
35Example The Mean
- Suppose we have a set of values a1,a2,...,an
and wish to compute the average - The mean is
- The mean is not a meaningful average for a set of
ordinal scale data
36Alternative Measures of Average
Median The midpoint of the data when it
is arranged in increasing order. It divides the
data into two equal parts
Suitable for ordinal data. Not suitable for
nominal data since it relies on order having
Mode The commonest value
Suitable for nominal data
37Summary of Meaningful Statistics
Scale Type
Nominal Ordinal Interval Ratio Absolute
Mode Median Arithmetic mean Geometric mean Any
Frequency Percentile Standard deviation Coefficien
t of variation Any
38Arithmetic mean?
Geometic mean?
Standard deviation?
Definition The coefficient of variation is an
attribute of a distribution its standard
deviation divided by its mean.
39Permissible changes of Units
- Nominal scale
- Any 1-1 mapping from M to M (a renaming)
- M(a) M(b) iff M(a)M(b)
- Ordinal scale
- Any monotonic mapping from M to M
- M(a) gt M(b) if M(a) gt M(b)
40Permissible changes of Units (II)
- Interval Scale
- Any affine transformation
- M(v) a.M(v) b (agt0)
- Ratio scale
- Any linear transformation
- M(v) a.M(v) (agt0)
- Absolute scale
- No transformations
41Measuring Software
- 3 Dimensions
- Length
- Functionality
- Complexity
- Industrial Practise
- lines for code
- pages for specifications
42Horses for Courses
- usefulness of a measure depends on the purpose
for which it is used! - Roughly speaking
- Length and complexity are most useful as a
measure of cost of code - Functionality and complexity are most useful as a
measure of cost of (implementing) a spec.
43The LOC Measure is Widely used
- LOC Number of Lines Of Code
- The simplest and most widely used measure of
program size. Easy to compute and automate - Used (as normalising measure) for
- effort/cost estimation (Effort f(LOC))
- quality assessment/estimation (defects/LOC))
- productivity assessment (LOC/effort)
- Alternative (similar) measures
- KLOC Thousands of Lines Of Code
- KDSI Thousands of Delivered Source Instructions
- NCLOC Non-Comment Lines of Code
- Number of Characters or Number of Bytes
44how many LOC here?
--This program copies characters from an input
--file to an output file. Termination occurs
--either when all characters are copied or
--when a NULL character is input
Nullchar, Eof
Char CHA
Input_file, Output_file, Console FILE_TYPE
Open (FILE gt Input_file, MODE gt IN_FILE,
NAME gt CharsIn)
Open (FILE gt Output_file, MODE gtOUT_FILE,
NAME gt CharOut)
Get (Input_file, Char)
END_OF_FILE (Input_file)
raise Nullchar
Put(Output_file, Char)
end loop
Eof gt Put (Console, no null characters)
Nullchar gt Put (Console, null terminator)
45Problems with LOC
- No standard definition
- Measures length of programs rather than size
- Wrongly used as a surrogate for
- effort
- complexity
- functionality
- Fails to take account of redundancy and reuse
- Cannot be used comparatively for different types
of programming languages - Only available at the end of the development
46Problems with What counts
- Do declarations count?
- Do comments count?
- Do import lists count?
- Do compiler directives count?
- What about side effects?
- if (x, y--, zk0, j-- 0)
- Blank lines? Procedure headings, debugging code,
keywords on their own?
47Structural measures
- Can define a measure on code by its structure
- control flow structure
- data flow structure
- data structure
- These can then be the basis of measures of
- length
- complexity
- test coverage
- ...
48Control Flow Structure
- We will consider a (standard) simple language of
- Atomic statements (assignment) (A)
- conditional (C)
- loops (L)
- sequencing (S)
49Control Flowgraphs
Start or Stop node
50Four Types of Node
- Start Node
- In degree 0
- Stop Node
- Out degree 0
- Procedure nodes
- Out degree 1
- Predicate Nodes
- Out Degree 2
If P then A else (while P do A) A
- Replace a procedure node and its edge by a
52Structural Measures
- Define measure in terms of four functions
- A nullary function for atomic statements
- M(A) FA
- Two binary function for conds and seqs
- M(C(P1,P2))
FC(M(P1),M(P2)) - M(S(P1,P2))
Fs(M(P1),M(P2)) - A unary function for loops
- M(L(P1)) FL(M(P1))
53Example Hierarchical Measures
- Number of Nodes
- FA() 2
- Fs(m1,m2) m1 m2 - 1
- FC(m1,m2) m1 m2
- FL(m1) m1 1
54Example Hierarchical Measures
- Number of Edges
- FA() 1
- Fs(m1,m2) m1 m2
- FC(m1,m2) m1 m2 2
- FL(m1) m1 2
55Example Hierarchical Measures
- Number of Assignments
- FA() 1
- Fs(m1,m2) m1 m2
- FC(m1,m2) m1 m2
- FL(m1) m1
56Tutorial 1, Q1
- State the five scales used in measurement and
describe the most important aspects which
distinguish them. For each of the following
statements, explain whether or not it is
meaningful and if the statement is meaningless
say whether there is a quick fix" which could
make the statement more meaningful. - (a) 100C is the boiling point of water. (b)
Today is twice as hot as yesterday. (c) The FT
index fell 325 points today. (d) The program is
50 lines of code long. (e) The program took 3
months to write. (f) The testing on this project
took twice as long as the programming. (g) The
cost of maintaining program B is twice that of
maintaining program A. (h) Program A is more
complex than program B.
57Tutorial 1 Q2
- Give five criticisms of lines of code as a
software measurement of size. That is, give five
examples of parts of code which may (or may not)
be counted as a line of code.
58Tutorial 1, Q3
- Give the CFG for the following program schematic.
- Calculate the number of nodes and number of edges
for it by working though the hierarchical
definitions given IF(...)THEN x1 ELSE x2 FI
y50 IF (...) THEN z1 ELSE DO
WHILE (...) zz1 OD FI y0
59References Norman Fenton Software Metrics A
rigorous and practical approach (2nd Ed) N.E.
Fenton and S.L. Pfleeger, Thompson Computer
press, 1997. Martin Shepperd Foundations of
Software Measurement, Prentice-Hall, 1995. These
are both excellent textbooks and each covers all
the material on measurement needed for this
course (and much more).