Title: Is America the Land Of Opportunity
1Is America the Land Of Opportunity?
Essential Question Immigration, Urbanization,
2Old Immigrants were from northern western
Europe before 1885. They often were protestants,
spoke English, blended into society
Old Immigrants
3New Immigrants usually came from S. or E. Europe,
Asia, or Latin America. They were often Catholic
or Jewish didnt speak English.
New Immigrants
4The people were pushed away by difficult
conditions at home (Famine, lack of jobs,
persecution, etc.)
Push Factors
5Economic opportunities freedom drew many
immigrants to America
Pull Factors
6Immigrants took a rough boat ride with bad food
and small compartments.
How they Immigrated
7Immigrants formed neighborhoods where everybody
shared the same culture.
Ethnic Neighborhoods
8We allowed everybody to come to America (Sick and
people unable to work were exceptions)
Us policy towards immigrants in the 1800s
9From 1892 to 1954, over 12 million immigrants
entered the US through Ellis Island in New Yorks
Ellis Island
10It was where immigrants were processed
inspected for good health.
Ellis island (2)
Immigrants tried to learn English become
12They didnt want immigrants to come to America!
Nativists reaction
13They did not like the new immigrants culture
were afraid of them taking their jobs.
Nativists reaction (2)
14In 1882 congress passed the first law to limit
Chinese immigration (Chinese Exclusion Act)
Change in the US policy toward immigrants
15Other laws soon followed that limited the number
of new immigrants being able to enter the US
Change in the US policy toward immigrants
16Immigrants played an enormous part in the growth
of cities (Urbanization)
General info time period
17Crowded 6-7 story apartment buildings (trick- 10
people in an apartment)
18Houses that provided education, medical care,
playgrounds, nurseries, and libraries for the
poor. The Hull House was set up by Jane Addams
Settlement House
Hull House
19Big cities needed more space, so many architects
decided to build up.
20Reformers who wanted to make America better
believed the good of people should guide govt.
Teddy Roosevelt
Upton Sinclair
21A political machine was an organization that ran
a city. A city boss was in charge of part of a
city. William boss Tweed was a city boss in NYC.
Political Machine/ City Boss/ William boss Tweed
22He was a cartoonist that drew many political
cartoons, some of which about W. M. Tweed.
Thomas Nast
23Giving jobs to loyal supporters is called
patronage. Pres. Jackson started it. Pres. Author
tried to end it after Pres. Garfield was
Spoils System
Chester Author
24It was in charge of recruiting, examining,
training, and promoting employees of federal
government agencies.
Civil Service Commission
25A journalist who uncovers abuses corruption in
26Sinclairs The Jungle revealed gruesome details
about Chicagos meatpacking industry.
Upton Sinclair and The Jungle
27Prevented the manufacture, sale, or transport of
illegal items, such as infected food or drugs.
Pure Food and Drug Act
28Primaryvoters choose party candidate from
several people. Initiativevoters put a bill
directly in front of a legislature. Recallvoters
can remove an elected official from office.
29It provided for the direct election of Senators
by the people of a state rather than their
election or appointment by a state legislature.
17th amendment.
30Women like Elizabeth Cady Staton and Susan B.
Anthony held the Seneca Falls Convention for
womens rights. Some states started to allow
women to vote in the late 1800s.
Women and the progress in the fight to vote in
the 1800s
31Fighting for the right to vote
32It was ratified in 1920 allowed women the
right to vote
19th amendment
33Stopping the abuse of alcohol
34Carry Nation was a temperance crusader. She took
the fight against alcohol into the saloons.
Carry Nation
35A period from 1920 to 1933 when the making sale
of liquor was illegal.
18th Amendment\Prohibition
36The government should break up bad trusts,
protect the environment protect the food we eat
Teddy Roosevelt- (Beliefs about trusts,
conservation meatpacking)
37The Northern Securities Company was a big
railroad monopoly. Roosevelt accused them of
limiting trade and won at the supreme court.
Northern Securities Case
38Roosevelt meant that every one should have an
equal opportunity to succeed.
Roosevelts square deal
39Congress has the power to collect taxes on
peoples incomes.
16th Amendment
40Wilson won because Roosevelt Taft split the
Republican party.
Election of 1912
41Wilson created the federal trade commission,
which had the power to investigate companies and
order them to stop unfair business practices.
Woodrow Wilson\ federal trade commission
42Old immigrants and new immigrants.
- The old immigrants came from northern and western
Europe.. the new immigrants came from southern
and eastern Europe. They also came from china,
Japan, and Mexico.
43An ethnic neighborhood was a neighborhood where
everyone spoke the same language and came from
the same place.