Title: The ESA of 1973
1The ESA of 1973
- Purposes of the act
- to provide a means whereby the ecosystems upon
which endangered species and threatened species
depend may be conserved, - to provide a program for the conservation of such
endangered species and threatened species, - and to take such steps as may be appropriate to
achieve the purposes of the treaties and
conventions set for in subsection (a) of this
section - treaties in subsection (a) are migratory bird
treaties with Canada, Mexico, and Japan CITES, 2
fisheries conventions, and the convention on
nature protection and wildlife preservation in
the western hemisphere.
2Principal Provisions (USFWS 1996)
- Define endangered and threatened and
empowered the Secretary of Interior and Commerce
to list species (Sect. 3) - Species of plants and inverts are available for
listing, as well as species and populations of
vertebrates (Sect. 3) - Combined US and foreign species lists with
uniform provisions applied to both (Sect. 4) - Provide matching funds for state coop agreements
(Sect. 6) - Allow US to implement CITES (Sect. 8)
3Administration of the Act
- Done by US Fish and Wildlife Service or National
Marine Fisheries Service - Two main thrusts
- Initiated by petition (individual, group, agency)
or Service uses its priority system and available
biological information - Priority system for listing
5There are Too Many Listings to Be Processed on
- USFWS has 4 tiers of priority to handle this
- Tier 1--Emergency listing actions
- immediate listing of species in imminent risk of
extinction - Tier 2--Final listing decisions, sorting among
candidate species, processing petitions to list,
and reclassifying species by de- or down-listing - Tier 3--Critical habitat determination
6Listing by Petition
- 90 day finding within 90 days of getting
petition, Service determines if it has merit for
consideration - 12 month finding within 12 months of petition,
based on BIOLOGY alone, service determines - listing is not warranted
- listing is warranted
- listing is warranted but precluded (low priority)
7Warranted Listings
- Rule published in Federal Register
- 12 month review/comment period on proposed rule
- may be extended to 18 months if biological data
is questioned - Final rule is published in Federal Register
- Rule takes affect 30 days after publication
8Judicial Review
- Negative 90 day findings, not warranted findings,
and warranted but precluded 1-year findings - Lawsuits filed at this time
9How are Species Prioritized for Listing?
- Recall the stated listing criteria used by USFWS
- As we discussed, species are not listed in order
of priority. - Service gets sued, tries to complete final
listing rules before considering new proposals,
etc. - Conservation groups (PEER, Fund for Animals, etc)
have been concerned about a more fundamental
problem--DELAY AND LACK of listing - 33 are listed on time, 18 are gt1year late
10Listing Delays (GAO 1993)
- Congress
- May limit listing budgets
- Eg., Public law 104-6 (FY 1996 budget act)
- rescinded listing budget thereby imposing a
moratorium on listing - removed with Clintons budget act in April 1996
- created a backlog of 243 species needing listing
- May rescind the ESA
- 5 million for 1998
- PEER claims its self-imposed to give the Service
a way out of lawsuits seeking listing - USFWS counters that it is all they could expect
to get
11Why Limit Your Budget?
- PEER concluded that the greatest barrier to
implementation of the Endangered Species Act is
Bruce Babbitt. - Babbitt saw his control of endangered species
funding being taken away from lawsuits that
dictated where he had to spend what - Babbitt may have feared that continued litigation
on behalf of endangered species would actually
doom the ESA - By limiting funds for listing, FWS could allocate
listing funds toward species it felt were in most
need by invoking the Warranted But Precluded
designation for less needy species - Must review each year, but cannot be overturned
by courts
12More Reasons for Delays
- Insufficient data
- spotted frog (3 year delay and then got
Warranted, but Precluded by higher priorities) - Economic impacts of listing
- spotted frog, Louisiana black bear, Jemez
Mountains salamander, Bruneau Hot Springs Snail - Complete conservation agreements rather than list
- Jemez Mountains salamander, Bruneau Hot Springs
13Effect of Delays
- Lawsuits
- Fund for Animals sued for listing of 85 Species
in 1992 - court ordered service get in gear and process
listing petitions - subverts priority system
- only 41 of 85 species were priority 1,2, or 3
- delays ability (uses available funds) to list
others not in the settlement agreement
14Major Effect of Not Following Priority System
- Arbitrary and Capricious Conservation
- Sidle (1998)
- Lynx
- Outline of recovery actions needed within 60 days
- Recovery Plans developed by Recovery Team for the
Regional Manager - Prioritization of species (add C for conflict)
16Recovery Tasks For A Species
- Tasks prioritized by recovery team
- Priority 1--action that must be taken to prevent
extinction or prevent the species from declining
irreversibly - Priority 2--action that must be taken to prevent
a significant decline in species population or
habitat that comes short of extinction - Priority 3--all other actions necessary to
provide for full recovery of the species - Combined with species priority rank
- 1c-1 (top priority to do on top species)
17Are Priorities Followed? (GAO 1988)
- Are recovery tasks done?
- Not all of them
- only slightly more than 50 of tasks in 16 plans
were initiated despite the plans being in place
for an average of 4 years - Are species recovered in order of their priority?
- NO, a few species get the bulk of the funds
- most funds go to 12 species, 6 of which are
highly endangered and 2 of which are barely
threatened - Are recovery tasks done in order of priority?
- NO, in all but 2 of 16 species lower priority
tasks were done before all priority 1 tasks were
18- Annual Expenditures do Not Follow Priorities
(Restani and Marzluff 2001)
19Why Arent Priorities Followed?
- Congressional earmarking
- takes part of Service budget and stipulates it to
be spent on particular species - Allure of sexy species
- high visibility, good PR, good chance of recovery
- Lawsuits
- For sexy species with public appeal
- Poor Coordination
- Conservation of species in one part of its range
may not offset conservation in less important
region - Plans are not kept up to date
- priorities may no longer be valid
20Effect of Earmarking
- 1994
- total recovery budget for usfws 29.55 million
- Earmarked portion was 10.392 million (35)
- Only 28 of the earmarks were for species ranked
as 1 or 2 on the priority list - A few sexy big winners
- Peregrine (900K) rank 9
- Condor (600K) rank 4C
- Wolves (1.6 mill) rank 3-5C
- Manatee (500K) rank 5C
- Spotted Owls (2.35 mil) rank 9C
21Island Species Suffer From Not Following
22Wide-ranging Species Benefit From Not Following
23Things are Different Down Under
(Endangered Birds in Australia Garnett et al.
- No Congressional influence to muddy the funding
waters - Single Commonwealth minister, in consultation
with advisors, can effectively allocate funds
based on national priorities - No provision to challenge outcome of allocation
in the courts
25Funding Helps (Garnett et al. 2003)
26Sometimes Politics Undoes Recovery Planning
- Grizzly Bear recovery planning for Bitterroot
Mountains of Montana and Idaho - 6 year consensus effort
- Citizen Management Committee (appointed)
- Would bridge Yellowstone pops to northern pops in
Cabinet-Yaak Mountains - FWS adopted plan in Nov. 2000
- June 2001, Norton suspends plan
- Bowed down to conservative State position
- Kempthorne grizzlies are massive, flesh-eating
carnivores. - Public comments disagree with Norton
- 98 of Idahoans and 93 of Montanans wanted
grizzly reintroduction to proceed
27Section 9 Provisions
- Limit any person subject to jurisdiction of US to
take endangered species (harass, harm, pursue,
hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, or
collect, or to attempt to engage in such conduct) - Harm was later defined and upheld by Supreme
Court (1995 Babbitt vs. Sweet Home Chapter of
Communities for a Great Oregon) to include
28Section 9 Provisions Apply to Endangered, Not
Threatened Species
- Automatic application of all provisions to
ENDANGERED SPECIES - THREATENED SPECIES can have benefits, but must be
stated by Secretary - Sect 4(d) the secretary can issue such
regulations as he deems necessary and advisable
to provide for the conservation of threatened
species, including regulations that prohibit any
or all of the activities prohibited for
endangered species
29Section 7 Provisions Federal Agencies Must
- (1) Cooperate with the Secretaries and use their
own programs to further the conservation of
endangered and threatened species, and - (2) Not authorize, fund, or carry out any action
that would jeopardize a listed species or destroy
or modify its critical habitat - Jeopardy refers to acts that reasonably would be
expected, indirectly or directly, to reduce
appreciably the likelihood of survival and
recovery by reducing reproduction, numbers of
distribution of a listed species - weighs proposed activity plus CUMULATIVE EFFECTS
of activities likely to occur on state and
private lands
30Section 7 Consultation
- Federal agencies must consult with the Service
when activity affects listed species or likely
jeopardizes proposed species or habitat - Informal Consultation--usually done to get
exemption from formal consultation (no effect) - Formal Consultation--Action will affect listed
species. Service does a Biological Opinion of
whether action will result in jeopardy - must be completed within 90 days of initiation
and delivered within 45 days
311978 Amendments
- After a biological opinion has been rendered by
the service, the affected agency, the governor of
the affected State, or the applicant for the
federal permit of questionable effect (if
applicable) can petition the Secretary - Secretary determines within 20 days if basic
requirements of act are met and passes report to
Endangered Species Committee - God Squad, Gang of 7
32Exemption is Given if 5 of 7 Conclude
- There are no reasonable or prudent alternatives
for the agency - The benefits of the action clearly outweigh the
benefits of species conservation and the benefits
are for the public good - The action is of regional or national
significance - The agency or applicant did not purposefully
over-commit resources that would preclude any
reasonable or prudent alternatives
33Two Exemptions Have Been Given
- Grayrocks Dam, Wyoming (1979)
- court settlement provided for compromise solution
- BLM Timber sales, Oregon (1992)
- Spotted Owl habitat--Environmental groups sued
claiming that BLM had not considered new info on
NSO before it agreed to sell old growth - Court agreed, but Congress attached Section 314
on Dept of Interiors appropriation bill (1988,
1990) limiting courts ability to challenge BLM
mgmt plans! BLM withdrew exemption application
in 1993 when Clinton was elected
34Designating Critical Habitat
- Critical Habitat includes habitat in and out of
current range that contains physical or
biological features (1) essential to the
conservation of the species and (2) requiring
special management considerations or protection. - Federal agencies must not jeopardize listed
species or appreciably affect their abundance by
reducing or modifying their critical habitat
(Sect. 7) - Required to be designated at time of listing
- if PRUDENT and considering economics
- USFWS rarely sees it as prudent anymore
35Designating Experimental Populations
- 1982 amendment added exemption for experimental
populations - population established by human intervention that
is outside of the species current range - essential versus nonessential experimental
populations - essential have full protection of Section 7
- nonessential is not protected by Section 7
- all are viewed as THREATENED species
- can be helpful in getting public support/access
36Experimental Populations Can Backfire
- Yellowstone central ID wolves
- 1997, judge found that introduced wolves could
not be considered a nonessential experimental
population and ordered them removed (stayed,
pending appeal) - USFWS claim that reintroduction areas are outside
of current range is arbitrary and capricious - Cannot keep experimental population in area
because it diminishes protection to natural
37Incidental Take
- Incidental take is take that results from some
activity but is not the purpose of the otherwise
lawful activity. - Can take species only with permit
- Federal agencies get incidental take statement
in biological opinion during section 7
consultation - Private and state entities get incidental take
permit (Sect. 10) by negotiating a habitat
conservation plan (HCP)
38Mitigation for Take
- Basically incidental take is allowed if it is
- minimized and will not appreciably reduce the
likelihood of survival and recovery of species - mitigated
- defined as to extent
- monitored
- all alternatives are impractical
- applicant ensures funding and means to deal with
unexpected circumstances
39Getting off the List
- Priority system for de-listing and down-listing
as well - based on petition status and the impact of the
reclassification on other management (how much
will be freed up to do other work)
40Enforcement and Penalty
- Citizen suits---backbone of the act
- can sue individuals, corporations, or agencies
- Penalties depend on status of species, knowledge
of violator - knowing violators can get 1year in prison and
50,000 fine (half of both for threatened
species) - can revoke leases, licenses, etc.
- equipment can be forfeited
41Literature Cited
- USFWS 1996. A summary of the ESA and
implementation activities. (www.fws.gov/r9endspp/e
sasum.html). - Bean, M. J. and M. J. Rowland. 1997. The
evolution of national wildlife law, Third
Edition. Praeger. Westport, CN. - USFWS 1983. Endangered and threatened species
listing and recovery priority guidelines. 48FR
43098. - Garnett, S Crowley, G., and A. Balmford. 2003.
The costs and effectiveness of funding the
conservation of Australian Threatened Birds.
BioScience 53658-665. - Knibb, David. In press. Grizzly Wars. U. W. Press
42Literature Cited
- USFWS. 1997. Recovery plan for the threatened
Marbled Murrelet in Washington, Oregon, and
California. Portland, OR. 203pp. - GAO. 1993. Factors associated with delayed
listing decisions. GAO/RCED-93-152. - Sidle, JG. 1998. Arbitrary and capricious species
conservation. Conservation Biology 12248-249. - Clark, T. W., Reading, R. P., and Clark, A. L.
(eds.) 1994. Endangered species recovery finding
the lessons, improving the process. Island Press