Title: Endangered Animal Act
1Endangered Animal Act
- Brandon
- Rolling Hills Elementary
- 2006
2 The Endangered Species act was written in 1973
to protect plants and animals that are close to
being extinct. Endangered Species are put in
two categories , "endangered and threatened.
The law states that a person cannot remove a baby
of an endangered species. There are big fines for
injury or killing any endangered species.
3 By May 31, 2000, there were 1051 species
protected by the Endangered Species Act and 128
animal species were threatened.
4 The Peregrine Falcon declined 80 because of the
pesticide called DDT. The Peregrine Falcon went
on the endangered list in 1974.
5 The Peregrine Falcon used to be on the
endangered list but the government removed it
from the list in 1999. It is still a protected
species however in some states.
6Bibliography Falcon Watch 2006 Lynne Harvey
2006 http//powayusd.sdcoe.k12.ca.us/teachers/lha
rvey/falcon2006 The Endangered Species Program
U.S. fish and Wildlife Service
http//www.fws.gov/endangered/ Endangered
Species Act U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency 2006 http//epa.gov/region5/defs/html/esa