(Or, you mean they actually PAY me to come to work in my jammies and read to kids? ... Crafts, book groups, performers, homework help. Will you need volunteers, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation
Title: Orientation for New Youth Services Librarians
1 Orientation for New Youth Services Librarians YS 101
Presented by
Maureen Ambrosino, Youth Services Consultant
Central Massachusetts Regional Library System
October 11, 2006
2 Welcome to YS 101!
Balancing Act
Time Management
Collection Development
Regional Services
3 Programs to consider
Baby Time
Toddler Time
3 4 Year Story Time
Pre-Kindergarten Story Time for age 5
After School School Vacation Book Discussions
Family Reading Time for Elementary
Young Adult Reading Clubs Programs
For tweens and teens
(Or, you mean they actually PAY me to come to work in my jammies and read to kids? This is SO cool!)
5 Baby Time
Things to Decide in Advance
Is it a social time for mothers?
What is the structure?
Is it a movement class? Is it a lap-sit class?
What do you hope to accomplish?
Do you have an adequate collection to support the program? (Board boooks are essential)
Mother Goose on the Loose
6 (No Transcript) 7 Toddler Time for age 2
Things to decide in advance
Is an adult required to attend? (recommended)
May siblings attend? (not recommended)
What is your goal?
Will this be a reading time or a social time?
If it is a reading time, what strategy will you use to assure participation by the adults?
How many children/parents may attend?
Registration? Or drop-in? (for all programs)
8 Preschool Story Time
Things to Decide in Advance
How many may attend?
Is an adult required to attend?
Will you do a craft project as part of the program?
Short movie? (public performance)
What are the beginning and ending dates for the program?
Is advance registration required?
What do you hope to accomplish?
May siblings attend?
What ages? 3-4? 3-5?
9 (No Transcript) 10 After School Programs
Things to decide in advance
Who is the audience?
How will you attract them?
Will you make contact with the schools?
What are the school regulations?
Where will you meet and how frequently?
What will you do to make this fun?
Crafts, book groups, performers, homework help
Will you need volunteers, or will staff run it?
ALSC new Kids _at_ Your Library campaign
11 YA Programs
Youth Advisory Council
Drop in programs crafts, henna, movies, book discussions
Teen volunteer programs
Lots more info to come!
12 The Balancing Act
Readers Advisory
Staff Relations
Public Relations
Database Training
Staff Training
New technology
Outreach to schools
Outreach to other organizations
Collection Development
Collection Evaluation
Collection Maintenance
13 Time Management
Things to Consider
What is essential?
How much time does it require?
Who will do this task?
How much can I do and not be burnt-out?
Can volunteers help me with this?
What is the cost? (in time and money)
If I start this, will it need to be ongoing?
14 Managing a Book Budget
Determine your annual budget at the beginning of the fiscal year.
Evaluate the needs of your collection.
Regularly read the professional review materials.
School Library Journal
Horn Book
And others
Order materials according to departmental needs and not based upon your personal likes/dislikes.
15 The Money
Most budgets must be spent between August and late May/early June. Municipalities usually are not ready for purchases in July and, they close their books by early June.
Plan for 10 spending months, and divide your budget proportionately. Spend in that pattern, and you will always have new books arriving.
If you have a cataloging department, before making very large purchases, forewarn them. Remember They are working with you surprise shipments of large quantities of books can be disconcerting.
16 Placing Orders
Read reviews and order materials that are well received and needed in your library.
Check the catalog to see if you already own the book.
Check your files to see if the book is already on order.
Write-out an order card copy for your files.
Record your order
Estimate the discounted price and record your spending in your ledger/spreadsheet
Always utilize technology tools that are available.
When the book arrives, check it off.
Check and recheck your budget.
Tip Complete all spending by the end of May. This allows the fiscal office to close the books for the fiscal year.
17 Regional Resources
Ellison dies/machines for loan
Multiple copy sets
Limited photocopying
Summer Reading Program supplies
YA book blog http//cmrlsyabooks.blogspot.com
Photo gallery on Flickr www.flickr.com/photos/cmr ls/sets
Consulting help with collection development, policies, weeding, programming questions,