Title: Mobile Technologies for Libraries
1Mobile Technologies for Libraries
- Joan K. Lippincott
- Coalition for Networked Information
- CNI Fall 2008 Meeting
2Mobile Technologies, Mobile Users
- Overview
- Content for mobile devices
- Tools and services for mobile users
- Implications for physical environments
- Planning process
- Feedback, examples, discussion
3Mobile Devices are Well-established in Teaching
- Ipods for language learning
- http//www.flickr.com/photos/cogdog/2733714099/
4Mobile Devices and Itunes U.
- I-tunes U. for lecture capture, etc.
5Mobile Devices and Itunes U.
- I-tunes U. for lecture capture, etc.
6University of Tennessee - Clickers
- Clickers -student response systems for large STEM
7Mobile Devices for Everyday Use
- Just a typical college campus
5/ - Whats in my bag? http//www.flickr.com/photos/l
8Small Devices Used for a Range of Activities
Aaron Swartz - who at the age of 21, has already
helped create RSS (that was in his early teens),
published a couple of computer-science papers,
and developed Infogami, a system enabling his
digitally clueless elders to set up their own
websites (is working on a new project) I
recently sent him a number of questions Some of
his answers were, it seems, typed into a mobile
phone. Scott McLemee, Inside Higher Education,
August 8. 2007 http//insidehighered.com/views/20
9Students are Connected
- 73.7 of respondents own a laptop
- Respondents spend an average of 18 hours/wk using
an electronic device
The ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and
Information Technology, 2008
10Students are Connected
- More than half own 4 or 5 of the following
- Computer (desktop and/or laptop)
- Digital camera
- Music/video device
- Game device
- Wireless hub
- Smart phone
The ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and
Information Technology, 2008
11Students and Mobiles
- 70 of 11-year-olds in the UK own a mobile phone
- On average teenagers send or receive 9.6 text
messages/day - The Mobile Life Youth Report 2006
12Students use their devices
- Harvard Medical School survey of students 2007
- 52 own a PDA
- Application with most use reference info with
26 of respondents only 6 subscribe to podcasts - As reported in Waiting on the Wave, Campus
Technology, March 2007 http//campustechnology.com
13Effective Digital Learners
- Use mobile phones, laptops, and PDAs to support
their learning - Use software to create, manipulate, and present
content - Seek peer support via informal networks of family
and friends by using e-mail, texting, chat, and
Skype, an underworld of communication and
information-sharing invisible to tutors - JISC. In Their Own Words, 2007
14They are attached to their devices
Many speak of their personal devices
as individualised learning environments which,
if possible, go everywhere with them. As a
result, they express a need to integrate personal
technologies with institutionally based systems -
for example downloading podcasts onto a palmtop
or uploading work from a storage device, such as
a USB memory stick,to an institutionally based
computer - to provide a seamless flow of
studyNot being able to do so causes them
frustration. JISC. In Their Own Words, 2007
15What do you know about YOUR user population?
- Use existing survey data
- Consult with other institutional units about what
data they collect and how you can partner - Supplement quantitative data with qualitative
data - Focus groups
- Interviews
- Observation/field studies
16And What about Libraries?
- Content
- Tools and Services
- Environments
17Mobile Library Users
- Distance education students
- Blended learning students
- Learners or faculty in the field
- Learners or faculty on distant campuses
- Learners using mobile devices in the classroom
- Learners using mobile devices for learning
activities outside of the classroom
18Mobile devices
- Mobile phones/smart phones
- PDAs
- Clickers/Personal Response Systems
- IPods, MP3 players, cameras
- Laptops/notebook computers
- The next devicesmart pens?
19Livescribes Smartpen
- Smartpen and special paper
- Tap on notes and hear audio recording
- Upload your drawings and notes to PC
- www.livescribe.com
Ironically, the big behavior change may be to
get this younger generation to pick up
this unfamiliar instrument called the pen. Paul
Saffo quoted in NYT May 30, 2007
20Mobilizing Content
- Reference sources
- Monographs - Kindle
- Library or university instructional content
- Research-generated content (from the field)
- Exhibit content
21Reference Content -U. Alberta Librarys PDA Zone
22Reference Works Linked to Language Learning?
- Use Nokia cellphones for English lessons test
prep - Buy phone with educational programs installed or
download programs - www.koolearn.com
23What Reference Resources Could Assist the
Northwestern U. Journalism School Students?
At a time when newspaper readership is steadily
declining and many readers are bouncing from
blogs to Internet video to get their news, the
new approach will send student reporters out into
the field with video iPods and digital
camcorders, as well as spiral notebooks. Chronicl
e of Higher Education, July 20.
2007 http//chronicle.com/daily/2007/07/2007072002
24Monograph Lending - Kindles
I am the Access Services Librarian at the
University of Nebraska Omaha, and as such,
responsible for Circulation services. In March we
purchased five Kindles as an experiment for a
faster means of delivering Interlibrary Loan
requests. Instead of waiting days, a book request
can be filled in a matter of minutes. In May we
expanded this service to include popular fiction
titles, something our patrons have asked for, but
as a research library, a collection area with
relatively few choices. This service has been
even more popular than Interlibrary Loan and we
ordered three more Kindles Joyce Neujahr
Aug 26, 1034 AM Wired Campus, CHE
25Arizona State U. Library Channel
26Faculty-student field projects
27Place-linked Content for Mobile Devices
At the NEHs Office of Digital Humanities, staff
are pursuing interest in mobile technologies that
can be used in museums and historical places and
that deliver scans of primary documents,
audio-visual materials, and scholarly analysis to
enhance ones understanding of the
site. http//www.neh.gov/ODH/ODHUpdate/tabid/108/
28IR Content for Mobile Devices
- Image files of plant species, diseases
- Local or campus history materials
- Lectures or performances given on campus
- Other examples
29Mobilizing Tools and Services
- Catalogs
- Library web pages
- Content for mobile devices - hours, patron
records, equipment availability, podcasts - RFID in the stacks
- Item information
- Recommender information
- New types of aids for instruction
30NCSU CatalogWS
- Library catalog as a versatile discovery
platform - Data source for MobiLIB - catalog interface
optimized for mobile devices - http//www.lib.ncsu.edu/dli/projects/catalogws/
31OCLC WorldCat on IPhone
- Look up items
- Find library near you
- Citation styles for items
32Mobilizing services
- Reference
- Chat, IM, phone
- Training users on devices
- Information literacy
- Tutorials on finding journal articles, evaluating
Internet resources, etc. configured for Ipods,
Smartphones, etc.
33Mobilizing services
- Targeting user groups
- Students at a distance or abroad
- Field-based students
- Students in professional programs, e.g. health
sciences, education, social work, journalism
34Mobilizing environments
- Equipment loan desks
- Spaces for re-charging
- Demonstration/experimental spaces
- Spaces for collaboration and development of
digital content - Connecting with others
- Teaching spaces
- Spaces for content display
35Cornell Mann Library
36Laptop Lending Robert Gordon U. ( Scotland)
37Re-charging Lockers at Montesquieu Learning Centre
38Open University Library DigiLab
39U. Mass. Amherst Learning Commons
40Weigle Information Commons UPenn
41U. Delaware Student Multi-media Design Center
42Georgia TechPractice Presentation Room
43U. Birmingham Skype set-up
44U. Washington Videoconferencing
46NCSU Learning Commons eBoards
47Information Displays
- Learning Grid, U. Warwick http//www.flickr.com/ph
48Even more issues
- Authentication
- Privacy
- Theft and leakage of confidential or licensed
information - Standard platforms
- Mobile devices and cheating
49Library Planning
- Address
- Licensing information products for mobile devices
- Hosting or pointing to institutional content for
mobile devices - Preserving new content types and formats
- Providing instruction on devices as well as
access to content - Providing space for new equipment
50Campus-wide Planning
- Mobile Learning Task Force, study group
- Identify stakeholders and partners
- Determine what you are trying to accomplish
- Survey the uptake of mobile devices by sector
- Target audiences for specific content/services
- Identify resources needed and potential funding
- Develop an assessment plan
51Whoever said you cant take it with you is
sooo twentieth century! Heard on National
Public Radio, 8/23/07
52Why Focus on Mobile Content and Services?
- Shift in how our clientele work and use
information - Library interests intertwined with other campus
units making decisions on mobile content and
technology - Consider strategic value of orienting some
content and services to mobile devices
- Your examples
- Feedback
- Discussion
- QA
- Photos include web captures, photos from my
collection and some supplied to me by - North Carolina State U.
- U. Massachusetts Amherst
- U. Delaware
- All photos used from Flickr have Creative Commons
licenses - With thanks!
PDAs, Handhelds, and Mobile Technologies in
Libraries Megan Fox, Simmons College Library
M-Libraries Libraries on the Move to Provide
Virtual Access. Edited by Gil Needham and Mohamed
Ally London Facet Publishing, 2008
M-Learning and Mobility - ELI webpages http//www.
On the Move with the Mobile Web. Ellyssa Kroski.
Library Technology Reports, vol. 44, no. 5, ALA,
Contact joan_at_cni.org