Title: Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting
1Geosat Follow-On Mission Status
- Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting
- Venice, Italy March 16 - 18, 2006
- John Lillibridge
- NOAA Laboratory for Satellite Altimetry
- Gregg Jacobs Kirk Whitmer
- Naval Research Laboratory - Stennis Space Center
2GFO Spacecraft Sensors
- Ku-band Altimeter
- Dual- Radiometer
- 4 GPS Receivers
- Doppler Beacon
- Laser Retro-reflector
- Fixed Solar Array
- Solid State Memory
3Navy GFO Ground Segment
4A Brief History
- Launch 10-Feb-1998 from Vandenberg AFB
- 8-year nominal lifetime, celebrated 8th
anniversary in 2006 - Initial hardware difficulties
- Onboard CPU resets during first two years
- GPS receivers failed in spite of 4-unit
redundancy - Loss of primary orbit determination system
- Loss of precision time-tagging
- Ground-based time-tag unit at NAVSOC June, 1999
- Precision orbit determination based on SLR
tracking - CPU reset problems solved November, 1999
- Navy acceptance November 29, 2000
- Momentum wheel anomalies - temperature sensitivity
5Altimetry Data Return
6Interagency Participation
- U.S. Navy
- Program management
- Navy Cal/Val team
- Satellite Command/Control
- Data Telemetry
- Operational Doppler orbits
- NAVO/NRL - Stennis
- Payload Operations Center - ADFC
- Near real-time altimetry -gt GODAE
- Military data requests
- Wallops Flight Facility
- Instrument performance monitoring Cal/Val
- Goddard Space Flight Center
- Precise Orbit Determination from laser ranging
- Ice-sheet monitoring via altimeter waveforms
- Final Science-quality GDRs
- Near real-time IGDRs
- Civilian Data Requests (Foreign National)
- Funding OSU Cal/Val team GSFC Orbits
- Funded CLS for sea-state bias model
7European Partners
- CNES - Corsica absolute calibration
- CLS - Real-time DUACS system
- Validation of all corrections
- Editing thresholds and engineering flags
- Sea surface height, SWH, Wind Attitude
- S.O.S. (U.K.) - SWH/Wind Buoy validation
8Near Real-Time AVISO Processing - GFO
Courtesy M-H. de Launay CLS
9Near Real-Time Navy ADFC Processing
10GFO Precise Orbit Statistics
11GFO T/P Sea Surface Height
- SSH-MSS residuals 11 cm for GFO 10 cm for T/P
- Geocenter offsets applied (B. Beckley/GSFC)
12Improved Mesoscale Sampling
- Pascual, A., Y. Faugere, G. Larnicol, and P.-Y.
Le Traon (2006), - Improved description of the ocean mesoscale
variability by combining four satellite
altimeters, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, 2006.
13East Australia Current Analysis - CSIRO
Courtesy D. Griffin -CSIRO
14GFO contributes to GSLR records
15Hurricane Katrina Altimetry
Scharroo, Smith and Lillibridge, EOS, 86(40), 2005
16GFO Waveform Data Collection
17NOAA Lab. for Satellite Altimetry GFO Site
18Navy/NRL Data Access
19U.S. GODAE Server - NAVO Products
21Continuing GFO Operations
- GFO has reached its nominal 8-year lifetime
- Navy, NOAA, NASA will continue operations as
long as possible - Two significant hardware issues to face
- Thermal sensitivity of reaction wheels
- Wheel 1 taken offline may still be viable, but
requires further study - Wheel 3 sensitive to overheating
- Reduced operations when orbit in full-sun
orientation - Battery aging effects
- Will reach manufacturers spec. on
charge/discharge cycles this year - During orbital eclipse voltages approach
undervoltage limit - Direct Downlink mode has been terminated
(transmitter off) - Implement one-failed-cell battery mode to lower
UV limits - Place altimeter in standby for portion of eclipse
(each rev) - Power off Water Vapor Radiometer for extended
periods of time