GISMO Team Meeting - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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GISMO Team Meeting


... Calibration) (Rodriguez) 1500 Navigation (Sonntag) 1515 Arctic 07 ... clutter rejection algorithm Navigation Lessons Learned from May 2006 2006 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: GISMO Team Meeting

GISMO Team Meeting
  • JPL
  • January 31, February 1, 2007

GISMO Team MeetingAgenda
  • January 31 Progress to date 1300  Status and
    Summary of Mid Year Review, Budget Issues - Jezek
  • Planning for April 07 Experiment 1320  Science
    and Engineering Objectives for April 2007 (Jezek)
    1330  Radar and antenna status (Gogineni) 1400 
    Vexcel Data processing Status, Interface and
    Readiness (Refraction, Motion Compensation,
    Calibration)  (Wu) 1430 JPL Data processing
    status, Interface and Readiness (Refraction,
    Motion Compensation, Calibration) (Rodriguez)
    1500 Navigation (Sonntag) 1515  Arctic 07
    Planning Status and key milestones (Krabill)
    1530 Proposed Flight Lines (Fahnestock and
    Sonntag) and Discussion 1600  April 07
    Experiment Plan and Discussion (Jezek) (see May
    06 vu-graphs for sample experiment plan form)
    1730  Adjourn February 1
  • Algorithms0830  Tomography Algorithm Status (Wu)
    0900  InSAR algorithm status (Rodriguez) 0930 
    Update on Multiaperture beam processing
    (Gogineni) 1000  Plans for reducing May 2006
    data to topography (Wu, Rodriguez, Forster)
    1030   Break 1045  Plans for investigating
    ionospheric effects and corrections (Freeman)
    1115  Data management issues, schedule for
    delivery of April 07 data, action Items (Jezek)
    1200  Adjourn

  • Briefly review project status
  • Prepare draft experiment plan for April 07
    identify implementation issues
  • Review algorithms May 06 processing
    (topography) April 07 processing issues

Project Status
Project Accomplishments
  • Theoretical concept well defined
  • Phase history simulations confirm theoretical
  • Radar design trade completed
  • Scaling study completed
  • 150 MHz radar system deployed for May 06 test
    flight in Greenland
  • For the first time, SAR data acquired from
    aircraft and successfully processed to SAR images
    and interferograms of glacier bed

Data Processing Lessons Learned
  • Time reference functions
  • In range compression the ideal chirp is used for
    each receive channel. We plan to measure the
    received chirp from each receive channel and use
    them to do range compression. These actual range
    reference functions may give us some improvement
    in focus and SNR in the range compressed images.
  • Motion compensation
  • We are quite sure the motion data are quite
    accurate for the 150 MHz carrier frequency data.
    But in April 2007 we are going to collect data
    using 450 MHz carrier frequency. Motion data may
    become less accurate relatively. We plan to use
    the current 150 MHz data to investigate motion
    compensation methods and try to find appropriate
    approaches to improve the azimuth compression for
    the special cases of the ice sounding SAR images.
  • Imaging model with ice mass refraction
  • Any image formation algorithms assume that the
    electromagnetic wave which carries the radar
    waveforms is traveling in the same homogeneous
    media like the air. It is not the case for ice
    sounding radars. For the data collection in May
    2006 the ice thickness is about 2000m and the
    slant range between the radar sensors and the ice
    surface is only about 1000m long. There are two
    main differences between the ice sounding radar
    and the normal surface mapping radar. The first
    one is the refraction which happens at the
    air-ice boundary and changes the travel
    directions of the electromagnetic wave. The other
    is that the travel velocity within the ice is
    about 1.8 times slower than in the free air. We
    plan to model the ice mass with two layers and
    try to improve the azimuth compression results by
    taking into account the refraction and the
    different travel velocity.
  • Tomography processing
  • Try to verify tomography technique for generating
    3D volumetric images of the regions of interest
    in Greenland and/or in Antarctica using the data
    acquired in May 2006 and the data yet to be
    acquired in April 2007. The methods to be tested
    include direct convolution back-projection from
    the phase history data and the method of creating
    3D images from already-formed 2D complex images.

Multi-Aperture Lessons Learned
  • Using multi-aperture arrays and spatial
    filtering, measured for the first time the ice
    thickness across Jacobshavn Glacier and to the
    calving front
  • Analyses indicate that increasing the number of
    antenna elements from 4 to 10-15 at 450 MHz
    improves spatial filtering sufficiently to
    develop an automatic clutter rejection algorithm

Navigation Lessons Learned from May 2006
  • 2006 GISMO flight used Soxmap / Twin Otter
  • Configuration more suitable for outlet glacier
  • Steering within /-50m, could be better
  • 2007 GISMO flights will use CDI with P-3
  • Better repeatability for straight flight lines
  • Soxmap backup
  • More info click Aircraft

May 06 Experiment SummaryLessons Learned
  • 1) Single pass, across track SAR imaging from
    aircraft is possible even in areas where the base
    of the ice sheet appears to be relatively smooth.
  • 2) Across track interferometry is possible in
    the area where backscatter is relatively weak.
    This is consistent with theory. The fringe rates
    we observe are reasonable for the short (7 m)
    baseline we achieved on the Twin Otter aircraft.
  • 3) Given the measured fringe rate patterns, we
    expect to retrieve across track measurements of
    basal topography.
  • 4) Data processed so far steer the beam 20
    degrees off nadir. Depending on the product of
    the beam pattern with the backscatter falloff,
    this may or may not be optimum. We will analyze
    the data with different degrees of beam steering.
  • 5) We did not observe fringes from the ice sheet
    surface in the most recently processed data. Yet
    we can clearly see internal layers, which should
    have a much lower backscatter value than the
    surface return. We will investigate how beam
    steering angle influences the measured
    backscatter from the ice sheet surface.
  • 6) We observe detailed internal layers in the
    range and azimuth compressed data. We also
    observed the frequently described internal layer
    free zone near the base of the ice sheet.
  • 7) 150 MHz backscatter strength is sufficient to
    yield a measurable signal. We will test and
    compare 150 MHz and 450 MHz systems.
  • 8) The May 23 data collected observations along
    the same in and out bound track. We will
    investigate how longer baselines derived from
    repeat pass data effect data quality.
  • 9) We observed a systematic noise pattern in the
    amplitude and interferometric data. The noise
    artifacts in the InSAR data will be an additional
    complication for interferogram filtering. The
    noise source is not always on and we will attempt
    to identify the origin of the noise source.
  • 10) We must measure the time reference functions
    prior to the experiment.

Project Tasks(green complete orange in
  • Year 1
  • Science and Management (OSU) Convene Science
    Team conduct initial design review refine
    project plan compile information on ice
    dielectric properties and ice sheet physical
    properties such as surface roughness and slope.
    Prepare reports as required by NASA
  • Radar Development (University of Kansas a)
    Design of new set of optimized antennas We will
    build a model structure and measure its
    electrical performance. We will identify and work
    with a contractor to build the antenna
    installation mounted under the wings and flight
    test it in collaboration with engineers at NASA
    Wallops. b) End-to-end simulation of the system
    including antennas. (work completed for Twin
    Otter flight testing in progress for P-3)
  • Algorithm Development Develop a motion
    compensation processor and a time-domain
    (back-propagation) IFSAR processor. Use legacy
    code from the GeoSAR and MOSS IIP projects. (JPL
    planned for April 07) b) Prototype first
    version of the interferogram filtering code
    (JPL) c) Modify simulation software and
    generate simulated IFSAR returns from basal and
    surface layers (Vexcel) and evaluate the filter
    performance on the simulated data.

Project Tasks
  • Year 2
  • Radar Development Build sub-system and assemble
    the complete system.(150 MHz complete, 450 MHz in
    progress) Perform laboratory tests using delay
    lines to document loop sensitivity,radar
    waveforms and impulse response.
  • System Integration (KU, WFF, Aircraft Operator)
    a)Install the radar and navigational equipment on
    P-3 or similar aircraft and conduct flight tests
    over the ocean. (Planned for April 07)
  • Algorithm Development. Develop a strip IFSAR
    processor and compare against the results of the
    exact time-domain processor. Iterate the clutter
    removal algorithm based on experimental results
    (JPL)(awaits Arctic 07 data). Develop software
    and apply software to process multiple 2-D
    complex SAR images coherently (Vexcel).
  • Data acquistion and Analysis Field experiments
    over the ice sheet Finalize interferometric SAR
    processor and pre-processor and process data from
    first campaign (JPL). Extract basal topography
    from result. Iterate interferometric filter
    design based on assessment of the results.
  • Science and Management Participate in field
    measurements Conduct design and performance
    review assess quality of results in context of
    science requirements. (Completed for Twin Otter
    In progress for P-3)

Project Tasks
  • Year 3
  • Data Acquisition and analysis Conduct second
    airborne campaign Reduce and analyze data.
    Develop software and apply software to process
    multiple raw data acquisitions tomographically.
    Apply linear beam forming techniques
    (Demonstrated with twin otter). Extract basal
    topography from result. (Vexcel)
  • Mission Design Spaceborne mission design based
    on the experimental results.
  • Science and Management Participate in final
    field experiment convene final review develop
    mission concept in terms of science requirements
    and experimental results prepare final reports.

Additional Issues
  • After discussion with ESTO, JPL and Vexcel, 50k
    will be transferred from the OSU budget to Vexcel
    for additional effort as specified in a
    workstatement provided in Year 2. 50k will be
    deducted from the JPL budget in Year 3 and added
    to the OSU budget. A short proposal to ESTO will
    be required during the annual resubmit.
  • The Year 3 airborne experiment will occur near
    the end of the project. Given current spending
    projections, a no-cost extension is anticipated
    to allow for analyzing data from the experiment.
  • OSU will provide budgetary details on all project
    expenditures. However, this is complicated by
    the fact that monies are transferred directly
    from ESTO to Wallops (aircraft support Year 2)
    and to JPL (processor development). It is
    proving challenging for OSU to get this
    information through formal channels. That said,
    OSU is aware of under-spending at JPL. OSU
    closely works with Wallops on flight costs for
    Arctic 07 and will monitor expenditures.
  • An issue is whether to again transfer aircraft
    costs directly from ESTO to Wallops or whether
    there can be more exact accounting if monies are
    sent directly to OSU as originally planned.

Cummulative Spending ESTO Requirement to Update
for All Projects Expenditures
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