Title: Prevention and Control of Virus Disease
1Prevention and Control of Virus Disease
- Vaccination
- Tues 11/11/2003
2Vaccines the proven best defense against viruses
- Smallpox
- Poliovirus
- Influenza
- Measles
- Hepatitis B
- Ebola
- Rabies
3Vaccine basics
- Attenuated vaccines
- Inactivated (killed) vaccines
- Subunit vaccines (purified viral components)
Vaccines stimulate immune memory
From Flint et al Principles of Virology
ASM Press
Measles in Faroe Islands - 18th century
4The immune system and vaccines
B cells T cells
The vaccine is a source of virus-specific antigen
From Nathanson. Viral Pathogenesis
- From killing, crippling or disfiguring 10 of the
entire human population, smallpox has now been
- Chinese and Indian physicians in the 11th century
introduced pus from smallpox lesions into healthy
individuals in the hope of introducing only mild
disease and protection. In 18th century England,
dried crusts of lesions were rubbed into the cuts
of healthy people (variolation) - These practices were very dangerous and often
lead to full disease
6- Edward Jenner (1749-1823)
- Jenners insight was to realize that cowpox (a
related bovine virus) might confer immunity to
- Jenner introduced cowpox lesions into a healthy
boy (1796), and then deliberately infected the
boy with smallpox (vaccination). The boy survived
with localized cowpox lesions at the site of
- Louis Pasteur - 100 years later
- The vaccine for Rabies virus
- Deliberate, experimental production and control
of the vaccine
- Serial passage of an infectious virus in rabbit
spinal cord
The next vaccines (yellow fever and influenza)
did not appear until the 1930s
7- Vaccines usually give active immunization
- a modified form of the virus
- But they can give passive immunization
- The products of an immune response (e.g.
antibodies) -- pooled human sera or immune
- When stimulated immune cells are used adoptive
- This is a short-term, emergency strategy
- The Dustin Hoffman approach
- Vaccines must be safe
- No presence of infectious virus
- No reversion to virulence
- No contamination
- But the use of any vaccine is not without some
8- Herd immunity
- To achieve success in preventing disease in a
population, not every individual must be
vaccinated - generally 80-95 is sufficient
- This reduces the virus load in the population
such that the infection is not sustained
- In the case of smallpox, vaccination rates as low
as 50 have led to eradication in some countries
- An outbred population will always have a varied
response to vaccination
- Age and health of the individual
- Weak immune responses can select vaccine escape
- Other important features --
- 1) stability, 2) ease of administration, 3) cost
9Vaccine success stories
Indigenous wild poliovirus
- Smallpox -- eradicated (1979)
- Poliovirus -- almost eradicated
From Nathanson Fine Science 296 269 (2002)
- 20,000 paralytic cases/yr in 1950s, 2000-3000
From Strauss Strauss, Viruses and Human
Disease Academic Press
11Live attenuated virus vaccines
- The basis of the polio vaccine
- Virulent viruses may become attenuated by growing
- A) in different host cells
- B) at different temperature
From Flint et al Principles of Virology ASM Press
12Attenuated poliovirus vaccines
- Sabin (live attenuated, or OPV) poliovirus
vaccine consists of 3 serotypes of the virus,
developed in 1961
From Flint et al Principles of Virology ASM Press
Mutations affect mRNA translation and virus
13- This type of virus attenuation is seemingly
undirected, or blind
- But they work and are widely used , because
- The viruses replicate to some extent in the host
- The authentic immune response is elicited
- The virus will amplify somewhat,
- They have a reduced ability to spread, but can
spread (vaccination of unvaccinated neighbors)
- They cause mild or inapparent disease
- Delivery is by syringe or mouth (good for
enteric viruses) or by aerosol
- Delivery is usually easy
- The vaccine is often stable
- They are relatively cheap to produce
- The polio vaccine is currently 8c a dose
14Problems with attenuated viruses
- Reversion to wild-type
- Vaccine-derived polioviruses (VDPVs) - highly
enterotropic and spread to non-immune subjects
From Flint et al Principles of Virology ASM Press
15Complications of vaccine strategies
- Outbreak of paralytic poliomyelitis in Dominican
Republic during 2000-2001
- All patients were unvaccinated or incompletely
vaccinated children in areas with low vaccine
coverage (7-40)
- Outbreak associated with type 1 OPV strain
originating with a single OPV dose given in
- Biological properties indistinguishable from wild
From Kew et al Science 296 356 (2002)
16Killed poliovirus vaccines
- The original (Salk) poliovirus vaccine was
killed, developed in 1955
- It was very safe, it induces high levels of
circulating antibody, but little mucosal immunity
- hence stops paralysis, but not necessarily
virus spread in the GI tract. Injected. - Supeceded by the Sabin OPV vaccine
- The Salk vaccine is still used in the USA today
in babies
- It is far less effective at preventing polio
outbreaks and would never work in a disease
eradication program
17Inactivated or killed vaccines
- The natural pathogenic virus is produced in
quantity and inactivated by chemical or physical
procedures - to eliminate infectivity without
affecting antigenicity - e.g formalin, Triton X-100
- These vaccines are uncomplicated and relatively
- Theoretically they are very safe (assuming
inactivation is good)
- The influenza vaccine is a killed virus, 75
million doses, virus is grown in embryonated
chicken eggs
- Can be whole virus (formalin inactivated) or a
detergent soluble fraction (a subunit vaccine ?)
- Equivalent to 15 µg HA
- Must be given every year
- A mixture of 3 strains (A/H1N1, A/H3N2 and B)
18Comparison of live and killed vaccines
From Flint et al Principles of Virology ASM Press
19Cold-adapted virus vaccines
- For respiratory infections, viruses can be
selected that replicate only in the upper
respiratory tract (limited disease outcome)
rather than the lower respiratory tract - This is based on the relative temperatures of the
two sites
- Viruses are selected able to infect at 32-34C,
but not 37C
- Mutations arise in almost all gene segments
- Used fairly extensively for influenza virus - in
the former Soviet Union
20A new influenza vaccine
- In the 1960s cold adapted vaccines were
developed by John Maassab at the Univ. of
Michigan, selected for growth at 25C
- In 2003, these viruses were approved by the FDA,
for individuals aged 5-50
- No injection, can be given by a pharmacist (or
even in the home)
- Cost x2 higher that the standard killed vaccine
- Aimed mainly at school-age children
- rtsp//umtv-live.rs.itd.umich.edu/sph/maassab2.rm
- A highly successful vaccine
- Protects against measles, mumps and rubella
- Recent problems, due to (unfounded) link to
autism and inflammatory bowel disease
- Some areas of Europe have vaccine coverage of
young children down to 60
- Outbreaks of measles, with deaths of unvaccinated
children have occurred (Dublin, Ireland 2003)
Measles can kill 12500 of those infected
22Designer attenuated vaccines
- Deliberate attenuation
- e.g. deletion mutants with exceedingly low
probability of reversion to virulence
From Flint et al Principles of Virology
ASM Press
From Flint et al Principles of Virology ASM Press
- Killed viruses are often not very immunogenic
- Adjuvants are immunostimulatory substances that
help early immune recognition
- By presentation of antigen as particles
- By localization of the antigen to the site of
- By direct stimulation of the immune response
- Killed mycobacterium/mineral oil is used in
animals (Freunds), alum is used in humans
24Subunit vaccines
- A purified subset of viral proteins
- e.g. Hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HbSAg)
- Produced in yeast (S. cerevisiae)
- -spontaneously assembles into a virus-like
- Synthetic peptides (20aa)
- Taken up and presented with MHC class II
- Foot and mouth disease virus
- In general, subunit vaccines are expensive,
difficult to produce, and give poor responses
- But, they are very safe, and can be used for
unculturable viruses
25Rabies vaccine
- Killed rabies vaccine (in humans) is an example
of post-exposure vaccination, used in combination
with immune globulin therapy
- Smallpox vaccine can also be used after exposure
- Ring vaccination
26Viral vectors
- Vaccinia virus
- Recombinant viruses can be engineered to express
one of more foreign virus gene products - rabies
vaccine in animals
- Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV)
- Level of protein expression can be controlled by
the location in the genome - possible use for
HIV-1 - expression of gp120
From Flint et al Principles of Virology ASM
From Flint et al Principles of Virology ASM Press
27DNA vaccines
- Not a viral protein, but a DNA plasmid encoding a
viral gene
- Delivered by injection or gene-gun
- Somehow the DNA gets into cells and expressed
- Gives good MHC I presentation
- Often combined with cytokine genes as immune
response promoters (adjuvants)
- e.g new HIV gp120/IL-2 DNA vaccine
- Other examples
- Influenza vaccine - NP DNA (stimulates T cells)
- The van Gogh experiment - a rabbit was injected
with a DNA vaccine in the ear and the ear cut off
at various time post injection. Antibodies were
produced even if the ear was cut off after a few
minutes. The DNA is rapidly moving to other sites.
28Ebola vaccine
- Ebola DNA vaccine
- - gp DNA/Adenovirus booster
- Complex immunization strategy (6 months), but
good response
- New vaccine is just the gp expressed by
adenovirus - very fast response (can be used for
ring vaccination)
- However, response is much weaker than original
vaccine (but does protect)
- Also, 45 of the US population has immunity to
adenovirus and might be resistant to the Ebola
29Notable vaccine failures
- RSV (Respiratory syncytial virus)
- A common cause of pediatric hospitalization -
very young children (
- In the early 1960s, a formalin-inactivated
vaccine was tested
- This failed to give any protection
- But also gave exaggerated clinical response upon
subsequent RSV infection - with highly increased
rates of hospitalization (80 vs. 5) and two
deaths in clinical trials - There is still no effective RSV vaccine
- Current therapy is based on passive immunization
30Viral vaccines registered in the United States
From Flint et al Principles of Virology ASM Press
New 5-in-1 vaccines are now available
31Further reading Chapter 19 of Flint
Topley and Wilsons Microbiology and Microbial
Infections Vol1Virology Chapter 45
Nathanson Viral Pathogenesis Chapter 16