Title: Hospital Infection Control Solution
1Importance of Hospital Infection Control
2Utopia provides solution for Infection control
and bio Decontamination through BioGienie.
Infection Control understanding with containing
infections in any healthcare setting.
3However this can prove to be extremely tricky as
infection can be passed in many ways between the
patients, several healthcare personnel and even
the family as all these category of people comes
in permanent contact with each other thus raising
the possibility of spreading infections.
4The old adage about prevention being better than
cure rings particularly true in such
environments, as some basic care can help in
minimizing the chances of such infections from
spreading in the first place.
5Maintaining a clean pair of hands is the most
simple and effective manner to avoid dangerous
microorganisms from spreading. It is your hands
that come in maximum contact while handling
patients, instruments or administering treatments
and can cause the infection to pass on easily.
6Washing your hands with a disinfectant soap and
sufficient water and then wiping it clean with a
paper towel can be very useful. Ideally you must
wash hands in between different tasks and dealing
with different patients.
7Also hands must be cleaned promptly after contact
with any blood, body fluids, medical instruments
and items, infected clothes as well as used and
discarded bandages. One of the most effective
ways to get rid of microorganisms from
instruments is sterilization.
8The different methods employed include steam,
heat and chemicals, with the first 2 being more
common due to ease and availability and chemicals
being used in a cold sterilization system
especially when the instruments cannot be
subjected to heat.
9Though less effective than sterilization, a
disinfectant chemical may also be used at normal
temperatures to clean of various surfaces.
Personal Protective Equipment are one of the
better known and commonly visible kinds of
protection that can work well for forming a
physical barrier to keep infection at bay.
10A host of such equipment that comprises of gowns,
caps, gloves, masks, face shields and even shoe
covers can help in avoiding contact with infected
blood, instruments or related materials. These
can protect the eyes, mouth and nose and even
prevent infection from spreading through the
clothes and shoes.
11Furthermore sufficient care must be exercised to
discard any such gear that is disposable and
meant for single used, while the other reusable
items must be properly disinfected before using
them again. Also remember that PPE must never be
12Healthcare personnel are constantly exposed to
infection due to the nature of their work.
Vaccinations can help in boosting their immunity
against contracting diseases. This can prove
especially useful against diseases that have no
concrete cure, for example the Hepatitis B Virus
13And though vaccinations may not be fool proof
they do add another layer of safety. The above
preventive measures can be followed up by
constant surveillance to ensure all steps are
being adhered to and that any suspected spread of
infection can be nipped in the bud with prompt
14To Find Out More Information Infection Control
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