- Roughly J Shaped at rest
- Size and Shape varies with
- a) Volume of food or fluid it contains
- b) Position of body
- c) Phase of respiration
- High and transverse in obese and short persons
- Elongated in thin persons
3Stomach has-
- Two surfaces 1. Anterior 2. Posterior
- Two Curvatures 1.Greater 2. Lesser
- Two Orifices 1. Cardia 2. Pylorus
- Gastro-oesophageal junction
- 2.5 cm. left of midline
- T10 level
- Fundus
- Above the horizontal line from cardiac notch to
greater curvature. - In contact with left dome of diaphragm
- Full of swallowed air.
- Junction of horizontal and vertical part of
lesser curvature - Clearly seen from inside at endoscopy.
- Pyloroduodenal junction
- Identified by vein of Mayo externally
- Right of midline at L-1
6Stomach bed
- Left crus and dome of diaphragm
- Body of Pancreas
- Splenic artery
- Transverse mesocolon, left colic flexure
- Part of left kidney, left suprarenal.
- Coeliac plexus, ganglion and lymph nodes.
7On Upper GI Endoscopy
- Body and fundus recognized by thick vertical
mucosal folds - Incisura seen as transverse ridge
- Antrum by flat mucosa
8Stomach Anatomy on Ultrasound
- Stomach wall thickness 5-6 mm.
- On Endoluminal or laparoscopic ultrasound seen as
5 layered structure - Most sensitive method in assessing T component
of gastric malignancy.
9Stomach Histology
- Three layers
- - Mucosa
- - Submucosa
- - Muscularis Propria
10Mucosa has
- Mucus secreting epithelial cells lining the
surface and gastric pits. - Lamina propria containing gastric glands of
specialised cells. - Muscularis mucosa dividing mucosa from submucosa.
11Muscularis Mucosa
- Lymphatics cross the muscularis mucosa in the
stomach to reach lamina propria in contrast to
colon, where lymphatics do not cross muscularis
mucosa. - Hence entity of intramucosal carcinoma in gastric
12Three types of mucosa in stomach
- Cardiac mucosa simple mucus secreting glands,
circular or oval shaped. - Body and Fundus - gastric glands are elongated,
test tube shaped and contain parietal and chief
cells. - Antral mucosa Gastric glands are branched and
secrete mucus and gastrin.
13Histogical division
- Between antrum and body does not correspond to
anatomical division. - A tongue of antral mucosa extends up the lesser
curvature. - Extent of which increases with age.
- So high gastric ulcers in elderly.
- Foci of gastric metaplasia commonly seen in Ist
part of Duodenum.
14Cardiac Sphincter
- Not a distinct anatomical sphincter
- Competence maintained by-
- a) Rosette like mucosal fold at G.O. junction
(plugging action) - b) Acute angle of entry of lower oesophagus into
stomach (Valve like effect) - c) Fixation of G.O. junction by
phreno-oesophageal ligament.
15Cardiac Sphincter
- d) Presence of lower 3 cm of intra-abdominal
oesophagus which is compressed by positive
intra-abdominal pressure. - e) Circular muscle of the lower oesophagus which
are thickened. - f) Right crus of diaphragm acts as a Pinch
Cock to the lower oesophagus as it pierces it.
16Pyloric Sphincter
- Well defined anatomical structure with a
physiological mechanism. - Comprises of outer longitudinal and inner
circular muscle layer. - Circular muscle in the shape of inverted V.
- Apex at pyloric end of lesser curvature.
- Limbs spread to greater curvature for 5 cm.
- Longitudinal muscle continuous with the
longitudinal muscle of Duodenum.
17Blood Supply
- Arterial Supply-
- Left gastric artery - branch of coeliac axis
- Right gastric artery - branch of common hepatic
18Blood Supply
- Right gastro-epiploic artery - branch of
gastro-duodenal artery and anastomoses with the
left gastro-epiploic artery to form an arcade. - Left gastro-epiploic artery - branch of splenic
artery. - Short gastric arteries from splenic artery.
19Clinical Importance
- Gastroduodenal artery passes behind duodenum and
often gets eroded by overlying duodenal ulcer
leading to severe haemorrhage. - Left gastric lymph nodes lie near the origin of
left gastric artery, so during radical
gastrectomy, left gastric artery should be flush
ligated to attain total clearance of lymph nodes.
- Veins mainly accompany arteries.
- Left gastric or coronary vein is of surgical
importance, as it receives branches from
oesophagus. - This vein must be divided specifically in
operations for bleeding oesophageal varices.
- Vessels to the mucosa of the lesser curvature
arise directly from left or right gastric
arteries instead of submucosal plexus. - These small vessels take a long course to reach
mucosa by piercing serosa, muscle and lamina
muscularis. - Long course of there vessels and lack of
submucosal plexus are responsible for the
development of lesser curvature ischemia more
22Nerve Supply
- Anterior (Left Vagus)
- Posterior (Right Vagus)
23Anterior Vagus
- At diaphragmatic hiatus, anterior vagus lies
behind peritoneum and phreno-oesophageal
ligament. - Closely applied to anterior surface of
oesophagus. - Usually single large trunk.
- In 30 more than one trunk.
- Easily identified by palpation with slight
tension on oesophagus. - Often a branch passes to stomach on left side at
a point 5-7 cm from cardio-oesophageal junction
24Posterior Vagus
- Not applied to the oesophagus
- Separated from it by 10 mm, lies more to the
patients right. - Thicker than Anterior Vagus
- May be more than one trunk in 10 of cases.
25Clinical Importance
- Several cms. of Vagal trunks should be excised
during vagotomy in view of marked capability of
regeneration autonomic nervous system - A small artery from Lt. Gastric artery
accompanies posterior vagus nerve. - So both ends of divided vagus should be ligated
while doing posterior truncal vagotomy to avoid
troublesome bleeding.
26Nerve of Grassi
- Often culprit for incomplete vagotomy.
- It is a branch of posterior vagus, passes behind
oesophagus to supply gastric fundus. - Originate at G.O. junction or upto 5-7 cm from
G.O. junction. - 5-7 cm. of nerve must be mobilised and any branch
to the left identified.
27Nerve supply to Pyloric Antrum
- At 7 cm from pylorus, anterior vagus usually
divides into branches. - Appearance of this division has been described as
Crows foot
28Types of Vagotomy
- Truncal Vagotomy
- Nerve trunks are divided above coeliac and
hepatic branches adjacent to hiatus. - Selective Vagotomy
- Anterior and Posterior Vagi are divided distal to
the Coeliac and hepatic branches. - Extragastric gastrointestinal vagal innervation
preserved. - Risk of gallstone formation and diarrhoea less.
29- Highly Selective Vagotomy
- Branches of the anterior and posterior nerves of
Latarjet to the body of stomach divided at lesser
curvature. - Terminal branches to pylorus and antrum
30Functions of Stomach
- Three Major functions
- Motor
- Secretary
- Endocrine
31Motor Functions
- Vagal mediated and gastrin induced receptive
relaxation. - Mixing and grinding of food to form chyme.
- Emptying of food at regular intervals.
32Secretary functions
- Secretion of
- Acid
- Pepsin
- Mucus
- Intrinsic Factor
- Water
- Electrolytes.
33Endocrine Functions
- Gastrin, Serotonin, Somatostatin are released
into blood.
34Physiological functions of Gastric Exocrine
- Initiation of peptic hydrolysis of dietary
proteins and triglycerides (H, Pepsin, Gastric
lipase) - Liberation of Vitamin B12 from dietary proteins
(H, Pepsin) - Binding of Vitamin B12 for subsequent ileal
uptake (intrinsic factor). - Facilitation of Duodenal inorganic Fe and Ca
absorption (H)
35- Stimulation of pancreatic HCO3 secretion via
secretion release (H) - Suppression of antral gastrin release (H)
- Killing or suppression of growth of ingested
micro-organisms (H) - Protection against noxious agents (mucin, mucus
36Mechanism of Acid Secretion
- When stimulated, parietal cells can secrete HCl
at a conc. of roughly 160 mM (pH 0.8) - Acid is secreted in to large canaliculi, which
are continuous with the lumen of the stomach. - H ion concentration. In parietal cells is 3
million fold higher than in blood. - Chloride is secreted against both concentration
and electrical gradient.
37- H/K ATPase (proton pump) located in the
canalicular membrane is the key player in H ion
secretion. - This ATPase is Magnesium dependent and not
inhibited by Ouabin.
38Mechanism of Acid Secretion
39Types of receptors on parietal cells which
stimulates acid secretion
- Histamin receptors (H2) for histamine released
from enterochromaffin (ECL) and mast cells. - Muscarinic (M3) type of cholinergic receptors for
acetylcholine released from postganglionic
neurons. - Cholecystokinin (CCKB) receptors for gastrin
released from G Cells
40Inhibitors of Acid Secretion
- Cholecystokinin
- Sopmatostatin
- Secretin
- Prostaglandin esp. PG2
- Glycagon e.g. peptides
- Gastric inhibitory peptides.
- Peptide YY and enteroglucagon.
41Steps of Acid Secretion in Parietal Cell
- 1. Hydrogen ions are generated within cells from
dissociation of water - H2O H OH-
- Hydroxyl ions so formed combine with Carbon
dioxide to form bicarbonate. This is catalysed by
Carbonic anhydrase. - OH- CO2 HCO3-
- Carbonic anhydrase
42- HCO3 transported out of basolateral membrane in
exchange for Cl- - Outflow of HCO3- from gastric mucosa to blood
results in alkaline tide - Cl- and K transported in to lumen of canaliculus
by Conductance channels. - H ion exchanged with K from cell into lumen of
canaliculus through the action of proton pump.
43Test for Gastric Acid Secretion
- Basal Acid Output (BAO)
- - Quantity of HCl secreted per hour by the
stomach in the unstimulated basal state. - - Expressed as meq of HCl/hour.
- - Normal range 1-5 meq/hour
- - Acid output Volume of gastric juice in
litres/hour x Conc. of - H ion (in meq/litre)
44- Maximal Acid Output (MAO)
- - Total acid put during the hour after
stimulation with pentagastrin (6 mg/kg i.m. or
s.c. or histamine (40 Mg/Kg s.c.) - - Value is calculated by adding the results of
either four 15 minute or six 10 minute sample
collections after stimulation. - - Normal range 25-55 meq HCl/hour.
45- 3. Peak Acid Output Two highest consecutive 15
minute periods of stimulated output, are
multiplied by a factor of 2 to yield a value for
a one hour period. - Gastric secretary studies are useful
- In patients with suspected gastric hyper
secretion. - In evaluation of medical and surgical therapy in
acid peptic disorders. - In suspected Zollinger Ellison syndrome.
46Effects of Truncal Vagotomy
- Lower Oesophagus
- Pressure in the LOS is reduced
- 10 patients can have transient dysphagia and
heart burn. - Stomach
- B.A.O. reduced by 70-80
- M.A.O. reduced by 50-60
47- - Response to standard dose of Pentagastrin
reduced. - Loss of receptive relaxation of stomach leading
to feeling of post-prandial epigastric fullness. - Gastric mucosal blood flow decreased.
- Reduced rate of gastric emptying for solids, due
to decreased force of contraction of antral pump.
48- Increased rate of gastric emptying for liquids,
due to increased intragastric pressure due to
loss of receptive relaxation of stomach, leading
to increase in pressure differential between
stomach and duodenum. - Biliary System
- Increased fasting gallbladder volume and
decreased contractility. - Increased tendency to gall stone formation due to
bile stasis.
49- Pancreas
- Reduced pancreatic enzyme secretion by 50-70.
- Increased production of Glucagon.
- Small Intestine
- Abnormal proliferation of bacteria in the small
intestine. - Reduced absorption of iron calcium.
- Diarrhoea.
51Thank You