Title: Chris Oat
1Advanced Character Rendering
- Chris Oat
- ATI Research, Inc.
- Skin Rendering
- Algorithm Overview
- Texture-space lighting
- Blur and dilation
- Soft shadows
- Translucent Shadows
- Acceleration technique Early-Z culling
optimization - Hair Rendering
- Modeling/Texturing
- Shading
- Depth sorting Early-Z culling optimization
3Skin Rendering
- The human eye is very sensitive to the perception
of skin, particularly with respect to facial
recognition - Most of the lighting from skin comes from
subsurface scattering - Skin color is mainly from the epidermis
- Pink/Red color mainly from blood in the dermis
- Traditional Lambertian lighting model assumes
hard surfaces with no subsurface scattering so it
doesnt work well for skin
4Approximate Skin Cross Section
5Our Objective
- Develop a simple, efficient skin rendering
algorithm for real-time applications - Must be very fast as it is only one of several
rendering techniques that will be used
concurrently to render realistic characters - Results should approximate subsurface scattering
6Basis for Our Approach
- SIGGRAPH 2003 sketch Realistic Human Face
Rendering for The Matrix Reloaded - Rendered a 2D light map
- Simulate subsurface diffusion in image domain
(different for each color component) - Used traditional ray tracing for areas where
light can pass all the way through (e.g.. Ears)
7Texture-Space Lighting
- Realistic Human Face Rendering for The Matrix
Reloaded (SIGGRAPH03) - Our results
8Real Time Texture-Space Lighting
- Render diffuse lighting into an off-screen
texture using texture coordinates as positions - Blur the off-screen diffuse lighting
- Read the texture back and add specular lighting
in subsequent pass - Bump map is used only for specular lighting pass
(high frequency detail is lost due to diffusion)
9Texture Coordinate as Position
- Light as a 3D model but draw into texture
- Vertex shader outputs texture coordinates as
projected position then the rasterizer does the
unwrap - Vertex shader computes light vectors based on 3D
position and interpolates
10Basic Approach
11Texture-Space Lighting Vertex Shader
VsOutput main (VsInput i) // Compute output
texel position in screen space VsOutput o
o.vPos.xy i.texCoord2.0-1.0// move from 0,1
to -1,1 o.vPos.zw 1.0 // Pass along
texture coordinates o.texCoord i.texCoord
// Skin (Transform vertex from object space to
world space) float4x4 mSkinning
float4 vPos mul(i.vPos, mSkinning)
o.vNormal mul(i.vNormal, mSkinning) //
Perspective divide needed for shadow mapping
vPos vPos/vPos.w // Compute light vectors
using world space vertex // position . . .
12Texture-Space Lighting Pixel Shader
float4 main (PsInput i) COLOR // Compute
Diffuse for Light 0 float3 vNormal
normalize(i.vNormal) float3 cLightColor
SiGetLightColor(0) float3 vLight
normalize(i.vLightVec0) float3 cDiffuse
dot(vNormal, vLight) cLightColor
// Compute Diffuse for Light 1 2 . . .
// Look up blur size and save in alpha float
sBlurSize tex2D(tBlurSize, i.vTexCoord)
float4 o float4(cDiffuse, sBlurSize) return
13Spatially Varying Blur
- Blur to simulate the subsurface scattering
component of skin lighting - Use a grow-able Poisson disc filter
- Read the kernel size from a texture
- Allows varying the subsurface effect
- Higher for places like ears/nose
- Lower for places like cheeks
14Filter Kernel
- Stochastic sampling
- Poisson distribution
- Samples stored as 2D offsets from center
15Blur Kernel Size Map
- Texture seams can be a problem (unused
texels, bilinear blending artifacts) - During the blur pass we need to dilate
- Use alpha channel of off-screen texture
- If any sample has 1.0 alpha, just copy the sample
with the lowest alpha
17Dilation Results
With Dilation
- Shadow mapping
- Apply shadows during texture lighting pass
- Get free blur
- Soft Shadows
- Simulates subsurface interactions
- Lower precision/size requirements
- Reduces shadow map artifacts
- If using multiple lights, its still the same
number of blur passes
19Shadow Maps
- Create projection matrix to generate depth map
from the lights point of view - Use bounding sphere of head/character to ensure
texture space is used efficiently - Shadow map rendering pass Write depth (distance
from light) into off-screen texture - On texture lighting pass Test depth values in
texture-space lighting pixel shader
20Basic Approach Shadows
21Shadow Map Vertex Shader
float4x4 mSiLightProjection // Light projection
matrix VsOutput main (VsInput i) VsOutput
o // Compose skinning matrix float4x4
mSkinning SiComputeSkinningMatrix(i.weights,
i.indices) // Skin position/normal and
multiply by light matrix float4 vPos
mul(i.vPos, mSkinning) o.vPos mul(vPos,
mSiLightProjection) // Compute depth (Pixel
Shader is just pass through) float dv
o.vPos.z/o.vPos.w o.depth float4(dv, dv,
dv, 1) return o
22Texture Lighting with Shadows Vertex Shader
VsOutput main (VsInput i) // Same lead in
code as before . . . // Compute texture
coordintates for shadow map o.vLightPos
mul(vPos, mSiShadowLight) o.vLightPos /
o.vLightPos.w o.vLightPos.xy
(o.vLightPos.xy 1.0f)/2.0f o.vLightPos.y
1.0f-o.vLightPos.y o.vLightPos.z - 0.01f
return o
23Texture Lighting with Shadows Pixel Shader
sampler tShadowMap float sFaceShadowFactor float
4 main (PsInput i) COLOR // Same lead in
code . . . // Compute Light 0 float3
cLightColor SiGetLightColor(0) float3
vLight normalize(i.vLightVec0) float NdotL
SiDot3Clamp(vNormal, vLight) float VdotL
SiDot3Clamp(-vLight, vView) float4 t
tex2D(tShadowMap, i.vLightPos.xy) float lfac
sFaceShadowFactor if (i.vLightPos.z lt t.z)
lfac 1.0f float3 cDiffuse lfac
) // The rest of the shader is the same as
before . . .
24Shadow Map Shadowed/Lit Texture
Shadow Map (depth)
Shadows in Texture Space
25(No Transcript)
26Shadow from Translucent Objects
- Algorithm
- Draw depth of opaque shadow geometry to shadow
buffers alpha channel - Additively blend RGB of translucent shadow
geometry into shadow buffer RGB channels - Depth test is ON
- Depth write is OFF
- Texture-space lighting pixel shader must now
blend non-shadowed pixels by the translucent RGB
27Basic Approach Translucent Shadows
28Shadow Map for Transparent Shadows
Translucent shadow map
Opaque shadow map
29Translucent Shadow Results
Translucent Shadows
Opaque Shadows
30Specular Lighting
- Use a bump map for specular lighting
- Per-pixel exponent
- Need to shadow specular light
- Bright specular light in heavily shadowed regions
wouldnt make sense! - Too expensive to do another blur pass shadows
- Use luminance of blurred diffuse texture
- Modulate specular from shadowing light by
luminance of texture space light (very low
frequency) - Darkens specular in shadowed areas but preserves
specular in unshadowed areas - Not a limitation, just an optimization
- You could do a separate blur pass for shadows
(rather than bake them into diffuse light texture)
31Normal Map Compression
- Exposed in Direct3D using FOURCC ATI2
- Two channels (x and y)
- Each channel is compressed separately
- Each uses a block encoding like DXT5 alpha
- Derive z in pixel shader
- Useful for tangent space normal maps (where the
sign of the z component is known) - Can be used for any two channel texture
32Final Pixel Shader (with Specular)
sampler tBase sampler tBump sampler
tTextureLit float4 vBumpScale float4 main
(PsInput i) COLOR // Get base and bump
map float4 cBase tex2D(tBase,
i.texCoord.xy) float3 cBump tex2D(tBump,
i.texCoord.xy) // Get bumped normal
float3 vNormal SiConvertColorToVector(cBump)
vNormal.z vNormal.z vBumpScale.x vNormal
33Final Pixel Shader (with Specular) Continued
// View, reflection, and specular exponent
float3 vView normalize(i.vView) float3
vReflect SiReflect(vView, vNormal) float
exponent cBase.avBumpScale.z
vBumpScale.w // Get "subsurface" light
from lit texture. float2 iTx i.texCoord.xy
iTx.y 1-i.texCoord.y float4 cLight
tex2D(tTextureLit, iTx) float3 cDiffuse
34Final Pixel Shader (with Specular) Continued
// Compute Light 0 float3 cLightColor
SiGetLightColor(0) float3 vLight
normalize(i.vLight0) float RdotL
saturate(dot(vReflect, vLight)) float shadow
SiGetLuminance(cLight.rgb) shadow
pow(shadow,2) float3 cSpecular
cSpecular shadow // Compute Light 1 2
(same as above but no shadow term) . . .
// Final color float4 o o.rgb cDiffuse
cSpecular o.a 1.0 return o
35Specular Shadow Dimming Results
Specular Without Shadows
Specular With Shadows
36Using Early-Z for Culling
- Testing z-buffer prior to pixel shader execution
- Can cull expensive pixel shaders
- Only applicable when pixel shader does not output
depth - This texture-space operation doesnt need the
z-buffer - We could store data other than depth in z-buffer
- Use Early-Z to cull useless computations
- Back face culling
- Distance and frustum culling
- Set z-buffer on lighting pass according to
frustum, distance from viewer and facing-ness of
polygons - Set z-test such that non-visible polygons fail
z-test - Reduces cost of image-space blur in regions that
dont need it (because they arent visible)
37Back Face Culling
Back facing pixels culled using early-z
Over the shoulder view of Ruby
38Skin Rendering Summary
- Simple and fast skin rendering algorithm
- Texture-space blur with dilation
- Soft shadows for free
- Translucent shadows
- Early-Z culling acceleration techniques
40Skin Rendering References
- Borshukov03 Borshukov and Lewis. Realistic
Human Face Rendering for The Matrix Reloaded.
Technical Sketches, SIGGRAPH 2003. - Mertens03 Mertens et al. Efficient Rendering of
Local Subsurface Scattering. Pacific Graphics
41Hair Rendering Overview
- Hair rendering technique using polygonal hair
model - Shading Mix of
- Kajiya-Kay hair shading model
- Marschners model presented at SIGGRAPH 2003
- Simple, approximate depth-sorting scheme
- Early-Z culling optimizations
42Hair Rendering
- Hair is important visually
- Most humans have some hair on their heads
- Hair is challenging to render
- There is a lot of it! (100k 150k strands on a
human head) - Many different hair styles
- 25 of the total render time of Final Fantasy
The Spirits Within was spent on the main
characters hair
43Hair Model - Geometry
- Several layers of patches to approximate
volumetric qualities of hair - Per-vertex ambient occlusion term to approximate
44Hair Model Geometry
- Reasons for using a polygonal hair model
- Lower geometric complexity than line rendering
- Makes depth sorting easier/faster
- Pretty much a necessity for real time use on
current graphics hardware - Integrates well into current art pipelines
45Hair Model - Textures
- Base texture
- Stretch noise
- Hair color set in a shader constant
- Alpha texture
- Should have fully opaque regions
- Specular shift texture
- Specular noise texture
Base Texture
Alpha Texture
46Hair Lighting Kajiya-Kay
- Anisotropic strand lighting model
- Use hair strand tangent T instead of normal N in
lighting equations - Assumes hair normal to lie in plane spanned by T
and view vector V - Example Specular NH term
47Hair Lighting Marschner
- Based on measurements of hair scattering
properties - Observations
- Primary specular highlight shifted towards hair
tip - Secondary specular highlight
- Colored
- Shifted towards hair root
- Sparkling appearance
- For simplicity were trying to match these
observations phenomenologically
Primary highlight
Secondary highlight
Hair strand interior
48Hair Shader Implementation
- Vertex shader
- Just passes down tangent, normal, view vector,
light vector and ambient occlusion term - Pixel shader
- Diffuse lighting
- Two shifted specular highlights
- Combines lighting terms
49Diffuse Lighting Term
- Kajiya-Kay diffuse term sin(T, L) looks too
bright without proper self-shadowing - Instead, use scaled and biased NL term
- Brightens up areas facing away from the light
when compared to plain NL term - Simple subsurface scattering approximation
- Softer look
50Shifting Specular Highlights
- Move tangent along patch normal direction to
shift specular highlight along hair strand - Assuming T is pointing from root to tip
- Positive shift moves highlight toward tip
- Negative shift moves highlight toward root
- Look up shift value from texture to break up
uniform look over hair patches
float3 ShiftTangent (float3 T, float3 N,
float shift) float3 shiftedT T
shift N return normalize(shiftedT)
51Specular Strand Lighting
- Specular strand lighting using half-angle vector
- Using reflection vector and view vector would
make the shader a little more complicated - Two highlights with different colors, specular
exponents and differently shifted tangents - Modulate secondary highlightwith noise texture
float StrandSpecular (float3 T, float3 V,
float3 L, float exponent)
float3 H normalize(L V) float dotTH
dot(T, H) float sinTH sqrt(1.0 -
dotTHdotTH) float dirAtten
smoothstep(-1.0, 0.0,
dot(T, H)) return dirAtten pow(sinTH,
52Putting it All Together
(Note external constants are orange)
float4 HairLighting (float3 tangent, float3
normal, float3 lightVec,
float3 viewVec, float2 uv, float ambOcc) //
shift tangents float shiftTex
tex2D(tSpecShift, uv) 0.5 float3 t1
ShiftTangent(tangent, normal, primaryShift
shiftTex) float3 t2 ShiftTangent(tangent,
normal, secondaryShift shiftTex) // diffuse
lighting the lerp shifts the shadow boundary for
a softer look float3 diffuse
saturate(lerp(0.25, 1.0, dot(normal, lightVec))
diffuse diffuseColor // specular
lighting float3 specular specularColor1
StrandSpecular(t1, viewVec, lightVec,
specExp1) // add 2nd specular term, modulated
with noise texture float specMask
tex2D(tSpecMask, uv) // approximate sparkles
using texture specular specularColor2
specMask StrandSpecular(t2, vieVec, lightVec,
specExp2) // final color assembly
float4 o o.rgb (diffuse specular)
tex2D(tBase, uv) lightColor o.rgb ambOcc
// modulate color by ambient occlusion
term o.a tex2D(tAlpha, uv) // read alpha
texture return o
53Combination of Lighting Terms
55Approximate Depth Sorting
- Back-to-Front rendering order necessary for
correct alpha-blending - For a head with hair this is very similar to
rendering from inside to outside - Use static index buffer with inside to outside
draw order - Computed a preprocess time
- Sort connected components (hair strand patches)
instead of individual triangles
56Sorted Hair Rendering Scheme
- Pass 1 opaque parts
- Enable alpha test to only pass opaque pixels
- Disable backface culling
- Enable Z writes, set Z test to Less
- Pass 2 transparent back-facing parts
- Enable alpha test to pass all non-opaque pixels
- Cull front-facing polygons
- Disable Z writes, set Z test to Less
- Pass 3 transparent front-facing parts
- Enable alpha test to pass all non-opaque pixels
- Cull back-facing polygons
- Enable Z writes, set Z test to Less
57Performance Tuning
- Use early Z culling extensively to save us from
running expensive pixel shader - Usually half the hair is hidden behind the head
- Draw head first
- Early Z culling cant be used when alpha test is
enabled! - Solution Prime Z buffer with a very simple
shader that uses alpha test - Use Z testing instead of alpha testing in
subsequent passes for same effect - Early Z culling saves considerable fill overhead!
58Optimized Scheme Part 1
- Prime Z-Buffer with depth of opaque hair regions
- Enable alpha test to only pass opaque pixels
- Disable backface culling
- Enable Z writes , set Z test to LESS
- Disable color buffer writes
- Use simple pixel shader that only returns alpha
- No benefits from early-Z culling in this pass,
but shader is very cheap anyway
59Optimized Scheme Part 2
- Render opaque regions
- Start using full hair pixel shader
- Disable backface culling
- Disable Z writes
- Set Z test to EQUAL
- Z test passes only for fragments that wrote to Z
in pass 1, which are the opaque regions - This and subsequent passes dont require alpha
testing and thus benefit from early-Z culling
60Optimized Scheme Part 3
- Render transparent back-facing parts
- Cull front-facing polygons
- Disable Z writes
- Z order isnt necessarily correct
- Set Z test to LESS
61Optimizing Scheme Pass 4
- Render transparent front-facing parts
- Cull back-facing polygons
- Enable Z writes
- Set Z test to LESS
- Enabling Z writes prevents incorrect depth order
at expense of possibly culling too much - Covers up potential depth order artifacts of
previous pass
63Pros and Cons Of This Approach
- Pros
- Low geometric complexity
- Reduced load on vertex engine
- Makes depth sorting faster
- Easy fall-back for lower-end hardware
- Cons
- Sorting scheme assumes little to no animation in
hair model - Pony tails need to be handled seperately
- You could sort at runtime to overcome this
- Not suitable for all hair styles
64Hair Rendering Summary
- Polygonal hair model
- Hair lighting
- Simple approximate depth-sorting scheme
- Optimization Tips
65Hair Rendering References
- J. Kajiya and T. Kay. Rendering fur with three
dimensional textures. In SIGGRAPH 89 Conference
Proceedings, pp. 271-280, 1989. - Stephen R. Marschner, Henrik Wann Jensen, Mike
Cammarano, Steve Worley, and Pat Hanrahan, Light
Scattering from Human Hair Fibers. In Proceedings
of SIGGRAPH 2003. - SIGGRAPH 2003 Hair Rendering Course Notes
66Putting it All TogetherRuby The Double Cross
- Efficient and Scalable techniques for rendering
characters - Texture-space lighting for simulating subsurface
scattering in skin - Polygonal hair strand modeling and rendering
- Early-Z optimizations
68Thank you!
- Dave Gosselin
- Thorsten Scheuermann
- Pedro Sander
- Chris Brennan
Chris Oat coat_at_ati.com