Title: Flashback: 1970s Florida State University Oglesby Union
1Flashback 1970sFlorida State University
Oglesby Union
2Name this staff member
3Did you guess correctly?
This is our groovy director,
Dr. Nancy Turner.
4Our Outta Sight 2003 Graduates!
OLS Jamie Gant Julie Gleason Michelle
Gordon Danielle Leonardi April Lupo Tiffany
Mills Kristen Oostdyk Holly Williams
SCE Michelle Bastarrechea Mandi Capeletti James
Contratto Kris Kennell Greg Morris Robyn Oates
5Name this staff member
6Did you guess correctly?
This is Bob Howard with the Student Life
7Students and Staff of the Oglesby Union 1970s
8Name this staff member
9Did you guess correctly?
This is Brandon Bowden with Guest Services.
10Our Neat 2003 Graduates!
Circus Andrea Allgood Annie Kennerly Andrea
Rivers Matt Albuch Melissa Lavigne Brandi
Thomas Sarah Blum Allen Mak Meghan Tobin Mateo
Brinton Jeff Mangel Ronelle Vergeer Carlos
Cabana Allison Newbauer Jeff Wagener Tiffani
Dunn Andy Novocin Michael Watters J.P.
Flaherty Daniel Rhoden Sarah White Paul
Gabbard Selah Rhoden Jeff Wisnom Lauren
Gossinger Tyler Richardson Matias Ylakatola
11Name this staff member
12Did you guess correctly?
The baby is Adam Sterritt with the Student Life
13Our Neat 2003 Graduates!
Administrative Office Set Up Crew Kinsley
Grant Julian Ammons Jason Ross Hazel
Ugarte Kyle Hires Noah Skrenes Barry
Jenkins Danny Solano Accounting Office Jeff
Mitchell Darrell White Matt Puckett Kameisha
Williams Ticket Office Nick Watson
14Students and Staff of the Oglesby Union 1970s
15Name this staff member
16Did you guess correctly?
This is Chrissy Karantinos with the Club
17Name this staff member
18Did you guess correctly?
This is Lawrence Chandler with the Custodial
19FSU NCBCA Academic All-Americans(National
Collegiate Bowling Coaches Association)
- James Grimsley Taryn Sybol
- Jason Kosby Eric Synrod
- Garrett Litwin Jeanette Verrelli
20Name this staff member
21Did you guess correctly?
This is ELane Shuler with the Admin.
22Our Outta Sight 2003 Graduates!
Guest Services Student Life Building Tiffani
Collins Rochelle Allen Michelle
Jackson Blair Innis Krystal Peyton Kelly
McArdle Natira Screen Lori Vaughn Jim
Vendiola Nicholas Ware
23Name this staff member
24Did you guess correctly?
This is Chris Roby with Student
25Name this staff member
26Did you guess correctly?
This is Vickie Kearse with the Admin.
27Students and Staff of the Oglesby Union 1970s
28Name this staff member
29Did you guess correctly?
This is Vi Shoptaw with the Student Life
30Our Far-Out 2003 Graduates!!
Information Lounge Crenshaw Lanes Shirline
Alexander Anthony M. Carrao Hafeeza
Anchrum Herbert Caswell Ralphy
Bonnelly Katie Deihl DeVina
DeLoach Rachel Figueroa Darius
Lightsey Chris Loschetter Walda
Lora Maria McMakin Molly
Radtke Jessica Moore Tranae
Shelton Lisa Shaw Andrea
Walden Chris Smith Jason A.
Speakman Taryn Sybol
31Our Far-Out 2003 Graduates!!
Club Downunder Erin DeWitt Jennifer Courtney
Hope Stewart Fred Owens Joanna Orrego
32Name this staff member
33Did you guess correctly?
This is Allison Crume with the
Admin. Office.
34Flashback 1970s
35Name this staff member
36Did you guess correctly?
This is Marvin Overby with Crenshaw Lanes.
37Outgoing Union Board Members 2002-03
- Alex Bello
- Frank Cuevas
- Nexcy De La Rosa
- Jamie Gant
- Nailah Gobern
- Andre Green
- Oneshia Herring
- Jill Hughes
- Chris Lawrence
- Efrain Marimon
- Leonel Marines
- Sara Murphy
- Anthony Pedicini
- Steve Rollin
- Isabel Santa
- Robert Schwartz
- Erin Stano
38Union Board Members 2003-04
- Jeffrey Amilcar
- Alex Bello
- Frank Cuevas
- Jill Hughes
- Eric Jacobs
- Anjelica Jones
- Efrain Marimon
- Sara Murphy
- Mike Palios
- Anthony Pedicini
- Jason Piepmeier
- Steve Rollin
- Isabel Santa
- Robert Schwartz
- Claire Stanford
- Kendra Thurston
39Students and Staff of the Oglesby Union 1970s
40Name this staff member
41Did you guess correctly?
This is Rosemarie Johnson with the Accounting
42Flashback 1970s
43Name this staff member
44Did you guess correctly?
This is Jen Behnke with the
Organization and Leadership Services.
45Students and Staff of the Oglesby Union 1970s
46Name this staff member
47Did you guess correctly?
This is Candice Conley with the
Student Activities Center.
48Name this staff member
49Did you guess correctly?
This is Patti Coryell with the Krentzman
Information Lounge.
50Flashback 1970s