Title: Chapter 1. The Crystal Structure of Solids
1Chapter 1. The Crystal Structure of Solids
Semiconductor Materials Type of Solids Space
Lattices Atomic Bonding Imperfections and
Impurities in Solids Growth of Semiconductor
Young-Hwan Lee http//cafe.daum.net/lyh201circuit
E-mail lyh201_at_hanyang.ac.kr Mobile
21.1 Semiconductor Materials
- Bell Telephone Lab.(U.S.A)? Shockley, Bardeen,
Brattain? ??(1956? Nobel ???? ????) 1948? ??? Ge
single crystal? ??? point contact Transistor?
??. - semiconductor material ? ?? ? ????? ???? ??? ???
semiconductor devices? ???? ??? ??? ??.
31.1 Semiconductor Materials
- Semiconductors are a group of materials having
conductivities between those of conductors and
insulators. - General classification
- - elemental semiconductor group IV of the
periodic table - (A semiconductor composed of a single
species of atom) - - compound semiconductor special
combination of group III and group V elements
(binary compound, ternary compound)
Al Si P
Ga Ge As
In Sb
Compound semiconductors Compound semiconductors
AlP Aluminum phosphide
AlAs Aluminum arsenide
GaP Gallium phosphide
GaAs Gallium arsenide
InP Indium phosphide
41.1 Semiconductor Materials
- semiconductor materials? ??
- (1) electrical resistivity ?? 10-6 106 ?
m ? ?? - ??? ????
??? ??. - (2) energy band structure?? energy gap(Eg)? 1
eV??. - (3) electrical resistivity? temp. coefficient
negative - ? semiconductor insulator ()
conductor () - electrical resistivity? temp. ??? ?? ??.
? electrical conductivity? temp.??? ?? ??? ????
??? ??. -
- (4) semiconductor? ???? impurity? ??? ?? ??
conductivity? ??? ??. - (5) ambipolar conduction
- ? carriers electron hole
- (6) rectifying action, photoelectric effect,
Hall effect, thermo-electric effect etc. ??? ??
51.1 Semiconductor Materials
- semiconductor materials
- (1) elemental semiconductor
- (2) compound semiconductor
- (a) intermetallic compound semiconductor
- (b) oxide semiconductor
- (3) organic semiconductor
- (4) amorphous semiconductor
61.1 Semiconductor Materials
- 1. elemental semiconductor (group IV elements)
- (1) Ge diamond structure (atomic number
32) -
at 300 K -
at 300 K - ? 70? ???? intrinsic conduction? ????
device? ???? ??? ??(melting point 960?). - (2) Si diamond structure (atomic number
14) -
at 300K -
at 300K - ? O2 ???? ???? ?? ???? ???? ??? ??? ???
???? ?? (melting point 1,410?).
2. compound semiconductor 2????? ??? ???? ??
inorganic semiconductor? ???. ????? (1) ???
??? ??? ??? (2) single
crystal ??? ?? ??? ???? ??.
71.1 Semiconductor Materials
- (1) intermatallic compound semiconductor
- A. binary compound semi.
- III? elements(B, Al, Ga, In)? V?
elements(N, P, As, Sb) ? mole?? ???? ??
zincblende structure? compound. - IV? elemental semiconductor? ?? higher
electron mobility ? high frequency transistor - GaAs
at 300K - Si
at 300K - larger energy gap ? high temp. devices
- GaAs (Eg 1.43 eV) at
300 K - Si (Eg 1.12 eV)
at 300 K
81.1 Semiconductor Materials
- B. ternary compounds GaAs-AlAs AlxGa1-xAs
- GaP-InP
GaxIn1-xP -
GaAs-InAs GaxIn1-xAs -
AlAs-InAs AlxIn1-xAs etc. - ? mixed crystal? ???? ?? energy gap? ????
????? ???? ? ???? optoelectronics materials? ??. - ? GaAs (Eg 1.43 eV) AlAs(Eg 2.13 eV)?
mixed crystal? AlxGa1-xAs(x? Al???)?? x? ??(01)?
?? - a) Eg? ???? ??
- b) ??? GaAs??? AlAs? ???? ??
- c) GaAs(5.6533Ã… at 300K)? AlAs(5.6605Ã… at
300K)? lattice const.? ?? ???? GaAs?? ?? AlAs?
???? hetero structure? ??? ????? ?? ??. - ? HBT(heterojunction bipolar transistor,
cf. BJT), - MODFET(modulation-doped field effect
transistor multilayer modulation-doped
heterostructure) ?? ?? .
91.1 Semiconductor Materials
- (2) oxide semiconductor
- ????? metal? oxide? Eg? ?? insulator? ????
- ???? ??? ?? ???? ?? ??? ??.
- p-type semiconductor Cu2O, NiO, CoO, FeO,
Cr2O3, -
Bi2O3, MoO3, Ti2O3 - n-type semiconductor ZnO, CdO, TiO2,
Al2O3, ThO2, SnO2 etc. - Cu2O ? metal?? ???? ???? ?? ???? ???? ??.
??? Si???? ???? ?? ??? ??. - ZnO ? varistor material
- SnO2 ? thin film?? ??? ????, ???? ???? ????
?? ?? ??? ????, EL?? ??, ??????? ?? ?? ?? ??? ??
??? ?? ?????? ??.
101.1 Semiconductor Materials
(3) organic semiconductor
- ???? ???? ???? ?? ???, ????? ?? ????? C-H ???
semiconductor - ????? organic compound? ???? ?? ??? ?? ?? ?????
large potential barrier? ????? electron? ????? ??
?? ??? ?? ??? ??, ???? ??? ? ?? electron(p
electron in anthracene C14H10)? ?? ?? ?? ??
???? ??? ???? organic compound? ??, ??? ?? ??
???? ??? ?? ??? ??? ????. - ? p electron ? ???? ??? ?? free electron? ???
??? ??? ???? ?? ?? ????? ??.
111.1 Semiconductor Materials
- (4) amorphous semiconductor
- ????? ???? ?? ??? long range order? ???
??? ??? ??? ??? ????? ?? ???? ??(short range
order) ??? ??? semiconductor - a. elctron? ?????? s p??? 8?? ??? ?? ????
- b. a-Ge, a -Si??? ??? ????? sp????? ?? ????
??? ??. - c. ????? ???? ???? ???? forbidden band?? ????
localized energy level? ?? - ? low carrier mobility ( for a-Ge a-Si)
- d. a-Si? solar cell, TFT(thin film tr.) ?? ??.
- ??? ? memory device??? ???.
- e. Se, Te etc.(chalcogen element) ? amorphous
semiconductor (chalcogenide glass) - ? ?????? ????? ??.
121.2 Types of Solids
- SOLDIS ? ???? ?????? atoms? ??? ????? ?? three
different types? ??.
(1) single crystal (crystalline) atom or atom
group? regular arrangement ltatomic
arrangement? regular geometric periodicity? ??.
(atom? long-range order? ??)gt
- semiconductor devices? ????? single crystal
materials? ??. - single-crystal materials? growth? semiconductor
technology?? ??. - electrical properties? nonsingle-crystal
material? ?? ??.
131.2 Types of Solids
(2) polycrystalline atom or atom group? ????
regular arrangement ltgrain boundary? ?? ????
many small crystals? ??gt ?poly-Si? MOS
devices?? gate materials? ??.
(3) amorphous atom or atom group? irregular
arrangement ltshort-range ordergt ?solar cell,
TFT ??? a-Si? ???.
14 1.3 Space Lattices
- single-crystal?? ????? regular geometric
periodicity. - ? ??? atom or atom group? 3??? ? ???? ??? ????
??. - lattice The periodic arrangement of atom in a
crystal. - lattice point a particular atomic array by a
dot. - 1.3.1 Primitive and unit cell
- ?? ???? ????? atom? ????? ??? atom? ??.
- " translational symmetry,
???? " - ? ???? three fundamental vectors? ??? ? ??.
(1-1) - where p, q, s are arbitrary
integers - ?? ? eq.(1-1)? ?? ???? points
lattice point - eq.(1-1)? ?? ???? lattice points? ?? space
lattice - vector a, b, c? ?? ???? ??6?? primitive
cell or unit cell - ? primitive cell ?? 6??? eight corners??
lattice points? ??. - unit cell ?? 6??? eight corners?? ???
face-center or volume center?? lattice point ??.
15 1.3 Space Lattices
16 1.3 Space Lattices
- 1.3.2 Basic Crystal Structures
- single-crystal atom? 3-dimensional periodical
array. - ? this periodical array? lattice sites? ????
three independent shortest vectors? primitive
basis vectors (a, b, c)? ?? define?. -
- where p, q, s are
arbitrary integers - primitive vectors(a, b, c)? ? vector?? ? a, ß,
?? ?? ???? ??6??. " primitive cell - ? a, b, c, a, ß, ? lattice constants
17 1.3 Space Lattices
FCC (face-centered cubic) 8 corner atoms6 f-c
atoms of atoms/unit cell 8 (1/8) 61/2
4 Ag, Al, Au, Ca, Cu, Ni, Pd, Pt, Rh
SC (simple cubic) 8 corner atoms of
atoms/unit cell 8 (1/8) 1
BCC (body-centeredcubic) 8 corner atoms 1 b-c
atom of atoms/unit cell 8 (1/8) 1 2
Cr, Mo, W, a-Fe
18 1.3 Space Lattices
- Example 1.1
- Find the volume density of atoms in a crystal
(BCC). - Lattice constant a 5Ã…
19 1.3 Space Lattices
The seven crystal systems
20 1.3 Space Lattices
- 1.3.3 Crystal Planes and Miller Indices
- real crystals? infinitely large?? ?? ? ????
???? ???, ?? semi. devices? ??? surface
properties? ? ??? ???? lattice? ???? surface?
???? ?? ??. - Miller indices
- The set of integers used to describe a
crystal plane. - crystallographic direction and crystal
plane? ???? ?? (h, k, l) lt????gt - (1) ???? lattice constant(a, b, c)? ?? ???
?? ??. - (2) ???? ????? ???? lattice constants? ??
??? ?? ??. - (3) ???? ??? ??? ??? ??? 3??? ??
- ? Miller indices (h, k, l).
21 1.3 Space Lattices
Three lattice planes
(a) (100)plane, (b) (110) plane, (c) (111)
- Example 1.3
- Calculate the surface density of atoms on a
particular plane(110) in a crystal (BCC).
Lattice constant a 5Ã…
22 1.3 Space Lattices
Three lattice directions and planes
(a) (100)plane and 100 directions, (b) (110)
plane and 110 directions, (c) (111) plane and
111 directions
- The hkl direction is perpendicular to the
(hkl) plane.
23 1.3 Space Lattices
- 1.3.4 The Diamond Structure
- Si, Ge diamond crystal structure, tetrahedral
configuration - ??? 2?? face-centered cubic sublattice? ????,
? lattice? ??lattice? ?? unit cell? ??????? ????
1/4?? ????? ??? ??. - ???? ? ??? ?? ?? 4?? valence electrons? ??
tetrahedral bond? ??? ?? ??.
isolated atom???? ?? ??? valence electrons? 2??
s electron? 2?? p electron? ?? ???? ???, ??????
??? ?? ? ? ? ?? s electron? energy? ?? ?? p???
???? 3p3 ????(hybrid orbit)? ???? ??.
241.3 Space Lattices
- GaAs(AIIIBV) zincblende structure
- diamond??? ????, 1?? face-centered cubic
sublattice? Ga atom??? ???? ??, ? 1? As atom???
???? ??? ?? ???.
AlAs, GaP, GaSb, InAs, InP, InSb, ZnS, ZnTe
251.4 Atomic Bonding
- ?? ??? electron configurations?
outer(valence) shell? s p subshells? ??? ???
??. - ? for example inert gases Ne(10)
1s22s22p6 -
Ar(18) 1s22s22p63s23p6 -
Kr(36) core 4s24p6 -
Xe(54) core 5s25p6 -
Rn(86) core 6s26p6 - (1) ionic bond oppositely charged ions?
Coulomb attraction? ?? ??. - (2) covalent bond valence shell? s p
subshells? ??? ??? ?? ??? atoms? their valence
electrons? ???? bonds? ??. - ? for example Si(14) core 3s23p2
- Ge(32) core
4s24p2 - Ga(31, core 4s24p1)? As(33, core
4s24p3)? ??? GaAs compound? each atom? ????? two
s electrons two p electrons? ??. - (3) metallic bond ????? ??? ??
- (4) Van der Waals bond the weakest of the
chemical bonds
261.5 Imperfection Impurities in Solids
- ?????(structure sensitive properties)
- - crystal defects? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??.
- (1) diffusion
- (2) mechanical property
- (3) thermal conduction
- (4) dielectric breakdown
- (5) electrical conduction of semiconductor
- ?????(structure non-sensitive properties)
- - crystal defects? ??? ? ??? ?? ?? ??.
- (1) ??
- (2) ????, ???
- (3) ??, ??, ??, ???
- (4) ???
- (5) ???, ??(tan d)
271.5 Imperfection Impurities in Solids
- 1.5.1 Imperfection in Solids
- (1) point defects
- a. vacancy defect
- b. interstitial defect
- c. Frenkel defect
- d. Schottky defect
281.5 Imperfection Impurities in Solids
- (2) line defect dislocation(??)
- ????? ??? ??? ???? ??? ?.
- a. edge dislocation
- b. screw dislocation
A screw dislocation
(3) surface defect grain boundary ????
??? ???? ??? ???? ??
291.5 Imperfection Impurities in Solids
1.5.2 Impurities in Solids
A substitutional impurity
an interstitial impurity
- substitutional impurity impurity atoms located
at normal lattice sites
- interstitial impurity impurity atoms located
between normal lattice sites
- doping The technique of adding impurity atoms
to a semiconductor material in order to change
its conductivity. - diffusion, ion implantation
301.6 Growth of Semiconductor Materials
- Technology of Semiconductor Devices
- ltSemiconductor Devices? ??????gt
- Semiconductor Material??? Thin Film
Process? ??. - wafer? ????, ???, ??? ??.
- ??? ???? ??? ??.
- ?????? ??
- ?. ????
- 1. ?????? ????
- 2. Single Crystal ????
- Czochralski method
- 3. Wafer ????
- ?. ????
- ?. Mask ????
- ?. Wafer ????
- ?. ????
- ?. ?? ? ????
Czochralski method
31 ?????? ??
- I. ????
- II. Wafer ????
- A. Epitaxial growth method
- (homoepitaxy, heteroepitaxy)
- 1. Vapor Phase Epitaxy(VPE)
- 2. Liquid Phase Epitaxy(LPE)
- 3. Chemical Vapor Deposition(CVD)
- 4. Molecular Beam Epitaxy(MBE)
- 5. MOCVD (Metalorganic chemical vapor
deposition ) - B. Thermal Oxidation of Si
- C. Diffusion and Ion Implantation
- D. Film Deposition
- 1. Vacuum Evaporation
- 2. Sputtering
- E. Lithography and Etching
- F. Metallization