Silicon Crystal Structure and Growth - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Silicon Crystal Structure and Growth


Silicon Crystal Structure and Growth ... mobile electrons tend ... Wafer positioning stage Three-axis piezo substage Figure 7.16 Detector Pinhole ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Silicon Crystal Structure and Growth

Silicon Crystal Structure and Growth(Plummer -
Chapter 3)
Atomic Order of a Crystal Structure
Figure 4.2
Amorphous Atomic Structure
Figure 4.3
Unit Cell in 3-D Structure
Figure 4.4
Miller Indices of Crystal Planes
Figure 4.9
Silicon Crystal Structure
Crystals are characterized by a unit cell which
repeats in the x, y, z directions.
  • Planes and directions are defined using x, y, z
  • 111 direction is defined by a vector of 1
    unit in x, y and z.
  • Planes defined by Miller indices Their
    normal direction (reciprocals of intercepts of
    plane with the x, y and z axes).

Silicon has the basic diamond crystal structure
two merged FCC cells offset by a/4 in x, y and
Faced-centered Cubic (FCC) Unit Cell
Figure 4.5
Silicon Unit Cell FCC Diamond Structure
Figure 4.6
Basic FCC Cell
Merged FCC Cells
Omitting atoms outside Cell
Bonding of Atoms
Various types of defects can exist in a crystal
(or can be created by processing steps). In
general, these cause electrical leakage and are
result in poorer devices.
(Extra line of atoms)
Point Defects
Semiconductor-Grade Silicon
Czochralski (CZ) crystal growing
Si is purified from SiO2 (sand) by refining,
distillation and CVD. It contains lt 1 ppb
impurities. Pulled crystals contain O (1018
cm-3) and C (1016 cm-3), plus dopants placed in
the melt.
CZ Crystal Puller
Figure 4.10
  • All Si wafers come from Czochralski grown
  • Polysilicon is melted, then held just below 1417
    C, and a single crystal seed starts the growth.
  • Pull rate, melt temperature and rotation rate
    control the growth

(No Transcript)
Silicon Ingot Grown by CZ Method
Photograph courtesy of Kayex Corp., 300 mm Si
Photo 4.1
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An alternative process is the Float Zone
process which can be used for refining or single
crystal growth.
In the float zone process, dopants and other
impurities are rejected by the regrowing silicon
crystal. Impurities tend to stay in the liquid
and refining can be accomplished, especially
with multiple passes.(See the Plummer for models
of this process)
Float Zone Crystal Growth
Figure 4.11
Dopant Concentration Nomenclature
Table 4.2
Segregation Fraction for FZ Refining
Basic Process Steps for Wafer Preparation
Figure 4.19
Ingot Diameter Grind
Figure 4.20
Internal Diameter Saw
Figure 4.23
After crystal pulling, the boule is shaped and
cut into wafers which are then polished on one
Wafer Notch and Laser Scribe
Figure 4.22
Polished Wafer Edge
Figure 4.24
Chemical Etch of Wafer Surface to Remove Sawing
Figure 4.25
Wafer Dimensions Attributes
Table 4.3
Increase in Number of Chips on Larger Wafer
Diameters(Assume large 1.5 x 1.5 cm
Figure 4.13
Developmental Specifications for 300-mm Wafer
Dimensions and Orientation
From H. Huff, R. Foodall, R. Nilson, and S.
Griffiths, Thermal Processing Issues for 300-mm
Silicon Wafers Challenges and Opportunities,
ULSI Science and Technology (New Jersey The
Electrochemical Society, 1997), p. 139.
Table 4.4
Wafer Polishing
Double-Sided Wafer Polish
Figure 4.26
Improving Silicon Wafer Requirements
Adapted from K. M. Kim, Bigger and Better CZ
Silicon Crystals, Solid State Technology
(November 1996), p. 71.

Quality Measures
  • Physical dimensions
  • Flatness
  • Microroughness
  • Oxygen content
  • Crystal defects
  • Particles
  • Bulk resistivity

Backside Gettering to Purify Silicon
Polished Surface
Backside Implant Ar (50 keV, 1015/cm2) The argon
amorphizes the back side of the silicon. The
wafer is heated to 550oC, which regrows the
silicon. However, the argon can not be absorbed
by the silicon crystal so it precipitates into
micro-bubbles and prevents some damage from
annealing. The wafer is held at 550oC for several
hours, and all mobile metal contaminants are
attracted to and then captured by the argon
stabilized damage. Once captured, they never
leave these sites.
Chapter Review (Wafer Fabrication)
  • Raw materials (SiO2) are refined to produce
    electronic grade silicon with a purity unmatched
    by any other available material on earth.
  • CZ crystal growth produces structurally perfect
    Si single crystals which are cut into wafers and
  • Starting wafers contain only dopants, and trace
    amounts of contaminants O and C in measurable
  • Dopants can be incorporated during crystal growth
  • Point, line, and volume (1D, 2D, and 3D) defects
    can be present in crystals, particularly after
    high temperature processing.
  • Point defects are "fundamental" and their
    concentration depends on temperature
    (exponentially), on doping level and on other
    processes like ion implantation which can create
    non-equilibrium transient concentrations of these

Measurement of Wafer CharacteristicsDarkfield
and Brightfield Detection
Figure 7.15
Schematic of Optical System
Figure 7.16
Principle of Confocal Microscopy
Figure 7.17
Particle Detection by Light Scattering
Figure 7.18
Measurement of Wafer Characteristics
Hot Point Probe
  • The hot point probe is a simple and reliable
    means to determine whether a wafer is N or P type
    is the Hot Point Probe. The basic operation of
    this probe is illustrated in the next slide. Two
    probes make ohmic contact with the wafer surface.
    One is heated 25-100C hotter than the other. A
    voltmeter placed across the probes will measure a
    potential difference whose polarity indicates
    whether the material is N or P type.

Basic principle of the hot probe, illustrated for
an N-type sample, for determining N- or P-type
behavior in semiconductors.
Hot Point Probe
  • Consider an N-type sample. The majority carriers
    are electrons. At the hot probe, the thermal
    energy of the electrons is higher than at the
    cold probe so the electrons will tend to diffuse
    away from the hot probe, driven by the
    temperature gradient. If a wire were connected
    between the hot and cold probes, this would
    result in a measurable current, whose direction
    would correspond to the electrons moving right to
    left. (The current by definition would be in the
    opposite direction.) If we place a high-impedance
    voltmeter between the probes, no current flows,
    but a potential difference is measured, as
    illustrated. As the electrons diffuse away from
    the hot probe, they leave behind the positively
    charged, immobile donor atoms that provided the
    electrons. The negatively charged mobile
    electrons tend to build up near the cold probe.
    This results in the hot probe becoming positive
    with respect to the cold probe. By a similar set
    of arguments, if the material were P type,
    positively charged holes would be the majority
    carriers and the polarity of the induced voltage
    would be reversed. The direction of the current
    between the two probes would also be reversed in
    P-type material, if they were shorted with a
    wire. Thus a measurement of either the
    short-circuit current or the open circuit voltage
    tells us the type of the material.

Four-point probe measurement method. The outer
two probes force a current through the sample
the inner two probes measure the voltage drop.
Measurement of Sheet Resistance
  • The most common method of measuring the wafer
    resistivity is with the four-point probe. We
    measure the sample resistance by measuring the
    current that flows for a given applied voltage.
    This could be done with just two probes. However,
    in that case, contact resistances associated with
    the probes and current spreading problems around
    the probes are important and are not easily
    accounted for in the analysis. Using four probes
    allows us to force the current through the two
    outer probes, where there will still be contact
    resistance and current spreading problems, but we
    measure the voltage drop with the two inner
    probes using a high-impedance voltmeter. Problems
    with probe contacts are thus eliminated in the
    voltage measurement since no current flows
    through these contacts.

Four Point Probe
Figure 7.3
Van der Pauw Sheet Resistivity(similar to
4-point probe, but uses shapes on wafer)
Figure 7.4
Hall Effect Measurements
  • The Hall effect was discovered more than 100
    years ago when Hall observed a transverse voltage
    across a conductor subjected to a magnetic field.
  • The technique is more powerful than the sheet
    resistance method described above because it can
    determine the material type, carrier
    concentration and carrier mobility separately.
    The basic method is illustrated in the next
    slide. The left part of the figure defines the
    reference directions and the various currents,
    fields and voltages the right part of the figure
    illustrates a top view of a practical geometry
    that is often used in semiconductor applications.

Conceptual representation of Hall effect
measurement. The right sketch is a top view of a
more practical implementation.
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)
FTIR (Oxygen and Carbon Detection)
  • The CZ crystal growth process introduces oxygen
    and carbon into the silicon. These elements are
    not inert in the crystal. It is important is to
    be able to measure them and to control them. The
    method is Fourier Transform Infrared
    Spectroscopy. FTIR measures the absorption of
    infrared energy by the molecules in a sample.
    Many molecules have vibrational modes that absorb
    specific wavelengths when they are excited. By
    sweeping the wavelength of the incident energy
    and detecting which wavelengths are absorbed, a
    characteristic signature of the molecules present
    is obtained. Oxygen in CZ crystals is located in
    interstitial sites in the silicon lattice, bonded
    to two silicon atoms. Low concentrations of
    carbon are substitutional in silicon since carbon
    is located in the same column of the periodic
    table as silicon and easily replaces a silicon
    atom. Oxygen exhibits a vibrational mode that
    absorbs energy at 1106 cm-1 (wavenumber), that is
    at a wavelength of about 9 microns carbon
    absorbs energy at 607 cm-1.There are other
    wavelengths of IR light that are absorbed by the
    silicon atoms themselves. By measuring the
    absorption of a particular wafer at 1106 or 607
    cm-1, and comparing this absorption with an
    oxygen or carbon free reference, the FTIR
    technique can be made quantitative.
  • An IR beam is split by a partially reflecting
    mirror and then follows two separate paths to the
    sample and the detector. For pure silicon, if the
    movable mirror is translated back and forth at
    constant speed, the detected signal will be
    sinusoidal as the two beams go in and out of
    phase. The Fourier transform of this signal will
    simply be a delta function proportional to the
    incident intensity. If the frequency of the
    source is swept, the Fourier transform of the
    resulting signal will produce an intensity
    spectrum. If we now insert the sample, the
    resulting intensity spectrum will change because
    of absorption of specific wavelengths by the
    sample. The benefit of using the Fourier
    transform method as opposed to simply directly
    measuring the intensity spectrum is simply that
    the signal to noise ratio is improved and as a
    result, the detection limit is reduced. With
    modern instruments, the detection limit for
    interstitial oxygen in silicon is about
    2x1015/cm3. Carbon can be detected down to about
    5x1015/cm3. Oxygen precipitated into small SiO2
    clusters can be detected by FTIR because in the
    SiO2 form, the oxygen does not absorb at 1106
    cm-1. As the precipitation occurs, the IR
    absorption at this wavenumber decreases.

Schematic of TEM Transmission Electron
Wavelength of 1 MeV Electron 1Angstrom
Electron Microscopy (TEM) of SiO2 on Si
Oxygen Contamination in Silicon
  • Oxygen is the most important impurity found in
    silicon. It is incorporated in silicon during the
    CZ growth process as a result of dissolution of
    the quartz crucible in which the molten silicon
    is contained. The oxygen is typically at a level
    of about 1018 /cm3. It has recently become
    possible to use a magnetic field during CZ growth
    to control thermal convection currents in the
    melt. This slows down the transport of oxygen
    from the crucible walls to the growing silicon
    interface and reduces the oxygen concentration in
    the resulting crystal.
  • Oxygen in silicon is always present at
    concentrations of 10-20 ppm (5x1017- 1018/cm3)
    in CZ silicon. The oxygen can affect processes
    used in wafer fabrication such as impurity
  • Oxygen has three principal effects in the silicon
  • (1) In an as-grown crystal, the oxygen is
    believed to be incorporated primarily as
    dispersed single atoms designated OI occupying
    interstitial positions in the silicon lattice,
    but covalently bonded to two silicon atoms. The
    oxygen atoms thus replace one of the normal Si-Si
    covalent bonds with a Si-O-Si structure. The
    oxygen atom is neutral in this configuration and
    can be detected with the FTIR method. Such
    interstitial oxygen atoms improve the yield
    strength of silicon by as much as 25, making
    silicon wafers more robust in a manufacturing
  • (2) The formation of oxygen donors. A small
    amount of the oxygen in the crystal forms SiO4
    complexes which act as donors. They can be
    detected by changes in the silicon resistivity
    corresponding to the free electrons donated by
    the oxygen complexes. As many as 1016/cm3 donors
    can be formed, which is sufficient to
    significantly increase the resistivity of lightly
    doped P-type wafers. During the CZ growth
    process, the crystal cools slowly through 500oC
    temperature and oxygen donors form. The SiO4
    complexes are unstable at temperatures above
    500C and so usually wafer manufacturers anneal
    the grown crystal or the wafers themselves after
    sawing and polishing, to remove the oxygen
    complexes. These donors can reform, however,
    during normal IC manufacturing, if a thermal step
    around 400-500C is used. Such steps are not
    uncommon, particularly at the end of a process
  • (3) The tendency of the oxygen to precipitate
    under normal device processing conditions,
    forming SiO2 regions inside the wafer. The
    precipitation arises because the oxygen was
    incorporated at the melt temperature and is
    therefore supersaturated in the silicon at
    process temperatures.

Carbon Contamination in Silicon
  • Carbon is normally present in CZ grown silicon
    crystals at concentrations on the order of
    1016/cm3.The carbon comes from the graphite
    components in the crystal pulling machine. The
    melt contains silicon and modest concentrations
    of oxygen. This results in the formation of SiO
    that evaporates from the melt surface. Generally,
    the ambient in the crystal puller is Ar flowing
    at reduced pressure, and the SiO can be
    transported in the gas phase to the graphite
    crucible and other support fixtures. SiO reacts
    with graphite (carbon) to produce CO that again
    transports through the gas phase back to the
    melt. From the melt, the carbon is incorporated
    into the growing crystal.
  • Four Effects of Carbon on Silicon
  • (1) Carbon is mostly substitutional in the
    silicon lattice. Since it is a column IV element,
    it does not act as a donor or acceptor in
    silicon. Carbon is known to affect the
    precipitation kinetics of oxygen in silicon. This
    is likely because there is a volume expansion
    when oxygen precipitates and a volume contraction
    when carbon precipitates because of the relative
    sizes of O and C. There is thus a tendency for
    precipitates that are complexes of C and O to
    form at minimum stresses in the crystal. Since
    precipitated SiO2 is crucial in intrinsic
    gettering, this can have an effect on gettering
  • (2) Carbon is also known to interact with point
    defects in silicon. Silicon interstitials tend to
    displace carbon atoms from lattice sites,
    presumably because this can help to compensate
    the volume contraction present when there is
    carbon in the crystal.
  • (3) Thermal donors (Oxygen Effects) normally form
    around 450C. There is also evidence that if C is
    present at 1 ppm, these donors may also form at
    higher temperatures (650-1000C).
  • (4) Higher concentrations of C to Si (levels of a
    few percent) can change the bandgap of the
    silicon and may allow the fabrication of new
    types of semiconductor devices in the future.

Chapter Review (Wafer Metrology)
  • Microscopic examination for particulates.
  • Hot Point Probe (wafer doping)
  • Four Point Probe (wafer resistivity)
  • Hall Effect (carrier mobility)
  • FBIR (oxygen and carbon detection)
  • TEM (atomic resolution of defects / surface)
  • Effects of Oxygen on IC fabrication
  • Effects of Carbon on IC fabrication
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