Title: Cardiovascular Physiology
1Cardiovascular Physiology
- Cardiovascular disease is 1 cause of death
- Major underlying cause is ischemia due to
- atherosclerosis (plaquing)
- white thrombus
- red thrombus
- artery spasm
2- It ain't what you don't know that gets you into
trouble. It's what you know for sure that just
ain't so. Mark Twain
3Connective Tissue
- Ordinary
- Loose connective tissue (areolar tissue)
- Dense ordinary connective tissue
- Regular vs. Irregular
- Special
- Adipose tissue (fat)
- Blood cells
- Blood cell forming tissue
- Myeloid or lymphatic tissue
- Cartilage
- Bone
4Events in Hemostasis
- Hemostasis-prevention of blood loss
- Mechanisms
- vascular spasm
- formation of a platelet plug
- blood coagulation
- fibrous tissue growth to seal
- Vascular Constriction-associated w/ trauma
- neural reflexes
- SNS induced constriction from pain
- local myogenic spasm
- responsible for most of the constriction
- local humoral factors
- thromboxane A2 from platelets
- Spasm ? trauma
6Platelet Plug
- Platelets function as whole cells
- but cannot divide
- Platelets contain
- actin myosin
- enzymes calcium
- Thromboxane A2
- serotonin
- growth factor
7Platelet Cell Membrane
- Contains
- Glycoproteins that avoid the normal
endothelium but adhere to damaged area -
- Phospholipids containing platelet factor 3
- a.k.a. thromboplastin-initiates clotting
8Mechanism of Platelet Activation
- When platelets contact damaged area they 1)
swell - 2) irregular form w/ irradiating processes
protruding from surface - 3) contractile proteins contract causing
granule release - 4) secrete ADP, Thromboxane A2 serotonin
9Thromboxane A2
- 1) Vasoconstrictor
- 2) Potentiates the release of granule
- contents
- (not essential for release to occur)
- Important in minute ruptures
- lack of platelets associated with small
hemorrhagic areas under skin and throughout
internal tissues - half-life of 8-12 days
- eliminated primarily by macrophage action
- (greater than 1/2 of all macrophages in spleen)
- 150,000-300,000 per ?l
11Role of Endothelium
- Prevents platelet aggregation
- produces PGI2 (prostacyclin)-
- vasodilator
- stimulates platelet adenyl cyclase which
suppresses release of granules - limits platelet extension
- produces factor VIII (clotting)
12Prostaglandin synthesis
- Phospholipid ?Arachidonic acid requires Lipase
- Arachidonic acid?PGG2-PGH2 requires fatty acid
cyclooxygenase - PGG2-PGH2?Thromb. A2 requires Thromb. synthetase
- PGG2-PGH2?PGI2 requires Prostacyclin synthetase
- Aspirin and Ibuprofen block Fatty acid
13Anticoagulants vs Lysis of clots
- Anticoagulants
- prevents clots from forming
- chelators-tye up calcium (citrate, oxylate)
- heparin- complexes with Antithrobin III
- dicumarol-inhibition of Vit. K dependent factors
- factors II, VII, IX, X (synthesized by
hepatocytes - Aka cumadin, warfarin
- Lysis of Clots
- Plasmin (from plasminogen)
14Activators of Plasminogen
- Endogenous Activators
- tissues
- plasma
- urine
- Exogenous Activators
- streptokinase
- tPA (tissue plasminogen activator)
15Aspirin Ibuprofen
- Block both thromboxane A2 prostacyclin
production by blocking fatty acid cyclooxygenase
which converts arachidonic acid to PGG2 PGH2
(intermediates) - Why take aspirin to prevent heart attacks?
16Reperfusion injury
- Most of the frank tissue damage associated with
infarction occurs upon reperfusion - associated with the formation of highly reactive
oxygen species with unpaired electrons. free
radicals - When pressure on tissues relieved again
perfused with blood, free radicals are generated
- The ability to open up alternate routes of blood
flow to compensate for a blocked vessel - Angiogenesis
- Vasodilatation
- Role of the SNS ??
- May impede
- May augment
18Blood Coagulation- Thrombosis
- Extrinsic mechanism-initiated by chemical factors
released by damaged tissues - Intrinsic mechanism-requires only components in
blood trauma to blood or exposure to collagen
(or foreign surface)
19Clotting factors
- I- fibrinogen
- II- Prothrombin
- III- Thromboplastin
- IV- Calcium
- V- Proaccelerin
- VII- Serum prothombin conversion acclerator
- VIII- antihemophilic factor (A)
20Clotting factors (cont.)
- IX- antihemophilic factor B christmas factor
- X- Stuart factor
- XI- antihemophilic factor C
- XII- Hageman factor
- XIII- Fibrin-stabilizing factor
- Prekallikrein- Fletcher factor
- High molecular weight kininogen
- Platelets
21Hepatocytes role in clotting
- Liver synthesizes 5 clotting factors
- I (fibrinogen)
- II (prothrombin)
- IX (AHF B)
- X (Stuart factor)
- Coumarin (warfarin or cumadin) depresses liver
formation of II, VII, IX, X by blocking action of
vitamin K
- Sex linked on X chromosome
- occurs almost exclusively in males
- 85 of cases- defect in factor VIII
- 15 of cases- defect in factor IX
- varying degree of severity from mild ? severe
23Blood Coagulation
- The key step is the conversion of fibrinogen to
fibrin which requires thrombin - thrombin
- fibrinogen---------------gtfibrin
24Intrinsic pathway
- Factor XII activated when blood contacts a
negatively charged surface (collagen, glass) - Activated XII Kalikrein Kinnogen will activate
Factor XI - Activated XI Ca will activate both Factors IX
VIII - Activated IX VIII Phospholipid Ca will
activate Factors X V - Activated X V Phospholipid Ca will
convert Prothrombin to Thrombin
25Extrinsic Pathway
- Tissue thromboplastin Factor VII Ca will
activate Factors X V - Activated X V Phospholipid Ca will
convert Prothrombin to Thrombin
26Final Common Steps
- Once Fibrinogen has been converted to Fibrin by
Thrombin it is changed from the soluble monomer
to the insoluble polymer by the activated Factor
XIII - Factor XIII is activated by Thrombin and Ca
27Lysis of Clots
- Clots may be liquefied by (fibrinolysis) by a
proteolytic enzyme plasmin - It circulates in the blood in an inactive form
known as plasminogen - Activators are found in tissues, plasma, and
urine - It can also be activated by exogenous activators
such as tPA, or streptokinase
28Risk factors in Heart Disease
- Increasing age
- Male gender
- Heredity (including race)
- Tobacco Smoke
- High blood cholesterol
- High blood pressure
- Physical inactivity
- Obesity/overweight
- Diabetes Mellitus
- High blood homocysteine
- Amino acid in the blood that may irritate blood
vessels promoting atherosclerosis - Can also cause cholesterol to change into
oxidized LDL - Can make blood more likely to clot
- High levels in blood (gt 12 ?mol/L) can be reduced
by increasing intake of folic acid, B6 and B12
30Heart muscle
- Atrial Ventricular
- striated enlongated grouped in irregular
anatamosing columns - 1-2 centrally located nuclei
- Specialized excitatory conductive muscle fibers
(SA node, AV node, Purkinje fibers) - contract weakly
- few fibrils
31Syncytial nature of cardiac muscle
- Syncytium many acting as one
- Due to presence of intercalated discs
- low resistance pathways connecting cardiac cells
end to end - presence of gap junctions
32Action potentials in cardiac muscle
- Duration of action potential is from .2-.3 sec
- Channels
- fast Na channels
- slow Ca/Na channels
- K channels
- Permeability changes
- Na sharp increase at onset of depolarization
- Ca increased during the plateau
- K increased during the resting polarized state
33Membrane physiology
- In excitable tissue an action potential is a
pulse like change in membrane permeability - In cardiac muscle permeability changes for
- Na
- ? at onset of depolarization, ? during
repolarization - Ca
- ? at onset of depolarization, ? during
repolarization - K
- ? at onset of depolarization, ? during
34Slow vs Fast cardiac cell
- Relates to the channels that open during
depolarization - Typical cardiac muscle have both fast Na
channels and slow Ca/Na channels that open
during depolarization - Specialized excitatory cells like the SA node
only slow Ca/Na channels are operational
during depolarization increasing depolarization
time - Tetradotoxin blocks fast Na channels selectively
changing a fast response into a slow response
35Passive ion movement across cell
- Considerations
- Concentration gradient
- high to low
- Electrical gradient
- opposite charge attract, like charge repel
- Membrane permeability
- dependant on ion channels (open or closed)
- If ion channels are open, an ion will seek its
Nerst equilibrium potential - concentration gradient favoring ion movement in
one direction is offset by electrical gradient
36Resting membrane potential (Er)
- During the Er in cardiac muscle, fast Na and
slow Ca/Na are closed, K channels are open. - Therefore K ions are free to move, and when they
reach their Nerst equilibrium potential, a stable
Er is maintained
37Na/K ATPase (pump)
- The Na/K pump which is energy dependent
operates to pump Na out K into the cardiac
cell at a ratio of 32 - therefore as pumping occurs, there is net loss of
one charge from the interior each cycle,
helping the interior of the cell remain negative - the protein pump utilizes energy from ATP
- Digitalis binds to inhibits this pump
38Ca exchange protein
- In the cardiac cell membrane is a protein that
exchanges Ca from the interior in return for
Na that is allowed to enter the cell. - The function of this exchange protein is tied to
the Na/K pump - if the Na/K pump is inhibited, function of this
exchange protein is reduced more Ca is
allowed to accumulate in the cardiac cell ?
contractile strength.
39Refractory Period
- Absolute
- unable to re-stimulate cardiac cell
- occurs during the plateau
- Relative
- requires a supra-normal stimulus
- occurs during repolarization
- In a Slow response cardiac muscle cell the
relative refractory period is prolonged and the
refractory period is about 25 longer - in AV node bundle this serves to protect the
ventricles from supra-ventricular arrhythmias
40SA node
- Normal pacemaker of the heart
- Self excitatory nature
- less negative Er
- leaky membrane to Na/CA
- only slow Ca/Na channels operational
- spontaneously depolarizes at fastest rate
- overdrive suppression
- contracts feebly
41Overdrive Suppression
- If you drive a self-excitatory cell at a rate
faster than its own inherent rate, you will
suppress the cells own automaticity - Mechanism may be due to increased activity of
Na/K pump creating more negative Er - Cells of the AV node and purkinje system are
under overdrive suppression by the SA node
42AV node
- Delays the wave of depolarization from entering
the ventricle - allows the atria to contract slightly ahead of
the ventricles (.1 sec delay) - Slow conduction velocity due to smaller diameter
fibers - In absence of SA node, AV node may act as
pacemaker but at a slower rate
43Effect of HR on systole/diastole
- As heart rate (HR) ? cycle length (CL) ?
- At a resting heart rate systole (S) lt diastole
(D) - Both the duration of systole and diastole
shorten, but diastole shortens to a greater
extent - At high HR the ventricle may not fill adequately
- HR of 75 BPM CL .8 sec. S .3 D .5
- HR of 150 BPM CL .4 sec. S .2 D .2
- During systole perfusion of the myocardium is
restricted by the contracting cardiac muscle
compressing blood vessels (especially in LV)
44Cardiac Cycle
- Systole
- isovolumic contraction
- ejection
- Diastole
- isovolumic relaxation
- rapid inflow- 70-75
- diastasis
- atrial systole- 25-30
45Onset of Ventricular Contraction
- Isovolumic contraction
- Tricuspid Mitral valves close
- as ventricular pressure rises above atrial
pressure - Pulmonic Aortic valves open
- as ventricular pressure rises above pulmonic
aortic artery pressure
46Ejection of blood from ventricles
- Most of blood ejected in first 1/2 of phase
- ventricular pressure peaks and starts to fall off
- ejection is terminated by closure of the
semilunar valves (pulmonic aortic)
47Ventricular Relaxation
- Isovolumetric (isometric) relaxation-As the
ventricular wall relaxes, ventricular pressure
(P) falls the aortic and pulmonic valves close
as the ventricular P falls below aortic and
pulmonic artery P - Rapid inflow-When ventricular P falls below
atrial pressure, the mitral and tricuspid valves
will open and ventricles fill
48Ventricular Relaxation (cont)
- Diastasis-inflow to ventricles is reduced.
- Atrial systole-atrial contraction actively pumps
about 25-30 of the inflow volume and marks the
last phase of ventricular relaxation (diastole)
49(No Transcript)
50Ventricular Volumes
- End Diastolic Volume-(EDV)
- volume in ventricles at the end of filling
- End Systolic Volume- (ESV)
- volume in ventricles at the end of ejection
- Stroke volume (EDV-ESV)
- volume ejected by ventricles
- Ejection fraction
- of EDV ejected (SV/EDV X 100)
- normal 50-60
- Preload-stretch on the wall prior to contraction
(proportional to the EDV) - Afterload-the changing resistance (impedance)
that the heart has to pump against as blood is
ejected. i.e. Changing aortic BP during
ejection of blood from the left ventricle
52Atrial Pressure Waves
- A wave
- associated with atrial contraction
- C wave
- associated with ventricular contraction
- bulging of AV valves and tugging on atrial muscle
- V wave
- associated with atrial filling
53Function of Valves
- Open with a forward pressure gradient
- e.g. when LV pressure gt the aortic pressure the
aortic valve is open - Close with a backward pressure gradient
- e.g. when aortic pressure gt LV pressure the
aortic valve is closed
54Heart Valves
- AV valves
- Mitral Tricupid
- Thin filmy
- Chorda tendineae act as check lines to prevent
prolapse - papillary muscles-increase tension on chorda t.
- Semilunar valves
- Aortic Pulmonic
- stronger construction
55Valvular dysfunction
- Valve not opening fully
- stenotic
- Valve not closing fully
- insufficient/regurgitant/leaky
- Creates vibrational noise
- aka murmurs
56Heart Murmur Considerations
- Timing
- Systolic
- aortic pulmonary stenosis
- mitral tricuspid insufficiency
- Diastolic
- aortic pulmonary insufficiency
- mitral tricuspid stenosis
- Both
- patent ductus arteriosis
- combined valvular defect
57Law of Laplace
- Wall tension (pressure)(radius)/2
- At a given operating pressure as ventricular
radius ? , developed wall tension ?. - ? tension ? ? force of ventricular contraction
- two ventricles operating at the same pressure but
with different chamber radii - the larger chamber will have to generate more
wall tension, consuming more energy oxygen - Batista resection
- How does this law explain how capillaries can
withstand high intravascular pressure?
- Chronotropic ( increases) (- decreases)
- Anything that affects heart rate
- Dromotropic
- Anything that affects conduction velocity
- Inotropic
- Anything that affects strength of contraction
- eg. Caffeine would be a chronotropic agent
(increases heart rate)
59Control of Heart Pumping
- Intrinsic properties of cardiac muscle cells
- Frank-Starling Law of the Heart
- Within physiologic limits the heart will pump all
the blood that returns to it without allowing
excessive damming of blood in veins - heterometric homeometric autoregulation
- direct stretch on the SA node
60Mechanism of Frank-Starling
- Increased venous return causes increased stretch
of cardiac muscle fibers. (Intrinsic effects) - increased cross-bridge formation
- increased calcium influx
- both increases force of contraction
- increased stretch on SA node
- increases heart rate
61Heterometric autoregulation
- Within limits as cardiac fibers are stretched the
force of contraction is increased - more cross bridge formation as actin overlap is
removed - more Ca influx into cell associated with the
increased stretch
62Homeometric autoregulation
- Ability to increase strength of contraction
independent of a length change - Flow induced
- increased stroke volume maintained as EDV
decreases - Pressure induced
- increase in aortic BP (afterload) will force of
contraction - Rate induced
- increased heart rate will force treppe
63Direct Stretch on SA node
- Stretch on the SA node will increase Ca and/or
Na permeability which will increase heart rate
64Extrinsic Influences
- Autonomic nervous system
- Hormonal influences
- Ionic influences
- Temperature influences
65Control of Heart by ANS
- Sympathetic innervation-
- heart rate
- strength of contraction
- conduction velocity
- Parasympathetic innervation
- - heart rate
- - strength of contraction
- - conduction velocity
66Interaction of ANS
- SNS effects on the heart blocked using
propranolol (beta blocker) which blocks beta
receptors - Para effects blocked using atropine which blocks
muscarinic receptors - HR will increase
- Strength of contraction decreases
- What can be concluded?
67Interaction of ANS
- From the previous results it can be concluded
that under resting conditions - Parasympathetic NS exerts a dominate inhibitory
influence on heart rate - Sympathetic NS exerts a dominate stimulatory
influence on strength of contraction
68Interaction of the SNS PSNS
Cardiac cell
Ad. Cycl.
69Direct vs. Indirect SNS influence
- Direct innervation of Cardiac cells accounts for
most of the SNS effect. - Norepinephrine acting on ?-1 receptors. (85)
- Indirect effects would be due to circulating
catacholamines (epinephrine norepinephrine)
released primarily from the adrenal medulla
(blood borne) which would find their way to the
cardiac ?-1 receptors. (15)
70Cardioacclerator reflex
- Stretch on right atrial wall stretch receptors
which in turn send signals to medulla oblongata
SNS outflow to heart - AKA Bainbridge reflex
- Helps prevents damning of blood in the heart
central veins -
71Neurocardiogenic syncope
- Benzold-Jarisch reflex (Baroreceptors in
ventricles) - Stimulation of sensory endings mainly in the
ventricles (some in the atria) that reflex via
the X CN to the CNS - Inferoposterior wall of LV which is supplied by
the circumflex artery is site of majority of
receptors - Reflex effects results in hypotension
bradycardia - Reflex stimulated by
- Occlusion of circumflex artery (inferior wall
infarct) - ? in LVP LV volume (eg. Aortic stenosis)
72Major Hormonal Influences
- Thyroid hormones
- inotropic
- chronotropic
- also causes an increase in CO by ? BMR
73Ionic influences
- Effect of elevated KECF
- dilation and flaccidity of cardiac muscle at
concentrations 2-3 X normal (8-12 meq/l) - decreases resting membrane potential
- Effect of elevated Ca ECF
- spastic contraction
74Effect of body temperature
- Elevated body temperature
- HR increases about 10 beats for every degree F
elevation in body temperature - Contractile strength will increase temporarily
but prolonged fever can decrease contractile
strength due to exhaustion of metabolic systems - Decreased body temperature
- decreased HR and strength
75Energy substrate for cardiac cells
- Heart is versatile can use many different
energy substrates - Fatty acids-70 preferred
- Glucose
- Glycerol
- Lactate
- Pyruvate
- Amino acids
76Relationship of energy to work
- 75 of energy the heart utilizes is converted to
heat - The remaining 25 is utilized as work which is
broken down into - Pressurization of blood (gt99)
- Acceleration of blood (lt1)
77Work output of the heart
- Pressurization of the blood (potential energy)
- Moving blood from low pressure to high pressure
(volume pressure work or external work) - The majority of the work (gt99)
- Acceleration of blood to its ejection velocity
(kinetic energy) - Out the aortic pulmonic valves normally
accounts for less than 1 of the work component - Can increase to 50 with valvular stenosis
- Measures potential difference across the surface
of the myocardium with respect to time - lead-pair of electrodes
- axis of lead-line connecting leads
- transition line-line perpendicular to axis of lead
- Paper speed- 25 mm/sec 1 mm .04 sec.
- Normal rate ranges usually between 60-80 bps
- Greater than 100 tachycardia
- Less than 50 bradycardia
- PR interval (includes AV nodal delay)
- should be about .16 sec
- greater than .20 sec. 1st degree AV block
- less than .10 sec. inadequate delay-possible
accessory conduction pathway from atria to
- P wave-atrial depolarization
- QRS complex-ventricular depolarization
- T wave-ventricular repolarization
- Atrial repolarization is buried in the QRS complex
- A pair of recording electrodes
- electrode is active
- - electrode is reference
- The direction of the deflection ( or -) is based
on what the active electrode sees relative to the
reference electrode - Routine EKG consists of 12 leads
- 6 frontal plane leads
- 6 chest leads (horizontal)
83Type of Deflection
84Frontal Plane Leads
- Bipolar limb leads
- Lead I ( LA -RA)
- Lead II ( LL - RA)
- Lead III ( LL - LA)
- Unipolar limb leads (Augmented )
- AvR (RA -LA LL)
- AvL (LA -RA LL)
- AvF (LL -RA LA)
85Chest Leads (V leads)
- The positive electrodes are on the chest wall
- VI-4th intercostal space- right sternal border
- V2-4th intercostal space-left sternal border
- V3-equidistant between V2 V4
- V4-5th intercostal space-mid clavicular line
- V6 left mid axillary line
- The negative (reference) electrode is all limb
electrodes hooked together
86Analysis of EKG
- Rate
- Rhythm Intervals
- Axis
- Hypertrophy
- Infarction
- Tachycardia
- heart rate greater than 105 B/min
- Bradycardia
- heart rate less then 60 B/min
- 300-150-100-75-60-50
88Rhythm Intervals
- PR interval
- time from SA node to entering the ventricle
- includes the AV nodal delay
- 1st degree AV block
- PR interval greater than .2 sec.
- Prolonged QT interval
- increased incidence of sudden cardiac death
- Sinus arrhythmia
- longest shortest RR vary by gt .16 sec
- heart rate variability
89AV Block
- 1st degree AV block
- Depolarization wave from atria to ventricle is
delayed excessively - PR interval gt .2 sec
- 2nd degree AV block
- Some depolarization waves pass, others blocked
- dropped beat-P wave with no associated QRS
complex - 3rd degree AV block
- All depolarization waves from atria to ventricles
are blocked - No relationship between P waves and QRS complexes
90Rhythm Intervals (cont.)
- QRS complex
- duration .06-.08 sec.
- Prolonged gt .12 sec.
- Associated with ventricular hypertrophy or
conduction block in purkinje system
- Mean electrical axis (MEA)
- average direction of ventricular depolarization
- the ventricle depolarizes from base to apex
from endocardium to epicardium (A.D.I.O.) - vector analysis using 2 frontal plane leads
- if QRS of lead I AvF is positive MEA is normal.
- normal axis between -30 105 degrees
- axis deviation
- conduction block hypertrophy shift axis to the
side of the problem. i.e. Left bundle branch
block creating a left axis deviation
- Hypertrophy of one ventricle relative to the
other can be associated with anything that
creates an abnormally high work load on that
chamber. - e.g. Systemic hypertension increasing work load
on the left ventricle - prolonged QRS complex (gt .12 sec)
- axis deviation to the side of problem
- increased voltage of QRS in V leads
93Blood flow to myocardium
- The myocardium is supplied by the coronary
arteries their branches. - Cells near the endocardium may be able to receive
some O2 from chamber blood - The heart muscle at a resting heart rate takes
the maximum oxygen out of the perfusing coronary
flow (70 extraction) - Any ? demand must be met by ? coronary flow
- Normally the first cells to depolarize are the
last to repolarize. - Depolarization repolarization waves are in
opposite directions - QRS and T wave point in the same direction
- Ischemia prolongs depolarization therefore
delays repolarization - Depolarization repolarization waves are now in
the same direction - This will cause an inversion in T wave (opposite
deflection compared to QRS)
- Damaged cells lose ability to repolarize
- Most of the frank damage occurs upon reperfusion
is associated with free radical damage. - Damaged area is in an abnormal state of
depolarization - When normal myocardium is in a resting polarized
state, there is a current of injury between
damaged normal myocardium - creates a depressed baseline which appears as an
elevated ST segment