Lecture 15 Orthogonal Functions Fourier Series - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lecture 15 Orthogonal Functions Fourier Series


Lecture 15 Orthogonal Functions Fourier Series LGA mean daily temperature time series is there a global warming signal? Model that includes annual variability Why ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Lecture 15 Orthogonal Functions Fourier Series

Lecture 15Orthogonal FunctionsFourier Series
LGA mean daily temperature time seriesis there a
global warming signal?
Model that includes annual variability
T(t) a bt A1 cos(2pf1t) B1 sin(2pf1t)
A2 cos(2pf2t) B2 sin(2pf2t) A3
cos(2pf3t) B3 sin(2pf3t) with f1 1
cycle per year f2 2 cycles per year etc
Why both sines and cosines?
Why both sines and cosines?
Cosine does not start at t0 But remember
cos(ab)cos(a) cos(b) - sin(a) sin(b)
cos2pf1(t-t0) cos(2pf1t0) cos(2pf1t)
sin(2pf1t0) sin(2pf1t) A cos(2pf1t) B
So using both sines and cosines moves the delay,
t0, out of the cosine, and into the coefficients
of the sines and cosines. This trick linearizes
the unknown, t0.
cos(ab)cos(a) cos(b) - sin(a) sin(b)
cos2pf1(t-t0) cos(2pf1t0) cos(2pf1t)
sin(2pf1t0) sin(2pf1t) A cos(2pf1t) B
Why more than one frequency? f1 1 cycle per
year f2 2 cycles per year etcAllows us to
represent non-sinusoidal shape of annual cycle.
sum cos(ft)0.3cos(2ft)
exactly periodic, but shape not exactly sinusoidal
Least-squares fit to LGA data (up to f8)
data fit constant term, a error of fit,
e linear term, bt
Statistics of linear term, bt
  • b 0.31 degrees F per decade
  • sd eTe / N 1/2 7 deg F
  • Cm sd2 GTG-1
  • sb sd2 Cmb,b 1/2 0.05 degrees F per decade
  • 95 confidence
  • b 0.310.1 degrees F per decade

So LGA is warming
sines and cosines areorthogonal functions
T(t) A0 A1 cos(2pf1t) B1 sin(2pf1t)
A2 cos(2pf2t) B2 sin(2pf2t)
A3 cos(2pf3t) B3 sin(2pf3t) with f22f1,
f33f1, etc
Called a Fourier Series
Standard least-squares G matrix
  • 1 cos(2pf1t1) sin(2pf1t1) cos(2pf2t1)
  • 1 cos(2pf1t2) sin(2pf1t2) cos(2pf2t2)
  • 1 cos(2pf1t3) sin(2pf1t3) cos(2pf2t3)
  • 1 cos(2pf1t4) sin(2pf1t4) cos(2pf2t4)
  • 1 cos(2pf1t5) sin(2pf1t5) cos(2pf2t5)
  • 1 cos(2pf1t6) sin(2pf1t6) cos(2pf2t6)

With the proper choice of f1the matrix GTG is
diagonaldot product of any pair of columns of G
is zerocolumns of G are orthogonal
The proper choice of f1
  • Suppose the time-series is N data points long,
    with spacing Dt.
  • Then the lowest frequency must be f1 1 / (NDt)
  • one oscillation over the length of the
  • And the highest frequency must be fN/2 1 /
  • one-half oscillation per sampling interval

  • f1 1 / (2NDt)

f1 1 / (2Dt)
note sine is zero
Count of unknowns
  • The constant term, one unknown
  • plus
  • 2 coefficients per frequency, N/2 frequencies so
    N unknowns
  • minus
  • One unknown since the fN/2 term, which has no
    sine term
  • equals
  • N unknowns, same as number of data

MatLab Code
  • N 100
    times vector
  • dt 0.5
  • tmin 0.0
  • t tmin dt0N-1'
  • tmax tmin dt(N-1)
  • df 1/(Ndt)
    frequency spacing
  • M N
    number of unknowns same as data
  • G zeros(N,M)
    set up least-squares G matrix
  • G(,1)ones(N,1)
  • for p 21M/2-1
  • G(,p) cos(pipdft)
  • G(,p1) sin(pipdft)
  • end
  • pM/2
  • G(,M) cos(2pipdft)

GTG for N100
  • GTG11 GTGNNN Other diagonal elements
  • Off diagonal elements are zero

  • So least-squares solution is
  • m GTG-1 GTd
  • diag( N-1, 2/N, 2/N, N-1 ) GT d
  • NO matrix inversion required!

GTG for N100
  • Example Neuse River Hydrograph (100 days)

data, d
dGm with mGTG-1GTd
dGm with mDGTd
where Ddiag( N-1, 2/N, 2/N, N-1 )
spectrumamount of power at different
  • si2 Ai2 Bi2

time-series has a lot of energy at frequency fp
Spectrum of Neuse data set for N4380
Close up of low frequencies
6 mo
12 mo
4 mo
3 mo
2 mo
Big annual cycle in Neuse hydrograph
Error Estimates for Fourier Series
  • Assume uncorrelated, normally-distributed data,
    d, with variance sd2
  • The problem Gmd is linear, so the unknowns, m,
    (the coefficients of the cosines and sines, Ai
    and Bi) are also normally-distributed.
  • Since sines and cosines are orthogonal, GTG is
  • and Cm sd2 GTG-1 is diagonal, too
  • So that ms have uncorrelated errors. All but the
    first and last have variance sm2 2sd2/N.
  • The spectrum si2Ai2Bi2 is the sum of two
    uncorrelated, normally distributed random
    variables and is thus c22-distributed.
  • The c22-distribution has a variance of 4, so that
    ss2 8sd2/N

Switching to complex numbersnothing different
in principlebut calculations become easier
  • But first
  • Lets switch to angular frequency
  • measured in radians per second
  • wi 2p fi
  • Beats writing all those 2ps !

  • Remember
  • Eulers formula
  • exp( iwt ) cos( wt ) i sin( wt )
  • ?

  • exp( iwt ) cos( wt ) i sin( wt )
  • exp( -iwt ) cos( wt ) - i sin( wt )
  • cos( wt ) (1/2) exp( iwt ) exp( -iwt )
  • sin( wt ) (1/2i) exp( iwt ) - exp( -iwt )

Lets compareT(t) A0 cos(w0t) B0 sin(w0t)
A1 cos(w1t) B1 sin(w1t) A2 cos(w2t) B2
sin(w2t) A3 cos(w3t) B3 sin(w3t)
withT(t) ... C-2 exp(-iw2t) C-1
exp(-w1t) C0 exp(iw0t) C1 exp(iw1t)
C2 exp(iw2t) C3 exp(iw3t)
with wppDw w-p -wp
First, if T is real, then we must have C-p
Cp Then C-p exp(-wpt) Cp exp(wpt)
(Cpr-iCpi) cos(wpt) - i sin(wpt) (CpriCpi)
cos(wpt) i sin(wpt) 2Cpr cos(wpt) - 2Cpi
sin(-w-pt) So Ap 2Cpr and Bp -2Cpi So these
two representations are equivalent
T(t) ... C-2 exp(-iw2t) C-1
exp(-w1t) C0 exp(iw0t) C1 exp(iw1t)
C2 exp(iw2t) C3 exp(iw3t)
Implies a simple form of the equation dGm
C-2 C-1C0C1C2
exp(-iw2t0) exp(-iw1t0) exp(iw0t0) exp(
iw1t0) exp(iw2t0) exp(-iw2t1)
exp(-iw1t1) exp(iw0t1) exp( iw1t1) exp( iw2t1)
exp(-iw2t2) exp(-iw1t2) exp(iw0t2) exp(
iw1t2) exp( iw2t2) exp(-iw2t3)
exp(-iw1t3) exp(iw0t3) exp( iw1t3) exp( iw2t3)
exp(-iw2t4) exp(-iw1t4) exp(iw0t4) exp(
iw1t4) exp( iw2t4)
T0 T1T2T3T4

Least-squares with complex numbers
  • real numbers given Gm d
  • minimize EeTe
  • implies mGTG-1 GT d
  • complex nos given Gm d
  • minimize EeHe
  • where eH eT
  • implies mGHG-1 GH d

The Hermitian transpose, that is, the transpose
of the complex conjugate.
The formula mGHG-1GHd is not hard to work out
using the standard minimization procedure, but we
dont have time to work it out in class.
C-2 C-1C0C1C2
exp(-iw2t0) exp(-iw1t0) exp(iw0t0)
exp(iw1t0) exp(iw2t0) exp(-iw2t1)
exp(-iw1t1) exp(iw0t1) exp(iw1t1) exp(iw2t1)
exp(-iw2t2) exp(-iw1t2) exp(iw0t2)
exp(iw1t2) exp(iw2t2) exp(-iw2t3)
exp(-iw1t3) exp(iw0t3) exp(iw1t3) exp(iw2t3)
exp(-iw2t4) exp(-iw1t4) exp(iw0t4)
exp(iw1t4) exp(iw2t4)
T0 T1T2T3T4

Note T2 ? Si Ci exp(iwit2)
T0 T1T2T3T4
C-2 C-1C0C1C2
exp(iw2t0) exp(iw2t1) exp(iw2t2)
exp(iw2t3) exp(iw2t4) exp(iw1t0)
exp(iw1t1) exp(iw1t2) exp(iw1t3) exp(iw1t4)
exp(iw0t0) exp(iw0t1) exp(iw0t2)
exp(iw0t3) exp(iw0t4) exp(-iw1t0)
exp(-iw1t1) exp(-iw1t2) exp(-iw1t3) exp(-iw1t4)
exp(-iw2t0) exp(-iw2t1) exp(-iw2t2)
exp(-iw2t3) exp(-iw2t4)
Note C2 ? Si Ti exp(-iw2ti)
C-2 C-1C0C1C2
exp(-iw2t0) exp(-iw1t0) exp(iw0t0)
exp(iw1t0) exp(iw2t0) exp(-iw2t1)
exp(-iw1t1) exp(iw0t1) exp(iw1t1) exp(iw2t1)
exp(-iw2t2) exp(-iw1t2) exp(iw0t2)
exp(iw1t2) exp(iw2t2) exp(-iw2t3)
exp(-iw1t3) exp(iw0t3) exp(iw1t3) exp(iw2t3)
exp(-iw2t4) exp(-iw1t4) exp(iw0t4)
exp(iw1t4) exp(iw2t4)
T0 T1T2T3T4

Note T2 ? Si Ci exp(iwit2)
Opposite signs
T0 T1T2T3T4
C-2 C-1C0C1C2
exp(iw2t0) exp(iw2t1) exp(iw2t2)
exp(iw2t3) exp(iw2t4) exp(iw1t0)
exp(iw1t1) exp(iw1t2) exp(iw1t3) exp(iw1t4)
exp(iw0t0) exp(iw0t1) exp(iw0t2)
exp(iw0t3) exp(iw0t4) exp(-iw1t0)
exp(-iw1t1) exp(-iw1t2) exp(-iw1t3) exp(-iw1t4)
exp(-iw2t0) exp(-iw2t1) exp(-iw2t2)
exp(-iw2t3) exp(-iw2t4)
Note C2 ? Si Ti exp(-iw2ti)
  • Discrete Fourier Transform
  • Find the coefficients C given the data, T
  • Equivalent to m GHd
  • Ck Sn-N/2N/2 Tn exp(2pikn/N ) with k-½N, ,
  • Discrete Inverse Fourier Transform
  • Find the data T given the coefficients, C
  • Equivalent to d N-1Gm
  • Tn N-1Sk-N/2N/2 Ck exp( 2pikn/N ) with
    n-½N, , ½N
  • Warnings 1) no one can agree on signs
  • 2) no one can agree on normalizations

Note normalization factor of N-1 has been omitted
Note normalization factor of N-1 has been added

Counting unknowns
  • frequencies from (N/2)Dw to (N/2)Dw in steps of
  • So N1 complex numbers, Cp
  • So 2N2 real and imaginary parts, Cpr and Cpi
  • But C-p Cp, so really only N/21 unknown
    complex numbers
  • So N2 real and imaginary parts , Cpr and Cpi
  • But C0i0 and CN/2i0 (always)
  • So N unknowns, matching N data

  • standard fft setup. The standard
    implementation of the digital fourier
  • transform is VERY INFLEXIBLE. Learn these
  • N256 you can choose the length
    N of the time series
  • in some
    implementations N can be any positive
  • integer, but in
    others it MUST be a
  • power-or-two. I
    set it here to 256, which
  • is
  • dt1.0 and you can choose the
    sampling interval dt
  • but then the
    following variables are set
  • tmaxdt(N-1) we presume the time series
    starts at t0, so
  • the maximum time is
  • tdt0N-1 time then goes
    from 0 to (N-1)dt
  • fmax1/(2.0dt) the maximum
    frequency in the fft calculation is
  • called the Nyquist
    frequency. It is
  • determined by the
    two-points-per wavelength
  • rule
  • dffmax/(N/2) the frequency spacing, df,
    assumes that a N-point
  • time series is
    reperesented by an N-point fourier
  • transform

  • p is the timeseries whose transform is being
  • w0 2pifmax/10 sample p, a simple
    sinusoid of frequency w0
  • p sin(w0t)
  • fourier transform using MatLab's fft function.
    The help function
  • says that it uses the NEGATIVE sign in the
  • ptfft(p) these are the coefficients, C, of
    the complex exponential
  • presumably one would do something with the
    fourier transform
  • at this point - apply a filter, for example.
    But I do nothing.
  • Inverse fourier transform using the Matlab
    function ifft.
  • Help says it uses the POSITIVE sign in the
    exponential, and that
  • it has the right normalization that
    ifft(fft(x))x. But
  • BE WARNED, that doesn't mean that the
    normalization on fft
  • is 1 and that the normalization on ifft is
    (1/N), like
  • I had it in class. You can put any constant,
    b, in front

The fast Fourier transform algorithm
  • The Fourier Transform equation
  • m GTG-1GTd diag(N-1,2/N, 2/N,N-1) GT d
  • has N multiplications for each of N unknowns,
  • So N2 in total. For example, for N1024,
  • But in the special case of N being a power of
    two, there is an algorithm the fast fourier
    transform algorithm - that can compute m in only
    Nlog2N multiplications
  • For example, N1024, Nlog2N10,240
  • A substantial savings! MatLab implements it. Use
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