Title: Lecture 22 Exam 2 Review
1Lecture 22 - Exam 2 Review
2Lectures Goals
- Chapter 6 - LU Decomposition
- Chapter 7 - Eigen-analysis
- Chapter 8 - Interpolation
- Chapter 9 - Approximation
- Chapter 11 - Numerical Differentiation and
3Chapter 6
- LU Decomposition of Matrices
4LU Decomposition
- A modification of the elimination method, called
the LU decomposition. The technique will rewrite
the matrix as the product of two matrices. - A LU
5LU Decomposition
- There are variation of the technique using
different methods. - Crouts reduction (U has ones on the diagonal).
- Doolittles method( L has ones on the diagonal).
- Choleskys method ( The diagonal terms are the
same value for the L and U matrices).
6LU Decomposition Solving
- Using the LU decomposition
- Ax LUx LUx b
- Solve
- Ly b
- and then solve
- Ux y
7LU Decomposition
- The matrices are represented by
8LU Decomposition (Crouts reduction)
9LU Decomposition (Doolittles Method)
10Choleskys Method
- Matrix is decomposed into
- where, lii uii
11Tridiagonal Matrix
- For a banded matrix using Doolittles method,
i.e. a tridiagonal matrix.
12Pivoting of the LU Decomposition
- Still need pivoting in LU decomposition
- Messes up order of L
- What to do?
- Need to pivot both L and a permutation matrix
P - Initialize P as identity matrix and pivot when
A is pivoted ? Also pivot L
13Pivoting of the LU Decomposition
- Permutation matrix P
- - permutation of identity matrix I
- Permutation matrix performs bookkeeping
associated with the row exchanges - Permuted matrix P A
- LU factorization of the permuted matrix
- P A L U
14Chapter 7
- Matrix eigenvalues arise from discrete models of
physical systems - Discrete models
- Finite number of degrees of freedom result in a
finite number of eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
- Computing eigenvalues of a matrix is important in
numerous applications. - In numerical analysis, the convergence of an
iterative sequence involving matrices is
determined by the size of the eigenvalues of the
iterative matrix. - In dynamic systems, the eigenvalues indicate
whether a system is oscillatory, stable (decaying
oscillations) or unstable(growing oscillation). - Oscillator system, the eigenvalues of
differential equations or the coefficient matrix
of a finite element model are directly related to
natural frequencies of the system. - Regression analysis, eigenvectors of correlation
matrix are used to select new predictor variables
that are linear combinations of the original
predictor variables.
17General Form of the Equations
- The general form of the equations
18Power Method
The basic computation of the power method is
summarized as
The equation can be written as
19Power Method
The basic computation of the power method is
summarized as
The equation can be written as
20Shift Method
It is possible to obtain another eigenvalue from
the set equations by using a technique known as
shifting the matrix.
Subtract the a vector from each side, thereby
changing the maximum eigenvalue
21Shift Method
The eigenvalue, s, is the maximum value of the
matrix A. The matrix is rewritten in a form.
Use the Power Method to obtain the largest
eigenvalue of B.
22Inverse Power Method
The inverse method is similar to the power
method, except that it finds the smallest
eigenvalue. Using the following technique.
23Inverse Power Method
The algorithm is the same as the Power method and
the eigenvector is not the eigenvector for the
smallest eigenvalue. To obtain the smallest
eigenvalue from the power method.
24Accelerated Power Method
The Power method can be accelerated by using the
Rayleigh Quotient instead of the largest wk
value. The Rayeigh Quotient is defined as
25Accelerated Power Method
The values of the next z term is defined
as The Power method is adapted to use the new
26QR Factorization
- Another form of factorization
- A QR
- Produces an orthogonal matrix (Q) and a right
upper triangular matrix (R) - Orthogonal matrix - inverse is transpose
27QR Factorization
Why do we care? We can use Q and R to find
eigenvalues 1. Get Q and R (A QR) 2. Let A
RQ 3. Diagonal elements of A are eigenvalue
approximations 4. Iterate until converged
Note QR eigenvalue method gives all eigenvalues
simultaneously, not just the
dominant ?
28Householder Matrix
- Householder matrix reduces zk1 ,,zn to zero
29Householder Matrix
- To achieve the above operation, v must be a
linear combination of x and ek
30Chapter 8
31Interpolation Methods
Interpolation uses the data to approximate a
function, which will fit all of the data points.
All of the data is used to approximate the values
of the function inside the bounds of the data.
We will look at polynomial and rational function
interpolation of the data and piece-wise
interpolation of the data.
32Polynomial Interpolation Methods
- Lagrange Interpolation Polynomial - a
straightforward, but computational awkward way to
construct an interpolating polynomial. - Newton Interpolation Polynomial - there is no
difference between the Newton and Lagrange
results. The difference between the two is the
approach to obtaining the coefficients.
33Hermite Interpolation
- The Advantages
- The segments of the piecewise Hermite polynomial
have a continuous first derivative at support
points. - The shape of the function being interpolated is
better matched, because the tangent of this
function and tangent of Hermite polynomial agree
at the support points.
34Rational Function Interpolation
Polynomial are not always the best match of data.
A rational function can be used to represent the
steps. A rational function is a ratio of two
polynomials. This is useful when you deal with
fitting imaginary functions zx iy. The
Bulirsch-Stoer algorithm creates a function where
the numerator is of the same order as the
denominator or 1 less.
35Rational Function Interpolation
The Rational Function interpolation are required
for the location and function value need to be
known. or
36Cubic Spline Interpolation
Hermite Polynomials produce a smooth
interpolation, they have a disadvantage that the
slope of the input function must be specified at
each breakpoint. Cubic Spline interpolation use
only the data points used to maintaining the
desired smoothness of the function and is
piecewise continuous.
37Chapter 9
38Approximation Methods
What is the difference between approximation and
- Interpolation matches the data points exactly.
In case of experimental data, this assumption is
not often true. - Approximation - we want to consider the curve
that will fit the data with the smallest error.
39Least Square Fit Approximations
The solution is the minimization of the sum of
squares. This will give a least square solution.
This is known as the Maximum Likelihood Principle.
40Least Square Error
How do you minimize the error?
Take the derivative with the coefficients and set
it equal to zero.
41Least Square Coefficients for Quadratic Fit
The equations can be written as
42Polynomial Least Square
The technique can be used to all forms of
polynomials of the form
43Polynomial Least Square
Solving large sets of linear equations are not a
simple task. They can have the undesirable
property known as ill-conditioning. The results
of this method is that round-off errors in
solving for the coefficients cause unusually
large errors in the curve fits.
44Polynomial Least Square
Or measure of the variance of the problem
Where, n is the degree polynomial and N is the
number of elements and Yk are the data points
45Nonlinear Least Squared Approximation Method
How would you handle a problem, which is modeled
46Nonlinear Least Squared Approximation Method
Take the natural log of the equations
47Continuous Least Square Functions
Instead of modeling a known complex function over
a region, we would like to model the values with
a simple polynomial. This technique uses a
least squares over a continuous region. The
coefficients of the polynomial can be determined
using same technique that was used in discrete
48Continuous Least Square Functions
The technique minimizes the error of the function
uses an integral.
49Continuous Least Square Functions
Take the derivative of the error with respect to
the coefficients and set it equal to zero.
And compute the components of the coefficient
matrix. The right hand side of the matrix will
be the function we are modeling times a x value.
50Continuous Least Square Function
- There are other forms of equations, which can be
used to represent continuous functions. Examples
of these functions are - Legrendre Polynomials
- Tchebyshev Polynomials
- Cosines and sines.
51Legendre Polynomial
The Legendre polynomials are a set of orthogonal
functions, which can be used to represent a
function as components of a function.
52Legendre Polynomial
These function are orthogonal over a range -1,
1 . This range can be scaled to fit the
function. The orthogonal functions are defined
53Continuous Functions
Other forms of orthogonal functions are sines and
cosines, which are used in Fourier approximation.
The advantages for the sines and cosines are
that they can model large time scales. You will
need to clip the ends of the series so that it
will have zeros at the ends.
54Chapter 11
- Numerical Differentiation and Integration
55Numerical Differentiation
A Taylor series or Lagrange interpolation of
points can be used to find the derivatives. The
Taylor series expansion is defined as
56Numerical Differentiation
Assume that the data points are equally spaced
and the equations can be written as
57Differential Error
Notice that the errors of the forward and
backward 1st derivative of the equations have an
error of the order of O(Dx) and the central
differentiation has an error of order O(Dx2).
The central difference has an better accuracy and
lower error that the others. This can be
improved by using more terms to model the first
58Higher Order Derivatives
To find higher derivatives, use the Taylor series
expansions of term and eliminate the terms from
the sum of equations. To improve the error in
the problem add additional terms.
59Lagrange Differentiation
Another form of differentiation is to use the
Lagrange interpolation between three points. The
values can be determine for unevenly spaced
points. Given
60Lagrange Differentiation
Differentiate the Lagrange interpolation
Assume a constant spacing
61Richardson Extrapolation
This technique uses the concept of variable grid
sizes to reduce the error. The technique uses a
simple method for eliminating the error. Consider
a second order central difference technique.
Write the equation in the form
62Richardson Extrapolation
The central difference can be defined as
Write the equation with different grid sizes
63Richardson Extrapolation
The equation can be rewritten as
It can be rewritten in the form
64Richardson Extrapolation
The technique can be extrapolated to include the
higher order error elimination by using a finer
65Trapezoid Rule
- Integrate to obtain the rule
66Simpsons 1/3-Rule
Integrate the Lagrange interpolation
67Simpsons 3/8-Rule
68Midpoint Rule
- Newton-Cotes Open Formula
69Composite Trapezoid Rule
70Composite Simpsons Rule
- Multiple applications of Simpsons rule
71Richardson Extrapolation
- Use trapezoidal rule as an example
- subintervals n 2j 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, .
72Richardson Extrapolation
73Richardson Extrapolation
- kth level of extrapolation
74Romberg Integration
- Accelerated Trapezoid Rule
75Gaussian Quadratures
- Newton-Cotes Formulae
- use evenly-spaced functional values
- Gaussian Quadratures
- select functional values at non-uniformly
distributed points to achieve higher accuracy - change of variables so that the interval of
integration is -1,1 - Gauss-Legendre formulae
76Gaussian Quadrature on -1, 1
- Exact integral for f x0, x1, x2, x3
- Four equations for four unknowns
77Gaussian Quadrature on -1, 1
- Exact integral for f x0, x1, x2, x3
78Gaussian Quadrature on -1, 1
- Exact integral for f x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5
- Open book and open notes.
- The exam will be 5-8 problems.
- Short answer type problems use a table to
differentiate between techniques. - Problems are not going to be excessive.
- Make a short summary of the material.
- Only use your notes, when you have forgotten
something, do not depend on them.