Title: Lecture 19 Continuous Problems: Backus-Gilbert Theory and Radon
1Lecture 19 Continuous ProblemsBackus-Gilbert
TheoryandRadons Problem
Lecture 01 Describing Inverse ProblemsLecture
02 Probability and Measurement Error, Part
1Lecture 03 Probability and Measurement Error,
Part 2 Lecture 04 The L2 Norm and Simple Least
SquaresLecture 05 A Priori Information and
Weighted Least SquaredLecture 06 Resolution and
Generalized Inverses Lecture 07 Backus-Gilbert
Inverse and the Trade Off of Resolution and
VarianceLecture 08 The Principle of Maximum
LikelihoodLecture 09 Inexact TheoriesLecture
10 Nonuniqueness and Localized AveragesLecture
11 Vector Spaces and Singular Value
Decomposition Lecture 12 Equality and Inequality
ConstraintsLecture 13 L1 , L8 Norm Problems and
Linear ProgrammingLecture 14 Nonlinear
Problems Grid and Monte Carlo Searches Lecture
15 Nonlinear Problems Newtons Method Lecture
16 Nonlinear Problems Simulated Annealing and
Bootstrap Confidence Intervals Lecture
17 Factor AnalysisLecture 18 Varimax Factors,
Empircal Orthogonal FunctionsLecture
19 Backus-Gilbert Theory for Continuous Problems
Radons ProblemLecture 20 Linear Operators and
Their AdjointsLecture 21 Fréchet
DerivativesLecture 22 Exemplary Inverse
Problems, incl. Filter DesignLecture 23
Exemplary Inverse Problems, incl. Earthquake
LocationLecture 24 Exemplary Inverse Problems,
incl. Vibrational Problems
3Purpose of the Lecture
Extend Backus-Gilbert theory to continuous
problems Discuss the conversion of continuous
inverse problems to discrete problems Solve
Radons Problem the simplest tomography problem
4Part 1 Backus-Gilbert Theory
5Continuous Inverse Theorythe data are
discretebutthe model parameter is a continuous
6One or several dimensions
7One or several dimensions
model function
8hopeless to try to determine estimates of model
function at a particular depthm(z0) ?
localized average is the only way to go
9hopeless to try to determine estimates of model
function at a particular depthm(z0) ?
the problem is that an integral, such as the data
kernel integral, does not depend upon the value
of m(z) at a single point z0
localized average is the only way to go
continuous version of resolution matrix
10lets retain the idea that thesolutiondepends
linearly on the data
11lets retain the idea that thesolutiondepends
linearly on the data
continuous version of generalized inverse
12implies a formula for R
comparison to discrete case
14implies a formula for R
15Now define the spread of resolution as
16fine generalized inversethat minimizes the
spread J with the constraint that
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18J has exactly the same form as the discrete
caseonly the definition of S is different
19Hence the solution is thesame as in the discrete
20furthermore, just as we did in the discrete case,
we can add the size of the covariance
21as beforethis just changes the definition of S
and leads to a trade-off of resolution and
22Part 2 Approximating aContinuous Problemas a
Discrete Problem
23approximation using finite number of known
24approximation using finite number of known
known functions
continuous function
unknown coefficients discrete model parameters
25posssible fj(x)s
voxels (and their lower dimension
equivalents) polynomials splines Fourier (and
similar) series and many others
26does the choice of fj(x) matter?
Yes! The choice implements prior
information about the properties of the
solution The solution will be different
depending upon the choice
27conversion to discrete Gmd
28special case of voxels
size controlled by the scale of variation of m(x)
integral over voxel j
29approximation when Gi(x) slowly varying
center of voxel j
size controlled by the scale of variation of Gi(x)
more stringent condition than scale of variation
of m(x)
30Part 3 Tomography
31Greek Root
- tomos
- a cut, cutting, slice, section
32tomographyas it is used in geophysics
- data are line integrals of the model function
curve i
33you can force this into the form
if you want
but the Dirac delta function is not
square-integrable, which leads to problems
34Radons Problemstraight line raysdata d
treated as a continuous variable
35(u,?) coordinate system forRadon Transform
integrate over this line
36Radon Transformm(x,y) ? d(u,?)
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38Inverse Problem find m(x,y) given d(u,?)
39Solution via Fourier Transforms
kx ? x
40now Fourier transform u?ku
now change variables (u,?) ?(x,y)
41now Fourier transform u?ku
now change variables (s,u) ?(x,y)
J1, by the way
Fourier transform of d(u,?)
Fourier transform of m(x,y) evaluated on a line
of slope ?
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43Learned two things
- Proof that solution exists and unique, based on
well-known properties of Fourier Transform - Recipe how to invert a Radon transform using
Fourier transforms
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