Title: 14 Habits of Highly Effective Catholic Priests
114 Habits of Highly Effective Catholic Priests
2Where the inspiration came from?
- Stephen Coveys book for Managers, All walks of
people - Highly Effective Habits of Successful Religious
3Habit 1 A Holy person deep inside
- First and Foremost Fundamental Quality - Personal
Holiness - Personal Prayer Life Frequently On His Knees at
the feet of the Lord - Rooted in the Word of God
- Always seeks the will of God in everything above
personal will - Constant fighter of sin and temptations!
4Habit 1 A Holy person deep inside (Contd)
- So, Can we really be Holy?
- Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) - 459
The Word became flesh to be our model of
holiness "Take my yoke upon you, and learn from
me." "I am the way, and the truth, and the life
no one comes to the Father, but by me. - 1 Peter 11516 but as He who called you is
holy, you also be holy in all your conduct,
because it is written, Be holy, for I am holy. - Catholic Saints - St Benedict, St Jerome
- Friend who is a confession addict!
5Habit 1 A Holy person deep inside (Contd)
- How to achieve Personal Holiness?
- Holiness need to be practised in meditation and
prayer - It is not a psychological exercise ?
- Spending time with the Lord
- Achieved when In Service of God
- Need to be continuously perfected
- 2 Corinthians 71 Therefore, having these
promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from
all filthiness of the flesh and spirit,
perfecting holiness in the fear of God.
6Habit 2 A lover of the Eucharistic Jesus
- Eucharistic Celebration - The Ultimate Form of
Worship - CCC 1324 - The Eucharist is "the source and
summit of the Christian life." "The other
sacraments, and indeed all ecclesiastical
ministries and works of the apostolate, are bound
up with the Eucharist and are oriented toward it.
For in the blessed Eucharist is contained the
whole spiritual good of the Church, namely Christ
himself, our Pasch."
7Habit 2 A lover of the Eucharistic Jesus
- A daily mass goer - Finds extremely difficult
missing a chance of not celebrating / receiving
the Eucharist daily - The Old priest
- If undisturbed, spends hours before the Blessed
Sacrament - Encourages Eucharistic adoration and spirituality
in his community, parishes, schools / colleges
and dioceses. - Highest Vocations - Parishes with daily
Eucharistic adoration (Survey in USA)
8Habit 2 A lover of the Eucharistic Jesus
- St Padre Pio The Eucharistic Saint
- An eye witness account on Padre Pio (Source
Voice of Padre Pio) - He had a lifelong love affair with Our Lord Jesus
in the Eucharist. To him, the Eucharist was the
centre of all spiritual benefits. - He began his preparations for Mass hours before
the Mass began. He would constantly ask his
fellow Friars what time it was. He always thought
it was time to begin Mass, even though it might
have been two hours early. When it came to
celebrating the Eucharist, he was like a young
race-horse, chomping at the bit, waiting
impatiently to get out of the starting gate. - "But as he started vesting for Mass, his body
began to bend forward. As he slowly approached
the altar, his body stooped over more and more as
if he was being crushed under a heavy cross beam
on his shoulders his gait dragged, his face took
on the sorrow of his Lord and Savior. As the
mystery of the Sacrifice of the Mass unfolded,
Padre Pio reached the pinnacle of suffering at
the moment of Elevation of the Host in
Consecration. - To quote a witness, In his eyes I read the
expression of a mother who assists at the agony
of her son on the scaffold, who sees him expire
and who, choked with suffering, silently receives
the bloodless body in her arms, able only to give
slight caresses.'
9Habit 3 Committed to the Catholic Faith and
the Church Magestarium
- Never dances when it comes to defending Catholic
Faith, Teachings and Traditions - Abortion
- Euthanasia
- Contraception
- Homosexuality
- Celibacy
- Etc
- Rejects the Halo Effect All other churches
are doing so why not the Catholic Church? - Local traditions vs. Church traditions
- Displays catholic faith in every actions and
deeds An Open Catechism of the Catholic Church.
10Habit 4 Obedient to Catholic Hierarchy and
Religious Superiors
- Obedience and Reverence to Seniors and Spiritual
Elders - Never breaks the rule book and protocol on
performing daily duties - Open and eager to correction from Spiritual
Directors and Confessors - Humble and not rebellious in performing Christian
duties - Fights Spiritual Pride in every aspect
11Habit 4 Obedient to Catholic Hierarchy and
Religious Superiors (Contd)
- CCC 896 The Good Shepherd ought to be the model
and "form" of the bishop's pastoral office. The
faithful should be closely attached to the bishop
as the Church is to Jesus Christ, and as Jesus
Christ is to the Father"428 - Let all follow the bishop, as Jesus Christ
follows his Father, and the college of presbyters
as the apostles respect the deacons as you do
God's law. Let no one do anything concerning the
Church in separation from the bishop.429 - Saint Gerard Majellas Obedience
12Habit 5 Embodies the Fruits of the Holy Spirit.
- "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,
patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness, self-control." (Galatians 522) - Consistently exhibits the fruits of the Holy
Spirit. - Strives for the fruits of the Holy Spirit
13Habit 5 Embodies the Fruits of the Holy
Spirit. (Contd)
- Great Examples
- St Teresa of Lisieux
- Mother Teresa
- Saints
14Habit 6 Promotes sacraments among the parish
especially the youth
- Can be spotted with the Youth of the Parish
during week ends even daily. - Conducts Youth events to keep the youth closer to
the church - Constantly challenge and encourage the Youth to
take the narrow door of Holiness - Stand up against materialism, culture, mass media
which is corrupting the youth - Is a friend of St Don Bosco ?
15Habit 6 Promotes sacraments among the parish
especially the youth (Contd)
- Pope Benedict XVI said for World Youth Day 2009
- "We have set our hope on the living God. The
living God is the risen Christ present in our
world. He is the true hope the Christ who lives
with us and in us and who calls us to share in
his eternal life. Be his faithful disciples and
in this way you will be able to help form
Christian communities that are filled with love." - "Make choices that demonstrate your faith. Show
that you understand the risk of idolizing money,
material goods, career and success, and do not
allow yourselves to be attracted by these false
illusions," - With prayer, perseverance and service, young
Catholics will be "credible witnesses of
Christian hope."
16Habit 6 Promotes sacraments among the parish
especially the youth (Contd)
- Pope John Paul II
- The great lover of the Youth
- JP II Generation among the Youth Bold
Spirituality! - Architect of the World Youth Day
17Habit 7 Constant and Vigilant Vocation Hunter
- Spots future priests and nuns, encourages and
nurtures them - Bishop Fulton J Sheens story of a boy at the
hospital - Promotes vocations in his parish, his diocese and
among his family members - Shows courage and conviction to say Follow Me
like Jesus to St Peter and St Andrew
18Habit 8 Fearless Servant of God in the Public
- Ready to stand up even till the point of death
for a good social cause - Maintains a dignified and statesmanship like
stance against the social evil - Never breaks the law of the land
- John Paul II against religious persecution by the
Communists in Poland and Iron Curtain Countries
19Habit 8 Fearless Servant of God in the Public
Sqaure (Contd)
- What the CCC says -
- 2254 Public authority is obliged to respect the
fundamental rights of the human person and the
conditions for the exercise of his freedom. - 2255 It is the duty of citizens to work with
civil authority for building up society in a
spirit of truth, justice, solidarity, and
freedom. - 2256 Citizens are obliged in conscience not to
follow the directives of civil authorities when
they are contrary to the demands of the moral
order. "We must obey God rather than men" (Acts
20Habit 9 Prudent and Transparent person in the
- Handles the affairs of the parish / community
with honesty and integrity - Is widely respected as a moral and upright person
- Is known to all as a peace maker among families
and communities - Finds solutions by collecting and co-operating
the views of all the parties - Stays clear of controversies
- Maintains accounts and financial transactions
with a lot of transparency
21Habit 10 A constant intercessor for spiritual
revival in his parish and community
- Constantly cries out to the Lord for spiritual
revival in his community and parish - The priest crying all night during the retreat
- Sets up his own example for encouraging the
Sacraments - An intercessor for mass repentance and conversion
- Power of the Sacrament of Reconciliation
- St John Vianney
22Habit 11 A lover of Mother Mary and Catholic
- Is an ardent Marian by nature
- Adopts Mother Mary as his spiritual and earthly
mother - Believes and Propogates the faith in the
Communion of Saints - Rosary formidable defence for catholic faith
- Mary Mother of Church and Mother of Priests
- St Don Boscos vision on the attack against the
Church - Pope John Paul IIs intense dialogues with Mother
23Habit 12 Always promotes family values and
helps build the catholic family
- Family is the first Church for a child
- Starts propagating Christ through strong family
values - Actively encourages the necessity for prayer in
families - Gets together with families and be part of family
functions - Propagates the right teaching regarding
Marriages, Family Planning, Raising up Children
etc. - Vocations and family values Maximum vocations
from praying families
24Habit 13 Ready to emulate Christs suffering
till his coffin
- Sees suffering as an integral part of ministry
- Blessing rather than a curse
- Priest wrongly accused Jamshedpur
- Train journey with the old priest
25Habit 14 Never takes his eye from his lifes
- Constantly and continuously in search of the Lord
in various dimensions - Defeats the doubts regarding his call to serve
the Lord through fervent prayers - A loyal soldier of the church till the coffin
- Priest friends questions on celibacy
26Thank You and May God Bless Your Priestly