Holy Hour for the Sanctification of Priests - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Holy Hour for the Sanctification of Priests


We also pray that the entire Church would come to a greater love and ... Song of a Young Prophet. Chorus : Oh the Word of my Lord, deep within my being ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Holy Hour for the Sanctification of Priests

Holy Hour for the Sanctification of Priests
In conjunction with the World Day of Prayer for
the Sanctification of Priests On Friday, 30 May
2008 Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Background to World Day of Prayer for the
Sanctification of Priests
In 2002, Pope John Paul II established that on
the solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the
Church will observe a World Day of Prayer for the
Sanctification of Priests.
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Prayer Thanksgiving
Our Prayer Intention
Together as a loving community of Catholics, in
this Holy Hour for our priests, we wish to thank
God for all our beloved priests and pray that
they may continue to be holy and faithful
shepherds, abandoning themselves to Gods
Providence in helping them to lead the flock even
in the complex and difficult times we live in.
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Our Prayer Intention
We pray for them that their faith may not fail,
that they may feel themselves surrounded by the
caring love of their people and of the whole
Church. We also pray that the entire Church would
come to a greater love and appreciation for Gods
gift of the priesthood to the Church and for our
priests to be eternally grateful for their own
priestly vocation.
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The priesthood is the love of the Heart of
Jesus. St. John Vianney, Patron Saint of
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Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament(Please
O Sacrament Most Holy
O Jesus, we adore Thee, Who in Thy love
divine, Conceal Thy mighty Godhead In forms of
bread and wine. Chorus O Sacrament most holy, O
Sacrament divine, All praise and all
thanksgiving Be every moment Thine.
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O Sacrament Most Holy
O Jesus, we adore Thee, Our Victim and our
Priest, Whose precious Blood and Body Become our
sacred feast Chorus O Sacrament most holy, O
Sacrament divine, All praise and all
thanksgiving Be every moment Thine.
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O Sacrament Most Holy
O Jesus, we adore Thee, Our Saviour and our
King, And with the Saints and Angels, A humble
homage bring. Chorus O Sacrament most holy, O
Sacrament divine, All praise and all
thanksgiving Be every moment Thine.
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O Sacrament Most Holy
O Jesus, we adore Thee, Come live in us, we
pray, That all our thoughts and actions, Be Thine
alone again. Chorus O Sacrament most holy, O
Sacrament divine, All praise and all
thanksgiving Be every moment Thine.
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(Let us take a moment to pause and adore Jesus,
present in the Blessed Sacrament)
(Please stand)
Opening Hymn Jesus We Enthrone You / Majesty
Jesus, we enthrone You We proclaim You are
King Standing here in the midst of us We raise
You up with our praise And as we worship build
Your throne (3x) Come Lord Jesus, and take Your
place (Repeat)
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Jesus We Enthrone You / Majesty
Majesty, worship His Majesty. Unto Jesus be all
glory, honour and praise. Majesty, Kingdom
authority Flow from His throne unto His own, His
anthem raise. So exalt, lift up on high The Name
of Jesus Magnify, come glorify Christ Jesus, the
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Jesus We Enthrone You / Majesty
Majesty, worship His Majesty. Jesus who died, now
glorified, King of all kings. Jesus who died,
now glorified, King of all kings.
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(Please be seated)
Opening Prayer
Priest/Leader Praised be the God and Father of
Our Lord Jesus Christ, who in His great mercy
gave us new birth into the living hope by the
resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. May
Gods Name be blessed forever.
All Blessed be God forever.
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Opening Prayer
Priest/Leader Gathered together in the Name of
Christ Jesus, as brothers and sisters, let us
pray that we may be open to receiving the Lord in
our hearts and remain faithful to His command of
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Opening Prayer
All Almighty and eternal God, in Christ Your
Son, You have shown Your glory to the world.
Guide the work of Your Church help it to
proclaim Your Name, to persevere in faith, and to
bring Your salvation to people everywhere. Grant
to each of us Your holy love, humble trust and
perseverance to the end. 
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Opening Prayer
Priest/Leader In the quiet of our hearts, let
us now offer to God a prayer for a particular
priest that comes to our mind now. (pause)
Together let us pray...
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Opening Prayer
All Heavenly Father, we thank You for the
priests that You have blessed us with. We pray
that their lives may be always centred on Our
Lord Jesus in the Eucharist that they may be
faithful and devoted servants in making You known
and loved.
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Opening Prayer
All Help them see in every trial that You
permit, that the mark of true discipleship is the
Cross. Grant them the grace of humility to always
say Your Will be done! no matter how
challenging a situation may be. We make this
prayer through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
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(Take a moment to pause and gaze at Jesus,
present in the Blessed Sacrament and ask Him in
our hearts to bless all our priests.)
Psalm 100 - Invitation to Praise
Acclaim Yahweh, all the earth, serve Yahweh with
gladness, come into His presence with songs of
joy! Be sure that Yahweh is God, He made us, we
belong to Him, His people, the flock of His
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Psalm 100 - Invitation to Praise
Come within His gates giving thanks, to His
courts singing praise, give thanks to Him and
bless His Name! For Yahweh is good, His faithful
love is everlasting, His constancy from age to
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(Spend a few moments in silent contemplation of
Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and let Him speak
to your heart.)
Psalm 91- God Our Protector
Whoever goes to the Lord for safety, Whoever
remains under the protection of the Almighty, can
say to Him, You are my defender and
protector. You are my God in You I trust. He
will keep you safe from all hidden dangers And
from all deadly diseases. He will cover you with
His wings You will be safe in His care
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Psalm 91- God Our Protector
His faithfulness will protect and defend you. You
need not fear any dangers at night or sudden
attacks during the day Or the plagues that strike
in the dark Or the evils that kill in daylight. A
thousand may fall dead beside you, Ten thousand
all around you, but you will not be harmed. But
you will look and see How the wicked are
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Psalm 91- God Our Protector
You have made the Lord your defender, The Most
High your protector, And so no disaster will
strike you, No violence will come near your
home. God will put His Angels in charge of you To
protect you wherever you go. They will hold you
up with their hands To keep you from hurting your
feet on the stones. You will trample down lion
and snakes,
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Psalm 91- God Our Protector
Fierce lions and poisonous snakes. God says, I
will save those who love Me And will protect
those who acknowledge Me as Lord. When they call
to Me, I will answer them When they are in
trouble, I will be with them. I will rescue them
and honour them. I will reward them with long
life I will save them.
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Taize Chant- In The Lord Ill Be Ever Thankful
In the Lord Ill be ever thankful, In the Lord I
will rejoice! Look to God, do not be afraid, Lift
up your voices, the Lord is near Lift up your
voices, the Lord is near.(3X)
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(Please kneel)
An Act of Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
O sweet Jesus, whose overflowing charity for men
is repaid by so much forgetfulness, negligence,
contempt, behold us kneeling before Your altar,
eager to repair by a special act of homage the
cruel indifference injuries, to which Your
loving Heart is subjected. Mindful that we,
ourselves, have had a share in such great
indignities, which we now deplore from the depths
of our hearts, we humbly ask
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An Act of Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Your pardon declare our readiness to atone by
voluntary expiation not only for our own personal
offences, but also for the sins of those who
straying far from the path of salvation, refuse
in their infidelity to follow You, their Shepherd
Leader, or, renouncing the vows of their
Baptism, have cast off the sweet yoke of Your
law. We are now resolved to expiate each every
outrage committed against You we are determined
to make amends for
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An Act of Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
the manifold offences against Christian modesty
in unbecoming dress behaviour, for all the foul
seductions laid to ensnare the feet of the
innocent, for the frequent violations of Sundays
Holy Days, the blasphemies uttered against
You Your Saints. We wish also to make amends
for the insults to which Your Vicar on earth
Your priests are subjected to, for the
profanations by conscious neglect or terrible
acts of sacrilege, of the very
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An Act of Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Sacrament of Your Divine love lastly for the
public crimes of nations, who resist the rights
teaching authority of the Church which You have
founded. O Divine Jesus, would we be able to wash
away these abominations with our blood? We now
offer, in reparation for these violations of Your
Divine honour, the satisfaction You once made to
Your Eternal Father on the Cross which You
continue to renew daily upon our altars.
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An Act of Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
We offer it in union with the acts of atonement
of Your Virgin Mother all the Saints of the
pious faithful on earth we sincerely promise
to make recompense as far as we can with the help
of Your grace, for all neglect of Your great love
for the sins we others have committed in the
past. Henceforth we will live a life of
unwavering faith, of purity of conduct, of
perfect observance of the precepts of the Gospel,
especially that of charity.
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An Act of Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
O loving Jesus, through the intercession of the
Blessed Virgin Mary our model in reparation,
deign to receive the voluntary offering we make
of this expiation by the crowning gift of
perseverance keep us faithful unto death in our
duty the allegiance we owe You, so that we may
all one day come to that happy home, where You
with the Father the Holy Spirit live reign
one God, world without end. Amen.
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Prayer for Enlightenment
O Holy Spirit, divine Spirit of light and love, I
consecrate to You my understanding, my heart and
my will, my whole being for time and for
eternity. May my understanding be always obedient
to Your heavenly inspirations and the teachings
of the holy Catholic Church, of which You are the
infallible Guide
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Prayer for Enlightenment
may my heart be ever inflamed with love of God
and of my neighbour may my will be ever
conformed to the divine Will, and may my whole
life be a faithful following of the life and
virtues of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, to
whom with the Father and You be honour and glory
for ever. Amen.
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(Please stand)
Scripture Reading from the Gospel according to
St. John (15 1-16)
I am the true vine, My Father is the
vinedresser. Every branch in Me that bears no
fruit He cuts away, every branch that does bear
fruit He prunes to make it bear even more. You
are clean already, by means of the Word that I
have spoken to you. Remain in Me, as I in you. As
a branch cannot bear fruit all by itself, unless
it remains part of the vine, neither can you
unless you remain in Me.
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Scripture Reading from the Gospel according to St
John (15 1-16)
I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever
remains in Me, with Me in him, bears fruit in
plenty for cut off from Me you can do nothing.
Anyone who does not remain in Me is thrown away
like a branch he withers these branches are
collected thrown on the fire, are burnt. If
you remain in Me My Words remain in you, you
may ask for whatever you please you will get
it. It is to the glory of My Father that you
should bear much fruit, be My disciples. I have
loved you just as the
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Scripture Reading from the Gospel according to St
John (15 1-16)
Father has loved Me. Remain in My love. If you
keep My commandments you will remain in My love,
just as I have kept My Fathers commandments
remain in His love. I have told you this so that
My own joy may be in you your joy be complete.
This is My commandment love one another, as I
have loved you. No one can have greater love than
to lay down his life for his friends. You are My
friends, if you do what I command you.
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Scripture Reading from the Gospel according to St
John (15 1-16)
I shall no longer call you servants, because a
servant does not know the masters business I
call you friends, because I have made known to
you everything that I have learnt from My Father.
You did not choose Me, no, I chose you I
commissioned you to go out to bear fruit, fruit
that will last then the Father will give you
anything you ask in My Name. The Gospel of the
Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ.
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Reflection on the Word of God (please be
seated) Let us observe a few moments of silence
to contemplate the Word of God.
Responsorial Hymn Song of a Young Prophet
Chorus Oh the Word of my Lord, deep within
my being Oh the Word of my Lord, You have
filled my mind 1. Before I formed you in the
womb, I knew you through and through I
chose you to be Mine Before you left your
mothers side I called to you My child to be
My sign.
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Responsorial Hymn Song of a Young Prophet
Chorus Oh the Word of my Lord, deep within
my being Oh the Word of my Lord, You have
filled my mind 2. I know that you are very
young, but I will make you strong I will fill
you with My Word, And you will travel through
the land Fulfilling My command, which you have
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Responsorial Hymn Song of a Young Prophet
Chorus Oh the Word of my Lord, deep within
my being Oh the Word of my Lord, You have
filled my mind 3. And everywhere you are to
go, My Hand will follow you You will not be
alone, in all the danger that you fear Youll
find Me very near, your words My own.
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Responsorial Hymn Song of a Young Prophet
Chorus Oh the Word of my Lord, deep within
my being Oh the Word of my Lord, You have
filled my mind 4. With all My strength you will
be filled You will destroy and build, for that
is My design You will create and
overthrow, Reap and harvest I will sow Your
word is Mine.
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Intercessory Prayers
Response Lord, graciously hear us.
Leader Lord, we pray for our Archbishop that
You will grant him good health and surround him
with faithful priests and lay people who will
continue to help him in his challenging mission
as the head of the Catholic Church in the
Archdiocese of Singapore. Lord, hear us.
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Intercessory Prayers
Leader Lord, we ask You to heal where there is
division in the presbyterate, grant all our
priests a greater understanding and forgiveness
for one anothers faults and failings. Continue
to guide and mould them to be shining examples of
Your love and compassion through their mutual
love and support for one another in their
priestly ministry. Lord, hear us.
Response Lord, graciously hear us.
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Intercessory Prayers
Leader Lord, bless all our priests with good
health of body, mind and soul and may they always
live in Your love and humility so that they can
effectively radiate Your healing love to all
those they minister to. Lord, hear us.
Response Lord, graciously hear us.
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Intercessory Prayers
Leader Lord, we pray for our priests who are
infirm and ill. Please grant them Your strength
and healing in accordance with Your holy Will for
them. Keep them always close to You and surround
them with Your love and care so that in their
hour of darkness, they will never despair but
continue to trust and hope in You. Lord, hear
Response Lord, graciously hear us.
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Intercessory Prayers
Leader Lord, we pray for priests who may have
become lukewarm in their vocation. Send forth
Your Spirit to renew their fledging spirit and
grant them a new fervour to serve You with joy
and zeal again. Lord, hear us.
Response Lord, graciously hear us.
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Intercessory Prayers
Leader Lord, we pray for priests who are still
attached to material things, power, authority,
bad habits and worldly aspirations that
compromise their priestly ministry. May You grant
them the grace of an illumination of their
conscience, the humility to recognise their own
failings, strength to overcome all bad habits and
be detached from all worldly aspirations. Lord,
hear us.
Response Lord, graciously hear us.
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Intercessory Prayers
Leader Lord, we pray for all our families and
parish communities that we will always be mindful
of Your calling to pray to the Lord of the
harvest to send more labourers to gather the
harvest. May we help nurture the seeds of
priestly vocations through our prayers, examples,
encouragement and loving support for those who
are called. Lord, hear us.
Response Lord, graciously hear us.
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Let Us Pray A Decade of the Holy Rosary
Let us offer a decade of the Holy Rosary for our
Archbishop and priests.
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(Please kneel)
Novena of Confidence to the Sacred Heart
Lord Jesus Christ, to Your Most Sacred Heart we
confide all our prayer intentions for our beloved
priests. Only look upon us, then do what Your
Heart inspires, Let Your Sacred Heart decide, we
count on It, we trust in It, we throw ourselves
on Its Mercy.
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Novena of Confidence to the Sacred Heart
Lord Jesus, You will not fail us, Sacred Heart of
Jesus, we trust in You. Sacred Heart of Jesus, we
believe in Your Love for us. Sacred Heart of
Jesus, Your Kingdom come.
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Novena of Confidence to the Sacred Heart
Sacred Heart of Jesus, we have asked for many
favours, but we earnestly implore the ones we
have prayed for our priests. Take them. Place
them in Your Sacred Heart. When the Eternal
Father sees them covered with Your Precious
Blood, He will not refuse them. They will no
longer be our prayers, but Yours, O Jesus.
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Novena of Confidence to the Sacred Heart
Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in You.
Let us never be confounded. Amen
(Let us take a moment to adore Jesus in the
Blessed Sacrament)
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Act of Love in Jesus Eucharistic Presence
O Jesus, my life, our joy and source of all good,
I love You. I ask You that I may love You always,
and all those You have redeemed. You are the Vine
and we are the branches I want to remain united
to You always so as to bear much fruit. You are
the source pour out an ever greater abundance of
grace to sanctify us.
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Act of Love in Jesus Eucharistic Presence
You are the Head and we are the members
communicate to us Your Holy Spirit with all the
Spirits gifts. May Your Kingdom come through
Mary. Console and save those dear to us. Bring
those who have died into Your Presence. Assist
all who share Your mission of spreading the Good
News. Bless many with vocations to the priesthood
and religious life. Amen.
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(Please stand)
O God, You Search Me
O God, You search me and You know me. All my
thoughts lie open to Your gaze. When I walk or
lie down You are before me Ever the Maker and
Keeper of my days.
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O God, You Search Me
You know my resting and my rising. You discern
my purpose from afar, And with love everlasting
You besiege me In every moment of life and death
You are.
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O God, You Search Me
Before a word is on my tongue, Lord, You have
known its meaning through and through. You are
with me beyond my understanding God of my
present, my past and future, too.
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O God, You Search Me
Although Your Spirit is upon me, Still I search
for shelter from Your Light. There is nowhere on
earth I can escape You Even the darkness is
radiant in Your sight.
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O God, You Search Me
For You created me and shaped me, Gave me life
within my mother's womb. For the wonder of who I
am I praise You Safe in Your Hands, all creation
is made new.
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(Please be seated)
Fullness of JOY in Your Presence (By Cardinal
Lord Jesus, make us Your witnesses. Help us
spread Your fragrance everywhere. Flood our souls
with Your Spirit and Life. Penetrate possess
our whole being so utterly that our whole life
may be a witness, a radiance of Yours. Shine
through us be so in us that every soul we come
in contact with may be aware of Your Presence in
us. Let them look at us see no longer us, but
only You, Lord Jesus. Amen.
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Prayer for the Perseverance of Vocations
O God, You have constituted Your only begotten
Son supreme and eternal Priest for the glory of
Your majesty and the salvation of mankind grant
that those whom He has chosen ministers and
dispensers of His mysteries may be found faithful
in fulfilling the ministry they have received.
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Psalm 119 1-8
Happy are those whose lives are faultless, who
live according to the law of the Lord. Happy are
those who follow His commands, who obey Him with
all their heart. They never do wrong they walk
in the Lords ways. Lord, You have given us Your
laws and told us to obey them faithfully.
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Psalm 119 1-8
How I hope that I shall be faithful in keeping
Your instructions! If I pay attention to all
Your commands, then I will not be put to
shame. As I learn Your righteous judgments, I
will praise You with a pure heart. I will obey
Your laws never abandon me!
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(Please kneel)
Down in adoration falling This great Sacrament we
hail, Ancient types have long departed, Newer
rites of grace prevail. Faith for all defects
supplying Where the feeble senses fail. Glory let
us give and blessing To the Father and the Son,
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Honour, might and praise addressing While eternal
ages run Equal praise to Him confessing Who
proceeds from both as one. Amen.
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Priest Let us pray. O God, in this wonderful
Sacrament You have left us a memorial of Your
Passion. We ask You to enable us so to worship
the sacred mysteries of Your Body and Blood that
we may constantly feel in our lives the effects
of Your Redemption You who live and reign
forever and ever. All Amen.
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Divine Praises
Blessed be God, Blessed be His Holy Name Blessed
be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man. Blessed
be the Name of Jesus. Blessed be His Most Sacred
Heart. Blessed be His Most Precious
Blood. Blessed be Jesus in the most holy
Sacrament of the Altar. Blessed be the Holy
Spirit, the Paraclete.
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Divine Praises
Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most
holy. Blessed be her holy and Immaculate
Conception. Blessed be her glorious
Assumption. Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin
and Mother. Blessed be St. Joseph, her most
chaste spouse. Blessed be God, in His Angels and
in His Saints.
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O Sacrament Most Holy
O Sacrament most holy, O Sacrament divine All
praise and all thanksgiving, be every moment
Thine. (3x)
(Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament)
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(Please stand)
Thanksgiving Prayer
Dear Lord, we thank You for opening this door for
us. We pray that we may always keep the Holy Hour
free so as to come to You with love and
thanksgiving in our hearts. Lord, we ask You to
use us so that we may bring others to You and to
our Heavenly Mother Mary. Amen.
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Closing Hymn Father I Thank You
Father I thank You for all You have done You gave
Your Son freely for me And I praise You for
calling me, drawing me near Out of blindness, You
caused me to see.
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Closing Hymn Father I Thank You
Spirit of life You are Gods holy fire You have
kindled my heart with Your blaze And I know
Youre refining me, changing my life And by faith
Youre revealing Your ways.
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Closing Hymn Father I Thank You
Jesus I need You as Lord of my life I give all I
have unto You Lord I want to come under Your
heavenly Hand And to praise You in all that I do.
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You will be a priest forever Hebrews 717
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