Hamlet - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Find examples of how Hamlet is a tragic hero. Use quotations to back up your points. Character is a nobleman or is born to a high social class. Character tries to do ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Hamlet

  • Revenge tragedy

  • According to Aristotle's classic Poetics, tragedy
    is a genre that depicts a noble characteryou
    know, someone all high and mightywho more or
    less falls from grace. The genre is meant to
    create the emotions of pity and fear in its
    audience, hence purging those emotions in an act
    of catharsis.
  • Usually, that fall from grace is brought about by
    some sort of tragic flaw (a.k.a. hamartia) on the
    part of the hero, like ambition, greed, or pride.
    But it can also just come from bad circumstances,
    unfortunate coincidences, and rotten luck.

Find examples of how Hamlet is a tragic hero. Use
quotations to back up your points
  • Character is a nobleman or is born to a high
    social class.
  • Character tries to do the right thing.
  • Character's actions affect lots of other people.
  • Character has a trait which is normally good, but
    in this case brings about his downfall.
  • Character is frequently blinded to reality.
  • Character suffers greatly.
  • Character ends the story by dying.

Bring Hamlet in to the 21st Century
  • You are going to make up a social network profile
    for Hamlet.
  • Illustrate Hamlets psychology, thoughts and
    internal struggle through status updates.
  • You will use http//thewallmachine.com/

Some Guidelines
  • Be creative. Use Hamlet as a background, but use
    21st-century language to describe what is
    happening and express Hamlet's thoughts.
  • Focus on the tragic elements. Only put comments
    on your page that demonstrate Hamlet's tragic
  • Use specific details from the text. The more
    information on your page, the better your grade. 
  • Make inferences to fill in the blanks. As readers
    we have lots of questions about Hamlet. Why does
    he delay his revenge? What does he really think
    about this ghost that shows up? Now is your
    chance to speculate. What would Hamlet post on
    his wall about these things?
  • Stay on task. Checking your own Facebook page
    will triple the time it takes to complete this
    assignment. No joke.

Homework - Thursday 30th Sep
  • Make up your page and update Hamlets statuses
    for the play so far

Historical context
  • Play written around 1600 during Queen Elizabeths
    last few years in reign
  • Queen Elizabeth had no children and so anxiety of
    a transfer of power existed in England
  • King James (son of Mary Queen of Scots hated by
    Queen) was only person with royal claim to thrown
  • Hamlet explores the anxiety of a nation where
    there is a transfer of power from one monarch to

Act I, scene IKing Hamlets ghost appears
  • Find evidence of Horatios intelligence and
  • What does Horatios belief in the sighting of the
    ghost affirm?
  • Find quotations that show the unbalanced state of
  • What happened when Caesar was killed (p.8)? What
    does this foreshadow?

Act I, scene iiWe see Hamlets distrust of the
new royal court
  1. Find quotations that show Claudius feeble
    attempt to suggest equal pain and joy at this
    time. (p. 9)
  2. Why does Claudius send a letter to Norway?(p.10)
    Comment on this.
  3. Find evidence of Claudius attempt to fatherly to
    Hamlet.(p.11-12) Comment.
  4. Find evidence for Hamlets desire for death?(p.
    12) Comment on this.
  5. How does Hamlet feel about his mother, and all
    women as a result? Highlight a quotation to show
    this.(p.13) Comment on this.

Act I, scene iiiLaertes leaves family to go to
  1. Highlight examples of explicit sexual imagery
    Laertes uses to his sister. (p.17)
  2. How is Polonius relationship with Laertes?
    Highlight quotations to show this. What is
    Shakespeares intention in doing this?
  3. Laertes is affectionate, active and headstrong.
    How does this contrast with Hamlet? Why do you
    think Shakespeare uses his character in the play?

Act I, scene ivHamlet sees the ghost of his
  1. Highlight a quotation that shows Hamlets
    weariness of what the ghost is. How does this
    relate to one of the central themes of the play?
  2. Find a quotation that again shows the unsound
    state of Denmark. Why is the relevant to the
    current political state of the monarch of the
    time it was written? (p. 22)

Act 1, scene vThe ghost speaks to Hamlet
  1. Find a reference that shows King Hamlet is left
    in purgatory Catholic belief - unable to go to
    Heaven (p.23) Elizabethan England was mainly
    protestant. What effect might this have on the
    audiences attitude towards the ghost?
  2. If the ghost of Hamlet is in purgatory, what is
    unusual about him asking for the Hamlet to seek
  3. Describe Hamlets behaviour when Horatio and
    Marcellus return. Highlight quotations to show
  4. Hamlet decides to act mad from now on in the
    company of the royal court. Find a quotation that
    shows this and explain his reasons for doing so.

Act II, scene IOphelia reveals Hamlet is mad
  1. What does Polonius want Reynaldo to do while he
    is in France? (p.28)
  2. This utilises the theme of the use of words to
    manipulate the truth. Find quotations where
    Polonius advices Reynaldo to ask leading
    questions. (p.29)
  3. How has Hamlet been behaving since he has seen
    the ghost? Find quotations. (p.30)
  4. What does Polonius believe is the reason for
    madness? Highlight quotations.
  5. Ophelia had followed her father and brothers
    orders and broken off the relationship with
    Hamlet. What does this reveal about her
  6. Hamlets first feigning of madness is only told
    to us through Ophelia. What do you think was
    Shakespeares reason for this?
  7. Hamlets madness could be due to his promise to
    act this way but could also be due to Ophelias
    rejection of him. Comment on your thoughts on

Act II, scene iiWe see Hamlet mad for first
  • Voltimand brings a message from Norway. Summarise
    in your own words what is said. (p.33)
  • The uncle of Prince Fortinbras was made King when
    King Fortinbras was killed, thus mirroring a
    similar situation of Hamlets. In what way do
    Prince Fortinbras and Prince Hamlet contrast?
  • Claudius seems unaware of the threat of Prince
    Fortinbras and more concerned with Hamlets
    madness. How does Claudius compare to the
    previous King Hamlet? Consider his success with
  • The arrival of the actors mirrors another central
    theme that real life often mirrors play acting.
    What do you think Shakepeares intentions are for
    having a play within a play? List the examples of
    play acting that exist in Hamlet?
  • Use evidence as much as possible to back up your

Act III, scene IPolonius and Claudius spy on
HamletTo be, or not to be
  1. Hamlet makes the very famous soliliquy (p49) in
    private. He deliberately avoids using personal
    pronouns (I or me). What do you think is the
    reason for this?
  2. Hamlet uses a metaphor to describe death.
    Identify this and comment on it? (p. 49)
  3. He manages to talk himself out of suicide.
    Identify the quotation and comment on it. (p.49)
  4. What themes are brought to our attention in this
    Soliliquy? (p49)
  5. Hamlet contradicts himself when he talks to
    Ophelia. Find quotations to back this up (p. 50).
    Why do you think using Ophelia to prove he is mad
    a flawed plan?
  6. What do you think this encounters suggests about
    Hamlets madness?
  7. Are his thoughts towards women the same in
    private as they are in public? Provide examples.
  8. What do you think is the effect on the audience
    as a result of his confusing actions towards

Act III, scene iiPlay within a play
  1. What does Hamlet ask Horatio to do in this scene?
    (p.55) Find evidence and comment on it.
  2. In what way does this scene suggests that Hamlet
    is in fact only acting mad. Consider how easily
    he switches in behaviour. Find evidence and
    comment on this. (p. 53-55)
  3. Hamlet makes many misogynistic comments towards
    Ophelia(p.55, 56, 59). Find evidence of these and
    comment on them.
  4. How does Hamlet try to catch Gertrude out in the
    play? Highlight quotes and comment (p.58).
  5. Hamlet believes it is pouring the poison in to
    the ear that makes Claudius leave the play in
    anger. However what information does Hamlet give
    about the play on page 58 that might provide
    another reason? Consider who is the murderer of
    the king in the play. Comment on this.

Act III, scene iiiClaudius asks for things
  • Highlight the quotation that comments on
    Claudius fear about what will happen to him in
    the afterlife because of his crimes (p.64).
    Comment on it.
  • What stops Hamlet from killing Claudius here?
    Find evidence and comment on it. (p.65)
  • Again, he makes a reference to his mothers
    sleeping habits. Highlight and comment on why
    this is unusual and what you think it possibly
    suggests (p.65). Consider the Oedipus Complex.
  • Discuss some of the themes highlighted in this
    scene and their significance to the ideas of the
    play as a whole.
  • The afterlife and peoples fears of being
    punished for their crimes
  • Betrayal and the inner conflict that arises from
  • Incest/Oedipus complex and the sub-conscious
    desires of Hamlet

Act III, scene ivPolonius spies on Hamlet in
Gertrudes chamber and dies
  1. What do you think Hamlets reasons are for
    confronting his mother? Provide reasons for your
  2. Comment on the hasty action of Hamlet in killing
    Polonius (whom he though was Claudius) whilst he
    was hiding behind the curtain (p. 66).
  3. Comment on Hamlets response to his own killing
    of Polonius? Use evidence in your answer (p. 67).
    Why is this ironic?
  4. Find examples of Hamlet's inappropriate
    references to his mother's sex life on pages 68,
    70, 71. Comment on this.
  5. Ecstasy means madness in Shakespearean language.
    Gertude believes that Hamlet's sighting of the
    ghost means he is mad (p.70). How does Hamlet
    respond to this? Comment on his response using
  6. Gertrude promises not tell anyone what Hamlet has
    said to her and asks Hamlet for advice on what
    she should do (p.70, 71). Find examples of these
    and comment on what they reveal about her
    character? Consider also the fact that she runs
    to Claudius for advice in the next scene.

Act IV, scene i - Gertrude tells on Hamlet
  • What does Gertrude's running to tell Claudius
    about Hamlet's madness and killing of
    Polonius reveal about her? What do you think were
    her reasons for this?
  • What happens as a result of Gertrude telling this
    to Claudius? (p. 72)

Act IV, scene ii -     R G try to find out
where the body of Polonius is.
  1. Consider Hamlet's attitude despite having killed
    Polonius (p. 73-74). Also, consider his attitude
    towards Rosencratz and Guildenstern. How might
    this affect the audience's interpretation of the
    protagonist, Hamlet?

Act IV, scene iii
  • 1. What are Claudius's reasons for sending him to
    England to be executed? (p. 74)

Act IV, scene iv - Hamlet meets Norwegian Captain
on way to England in Denmark
  • Highlight and comment on what the Captain reveals
    about the Norwegian's attack of Poland (p. 77)
  • Hamlet is disturbed by the futile nature of the
    attack but more notably impressed by Prince
    Fortinbras' ability to act forcefully. Find a
    quotation and comment on this also discussing
    what Hamlet vows as a result of this encounter

Act IV, scene v - Laertes returns wanting revenge
  • Ophelia's madness is not feigned but real. What
    could be the possible reasons for this? 
  • Laertes returns from France and shows himself to
    be the most prominent foil (character that
    highlights lacking qualities of protagonist) to
    Hamlet. Comment on this using evidence. (p.81)

Act IV, scene vi - Hamlet sends news of his return
  • Shakespeare uses a deus ex machina -  a devise or
    characters in a work of fiction that are able to
    solve a problem - of having a pirate ship capture
    Hamlet and return his ship to Denmark. How does
    Hamlet choose to treat the pirates? (Horatio
    reads p. 85)
  • Hamlet tells Horatio, "I have words to speak in
    thine ear will make thee dumb" (p.85). There is a
    running reference to ears and hearing. What do
    you think is Shakespeare's reason for this? Why
    might be the significance of these references?

Act IV scene vii - Claudius manipulates Laertes
into wanting to ill Hamlet
  • Laertes again shows himself to be a devious
    politician, convincing Laertes to dual with
    Hamlet, appeasing both Laertes anger and killing
    Hamlet. However, Gertrude arrives with news of
    Ophelia's suicide and detracts Laertes from
    Claudius's plan. Find a quotation from Claudius
    that shows his response to this and comment on it
    (p. 91)
  • Ophelia's body is found to be adorned with
    flowers (p. 90). Where else do we see the motif
    of flowers associated with Ophelia?
  • Comment on the symbolism of the flowers with
    reference to Ophelia.

Act V, scene I - Ophelia's burial
  • 1. The grave diggers are named clowns but in
    Shakespearean times a clown meant a commoner.  
  • a) Describe the tone they set to the play using
    evidence to back this up. 
  • b) Why would these characters have been popular?
  • 2.  The grave diggers talk about Ophelia's
     suicide. Find evidence to show the ideas they
    discuss regarding this and comment on their
    discussion referring to the theme of suicide and
    the moral implications this has in terms of
  • 3. The gravedigger describes Yorick's skull - the
    jester for the king whom Hamlet knew as a child.
    What does the skull act as a physical reminder
    of? Explain your answer. 
  • 4. Hamlet has a turning point when he encounters
    the skull. Find quotations that back this up and
    comment on them.
  • 5. Laertes is distressed with the priest. Use
    evidence and comment on how this relates to one
    of the key themes of the play(p. 97).
  • 6. Laertes jumps in to the grave of Ophelia. What
    theme does this subtly highlight again. (p.98)
  • 7. Only now does Hamlet reveal his original true
    feelings about Ophelia. Find quotations and
    comment on this (p. 98).
  • 8. How does Hamlet feel about Ophelia's death and
    why is this inadequate. 

Act V, scene ii - Claudius, Hamlet and most of
the characters die.
  • 1. Hamlet discovered Claudius's plan to kill him
    when he opened the letter sent with him to
    England. Find a quotation that shows he is now
    decisive in his decision in killing King
    Claudius(p. 101). Consider his attitude on
    the afterlife now and what has possibly resulted
    in this change of attitude.
  • 2. What else shows a change in Hamlet. Consider
    his thoughts on Laertes (p. 100) Consider how
    selfish he has appeared until now.
  • 3. Consider Hamlet's previous response to killing
    Polonius "Heaven hath pleased it so,/To punish
    me with this and this with me." (III.iv) In what
    way does Laertes killing Hamlet relate back to
    this comment made by Hamlet. 
  • 4. Hamlet finally kills Claudius, but before that
    many other characters have died GR, Laertes and
    most horrifically for Hamlet, Gertude.
    Consider the effect of having to watch his own
    mother die before he seeks his revenge.
  • 5. Horatio is the left to tell the tale of
    Hamlet. Find a quotation from Horatio that shows
    this and comment on the use of language (p. 110).
  • 6. Prince Fortinbras has Hamlet carried out like
    a soldier (p. 111). What do you think is the
    significance of this?
  • 7. What is the importance of Fortinbras arriving?
    What might he represent that the dead royal court
    on the floor do not.
  • Consider the political context of the play.
    Remember the play was written in 1602 and Queen
    Elizabeth died 1603. King James VI / I became
    King also in 1603. 
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