Title: Introduction to
1Introduction to Grid Computing with High
Performance Computing
Mike Griffiths White Rose Grid e-Science Centre
of Excellence
- Introduction
- High Performance Grid Computing
- e-Science
- The Evolving Grid
- The Local Compute Node Iceberg
- Registration
- What is grid computing?
- How the grid assists with problem solving
lifecycle - Identify and Explain Buzzwords
- Remove Hype
4Problem solving lifecycle
- Problem definition and requirements capture
- Model development
- Languages (FORTRAN, C, C, Java etc.)
- Model Building SDKs
- Matlab and clones
- Packages (ANSYS, FLUENT, CFX)
5Problem solving lifecycle
- Problem solving environment
- specialized software for solving one class of
problems - Application user interface, portal
- Model testing
- Validation, verification
- Results production
- Scheduling tasks over the grid
- Analysis and Visualisation
6Grid Technologies
7Grid Technologies
- Simulation of large complex systems
- Large scale multi site data mining, distributed
data sets - Shared virtual reality
- Interactive collaboration
- Real-time access to remote resources.
8What Is Grid Computing
- Virtualisation of resource
- Increase processing power
- Secure and flexible collaboration
- The Grid Problem
9Electric Power Generation Analogy
Access to Information Grid
Information Generators
Information Distributed Over the Grid
- A form of networking. Unlike conventional
networks that focus on communication among
devices, grid computing harnesses unused
processing cycles of all computers in a network
for solving problems too intensive for any
stand-alone machine.
11IBM Definition
- Grid computing enables the virtualization of
distributed computing and data resources such as
processing, network bandwidth and storage
capacity to create a single system image,
granting users and applications seamless access
to vast IT capabilities. Just as an Internet user
views a unified instance of content via the Web,
a grid user essentially sees a single, large
virtual computer.
12Sun Microsystems
- Grid Computing is a computing infrastructure that
provides dependable, consistent, pervasive and
inexpensive access to computational capabilities.
13The Grid Problem
- Grid problem, flexible, secure, coordinated
resource sharing among dynamic collections of
individuals, institutions, and resourceswhat we
refer to as virtual organizations. - From The Anatomy of the Grid by Foster,
Kesselman and Tuecke.
14Virtual Organisations
15Grid Characteristics
Computing - Tflops
The Grid
Networks High Bandwidth
Data storage Peta byte
16Types of Grids
- Cluster Grid
- Beowulf clusters
- Enterprise Grid, Campus Grid, Intra-Grid
- Departmental clusters,
- servers and PC network
- Utility Grid
- Access resources over internet on demand
- Global Grid, Inter-grid
- White Rose Grid, National Grid Service, Particle
physics data grid
17Three Uses of Grid Computing
- Compute grids
- Data grids
- Collaborative grids
18Distributed Supercomputing
- Compute Clusters
- Schedulers sun grid engine, pbs
- Grid aggregates computational resources to
compute large complex problems - Fast networks enabling true parallel computation
and shared memory processing - Select compute resources according to Time and
Financial constraints
19Architectures for High Performance Computing
- Supercluster
- e.g. Blue Gene (65536 dual processors in 64
cabinets) - Clusters
- e.g. iceberg
- Parallel applications using MPI
- Symmetric multiprocessors
- e.g. 4 processor shared memory V40 node on
iceberg - Shared memory programming Open MP
- Vector Processor
- E.g Amdhal VP at MCC (80s and 90s)
20High Throughput Applications
- Problems divided into many tasks
- Grid schedules tasks
- Seti_at_home
- The mother of _at_home projects
- Spin off for companies such as Entropia and
United Devices - Other _at_home projects
- Folding_at_home, fightAIDS_at_home, Xpulsar_at_home
- Condor
- Cycle scavenging from spare PCs
21Statistics for SETI at Home (13/09/2004)
22SETI_at_homes Most Promising Candidates
23Grid TypesData Grid
- Computing Network stores large volume of data
across network - Heterogeneous
- data sources
24Grid Types - Collaborative
- Internet videoconferencing
- Collaborative Visualisation
- More science relies on computational experiments
- More large, geographically disparate,
collaborative projects - More need to share/lease resources
- Compute power, datasets, instruments,
26e-Science Centres
Centres of Excellence
Regional Centres
27e-Science Organisations
- National e-Science Centre
- To stimulate and sustain the development of
e-Science in the UK, to contribute significantly
to its international development and to ensure
that its techniques are rapidly propagated to
commerce and industry. - Open Middleware Infrastructure Institute
- Repository for UK Grid Middleware
28e-Science Requirements
- Simple and secure access to remote resources
across administrative domains - Minimally disruptive to local administration
policies and users - Large set of resources used by a single
computation - Adapt to non-static configuration of resources
29(No Transcript)
30The Evolving Grid
31- Comprising of two data clusters and two compute
clusters. - Offer a significant resource for the UK e-Science
community. - Clusters are located at
- Manchester (data cluster),
- Oxford (compute cluster),
- CCLRC (data cluster) and
- White Rose Grid (compute cluster).
- More sites
- Lancaster
- Wesc
- Bristol
- The EGEE project brings together experts from
over 27 countries - Build on recent advances in Grid technology.
- Developing a service Grid infrastructure in
Europe, - available to scientists 24 hours-a-day.
33Available Grid Services
- Access Grid
- White Rose Grid
- Grid research
- HPC Service
- National Grid Service
- Compute Grid
- Data Grid (SRB)
- National HPC Services
- HPCx and CSAR (part of NGS)
- Portal Services
34(No Transcript)
35Sheffield Grid Node Hardware
- AMD based supplied by Sun Microsystems
- Processors 320
- Performance 300GFLOPs
- Main Memory 800GB
- Filestore 9TB
- Temporary disk space 10TB
- Physical size 8 racks
- Power usage 50KW
36Sheffield Grid Node Hardware,part 2
- 160 Processors Grid pp community
- 160 Processors General Use
- 20 x V40 each with 4x64 bit AMD Opteron (2.4GHz)
and 16GB shared main memory. - 40 x V20 each with 2x64 bit AMD Opteron (2.4 GHz)
and 4GB shared main memory - Comparing L2 Cash
- AMD Opteron 1MB
- Ultrac sparc III Cu (Titania) 8MB
37Sheffield Grid Node Hardware, part 3
Inside a V20 unit.
38Sheffield Grid Node Hardware 4
- Two main Interconnect types gigabit (commodity),
Myrinet (more specialist) - Gigabit Supported as standard good for job
farms, and small to mid size systems - Myrinet High End solution for large parallel
applications has become defacto standard for
clusters (4Gb/s)
39Sheffield Grid Node Hardware
- 64bit v 32 bit
- Mainly useful for programs requiring large memory
available on bigmem nodes - Greater Floating Point accuracy
- Future-proof 32-bit systems are becoming
obselete in HPC
40Sheffield Grid Node Software 1
Portland, GNU
Sun Grid Engine v6
Redhat 64bit Scientific Linux
41Sheffield Grid Node Software 2
- Maths and Statistical
- Matlab7.0, scilab 3.1
- R 2.0.1
- Engineering and Finite Element
- Fluent 6.2.16, 6.1.25 and 6.1.22 als gambit,
fidap and tgrid - Ansys v90
- Abaqus
- CFX 5.7.1
- DYNA 91a
- Visualisation
- IDL 6.1
- OpenDX
42Sheffield Grid Node Software 3
- Development
- OpenMP
- Nag, 20
- Grid
- Globus 2.4.3 (via gpt 3.0)
- SRB s-client tools to follow
- Local User Account
- Obtain an e-Science Certificate
- Register with the White Rose Grid
- Apply for NGS Resource
- Go to the link
- http//www.shef.ac.uk/wrgrid/access/index.html
44Why obtain an e-Science Certificate
- Enables secure single sign on to the White Rose
Grid - Use portals e.g. the WRG Application portal
- Access WRG, NGS, egee
45For More Information
- The White Rose Grid
- www.wrgrid.org.uk
- The National e-Science Centre
- www.nesc.ac.uk
- The Globus Project
- www.globus.org
- Global Grid Forum
- www.gridforum.org
46Grid Computing References
- The Grid Computing Without Bounds
- Ian Foster, Scientific American, April 2003.
- The Anatomy of the Grid
- http//www.globus.org/research/papers/anatomy.pdf
- Grid Services The Physiology of the Grid
- http//www.gridforum.org/ogsi-wg/drafts/ogsa_draft
2.9_2002-06-22.pdf - Research Agenda for the Semantic Grid
- http//www.semanticgrid.org/v1.9/semgrid.pdf